Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 14 minutes


Joe Allen contributor to The Federalist: Allowing for variation, transhumanists confess there is no God but the future Computer God. They believe neuroprosthetics will allow communion with this artificial deity. They believe robot companions should be normalized. They believe longevity tech will confer approximate immortality. They believe virtual reality provides a life worth living. Above all, they believe the Singularity is near.

Joy Pullmann contributor to The Federalist pushes back against the transhumanist illusion of human control over death: For one thing, Christians believe that life and death belong entirely to God. There is nothing we can do to make our days on earth one second longer or shorter: “all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be,” says the Psalmist. “For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s,” says Saint Paul in Romans 14:8.

Emina Melonic contributor to American:  The point, today, is to turn every person into a soulless dullard who self-reports and accepts surveillance, and who turns himself into a machine for ideological living. Certainly, what’s been the most troubling aspect of our time right now is how many people are willing to turn themselves into dutiful subjects of the tyrants.

Christopher Bedford contributor to The Federalist: You don’t need to stamp out constitutional rights in the so-called ‘private sector’ — you just have to make government so big and so important that the private sector barely exists.

Jeff Webb contributor to Human Events: Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg says that this supply chain problem could last for “years and years.”  Years and years?  We’ll starve!  Buttigieg personifies the general level of incompetency throughout the Biden administration.  The last thing we need to do is to deploy that incompetency to solve supply chain problems.

Victor Davis Hanson contributor to American Greatness: How strange that in the midst of a humiliating defeat and withdrawal from Afghanistan our military still assured us that culturally sensitive food was awaiting refugees upon landing in the United States—a group, we were told, flown out with acceptable gender ratios and unvaccinated, but shepherded by soldiers who will shortly be discharged if they likewise remain unvaccinated.

Jarrad Winter contributor to American Thinker: Why would ivermectin’s original patent holder go out of its way to question this medicine by creating the impression that it might not be safe? There are at least two plausible reasons. First, ivermectin is no longer under patent, so Merck does not profit from it anymore. That likely explains why Merck declined to “conduct clinical trials” on ivermectin and COVID-19 when given the chance. Second, Merck has a significant financial interest in the medical profession rejecting ivermectin as an early treatment for COVID-19.

Matt Whitlock Republican communicator’s 10/15/21 tweet about Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg MIA as supply chain crisis escaltes: I’m less concerned about him taking paternity leave and more concerned with the fact that it was secret paternity leave during a major crisis he was supposed to be addressing and his leave was only announced AFTER media started asking where he was.  That’s bizarre.

Mary Harrington contributor to The American Mind: Biolibertarianism demands we dismantle all received ideas concerning what humans are, in order that we may be maximally able to become. This all-out assault on our shared understanding of human nature is most tangible for women in the conflict between biorealist “woman” as embodied reality and biolibertarian “woman” as self-chosen identity. But the negative impacts reach far beyond those that are immediately visible.

Kylee Zempel contributor to The Federalist: Who did these lawless rogues think they were to launch an attack on the federal government? Taser barbs flew as demonstrators tried to batter their way past police lines, with law enforcers suffering injuries to the point of requiring hospitalization. Chants and obscenities rose from the mob of radicals trying to send a message in the form of infiltrating our esteemed government quarters with physical force. Some activists vandalized a building, while others pinned police against a wall. This rebellion against authority was nothing short of sedition. Oh, you thought I was talking about this image, where pro-Trump demonstrator Ashli Babbitt attempted to force her way into where police were holding the line? I was actually talking about this scene, where a radical activist appears to try the same thing at a different federal building, even shouting “Let’s go!” for other demonstrators to follow her. I’m talking about the rowdy protest outside the Department of the Interior on Thursday that turned violent as climate activists stormed the entrance — the Oct. 14 insurrection.

Ilana Mercer contributor to American Greatness: I feel for the kids. They are not to blame. Their arrogant ignorance, inculcated in schools, is carefully cultivated and then reinforced with incontinent praise from pedagogues and parents alike, from kindergarten to university. Progressive schools and teachers—overseen by teachers unions—are responsible for the quantifiable rot; for the monument-smashing, monumental ignorance among America’s youth.


Allen: Transhumanists Gather In Spain To Plan Global Transformation
Transhumanism is a futuristic religion that exalts technology as the highest power. The movement’s goal is to merge man with machine. Their wildest prophecies seem ridiculous at first, until you consider the dizzying advances in bionics, robotics, neuroprosthetics, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and genetic engineering. Prominent figures gathered at the TransVision 2021 conference in Madrid over the weekend. Listening to the proceedings online, I heard a broad range of totalizing schemes. There were no Luddites or Amish onstage, but of course, Spain is a long haul for a horse-and-buggy. Besides, no unvaccinated person can legally cross the Spanish border. Transhumanists hold that the human condition of ignorance, loneliness, sadness, disease, old age, and death can be transcended through improved gadgetry. Many believe tribalism will also be eliminated — perhaps through brain implants — but this elite clique tends to be so convicted, legacy humans will have no say in the matter. Their radical ideas are hardly marginal. Transhuman values have been implicitly embraced by the world’s wealthiest technologists. Consider Bill Gates pushing universal jabs, Jeff Bezos’s quest for “life extension,” Elon Musk’s proposed brain implants, Mark Zuckerberg’s forays into the Metaverse, and Eric Schmidt’s plans for an American technocracy racing against China.
Read more at The Federalist


Justice: Will Liz Cheney, House Democrats Investigate Insurrectionist Takeover Of Interior Department?
Security personnel at the U.S. Department of the Interior sustained “multiple injuries,” according to spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz in the Washington Post, after left-wing protesters held the agency headquarters under siege on Thursday. Fifty-five protesters were arrested in the turmoil, the demonstration group People vs. Fossil Fuels said in a statement to the Post, concluding five days of activism in the nation’s capital by a coalition known as Build Back Fossil Free. Many were protesting the completion of Minnesota’s Line 3 Pipeline carrying Canadian tar sands oil to Lake Superior. Begun in 2017, the project was ordered by the federal government to replace an old, corroding line. “Interior Department leadership believes strongly in respecting and upholding the right to free speech and peaceful protest,” Schwartz told the paper. “It is also our obligation to keep everyone safe. We will continue to do everything we can to de-escalate the situation while honoring First Amendment rights.”
Read more/Watch the October 14 video clips at The Federalist.

Tucker Carlson: There are two systems of justice of republicans and democrats
Watch the 14 minute 10/15/21 opening monolouge at Fox News


Just the News Staff: Nearly 150 legislators from over three dozen states call for countrywide audit of 2020 election
Dozens and dozens of lawmakers from nearly 40 states are calling for a nationwide audit of the 2020 election and a decertification of election results where they have been called “inaccurately.” The letter, published Friday, is signed by legislators from states including Arizona, North Carolina, Idaho and Kansas; altogether, 136 public officials endorsed its message.  Noting that the Constitution gives state lawmakers “plenary power…to oversee the election of the president of the United States,” the letter argues that the recent Arizona election audit has indicated a “corrupted 2020 election” and that “all 50 states need to be forensically audited” as a result.
Read more at Just the News.

Finchem: Dr. Shiva Analysis of Mail-In Ballots Pima County, Arizona.
In this discussion, Dr. Shiva provides a Mathematical Analysis of Mail-In Ballot Requests and Mail-In Ballot Return Rates in Pima County, AZ in 2020 US General Election.
Start the video at the 25:36 minute mark at Rumble


COVID 1984 tweet: Fauci Now Says J&J Should’ve Been 2 Doses From The Beginning… He Now Suggests People Mix & Match… Something We Were Warned NOT To Do Previously… The Trials Are Still Ongoing… Nobody Knows What Will Happen…
Watch the 1:56 Fauci interview.

(Well worth your time to read the legal opinion) Winter: Nebraska AG’s devastating critique of the suppression of effective COVID therapies
Legal opinions usually aren’t terribly fun to read, but if you’ve been an ivermectin and/or hydroxychloroquine advocate for use against Wuhan Plague, this one definitely will bring you much joy. It’s a rather lengthy and full spectrum opinion issued by Doug Peterson, Nebraska’s Attorney General, in response to a query from the state’s Department of Health and Human Services as to whether physicians can be persecuted and tormented for prescribing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to patients sick with the China Flu. What the AG’s response amounts to is a full and complete takedown of the conspiracy to suppress cheap and effective early Covid-19 treatments. […]  What follows are some of the most relevant parts (at least in my sometimes-humble opinion), but it really is in everyone’s best interest to personally read the opinion in full. People must individually understand what’s actually happening for themselves. This is what will enable We The People to course correct and divert from the ruinous path set for us by the overlords. As to the question of ivermectin as a treatment option:. . . […]  What initially made ivermectin a target for all the inexplicable slander? […]  As to the question of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option: A striking example features one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals . . .
Read more at ago.nebraska.gov.
Read the excellent legal opinion at ago.nebraska.gov.

Joondeph, M.D.: Is Aspirin the New Horse Dewormer?
Aspirin is one of those drugs that has been around forever. It is commonly used as a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory, and as a blood thinner. Surprisingly it may also have benefit in treating COVID. A paper in Anesthesia and Analgesia published last spring titled, “Aspirin use is associated with decreased mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit admission, and in-hospital mortality in hospitalized patients with coronavirus disease 2019.” This was a retrospective, observational study of adult patients admitted to multiple hospitals in the U.S. between March and July 2020, in the early days of COVID. The primary outcome addressed by the researchers from George Washington University was the need for mechanical ventilation, which then, and still now, carries an extremely high chance of never leaving the ICU alive. […]  The team investigated more than 400 COVID patients from hospitals across the United States who take aspirin unrelated to their COVID disease, and found that the treatment reduced the risk of several parameters by almost half: reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%, ICU admissions by 43%, and overall in-hospital mortality by 47%. Why would aspirin be helpful for COVID, a respiratory disease? What if COVID is more than simply a lung disease or pneumonia? COVID is actually thought to be a microvascular disease causing blood clots, as described in the medical journal Circulation, . . .[…]  Aspirin is another potential therapeutic, along with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which is inexpensive, readily available, and relatively safe, and could save countless lives when used appropriately for COVID. An editorial in Anesthesia and Analgesia described aspirin for COVID as, “An old, low-cost therapy with a strong rationale.” And right on cue, it’s time for aspirin-bashing to commence. At the same time as these papers showing potential benefits of aspirin for COVID hit the news, the . .
Read more at American Thinker.

The Conservative Treehouse: Did Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum Admit The COVID Vaccine Injects Traceable Markers? Their Promoted “COVIDPass” Blood Test Requires Them
An article and video promoted by the World Economic Forum, intended to propose and outline a globally accepted “COVIDPass”, actually reveals stunning background admissions. [Article Here – VIDEO Below] The basic premise of the proposal is for a global COVIDPass that will be universally accepted permitting vaccinated people to travel around the world and enter all venues and facilities that require proof of vaccine.   However, there is something in the proposal that tells a story all by itself. […]  The entire premise of the World Economic Forum’s “COVIDPass” is predicated on a blood test being able to identify whether a person has been vaccinated or not. Think about that carefully. Think about that deeply. Right now, all vaccination ID’s, all COVID passports, are dependent on a registration process that takes place at the time of vaccination within each nation’s unique healthcare system: . . .[…]  Those are essentially the only two registration systems for COVID passports currently in place. […]  What the World Economic Forum (WEF) is describing is NOT that…. and this is the critical point. The WEF proposal is based on a blood sample, or a blood test, to prove you have been vaccinated.  The only way that is possible is if . . . […]  For now, it is worth noting that in mid-2020, even before the various vaccine’s deployed in clinical trials, the World Economic Forum knew that a blood test for a COVID vaccination was the best scenario for vaccine passport identification. [Article Here] Thoughts?
Read more/Watch the 1:44 minute video at The Conservative Treehouse.


Mittlestadt: Gingrich poll: Swing voters want more control over their healthcare, less government
73% of swing voters believe patients and doctors should be in charge of fixing healthcare, compared to 25% who believe the government should have more power to protect patients.
Read more at Just the News.

(Well worth your time to watch) Siri: Whistleblower: FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaccinated for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS
A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital.  The result is shocking. As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine. These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections.  Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination.
Read more at Aaron Siri Substack.
Watch the 1:05:50 hour interview at The High Wire.

AZFEC: If Hospitals Are Overwhelmed, Maybe They Should Stop Threatening to Fire Staff
As if COVID hysteria hasn’t been bad enough, President Biden took it to the next level last month. In a troubling press conference, Biden announced vaccine mandates for private companies that employ 100 or more people—making sure to emphasize that this is not about “freedom or personal choice.”
But this wasn’t the first time we’d heard about mandatory vaccines. Some employers around the country, especially those in healthcare, already had their own mandates in place. And so far, the consequences have been disastrous. In the past month: . . . Arizona certainly hasn’t been immune to the problem. Right here in our very own state, one hospital administrator told AZ Free News that there have been issues ensuring beds at smaller hospitals due to delays in replacing equipment. But the main issue, the administrator said, is that Arizona’s larger hospital chains are losing staff due to the vaccine mandates.
Read more at AZ Free Enterprise Club.

The Hidden Gateway Podcast: Episode 43: Speaking Truth to Power: A Conversation with Dr. Robert Malone 
Dr. Malone needs no introduction, but for the uninitiated, he was the inventor of the m  RNA technology used in the current vacs platforms, and he is one of the world’s foremost virologists and immunologists. In other words, when he speaks, the world listens. We’ll be chatting about his views on the current global health crisis, his thoughts on the various factions promoting specific agendas, and his predictions on what the future holds.  […] The vaccinated are actually the “super-spreaders” that everyone was told about in the beginning of the pandemic, Malone argued.  “If you consider the scientific fact that vaccinated people have less symptoms than the unvaccinated, but can still easily spread disease, consider your fellow vaccinated worker, whose unvaccinated son brought the disease home and gave it to him. He might not have any symptoms — but he’ll definitely be producing the virus. And he’s going to say, hey, I can go to work today. But he’s going to be spreading the virus like crazy.”   Malone also touched on the idea of “the noble lie:”
Listen to the 1:43:19 audio interview.


Lifson: China’s frightening test of new hypersonic weapon: ‘We have no idea how they did this’
The Financial Times has published a scoop that should frighten every American and which casts further doubt on the competence and capability of our military leadership. China has demonstrated an attack weapon well beyond our capabilities, defense against which would be difficult if not impossible. China tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, demonstrating an advanced space capability that caught US intelligence by surprise. Five people familiar with the test said . . .  […]  As readers of this website already know, the senior leadership of the United States military is obsessed with: Critical race theory, diving troops along racial lines and devastating morale. Transgenderism, squandering the defense budget on free (and very expensive) “gender reassignment” surgery for anyone who joins the military. Integrating “birthing people” into every military function, including flight suits for pregnant pilots. Vaccination mandates, which could drive out large numbers of skilled service members, not to mention irreplaceable scientists, critically weakening force effectiveness. […]  Meanwhile, our military reportedly has been shocked by how far China has gotten ahead of us in space-based, nuclear-capable hypersonic gliders that, unlike missiles, can maneuver as they zero in on their targets, making missile defense far less effective if not impossible.
Read more at American Thinker.


Howley: Navy To Separate Unvaccinated Officers Under Same Category Used For Drug Offenders and Sexual Deviants
The United States Navy is punishing and separating unvaccinated naval officers under the same category of “Misconduct, Moral or Professional Dereliction” that is used to separate drug offenders and sex offenders from the Navy. NATIONAL FILE broke the news that the Navy is setting up a a new punishment squad called the CCDA to carry out the “administrative separation” of vaccine refusers. All vaccine refusers are reportedly getting discharged after they are separated.
Read more at National File.

VDH: What Happened to the Beloved Military?
The highest echelon of the U.S. military is becoming dysfunctional. There are too many admirals and generals for the size of the current U.S. military. It now boasts three times the number of four-star admirals and generals than we had during World War II—when the country was in an existential war for survival and when, by 1945, our active military personnel was almost nine times larger than the current armed forces. Somehow a gradual drift in the agendas of our military leadership has resulted in too many various emphases on domestic cultural, social, and political issues. And naturally, as a result, there is less attention given to winning wars and leveraging such victories to our nation’s strategic advantage. The consequences of these failures are downright scary for a world superpower upon which millions at home and billions worldwide depend. There are too many concurrent Pentagon crises. Any one of them would be dangerous to our national security. Together they imperil our very freedoms and security.
Read more at American Greatness.


Winters: WTF!? Biden’s USAID Launches $125 Million Project To Find 12,000 New Viruses.
Joe Biden’s U.S. Agency for International Development launched a new $125 million dollar project with Washington State University and foreign collaborators to discover over 10,000 novel viruses in nature. The ambitious program follows the agency funding a similar form of research conducted by EcoHealth Alliance and its controversial partner: the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Many experts believe this Chinese Communist Party-run lab is the source of COVID-19. The new program, announced by Washington State University (WSU) on October 5th, will endeavor “to collect over 800,000 samples in the five years of the project.” “This process is expected to yield 8,000 to 12,000 novel viruses, which researchers will then screen and sequence the genomes of the ones that pose the most risk to animal and human health,” a summary adds.
Read more at The National Pulse.

WRN Tweet: BREAKING:  @MariaBartiromo says there is speculation that @SpeakerPelosi  will step down after getting #Democrats on board to pass the trillion dollar slush package. Remember who sold the #American #taxpayers out.
Watch the 27 second video.

Melonic: The Emptiness of the Ideology and Tyrants Threatening Us
Despite the difficulty of observing events while one is experiencing them, it is still crucial to assess the cultural situation and the state of a country’s soul. The meaning of time has changed, first because of technological intrusion, which appears to accelerate the speed at which life is moving. Second, ideology has got a solid grip on the information that comes at us in the United States, and this has created a fertile ground for various forms of tyranny. We don’t have to look too far to notice little dictators from the top office of the presidency to the lowly bureaucrats on your local school board. It seems everyone wants power, even if only for a little bit, and like kids on the playground, people become accustomed to bullying people, while a bigger bureaucrat bullies them. […] In his essay, “On Tyranny,” Brodsky reflects on what happens when a tyrant is old and senile. Such a tyrant is strange because he is trying to remain relevant to the masses, yet the masses don’t know how to react to him anymore. “The aging tyrant’s sole purpose,” writes Brodsky, “is to retain his position, and his demagoguery and hypocrisy do not tax the minds of his subjects with the necessity of belief or textual proliferation.” Be he old or new, there always arises a “blend of hypocrisy and cruelty.” The tyrant’s mission is an eradication of individualism, and as Brodsky notes, “The idea of one’s existential uniqueness gets replaced by that of one’s anonymity.” This anonymity and an annihilation of the soul is particularly visible today in a blatantly ideological and coercive usage of masks.
Read more at American Greatness


ADI Staff: Valley School Board Members Applauded For Rejecting Policy That “Undermines” Parents
Parents are applauding Valley school board members for rejecting a proposed policy aimed at shutting down public comment in the name of decorum. The policy would allow the presidents of school boards to recess meetings without a vote of the whole board. Both the Peoria Unified School District and the Western Maricopa Education Center (West-MEC) boards rejected the policy change pushed by the controversial Arizona School Board Association (ASBA): The Governing Board President may recess the meeting without a vote of the Governing Board in order to maintain decorum and Governing Board meeting rules of order. “Any policy should not work to undermine the voice of parents. That is why a number of school boards are rejecting this type of restrictive language,” said Peoria Governing Board member and Arizona State Rep. Beverly Pingerelli. […]  West-MEC Governing Board member Peter Pingerelli said he was pleased his board blocked the policy in a 3-3 vote. […]  Across the country, public school boards are taking steps to silence parents.
Read more at Arizona Daily Independent News Network.

Bell: McAuliffe Agrees Public Schools Should Not Tell Parents If Their Child Is ‘Gender Fluid’
Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed a bill into law in March 2020 that mandates the Virginia Department of Education develop “model policies concerning the treatment of transgender students in public elementary and secondary schools.” The model policies came out in April of this year, and they are frightening. McAuliffe proudly endorses them on his website. They mandate co-ed bathrooms for all, force teachers and students to accept and use new names and pronouns, and clear the way for boys to participate in girls’ sports. All school boards in Virginia were required to have adopted the model policies by the start of the current school year. Many Virginia school boards have passed the model policies, while others have bravely rejected them.
Read more at The Federalist.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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