Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes


Bill of Rights
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, guarantee essential rights and civil liberties, such as the right to free speech, the right to bear arms, and the right to a fair trial, as well as protecting the role of the states in American government.
Read more: https://constitutioncenter.org/learn/educational-resources/historical-documents/bill-of-rights

American Minute with Bill Federer: Bill of Rights-“Restrictive Clauses” to prevent Government from Ruling through Mandates!
Though George Washington presided at the Constitutional Convention, George Mason refused to sign the U.S. Constitution. Why? Because it did not put enough limits on the Federal Government. […]  George Mason insisted that “restrictive clauses” should be added to prevent an abuse of Federal power.
This earned him the title “Father of the Bill of Rights.” At the time, Mercy Otis Warren wrote in Observations on the new Constitution, and on the Federal and State Conventions, 1788:  “The origin of all power is in the people, and they have an incontestable right to check the creatures of their own creation.”
Read more: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1754/6613/files/12-15_Bill_of_Rights_3b3454cb-2eeb-40c8-94d1-ae5470afd37b.pdf?v=1639520781

Cook: Have Americans Surrendered Their Liberties on the Bill of Rights’ 230th Anniversary?
Have we yielded our liberties on the 230th anniversary of the Bill of Rights? President Franklin Roosevelt, who designated Bill of Rights Day on December 15, believed nothing could make us yield our rights. “What we face is nothing more nor less than an attempt to overthrow and to cancel out the great upsurge of human liberty of which the American Bill of Rights is the fundamental document,” Roosevelt passionately declared on the Bill of Rights’ 150th anniversary, which was eight days after the Japanese military attacked the U.S. military at Pearl Harbor on that infamous day, December 7, 1941. Under totalitarianism, Roosevelt explained “the individual human has no right by virtue of his humanity, no right to a soul, a mind, a tongue or a trade of his own or to live where he pleases.” He added that “his duty is one of obedience only to Adolf Hitler.”  In contrast, President Roosevelt boldly declared: “No threat or danger can make us yield our freedom guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.”  Roosevelt was wrong. Though Hitler and Benito Mussolini couldn’t make us surrender our Bill of Rights, the fear of COVID-19 did.
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2021/12/13/have-americans-surrendered-their-liberties-on-the-bill-of-rights-230th-anniversary/


Melissa Mackenzie contributor to American Spectator: The January 6th committee should be seen for what it is: A commie-like show-trial of political enemies. It is a dangerous time to be in opposition to a regime that demands total submission — body (vaccine mandates), mind (public professions of beliefs), and soul (the State as the only authority).

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) in Monday’s January 6 Committee meeting: “The mob was summoned to Washington by President Trump.”

Jose Pagliery Daily Beast political investigation reporter tweeted on 12/13/21:  More breaking news >>  Rep. Cheney hints at where this is going: federal criminal charges for President Trump. “Did Donald Trump, through action or inaction, corruptly seek to obstruct or impede Congress’s proceedings?” Um, she’s reading 18 U.S.C. 1505 https://law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1505

Dr. Simone Gold, the founder of America’s Frontline Doctors,  spoke at David Horowitz’s Freedom Center’s Restoration Weekend: Note that medical tyranny is just the mechanism. It’s the means to control us. It’s more effective than religious or economic tyranny because it’s silent, it’s stealth, it causes great fear and it causes a hyper-reliance on authority figures. And it’s creating a conflict between two groups of people, the vaxed and what I call the naturals: people who are betting on natural immunity. That distracts us from the real enemy, which is the overlord that’s trying to control both groups. Vaccine mandates are just hashtag social control. It’s the modern version of “show me your papers,” and my father’s a Holocaust survivor; I don’t take that phrase lightly. We are fighting a Communist takeover of our nation, and we must push back or our Constitutional republic will collapse, and with it, all human freedom around the world.

Jennifer Rawls contributor to The Federalist: On the name of ‘dismantling’ sexual ‘power structures,’ queer theorists must make things that were once taboo (like sexualizing children) no longer taboo.

John O. McGinnis City Journal contributing editor: Far from being a negative influence in democratic societies, then, the wealthy are a net positive. They provide a counterweight to mobs and tribes. They fight against special interests on behalf of more diffuse interests. They counteract more ideologically homogenous and powerful groups, including the press and academia. And they often inject into democratic deliberation a better understanding of the consequences of political decisions.

James Poulos contributor to The American Mind: The meme that algorithmic harm results from greedy CEOs hacking our minds fails to grasp the true nature of the digital crisis roiling America. The main purpose of algorithms, like digital programs and datacenters more broadly, is not to make money or influence thoughts, but to control people—in a direct and alien way hostile to our core beliefs and principles.

Sam Faddis AND Magazine founder and former CIA intelligence officer: Talk about testosterone treatments and testing has long since been demonstrated to be effectively meaningless. An individual who was born male and has gone through puberty as a male will always be bigger, stronger, and faster than biological females. After decades of fighting for equal rights for women, we are now waging war on women and driving them out of sports.

Abigail Shrier journalist and author lends her support to the female collegiate swimmers devasted for being forced to compete against a  transgender male who breaks women time records: To the female athletes at Penn: Your school is telling you to keep your head down and try for second place. You weren’t born for second place. Girls in the U.S. will soon give up trying to compete at the highest levels of sports at all.  Speak up NOW.


THE RIGHT SCOOP: WATCH: Trump tells hilarious story about Kim Jong Un and how he gave him a cassette with the song ‘Rocket Man’
Watch the 1:42 minute video: https://therightscoop.com/watch-trump-tells-hilarious-story-about-kim-jong-un-and-how-he-gave-him-a-cassette-with-the-song-rocket-man/

McCann: Donald Trump, the Right President at the Right Time
Of the 46 presidents of the United States, there are three that can be considered indispensable to the nation’s enduring existence as a free people;  they are George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Donald Trump. Washington, without whose character and leadership the nation as we know it would not have been established; Lincoln, who preserved the Union and restored American society by abolishing slavery; and Trump, who has potentially rescued the country from an irretrievable headfirst dash into a permanent one-party socialist oligarchy eventuating in an inevitable fracturing of the Union.
Read more at American Thinker.

Sundance: Topline for Candidates, There Is Only One Donald Trump and Economic Security Is National Security
“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.” ~ Niccolo Machiavelli Never has that quote been more apropos than when considering the MAGA movement and the rise of Donald Trump.  Thankfully, we are now in an era when the largest coalition of American voters have awakened to the reality that, to quote the former president: “Economic Security is National Security.” As we live through the consequences of a Biden administration hell bent on . . .
Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2021/12/13/topline-for-candidates-there-is-only-one-donald-trump-and-economic-security-is-national-security/

Ellis: The ‘No More Trumpers’
We’re not talking about Never Trumpers here, or even necessarily the RINOS. We’re not talking about Senator Mitt Romney, who first asked favors of the former president then publicly turned against him, and who never really took a liking to the New York finance and entertainment mogul. We’re certainly not talking about that contemptible bunch over at the Lincoln Project. […] One identifiable characteristic of the No More Trumper is that he or she either initially or eventually came to wholeheartedly support pretty much everything the Trump Administration fought for and stood for. He or she talked the talk and walked the walk, and now seems to be cautiously suggesting that, when it comes to The Donald as president, enough is enough. The ripples of this analysis are just surfacing. Those who seek to suggest such a blasphemy against Trump Nation have to be careful in a party that still overwhelmingly supports Mr. Trump. They need to exercise caution positing that a different candidate, Gov. Ron DeSantis for example, might be a better bet to unseat Joe Biden (assuming Biden survives his term and runs again). It takes a certain amount of chutzpah and/or a diplomatic touch to float the notion that a former president, who polling shows would defeat hands-down the current president, may not be the best 2024 candidate.
Read more: https://pjmedia.com/columns/mark-ellis/2021/12/13/the-no-more-trumpers-n1541330

Hoft: Mainstream Media Downplays Crowd Size at Trump Rally in Sunrise, Florida – Event Was Larger Than All Biden Rallies in 2020 Combined
On Saturday President Trump and Bill O’Reilly held an event in Sunrise, Florida.  The History tour was a great success.  But you wouldn’t know it from the Mainstream ‘fake news’ media. […]  What the media will never report is the size of Biden events in the 2020 Presidential race.  In the two months leading up to the 2020 Election, Joe Biden couldn’t get more than 2,000 people at all his events.  At the same time, President Trump had 1.1 million at his events.
Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/mainstream-media-downplays-crowd-size-trump-rally-sunrise-florida-event-much-bigger-biden-rallies-2020-combined/


Citizen Free Press: Liz Cheney J6 committee refers Mark Meadows for criminal prosecution…
Watch the 7:52 minute Meadows interview: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/liz-cheney-j6-committee-refers-mark-meadows-for-criminal-prosecution/

Laila:  Sham Jan. 6 Panel Votes 9-0 to Hold Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in Contempt – Cheney Reads Meadows’ Private Text Messages Out Loud!
Cheney then went on to hint that President Trump will face federal charges.
Watch the 8:56 CSPAN Cheney video: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/sham-jan-6-panel-votes-9-0-hold-trump-chief-staff-mark-meadows-contempt-cheney-reads-meadows-private-text-messages-loud-video/

Cheney: ‘He’s got to condemn this …’: Panel releases urgent Jan. 6 texts from Donald Trump Jr., lawmakers and Fox hosts
As rioters swarmed the Capitol, President Donald Trump’s eldest son pleaded with White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to get his father to do more to end the violence. “He’s got to condemn this [shit] Asap. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough,” Donald Trump Jr. texted, one of a series of messages Meadows provided to the Jan. 6 select committee investigating the former president’s effort to overturn the election. The text message was one of a handful described and released by the committee on Monday from the trove shared by Meadows that showed lawmakers, aides and even Fox News hosts pleading with Meadows to press Trump to take stronger action. After they described the messages, the panel held Meadows in criminal contempt of Congress for refusing to testify to investigators. The matter now goes to the full House, which is expected to refer Meadows to the Justice Department on Tuesday.
Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/13/hes-got-to-condemn-this-shit-panel-releases-urgent-jan-6-texts-from-trump-jr-lawmakers-524188

Kelly: Justice Department Moves to Conceal Police Misconduct on January 6
As the January 6 House select committee accelerates its illegitimate legal pursuit of Trump and his associates under the guise of revealing the “truth” about the Capitol protest, the Justice Department is actively concealing the truth, especially related to police brutality that day. The only question now is whether federal judges in Washington will continue to allow the Biden regime to get away with it.
Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2021/12/13/justice-department-moves-to-conceal-police-misconduct-on-january-6/

Ward: Jan. 6 rally organizers sue Verizon to block release of cell phone data to congressional committee
Four organizers of the Jan. 6 rally filed a lawsuit Monday against Verizon, in an attempt to prevent the telecommunications company from releasing cell phone data with the congressional select committee investigating the attack on the Capitol. In their lawsuit, Justin Caporale, Tim Unes, Megan Powers and Maggie Mulvaney argued the committee doesn’t have the proper authority to obtain the data. The Jan. 6 committee’s subpoena to Verizon, requesting, call, text and location information “lacks a lawful purpose and seeks to invade the plaintiffs’ constitutional rights to privacy and to confidential political communications,” the suit says. The suit says the plaintiffs have personally complied with the committee’s investigation, sitting for “lengthy” interviews and providing “thousands of documents to Congressional investigators.”
Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2021/12/13/jan-6-rally-organizers-sue-verizon-524189


Freiburger: BREAKING: Supreme Court rejects religious liberty challenge to NY vax mandate
The U.S. Supreme Court just rejected an appeal to block New York’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers without religious exemption, with Trump-appointed Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett providing the deciding votes by joining the Court’s liberals. The mandate, unanimously approved by a board of the New York State Department of Health, applies to those working in hospitals, nursing homes, diagnostic and treatment centers, adult care facilities, certified home health agencies, hospices, long-term home health care programs, AIDS home care programs, licensed home care service agencies, and limited licensed home care service agencies. […]  The nation’s highest court rejected a request to intervene Monday on a 6-3 vote, with only established conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and Trump-appointed Justice Neil Gorsuch voting to grant the application. None of the judges in the majority explained themselves, but Gorsuch took them to task in a lengthy dissenting opinion. “In this case, no one seriously disputes that, absent relief, the applicants will suffer an irreparable injury,” Gorsuch wrote. “Not only does New York threaten to have them fired and strip them of unemployment benefits … The Free Exercise Clause protects not only the right to hold unpopular religious beliefs inwardly and secretly. It protects the right to live out those beliefs publicly in ‘the performance of (or abstention from) physical acts.’”
Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-supreme-court-rejects-religious-liberty-challenge-to-ny-vax-mandate/?utm_source=featured&utm_campaign=usa


Patriot Clips: Anthony Fauci: Americans Will ‘Just Have To Deal’ With Yearly Boosters If Necessary
Watch the 55 second video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbkpb_Y3s1k

DeMarche: FDA faces legal challenge over COVID-19 approval data, report says
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency sued the FDA under a Freedom of Information Act and seeks more than 400,000 additional pages about the approval process, Reuters reported. The FDA has offered to release 12,000 pages by the end of January, and “a minimum” of 500 pages a month going forward, which the group said could mean that it may be 2097 before all documents are made public, the report said. The plaintiffs in the case want it all within 108 days, which is symbolic because that is how long they say it took the agency to approve the vaccine, the report said. Aaron Siri, the lawyer representing the plaintiffs, posted on his Substack that it is “dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harm, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure.”
Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/health/fda-may-not-release-full-details-on-covid-19-vaccine-data-until-2097-report-says

Aaron Siri 12/12/21 tweet:  The FDA is working with the post office to hold packages containing ivermectin. The FDA could better use its resources to, I don’t know, publicly release the docs submitted by Pfizer to license its mandated liability-free V earlier than 75 years from now!
Read the letter: http://bit.ly/3oMU53S

Frontpage Magazine: Dr. Simone Gold at Restoration Weekend: Fighting Medical Tyranny
Now, the fight we are in, in my estimation, is really the second Revolutionary War, because the reality is, is that we’re living under a tyranny that we never thought was possible in America. We have lost almost all of our Constitutional rights. We only retain, with a big struggle, the Second Amendment. What do I mean?  […]  Note that medical tyranny is just the mechanism. It’s the means to control us. It’s more effective than religious or economic tyranny because it’s silent, it’s stealth, it causes great fear and it causes a hyper-reliance on authority figures. And it’s creating a conflict between two groups of people, the vaxed and what I call the naturals: people who are betting on natural immunity. That distracts us from the real enemy, which is the overlord that’s trying to control both groups. Vaccine mandates are just hashtag social control. It’s the modern version of “show me your papers,” and my father’s a Holocaust survivor; I don’t take that phrase lightly. We are fighting a Communist takeover of our nation, and we must push back or our Constitutional republic will collapse, and with it, all human freedom around the world. […]  When they ask me why I got in this fight, I said it was a simple as a patient in front of me needed medicine, and I wrote the prescription, and the next day I was threatened to be fired for writing a prescription for safe, generic medicine that’s been on the market for 65 years. It blew my mind. Okay? That activity where we created a mechanism whereby you could obtain medicine that you needed or you wanted that was perfectly safe, FDA-approved, just 10 days ago, is what landed me on the receiving end of a very nasty letter by Congressman Clyburn, who now threatens to investigate me criminally for making early treatment medication available to you. Just wanted to let you know. The fight, the war, is real.
Read more/Listen to the 27:43 minute audio: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2021/12/simone-gold-frontpagemagcom/

Alex Berenson: The light at the end of the Covid
. . .first this hopeful analysis: don’t let the rise in case numbers fool you. Culturally and politically, the United States appears to be putting Covid in the rear-view mirror. And since Covid was always much more a cultural and political problem than a existential threat – or even a medical threat to almost anyone in halfway decent health – spring is coming. Omicron will likely accelerate this trend, unless the South African data are completely wrong. It is easy to miss what’s happening, given the endless screeching from the elite media and outliers like Bill de Blasio’s idiotic effort to force vaccinations on kids in New York City.
But ask yourself these seven questions: But ask yourself these seven questions: 1: Do you have any idea how many Americans are now dying with/from/near Covid each day? The answer is still over 1,000 on average, but the daily death count – which was a national media-fueled obsession for a year – has been entirely forgotten. 2: What percentage of 5-11 year-olds have been Covid vaccinated? More than a month after jabs for kids were approved, the answer is barely 15 percent – not even one child out of six – despite a massive advertising and media campaign. And I can promise you that number is not going to budge much going forward. The parents who were dumb enough to give their kids a quasi-experimental and short-lasting “vaccine” for an illness that even before Omicron was a cold for most have already done so. 3: When was the last time you heard anyone suggest mandating Covid vaccines for kids? See question 2. Even deep blue state politicians have gone silent on this issue (again, except for the moronic soon-to-be-former mayor of New York). And even the craziest vaccine fanatics have mostly found other issues to froth over. Elections have consequences, and the Virginia election sure did. 3. . . .
Read more: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-light-at-the-end-of-the-covid


(An important read) Meads: Virginia Hospital Found In Contempt Of Court, Subject To $10k Per Day Fines After Denying Patient Ivermectin
Chris Davies and his father Donald have been fighting for their mother and wife Kathy Davies’ right to try the drug Ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment at Fauquier Health hospital in Warrenton, Virginia, for the past few weeks. But the hospital — where Chris happens to work as a radiologic technologist — had put his mother through a series of legal hoops seemingly designed to block the treatment from being given to her. On Monday, December 13, Virginia’s 20th Judicial Court found Fauquier Health in contempt of court after refusing to comply with previous orders and ruled that by 9:00 p.m. Eastern time tonight, Kathy Davies must be given the dose of Ivermectin as prescribed by a doctor retained by the Davies family. Additionally — if the hospital did not comply — the state had the right to fine the hospital $10,000 per day. That order would have been applied retroactively from December 9 onwards. The court also ordered that the Davies family be given police escort if necessary to administer the drug to their mother. But, the court also said . . . […]  The Davies’ saga started in October when Chris Davies’ mother was admitted to the hospital with COVID-19. She was placed on a ventilator in the intensive care unit (ICU) on November 3. Donald was to serve as her medical proxy — and after consultation with Chris and his siblings — wanted doctors to give Kathy Ivermectin in hopes of finding success against COVID-19.
Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/virginia-hospital-found-in-contempt-of-court-subject-to-10k-per-day-fines-after-denying-patient-ivermectin


McGovern: Baby of ‘fully vaccinated’ mom dies after born bleeding from mouth, nose: VAERS report
A two-year-old’s death which was then scrubbed from the website, a neonate’s hemorrhaging death, and an eight-year-old’s heart attack were among recent VAERS reports.
Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/baby-of-fully-vaccinated-mom-dies-after-being-born-bleeding-from-mouth-nose-vaers-report/

Citizen Free Press: Japan Study — Vaccines pose 7X times higher death risk than Covid for young people…
A review in the most recent issue of Med Check, a bimonthly bulletin published by the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance (NOPJIP) as a member of the International Society of Drug Bulletins (ISDB), found that the death risk of the jabs may even be as high as 40 times greater for young people. […]  Even with just three cases, the risk of a fatal reaction to the vaccine significantly outpaced the danger of the virus for young people, who have a 0.6-0.8 per 1 million chance of dying from the disease in Japan, according to Med Check. Just seven of 11.8 million Japanese people in their 20s died of COVID by June 2021, and 10 died by mid-August. Risk of death from vaccination was more than seven times higher as of June, and nearly five times higher by August 11, compared to the risk presented by coronavirus, Med Check determined. Over several years, death risk for vaccination among those in their 20s could range as high as 40 times greater than for COVID-19. Med Check also pointed out that there were no COVID deaths in Japan under the age of 20 until September 2021. “If children in this age group are vaccinated, it may cause death,” the bulletin warned.
Read more: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/japan-study-vaccines-pose-7x-times-higher-death-risk-than-covid-for-young-people/

Tietz: Second-Largest School District Flinches In Standoff With Parents Over Student Vaccine Deadline
The nation’s second-largest school district is set to reconsider its Jan. 10 COVID-19 vaccine deadline for all students 12 and older, potentially delaying the requirement until next fall, according to a press release. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) cited its high vaccination rate saying 86.52% of students have complied with its current vaccine requirements in the press release. The LAUSD Board of Education plans to discuss its Jan. 10 deadline by which all students 12 and older must be vaccinated or will be forced to switch to an “online independent study program,” potentially pushing the requirement to fall of 2022.
Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2021/12/13/lausd-school-district-delay-vaccine-mandate-deadline/


Just the News Staff: New survey show 53% of registered voters see entire Biden agenda as ‘big government socialism’
The new Scott Rasmussen.com poll also shows just 23% of respondents disagree with the characterization.
Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/white-house/new-survey-show-53-registered-voters-see-entire-biden-agenda-big-government

Greenfield: The Post-American World Order Is All Around Us
What’s the Post-American World Order? Simply put it’s the world realizing that the United States is mostly irrelevant. It’s not necessarily anti-American. Much of the PAWO consists of American allies trying to fill the gap by creating their own ad-hoc arrangements whether it’s the Abraham Accords between Israel and some of Iran’s Sunni opponents, or Asian countries, India and Australia trying to block China. […]  I trace the PAWO to the Obama administration and it’s in full swing these days under Biden. The Biden administration somehow manages to be even weaker and more feckless than the Obama administration. Its combination of posturing and appeasement is almost unbelievable.
Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2021/12/post-american-world-order-all-around-us-daniel-greenfield/

Benny Johnson tweet: Biden says he’s “willing to lose” his presidency over sticking by his botched Afghanistan withdrawal because he says there was no way to get out without anyone getting hurt.
13 dead members of the military.
Watch the 46 second video: https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1470429681925201922

Schow: Jim Clyburn Says Democrats Will ‘Get Around’ Filibuster To Pass Progressive Voting Expansion
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) said Democrats would find a way to “get around” the filibuster in order to pass their preferred federal voting legislation. Clyburn made the comments to “Axios on HBO,” telling the program that passing the Democrats’ desired legislation “may require some jiu-jitsu, but that’s not beyond the Senate to do that.” “They’ll come up with some way to get around it,” Clyburn added.
Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/jim-clyburn-says-democrats-will-get-around-filibuster-to-pass-progressive-voting-expansio


Rawls: : Defending Pedophilia Is The Logical Conclusion Of Queer Theory
Queer theory seeks to unite oppressed groups that fall outside the privileged normative language categories of sex (male or female) and sexuality (straight, gay, bisexual) into a single, oppressed banner of queer. To do this, it relies on the postmodern knowledge principle, which rejects objective knowledge and favors “knowledges” that arise from the lived experiences of individuals of certain identity groups. Walker uses theoretical tools to problematize the treatment of pedophilia as a sexual perversion to achieve her agenda. She uses the power of language to advocate for the new acronym “MAP” and blurs boundaries of sexuality. The focus is on the collective oppression of pedophiles. Using a “deconstructionist” perspective, Walker argues that pedophilia is a “social construct.” She boldly concludes that sexual attraction to minors is not morally offensive and claims that the vilification of pedophilia is more about control of sexual minorities than it is about the health or safety of children. Shockingly, this normalization of pedophilia is not unique to Walker. Another professor at ODU, Vanessa Panfil, has worked extensively with Walker on at least one scholarly article advocating for the destigmatization of pedophilia.
Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2021/12/13/defending-pedophilia-is-the-logical-conclusion-of-queer-theory/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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