Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 14 minutes


Dr Michael McDowell: The genetics bioweapons industry is the most covert industry on planet earth.

University of Bristol scientists and physicians in a July preprint of their findings: Covid-19 spike protein binds to and changes cells in the heart.

Robert Kennedy, Jr. explains the purpose behind manipulating COVID death certificates and PCR tests: “All of these mechanics appear to be deliberately manipulated to put our population in a state of fear — and what happens when you have a population in fear? The complete obliteration of critical thinking.”

J.B. Shurk contributor to American Thinker: If government can make you afraid of something — imaginary or not — may it then control your life completely in order to guarantee FDR’s “freedom from fear”? Does depending on government to ensure “freedom from fear” not incentivize government to invent new fears that only additional government powers can vanquish? Does this not subsidize fear with taxpayer dollars and guarantee that government will always strive to make citizens afraid? Can it really be true that individual liberty should be “allowed” to exist only when there is nothing that can hurt us? Isn’t that what a master might tell his slaves?

Ted McCartney contributor to American Greatness: It boils down to this: either we control the government, or the government controls us. There’s no third option. Either we dictate government behavior, or the government dictates our behavior.

Dan Gelernter contributor to American Greatness: The Constitution doesn’t grant the Supreme Court the power of judicial review—they just grabbed it. They stole it. And we said, “OK, sure. How much damage could it do?”

Christopher Chantrill contributor to American Thinker: If you follow orders and virtue-signal your yard-signs and obey the government the day will come when the government leaves you behind in Afghanistan. So, better think and act for yourself, citizen.

Sundance contributor to The Last Refuge: The original “vaccine” creates the virus variant…. which now requires a booster… which will then create a variant…. that will later require a booster. Once you get in the carnival car, you cannot get off ’til the ride is over. It’s a great business model.

David Koepi contributor to The Federalist: The gun prohibition lobbies have discovered that even if they can’t ban guns, choking off ammunition is an effective way to prevent people from using them.

Shawn Fleetwood contributor to The Federalist: While they may not realize it, Australian citizens relinquished any guarantees to individual liberty the moment they allowed their government to ban private gun ownership decades prior.

Daniel Briles, 18 years old high school graduate who opted not to go to college:
“If I was going to be a doctor or a lawyer, then obviously those people need a formal education. But there are definitely ways to get around it now. There are opportunities that weren’t taught in school that could be a lot more promising than getting a degree.”

Oxford anthropologist J.D. Unwin in his 1934 book Sex and Culture: . . . after studying 86 civilizations over 5,000 years, including Sumerians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Teutons, and Anglo–Saxons, that sexual promiscuity always precedes the decline of a civilization.


[9.7.21] President Trump Interview by Dan Bongino
Listen to the 12 minute interview at Rumble.


Saavedra: Top Scientist On New Report About Research In Chinese Labs: It’s ‘Clear’ Fauci Was ‘Untruthful’
This week, The Intercept reported reported that 900 new pages of previously undisclosed information from the NIH, which The Intercept obtained through a a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, that the EcoHealth Alliance used federal grant money to fund dangerous bat coronavirus research in the Chinese labs. The Intercept reported: . . . […] Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University, reviewed the material and told The Intercept that the “viruses they constructed were tested for their ability to infect mice that were engineered to display human type receptors on their cell.” Ebright also noted that the documents showed that the scientists were not only conducting the experiments with SARS-related coronavirus, but also MERS-related coronaviruses.
Read more at Daily Wire.

(Additional information) Fauci Lied, People Died – New Documents Show Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress, U.S. Funded Gain of Function Research in Wuhan China That Created SARS-CoV-2
As you review the jaw-dropping information, previously suspected but now demonstrably proven, it is well worth re-evaluating the current position of Fauci. Knowing he was intentionally and maliciously lying to everyone, how can anyone take anything he says -any advice at all- with any semblance of credibility. His direct responsibility for killing thousands of people around the world, carries every motive to manipulate the truth, lie about everything else, and steer the global medical community in any direction; regardless of world-wide consequences for anyone, anywhere.
Read more at Conservative Treehouse.

Ballasy: RFK, Jr.: Induced COVID-19 fears could result in ‘complete obliteration of critical thinking’
Political activist Robert Kennedy Jr. warned that a “society in fear” due to the COVID-19 pandemic could result in the “complete obliteration of critical thinking.” Kennedy, who spoke at the Ron Paul Institute’s conference, noted that only a small fraction of the individuals comprising the CDC’s COVID-19 death total died primarily from COVID-19. “Among 378,048 death certificates from 2020 listing COVID-19 as a cause of death, 5.5% listed COVID-19 without codes for any other conditions,” according to the CDC. “The people who died, 96% of them, had almost 400 reasons that might have killed them,” Kennedy said during a session titled the Pandemic and the Road to Totalitarianism.
Read more at Just The News.

Sundance: Dr Michael McDowell Discusses The Genetic Bioweapon SarsCoV2
“The most dangerous biological weapon ever released on the public is Sars-CoV-2” ~ Francis Boyle. The genetics bioweapons industry is the most covert industry on planet earth.
Watch the 23:53 minute video at The Conservative Treehouse.


Barkoukis: Rand Paul Is Serious About Holding Fauci Accountable. Here’s What Step He Took After New FOIA Docs Came Out.
Sen. Rand Paul said Tuesday he has asked the Department of Justice to review Dr. Anthony Fauci’s testimony to Congress for possible perjury, a move that comes after new documents have revealed U.S. funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where some believe the novel coronavirus originated. Fauci has denied during testimony that the National Institutes of Health ever funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
Read more at Townhall.


McCartney: If Elections Aren’t Free, Nothing Else Matters
I used to think calling presidents and congressmen and other elected officials our “leaders” was pretty stupid. They are not our leaders; they are our representatives. Their jobs are not about telling us what to do, but about telling other people what we think. They’re not our bosses, they’re our union reps, so to speak. But I’ve changed my mind. “Leaders” is more apt. A lot of big and important news items are being discussed around the breakfast tables of America; on any given day, American Greatness publishes stories about most of them. But in the end, none of them matters more than the fight for free elections. You can argue Afghanistan and immigration and education and Antifa until you’re blue in the face—nothing will come of it, if your vote doesn’t count. It boils down to this: either we control the government, or the government controls us. There’s no third option. Either we dictate government behavior, or the government dictates our behavior. Right now, the government’s behavior has nothing whatsoever to do with the dictates of the people. […] Can our lost freedoms be regained? They can. They have been regained in the past. It’s still possible that, as the damning evidence of fraud mounts, some judge will grow the spine required to let that evidence be heard in court. Maybe it’ll start a chain reaction; a rebirth of freedom. If it doesn’t, we need some way other than elections to make sure the government listens to us. Do you remember Hooverville?
Read more at American Greatness.

Gelernter: Voter Fraud Is a Supreme Court Problem
We all remember the Supreme Court’s disgraceful and disgusting behavior following the 2020 elections. Before the election was certified, the justices didn’t want to interfere with an ongoing process. After the election was certified, they refused to hear the election fraud cases because they said it was now a moot point—the election was a fait accompli. This reasoning could have been parodied from the episode of “Yes, Prime Minister,” in which chief government bureaucrats explain the four stages of government intransigence: 1) We say nothing is going to happen 2.) We say something might happen, but we should do nothing 3) We say maybe we should do something, but there’s nothing we can do 4) We say maybe we could have done something, but it’s too late now! We live, or ought to be living, in a democratic republic in which the ultimate authority rests with the people. This should include ultimate authority over interpreting our own Constitution. Who, then, are the geniuses who decided that nine unelected bureaucrats get the ultimate say about whether any law we pass can actually be a law? Or whether any law actually gets enforced? The decision was made by those nine unelected bureaucrats themselves. The Constitution doesn’t grant the Supreme Court the power of judicial review—they just grabbed it. They stole it. And we said, “OK, sure. How much damage could it do?”
Read more at American Greatness.

Zanotti: ‘Election Integrity Is Now Law In Texas’: Abbott Signs Bill That Triggered Dem Flight To DC
Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a voter integrity bill into law Tuesday — the same law that Texas Democrats fled the state to avoid voting on. In a signing ceremony held Tuesday, Abbott said the bill makes “it easier than ever before for anybody to go cast a ballot. It does also, however, make sure it is harder than ever for people to cheat at the ballot box.” “Election integrity is now law in Texas,” Abbott said before signing.
Read more at The Daily Wire.


Diaz: Virginia Department of Education is accused of ‘hijacking history’ over new video urging teachers to call 9/11 killers ‘extremists’ not ‘terrorists’ to avoid Islamophobia
The Virginia Department of Education have been slammed for a teacher training video which instructs teachers to avoid calling the 9/11 killers ‘terrorists’, and to avoid promoting ‘American exceptionalism’ during lessons about the attacks. The nearly two-hour long video posted on the VDOE’s YouTube channel is intended to promote a ‘culturally responsive and inclusive 9/11 commemoration’ to guide teachers how to broach the sensitive subject ‘in a way that does not cause harm.’ But the advice was blasted by some parents as ‘woke-washing the 9/11 attacks’, and ‘hijacking history’. The instructional video shared as part of VDOE’s VA Equity webinar series was lead by American University School of Education professorial lecturer Amaarah DeCuir. DeCuir shared her ‘Webinar In’s & Out’s’ listing ways she deems appropriate or inappropriate to teach about the events surrounding the 9/11 attacks.
Read more at Daily Mail.


Lennox: Why in the World Is the Government Disrupting the Distribution of Monoclonal Antibodies Now?
After demonizing nearly every medication with the potential to reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) finally recommended monoclonal antibodies earlier this summer. […] During the week leading into the Labor Day holiday, DeSantis was on the road again, touting the success of Florida’s program in disconnecting COVID-19 infection from hospitalization in the state. Patients gave personal testimony about their experience with the treatment. Hospitalizations in the state declined 20% during the first few weeks the infusion centers were up and running. Then something interesting happened.. On Friday, someone who claimed to be an urgent care specialist tweeted that HHS had informed him that the government would now decide which facilities would receive doses of monoclonal antibodies. Jim Jackson wrote: “So now the government is getting involved in [read: restricting] monoclonal antibody distribution. […] Now, only facilities participating in the HHS Protect program can order the treatment, and the agency will review all orders. [NOTE: Could this be why Biden’s HHS took control of Monoclonal Antibodies distribution? Between 3,000 and 4,000 high-risk patients are being treated daily in Florida’s 21 infusion centers. That does not include treatment provided in private practice and hospital settings. Hospitalization rates decreased 20% following the implementation of the program in mid-August.]
Read more at PJ Media.

Skurkis: The false narrative on ivermectin
Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic drug that has been used since the mid 1970s to treat river blindness and intestinal infections. It has been documented by frontline doctors around the world to also be a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19. Ivermectin has found widespread use in Latin America and India and has just been greenlighted for treatment against COVID in Japan. In the United States, however, not only is ivermectin not FDA approved, it is demonized with a near-religious fervor. Why is the U.S. medical establishment so opposed to ivermectin? They say it is because large-scale trials have not been done. But this rings hollow, with evidence from around the world saying just the opposite. More likely the true answers circle back to money and reputations. Let’s break this down in some detail. Before doing do, keep two things in mind. First, ivermectin is an oral drug. It is not a vaccine. Second, ivermectin is off-patent, meaning it is cheap. 1) The approval of ivermectin for COVID would severely dampen vaccine sales. People would reason, “why should I take a risky vaccine when, if I catch COVID, it can be treated?” The fear of the vaccine lobby is that approval of ivermectin would fuel vaccine hesitancy, especially when they are advocating for booster shots perhaps even on a yearly basis. 2) . . . 3) . . . 4) . . .
Read more at American Thinker.


(H/T) Pastor Doug Wilson: Don’t Take The Bait
“You cannot screwup this country in seven months unless it’s on purpose.” […} Who stands to benefit from the deliberate dismantling and degradation of the American way of life? […) Here’s what believe: . . .
In this episode of Blog & Mablog, Pastor Doug Wilson discusses a trap that’s being set and how you should respond–don’t take the bait.
Watch the 16 minute video.

Fred T.: You won’t see THIS student protest & walkout on CNN … unless it’s them TRASHING the teens involved
When students walk out of school in protest it is almost always news. Because it is almost always some leftwing cause that they’ve been pushed into by bad parents (you know: democrats) or bad teachers (see previous parenthetical). But sometimes students walk out for reasons no approved of by the upper crust (you know what to do) of American elitist society and THOSE examples of kids getting involved and speaking out and using their voice and etc etc don’t tug the right heart strings so they get BURIED. That’s what’ll happen here, as Brent Bozell correctly points out. Because the kids in THIS story are walking out in protest over masks.
Read more/Watch the 1:56 minute video report at The Right Scoop.


Kopei: Biden’s Ammunition Ban Is Part Of The Left’s Plot To Disarm Americans
The Biden administration recently prohibited the import of ammunition from Russia. That’s bad news for American firearms owners, but there may be much worse to come. The gun prohibition lobbies, having mostly failed in their campaigns to convince legislatures to ban guns, have intensified their efforts to disarm Americans by other means. The Biden ammunition ban is one step in the process. If you’ve tried to buy ammunition in the last year and a half, you know how bad the shortage already was, even before the new ban. In a sense, Joe Biden has been a contributor to the shortage since 2020. […] In 2020, 765 million units of Russian ammunition were imported into the United States — more than from any other nation. The calibers most affected by the Biden import ban are 7.62×54, 7.62×39, 5.45×39, 5.56×45, and match-grade .22 rimfire. Those first four calibers are mainly for AK platform semi-automatic rifles. AK rifles are manufactured by U.S. companies and by overseas exporters. Functionally, these popular rifles (and sometimes large pistols) are alternatives to the even more popular AR platform. […] Although the ammunition shortage may ease up in a year or two, the gun prohibition lobbies have more restrictions on their agenda. Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown” lobby wants America to adopt the British system, in which guns and ammunition must be stored in separate, locked safes.
Read more at The Federalist.

Fleetwood: Australia’s COVID Police State Is What Happens When You Give Up Your Guns
Since the outset of the COVID-19 lockdowns, Australia has instituted some of the strictest lockdown measures in the western world. Once viewed as a free, prosperous society, the nation has slowly devolved into a full-fledged police state. with the federal government even going as far as to prohibit citizens from leaving the country. At the state level, the situation is seemingly worse, with the severity of COVID restrictions varying among localities. In the Greater Sydney region of New South Wales, local authorities have restricted most interstate travel, forcibly shuttered places of worship, and limited the reasons individuals are allowed to leave their homes. Likewise in Victoria, where citizens remain in indefinite lockdown, state officials have instituted a curfew from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. in metropolitan Melbourne. Most recently, the government of South Australia . . .
Read more at The Federalist.


Sundance: Four Gitmo Detainees Released in Berghdahl Swap are Now Taliban Ministers for Afghan Government – Interim Government Will Be Officially Introduced on Sept 11th
The official Taliban government of Afghanistan will be celebrated and introduced on September 11, 2021. Four of the Afghanistan ministers appointed to government are former Gitmo detainees released during the Obama-era swap for captured U.S. service member Bowe Berghdahl, pictured below with new titles: . . . […] The new caretaker cabinet consists of the following people: . . .
Read more at The Conservative Treehouse.


Revolver.news: While America Get Woke, China Cracks Down on Toxic Celebrities, “Girly Men,” and Video Games
America’s discredited ‘expert’ class has long claimed that economic growth and Western-style democratization go hand-in-hand. China’s ascent to industrial superpower decisively refutes that self-serving narrative. Over the last few weeks, China has shown that it isn’t just charting an alternative course on economics and governance. China is also attempting an entirely new approach to modernization itself. Even if this approach fails, the choices China makes say important things about the decay of American liberal democracy. The People’s Republic is launching what, at least superficially, looks like one of the most ambitious social-engineering efforts ever undertaken in a developed country. The decrees have come in a vast wave over the past couple weeks. In the last days of August, China announced that, from now on, schoolchildren are banned from playing video games, except for three hours on the weekend. […] hen on Thursday came a decree which earned even more attention . . . […] In the words of Twitter user Manju Baturu, at a glance, it seems China has taken a look at what has happened in Western societies over the past thirty years, and is backing away, quickly. […] China can look ahead to how society has evolved in countries that are richer than it. And right now, China looks at American culture, and the culture of its Korean satellite, and sees compelling examples of what to avoid. This revulsion on the part of Chinese elites is a powerful indication of America’s decline.
Read more at Revolver News.


Shurk: How to Tell What the Government Fears Most
I am of the opinion that we are all a part of one of the great epochal shifts in human history and that what we fight to secure today will reverberate through society for generations. We did not ask for this moment — most of us, in fact, have hoped that by quietly enduring the hardships that come our way, our toleration of what is intolerable would somehow be rewarded with comfort and peace. As with all turning points in human history, however, the desire to ignore obvious trespasses in order to forestall conflict has had the effect of encouraging further harm until conflict is all but certain. Like a garden hose tied into a knot, societal pressure has been steadily building, and everybody senses that it could pop at any time. As with all revolutionary moments, at the root of this conflict is an idea. In one word, that idea is freedom. […] Every interaction between government and citizen today tests how far individual liberty may be diminished before the public pushes back. […] If truth exists independently from governmental decree, and science is a process in search of truth, then why are governments working with Google, Facebook, and Twitter to censor scientific debates? Is truth so fragile that it will not survive false attacks? Is science so dependent on “official edicts” that it must be regulated and practiced only by a small priestly caste? If scientific consensus depends on government creating a monopoly over information, does this mean that truth is whatever government deems it to be? Since government is incentivized to invest in fear, is it likely that government will ever declare a truth that isn’t also scary?
Read more at American Thinker.

Saavedra: Biden Screamed At In New Jersey: You ‘Leave Americans Behind,’ ‘Resign You Tyrant,’ ‘Go Home’
Read more/Watch two video clips at The Daily Wire.


Kotkin: The Fading Family
For millennia the family has stood as the central institution of society—often changing, but always essential. But across the world, from China to North America, and particularly in Europe, family ties are weakening, with the potential to undermine one of the last few precious bits of privacy and intimacy.
Margaret Mead once said, “no matter how many communes anyone invents, the family always creeps back.” But today’s trajectory is not promising. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, family formation and birth rates were declining throughout much of the world, not just in most of the West and East Asia, but also in parts of South American and the Middle East. The ongoing pandemic appears to be driving birth rates globally down even further, and the longer it lasts, the greater possibility that familial implosion will get far worse, and perhaps intractable. Brookings predicts that COVID will result in 300,000 to 500,000 fewer U.S. births in 2021. Marriage rates have dropped significantly to 35 year lows.
Read more at American Mind.


Piper: Videogame company cancels vocally pro-life CEO as woke takeover of boardrooms continues
Tripwire Interactive, maker of the Killing Floor franchise, announced on Twitter Monday night that CEO John Gibson “has stepped down” — just 53 hours after he cheered the U.S. Supreme Court for letting the Texas fetal heartbeat bill take effect. The swift response recalls the 2014 resignation of Brendan Eich, co-founder of Mozilla and inventor of JavaScript, less than two weeks after his appointment as CEO of the Firefox browser maker.
Read more at Just The News.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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