Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 31 minutes


 President John Adams Founding Father and second president of the United States: “There is no nation on earth that can enslave a nation who trusts in God.  And no power on earth, foreign or domestic, can prevail who goes up against such a nation.”

Ray DiLorenzo contributor to Canada Free Press: In times past God has always been at the helm of the struggles we have endured, a level of protection covering us.  Our fight for independence is filled with God’s intervention, but now I believe it is no longer the case.  We have crossed too many red lines, engaged in too many unnecessary wars, wasted too much national treasure, have too many stupid people in government, and become too absorbed in reinventing mankind.  We have all gone astray, some for sins of commission, others for sins of omission, sitting on the fence.  As my mother would say, “You know right from wrong, now act like it.”

Amanda Prestigiacomo journalist for The Daily Wire: Following a slew of violent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers, New York Governor Kathy Hochul (D) is inexplicably amping up the rhetoric against pro-lifers, calling them “neanderthals.”

Clarice Feldman for American Thinker: Every now and then droplets of reality splash on the noggins of the world’s big thinkers. Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine seems to have highlighted — to all but the Biden administration — the folly of a singleminded attempt to curb carbon emissions, emissions which by the way may be more of a boon to the well-being of the earth and its inhabitants than not.

Elizabeth Dwoskin journalist for the Washington Post reports on billionaire investor Peter Theil: New reporting shows Thiel has set his sights on transforming American culture — and funding its culture wars — through what his associates refer to as “anti-woke” business ventures. These include a right-wing film festival, a conservative dating app founded by a former Trump administration ally and a firm, Strive Asset Management, that will “pressure CEOs to steer clear of environmental, social and political” causes, said Vivek Ramaswamy, the firm’s co-founder. One example is oil companies “committing to reduce production to meet environmental goals.”

Eric Deters the Bulldog, in November 2021 after reading what Ashley revealed in her dairy that as a young girl she showered with her father, Joe: “There is a sick perversion club in this country by the rich and powerful.”

Josh Boswell, a senior reporter at the Daily Mail, a British newspaper: “I think that what’s really interesting is that there’s been reporting over the FBI investigating the how the diary came out, but not into the actual facts inside the diary or the musings of the President’s daughter that the President was possibly, she thinks, maybe sexually inappropriate with her when she was a child. I think this is something that we all need to be looking at very carefully.”

Sundance contributor to The Last Refuge: Apparently, the U.K. courts were sympathetic to the claims by Julian Assange lawyers that U.S. government assassins would kill him.  However, after the DOJ assured the Brits that Assange would be imprisoned in Australia, not the U.S. after trial, the U.K. are ok with extraditing him.

Thaddeus G. McCotter contributor to American Greatness: Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger, my fellow Republicans: did you ever stop to ponder whether your useful idiocy on this committee makes you accomplices after the fact in covering up the Democrats’ attempted coup against President Trump; and of their continuing corrupt and potentially criminal use of the police and surveillance powers of the federal government against their political opponents and all dissenters to their radical diktats? Or how, when comes the day Donald Trump is gone, your dishonor will remain?

Leann Horrocks contributor to American Thinker:  Skilled and principled leaders who have a positive goal are dangerous to the Soros-Schwab-Davos-Bilderberg crowd because they can’t be controlled.  This is especially true if a leader’s positive goal is based on nationalism.  Nationalism is kryptonite to the Great Reset’s Superman.

Selwyn Duke contributor to American Thinker: . . . .leftists’ self-esteem, their self-image, their conception of self-worth, is tied in with their pseudo-ideology and group association. This is one reason disabusing them of their misguided notions can sometimes be impossible: You’re not merely combating intellectual error but emotional dependence. In many cases, relinquishing liberalism would collapse leftists’ whole world; their self-image and ego would implode. They’d feel lower than dirt.

David Zukerman contributor to American Thinker: In her June 18/19 column at the Wall Street Journal, Ms. Noonan takes Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” slap at Trump voters and goes one — nay, two better.  She refers to voters who question the results of the 2020 presidential election as “kooks, crooks, and freaks” and then smears the citizens who went to Washington, D.C. January 6, 2021 as “[t]hose poor stupid people.”

Chris Brown National Fatherhood Initiative president: “We see communities who are impoverished having very high rates of single parents. It builds upon itself, the more people you see making choices not to raise kids in married families, you get a network effect that grows. The normalization of single parenthood is not just a personal decision, because it affects the community at large. Studies indicate that children who grow up without a dad are more likely to grow up to commit crime, be unemployed, and require government assistance.”


(Five races are Republican races) Greenwood: 7 races to watch Tuesday, from Alabama to Georgia and beyond

Three states are holding primary runoff elections on Tuesday, while voters in Washington, D.C., and Virginia will hold nominating contests that could have implications for well-known Democratic incumbents.  In Alabama, one of the states with a closely watched runoff election, Rep. Mo Brooks and former Senate aide Katie Britt will face off for the GOP Senate nomination, while voters in Georgia are set to deliver verdicts on a pair of House candidates endorsed by former President Trump.  So, there’s plenty to keep an eye on. Here are seven races to watch on Tuesday. Alabama’s Republican Senate runoff Brooks and Britt, a former aide to retiring Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), are set to face off on Tuesday in a head-to-head match-up that will decide the state’s GOP Senate nominee — and likely Shelby’s successor. […] . . .

Read more:  https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/3530381-7-races-to-watch-tuesday-from-alabama-to-georgia-and-beyond/


(6/17/22) President Donald J. Trump in Nashville, Tennessee

Remarks were delivered to the Faith and Freedom Coalition.

Watch the 1:37:38 hour video: https://rumble.com/v18osbd-live-president-donald-j.-trump-in-nashville-tennessee.html

Horrocks: How Trump Became the Only One

Normally, when leftists want you to avoid something they don’t like, they simply ignore it.  They make sure the press doesn’t mention it, and they all yell as loudly as possible about anything else they can think of.  Not so with Donald Trump. Leftists think the hatred they have stoked against Donald Trump is the best idea they ever came up with.  They can make a lot of people angry about anything, but anger is hard to sustain — it’s tiring.  Hatred, however…now there’s a keeper.  It lives a life of its own; it can’t be killed.  The left jumped on that horse and now it has to ride it to the end — and the horse isn’t paying attention to the rider. […] So how did all this hate business start? This hatred push was really only part of a plan.  When you look at this from 20,000 feet, the global plan included the removal of strong leaders.  It is much more difficult to lead while being positive than to simply lash out against “the other.”  Skilled and principled leaders who have a positive goal are dangerous to the Soros-Schwab-Davos-Bilderberg crowd because they can’t be controlled.  This is especially true if a leader’s positive goal is based on nationalism.  Nationalism is kryptonite to the Great Reset’s Superman.

Read more at American Thinker.


Roach: Lawsuits Against Gunmakers Are a Backdoor Gun Ban

In his recent remarks supporting new gun control laws, Joe Biden said, “We should repeal the liability shield that often protects gun manufacturers from being sued for the death and destruction caused by their weapons. They’re the only industry in this country that has that kind of immunity . . . The gun industry’s special protections are outrageous. It must end.” Along these lines, San Diego county supervisors recently voted to enable the county to sue gun manufacturers for deaths from firearms. This is all supposed to sound perfectly normal and analogous to lawsuits addressing other products, including hot coffee, cigarettes, and dangerous toys. What’s one more? But, in practice, such liability would be highly unusual and also bankrupt the industry. And that’s the point.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/19/lawsuits-against-gunmakers-are-a-backdoor-gun-ban/

Justice: White House Aims To Shut Down Ammunition Sales While Dems Claim To Engage In Good Faith Gun Talks

While Democrats claim to engage in talks on bipartisan gun legislation in good faith, the White House is aiming behind the scenes to shut down nationwide ammunition sales. In northwestern Missouri, a major government-owned ammunition plant is now facing closure as the Biden administration escalates its war on American gun owners, The Federalist has learned. The Lake City ammunition factory is one of the largest manufacturers of M855/SS109 ammo which is the most popular caliber for the most targeted firearm in the country: the AR-15. In operation since 1941 to produce ammunition for the U.S. Army, the government contracts with the private firm Winchester to run the enterprise and sell any excess supplies on the open market. The plant also produces XM855 and XM193 ammunition.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/06/17/white-house-aims-to-shut-down-ammunition-sales-while-dems-claim-to-engage-in-good-faith-gun-talks/

(H/T DG) Mercola: 97.8% of Mass Shootings Are Linked to This

97.8% of mass shootings occur in “gun-free zones,” as the perpetrators know legally armed citizens won’t be there to stop them […] Thoughts, emotions and a variety of environmental factors play into the manifestation of violence, but mental illness by itself cannot account for the massive rise in mass murder — unless you include antidepressants in the equation. Yet even when mental health does enter the mass shooter discussion, the issue of antidepressants, specifically, is rarely mentioned. The fact is, depression per se rarely results in violence. Only after antidepressants became commonplace did mass shootings take off, and many mass shooters have been shown to be on antidepressants. Prozac, released in 1987, was the first selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) to be approved for depression and anxiety. Only two years earlier, direct-to-consumer advertising had been legalized. In the mid-1990s, the Food and Drug Administration loosened regulations, direct-to-consumer ads for SSRIs exploded and, with it, prescriptions for SSRIs. In 1989, just two years after Prozac came to market, Joseph Wesbecker shot 20 of his coworkers, killing nine. He had been on Prozac for one month, and the survivors of the drug-induced attack sued Eli Lilly, the maker of Prozac. Since then, antidepressant use and mass shootings have both risen, more or less in tandem.

Read more: https://www.theepochtimes.com/97-8-of-mass-shootings-are-linked-to-this_4537542.html?utm_source=Health&utm_campaign=health-2022-06-18&utm_medium=email&est=dt%2BbxxKYLvYUqc8TU6gWj1auNBx7I5lEV8Oz%2F2qNSqfbWItvHGSRuT%2FyUHm066K4ZBtjHGTFYsU%3D


Glazov Gang: Dinesh D’Souza on ‘2000 Mules’

This new Glazov Gang episode features Dinesh D’Souza, creator of his new film, 2000 Mules. Dinesh discusses his new film, 2000 Mules, unveiling the ballot laundering cartel.

Watch the 38 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/06/glazov-gang-dinesh-dsouza-2000-mules-glazov-gang/


Solomon: Republicans introduce bill to defund John Kerry, other Biden ‘climate tyrants’

Eight Republican House members have introduced legislation to defund climate czar John Kerry and other “climate tyrants“ inside the Biden administration, blaming them for an energy crisis that has sent gasoline soaring to $5 a gallon. The group, led by Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, introduced the No Taxpayer Funding for CZARS Act that would ban federal funding for any activity of the special presidential envoy for climate, including salary and both administrative and travel expenses. “Hard-working Americans are struggling every day to afford gas and electricity because of the disastrous energy policies peddled by hysterical fools like John Kerry,” Roy said in announcing the legislation. He took particular aim at Kerry‘s reported use of government jets to fly to global environmental conferences. […]  Others joining in the legislation are: Reps Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, Thomas Massie of Kentucky, Lauren Boebert of Colorado, Scott Perry of Pennsylvania, Mary Miller of Illinois, Louie Gohmert of Texas, Andy Biggs of Arizona, and Greg Steube of Florida. [NOTE: All are members of the House Freedom Caucus.]

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/environment/republicans-introduce-bill-defund-john-kerry-other-climate-tyrants


Heine: Sen. John Cornyn Loudly Booed at Texas GOP Convention in Houston

Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), the lead Republican negotiator for gun control legislation in the U.S. Senate, was roundly booed Friday when he took the stage at the state’s GOP convention in Houston. The boos reportedly grew louder when he mentioned the gun legislation that is currently being crafted in the Senate in response to the recent spate of mass shootings in the United States.

Read more/Watch the 11 second clip: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/17/sen-john-cornyn-loudly-booed-at-texas-gop-convention-in-houston/


Amor Mix: Tucker Carlson Tonight 6/17/22

Biden’s & Jill’s only daughter’s dairy describes showering with her dad when she was a young girl.

Watch the first 17 minutes.

Widburg: Did Ashley Biden reveal her father, Joe, is a creep to the point of pedophilia?

It’s no secret to anybody paying attention that Joe Biden has an unwholesome obsession with little children, especially little girls. He can’t seem to keep his eyes, his hands, or his nose off them. The Daily Mail has also released text from a diary kept by Ashley Biden, Joe’s drug-addicted, sex-addicted daughter, mentioning inappropriate showers with her father at a young age that may have led to her unhealthy sexual obsessions. Tucker Carlson, upon learning of this, launched an incendiary attack against Biden, the system that’s long protected him from closer scrutiny, and the DOJ and FBI harassing journalists for investigating the story. Both of Biden’s living children—Hunter and Ashley—have substance abuse problems. What’s less well known is that they both suffer from sex addictions. Hunter has never admitted to this addiction but the contents of his hard drive make it patently clear that sex (and his own genitals) are obsessions with him. Moreover, because sex triggers the pleasure centers in the brain, it can be as much an addiction as drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. […]  To give context to Joe Biden’s weirdness around children, here’s a video that juxtaposes images of Joe Biden pawing and sniffing little children with a completely unrelated, but incredibly apropos, talk about how pedophiles groom children: . . .

Read more/Watch the 2:20 minute Swanson video:

(Updated) Boswell: ‘If that’s not child molestation, it is definitely close’: Tucker Carlson blasts Biden over daughter Ashley’s diary admission that taking showers with him as a girl may have contributed to her sex addiction after DailyMail.com revealed the extract

Tucker Carlson questioned why the FBI was investigating the alleged theft of a diary as it is not a federal crime. Carlson said: ‘The answer lies in what’s in the diary. Now we know what’s in the diary’  Ashley Biden allegedly wrote in a January 2019 entry: ‘I remember having sex with friends @ a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)’  […]  Carlson shared his horror at the detail contained within Ashley Biden’s diary on his Fox News show Friday night, branding it ‘sick’ and ‘horrifying’ and questioning whether it was child molestation worthy of a visit from police. He also said the president was effectively using the Feds as his secret police force, after we revealed that Aimee Harris is being investigated over Ashley Biden’s journal, which details her sex addiction and showers she had with her president father. Harris hasn’t been arrested or charged – but the Fox News star questioned why she was being probed over an incident that is not a federal crime. [NOTE: It’s interesting that both troubled children abandoned damning information about their father. Hunter his laptop.  Ashley her diary.]

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10929171/Tucker-Carlson-blasts-Joe-Biden-setting-FBI-woman-sold-Ashley-Bidens-diary.html


Spencer: The Mysteries of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

The whole world knows that Old Joe Biden is not really the man in charge. Biden himself has made this clear on numerous occasions, with his many oblique references to getting in trouble if he deviated from the instructions he was given. But it has never been fully clear who is running this dumpster fire known as the Biden administration; speculation has run to chief of staff Ron Klain, Barack Obama, and others. Now, however, another name must be added to the mix: that of none other than Hunter Biden. […]  Hunter was proud of how much Old Joe admired him: “All those fears you think that I have of people not liking me or that I don’t love myself…I don’t fear that. You know why I don’t fear that? Because the man I most admire in the world, that god to me, thinks I’m a god. And my brother did, too. And the three of us, it was literally — I had the support to know I can do anything.” At another point, Hunter said: “Everyone thinks it, talks about how — ‘How can you be as good as your dad?’ ‘I’m better than my dad. You know why I’m better than my dad? Because my dad tells me I’m better than him, since I was 2 years old.” Is Hunter Biden calling the shots in the White House? Someone is. Joe Biden has many times intimated that he is not the one who is doing so and that he knows this.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/06/mysteries-hunter-bidens-laptop-robert-spencer/


Revolver.News: Democrat Hatchet Man Norm Eisen’s Fingerprints Are All Over a Dark New Element of the Jan 6 Witch Hunt

If the Regime’s broader purpose in hyping the so-called January 6 “insurrection” is to cast all Trump supporters as de facto domestic terrorists, its more urgent and immediate purpose is to kneecap the political prospects of Trump and his allies as the 2024 elections approach. That the overhyped January 6 Committee hearings turned out to be a major ratings flop may not therefore ultimately matter, depending on the Committee’s success in pressuring its audience of one, Attorney General Merrick Garland, to pursue criminal charges against the former President. Garland himself took the ominous step of noting that he is watching the hearings and he can “assure us that all of the January 6 prosecutors are watching all the hearings as well.” […] As it so happens, an individual by the name of Norm Eisen has emerged as one of the leading voices formulating January 6 Committee’s purpose as teeing up a criminal indictment against Trump for the Justice Department. If the name sounds familiar, it is because Revolver News brought Eisen’s name to national attention as a key Democrat legal hatchet man and color revolution professional driving a coup attempt against then sitting President Donald Trump: . . .[…] Though Norm Eisen kept a low profile for months after Revolver’s expose on him, he has been positively giddy as of late at the prospect of the January 6 committee serving up a criminal indictment of President Trump.

Read more:  https://www.revolver.news/2022/06/norm-eisen-january-6-committee-benny-thompson-dark-conspiracy-against-president-trump/

( Déjà vu ) Kruta: Adam Schiff Insists He ‘Has Evidence’ Trump Was Involved In Plot To Overturn Election — But Won’t Reveal It

Congressman Adam Schiff insisted on Sunday that the January 6th Committee had “evidence” of former President Donald Trump’s involvement in an effort to over turn the results of the 2020 election, but refused to reveal it because he did not want to “get ahead of the hearing.” Schiff joined anchor Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union” to discuss the ongoing public committee hearings – and Bash pressed Schiff several times on his claims that Trump had been involved in what happened.

Read more/Watch the 1:43 minute clip: https://www.dailywire.com/news/adam-schiff-insists-he-has-evidence-trump-was-involved-in-plot-to-overturn-election-but-wont-reveal-it

Delaney: Dr. Simone Gold remains committed to medical freedom despite being a victim of ‘selective prosecution’

Yesterday’s report of the draconian sentencing of medical freedom hero Dr. Simone Gold brings into stark relief the reality that the U.S. government/media complex is waging war against sincere law-abiding citizens in a desperate attempt to retain and expand power. Dr. Gold, the founder of the advocacy group America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS), was sentenced Thursday to 60 days in prison for being present during the January 6, 2021, disturbance at the U.S. Capitol. The former emergency room doctor, who is a graduate of both Chicago Medical School and Stanford University Law School, is also facing 12 months of supervised release and is tagged with $9,500 in fines, a sum that CNN noted is “the largest fine imposed to date among the almost 200 rioters who have been sentenced.” […]  “Like most January 6 defendants, [Gold] is a victim of selective prosecution – the defining feature of corrupted governments,” the statement continues. “For comparison’s sake, consider . . .

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/dr-simone-gold-remains-committed-to-medical-freedom-despite-being-a-victim-of-selective-prosecution/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa

WarRoom Battleground EP 75: We’re Still Exporting Our Natural Gas; Preserve Your Documents

Darren Beattie Revolver.news editor discusses January 6 Committee.

Start the video at the 6:34 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v18ua8l-warroom-battleground-ep-75-were-still-exporting-our-natural-gas-preserve-yo.html

McCotter: A Cretinous Beltway Reproduction of a Stalinist Show Trial

Regarding the motivation behind the committee, one is to damage Donald Trump’s prospects in 2024, which the committee is in fact abetting by driving his base to rally around him. (Of course, this could well be the Democrats’ covert hope, as many of them, rightly or wrongly, consider him the most beatable GOP nominee.) Another motive is to deflect public attention from Joe Biden and the Democrats’ disastrous economy. (Good luck with that).  Yet, in conjunction with current developments in an ongoing criminal investigation and upon further reflection following this cretinous Beltway reproduction of a Stalinist show trial, these Democrats’ hearings have a far more subversive motive: namely, concealing and preventing the detection of their own party’s weaponization of the federal government’s police and surveillance powers against its opponents, most notably in the instance of “Russiagate.”

Why? Because the truth is coming out. The New York Post’s editorial board nailed it: . . .

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/17/a-cretinous-beltway-reproduction-of-a-stalinist-show-trial/

Widburg: Simon & Schuster will distribute the Jan 6 committee report but with a twist

The folks at Mother Jones, the unabashedly hard-left magazine, cannot get over the horror: Simon & Schuster is planning to distribute the final report from the January 6 Committee. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the forward will be from a “conspiracy theorist.” Translation: Someone who believes that the events on January 6 may have involved a large amount of federal activity, including entrapment, is going to be able to have a say about a committee report that was issued following a Stalinist proceeding without any semblance of due process. […]  Has Simon & Schuster suddenly become pro-Trump? No. What’s really happening is that Simon & Schuster has a distribution agreement with Skyhorse Publishing, an independent publishing company. Skyhorse is the one that’s publishing the committee’s report and it made the decision to have Darren Beattie, who is the publisher of Revolver News, have a say in the matter.

Read more at American Thinker.


Tucker Carlson 6/17 tweet: Stephen Colbert’s producers just committed insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.

Watch the 2:01 minute video: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1537963430358884353?cxt=HHwWgoCpge3l-NcqAAAA

Sundance: Worse Than Watergate, Seven Members of Steven Colbert Television Crew Arrested Breaking Into Congressional Offices in DC Capitol

Apparently, California congressman Adam Schiff was helping the television crew to break the law.  The group reportedly banged on doors of several Republican offices –  including that of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, Jim Jordan of Ohio and Lauren Boebert of Colorado — as they allegedly filmed a skit for Colbert’s “Late Show” program that was to center around the January 6 hearings.  The incident was covered by Jesse Watters on his broadcast this evening.

Watch the 7:35 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/06/17/worse-than-watergate-seven-members-of-steven-colbert-television-crew-arrested-breaking-into-congressional-offices-in-dc-capitol/

Saavedra: New Details Emerge About Stephen Colbert Staffers Who Were Arrested For Unlawful Entry Into U.S. House Building

The staffers “tried weeks ago to get credentials for the 1/6 committee hearings,” Fox News correspondent Chad Pergram tweeted. “The House Radio/TV Gallery rejected the request from the Colbert team out of hand because they are not ‘news.’” Pergram reported that the team was allowed in the office building if they were invited, which they supposedly were. “The Colbert team conducted interviews earlier in the day Thursday with 1/6 committee members Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Stephanie Murphy (D-FL),” Pergram tweeted. “They also interviewed. Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) who is not a member of the committee.” The group then left the House office buildings but were let back in by an aide to Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) because the aide reportedly believed that they had additional work to do. “The group apparently then roamed the House office buildings unattended for hours,” Pergram said. “They were arrested near the office of Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) around 8:30 pm et and charged with unlawful entry. They were in jail for part of the night before being released Friday.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/new-details-emerge-about-stephen-colbert-staffers-who-were-arrested-for-unlawful-entry-into-u-s-house-building


Solomon: Hillary Clinton bows out of rematch with Trump, says she won’t run in 2024

In an interview with the Financial Times, Clinton said she expects President Joe Biden to run for reelection and does not want to get in the way of that. ”No, out of the question,” she said when asked about 2024. “First of all, I expect Biden to run. He certainly intends to run. It would be very disruptive to challenge that.” She talked about the 2024 election in apocalyptic terms, saying that democracy was at stake and “whatever does not help you win should not be a priority.”

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/hillary-clinton-bows-out-rematch-trump-says-she-wont-run-2024


Just the News staff: CDC gives final approval for infants, toddlers and preschoolers to get COVID-19 vaccines

The shots, for children as young as 6 months, will become available next week.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/coronavirus/cdc-gives-gave-final-approval-covid-19-vaccines-infants-toddlers-and

WarRoom Battleground EP 75: We’re Still Exporting Our Natural Gas; Preserve Your Documents

Dr. Paul Alexander interviewed regarding the FDA’s unexplainable push to vaccinate babies and young children.

Start the video at the 39:20 minute mark: https://rumble.com/v18ua8l-warroom-battleground-ep-75-were-still-exporting-our-natural-gas-preserve-yo.html

(Updated report  12/14/20 – 6/10/21) 1.3 Million Reports of Injuries After COVID Vaccines, VAERS Data Show, as CDC Meets to Rubber-Stamp Shots for Kids Under 5

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 1,301,356 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 28,859 deaths and 238,412 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and June 10, 2022.

Read more: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-vaccine-injuries-vaers-data-cdc-meeting-kids/?itm_term=home

Episode 1,938 – 64% Of Independence Disapprove Of Biden’s Regime; Defenders Of The West

Dr. Naomi Wolf provides an update.

Start the video at the 10:26 minute mark: https://rumble.com/v18t65j-episode-1938-64-of-independence-disapprove-of-bidens-regime-defenders-of-th.html

Berenson: Another conspiracy theory comes true

Covid-19 vaccination BNT162b2 temporarily impairs semen concentration and total motile count among semen donors.

Read more: https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/another-conspiracy-theory-comes-true-e41?utm_source=%2Fprofile%2F12729762-alex-berenson&utm_medium=reader2


Rafizadeh: Iran’s Nuclear Program: Where Is the Biden Administration’s Plan B?

There also exists the dangerous likelihood, if and when Iran’s regime has nuclear weapons, that they will fall into the hands of Iran’s proxies and militia groups, or that the regime will share its nuclear technology with its proxies and allies, including the Syrian regime and the Taliban in Afghanistan. Iran’s regime has already been setting up weapons factories abroad, and manufacturing advanced ballistic missiles and weapons in foreign countries, such as in Syria. These weapons include precision-guided missiles with advanced technology to strike specific targets.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18619/iran-nuclear-program-plan-b

Feldman: Russia’s Ukrainian Invasion May End the Monomaniacal Focus on Carbon Emissions

In Foreign Policy, Ted Nordhaus suggests the invasion may end the cold war on fossil fuels.  He argues that global leaders have had too great a focus on carbon emissions while ignoring questions of affordability and reliability of energy supply, and those are policies which most hurt the poor. (Although right now, even those of us not poor are seeing daily evidence of how unaffordable these extravagant fantasies of a carbon zero world are becoming.)  He describes historically how the end of the Cold War era led both to an unrealistic idea of the course of energy supply and the performative theater of internationalists: . . . […]  Peace, technological advances, and economic competition did more to reduce “carbon intensity” than international conferences and aspirational agreements, and to a large part these technological advances were due to “growth powered by cheap fossil fuels.”

Read more at American Thinker.


CHANG: China’s Economy Is Collapsing. Here’s Why You Should Worry

Chinese ruler Xi Jinping has staked his rule on making China larger, by annexing neighbors. Taiwan is not his only target. He needs success to assure a precedent-breaking third term as the Communist Party’s general secretary, but the Chinese people, preoccupied by a failing economy, are in no mood for their leader’s aggression. We start with the Party’s storyline that the relaxation of COVID-19 lockdowns is leading to an economic revival. Don’t believe it. The ongoing downturn is not merely the result of disease-control measures. The most fundamental problem is that Xi has been reversing reforms and reinstituting strict state control. He is a totalitarian at heart.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/06/19/opinion-chinas-economy-is-collapsing-heres-why-you-should-worry-chang/


Killian: Why Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Suburbs

The war on America’s suburbs has opened a new front.  Buried in President Biden’s proposed budget for 2023 is a $10-billion bribe for suburban communities to remove zoning barriers to high-density housing.  The federal government promises the suburbs funding for street improvements, traffic control, and water and sewer lines if they adopt “housing-forward policies” that eliminate single-family zoning and open their communities to “affordable housing.” This is no benign endeavor to provide more housing.  It is a strong signal to Democrat-controlled states to gear up the decades-long efforts to bludgeon affluent communities into submitting to “housing justice” and providing their “fair share.” The New York metro area has been ground zero for efforts to erode local zoning, and if Democrats retain the governorship and supermajorities in both houses of the Legislature, the pressure will be on New York’s officials to enact legislation — first to weaken local zoning and then to destroy it.  Their new tools are accessory dwelling units (ADUs), which can be apartments over garages and standalone dwellings, and large multi-family transit-oriented developments (TODs), surrounding train stations and bus depots.

These efforts are being fueled by housing activists and progressive think-tanks like the Brookings Institution, which declared in a January 2022 article: “By some measures, the suburban counties around New York City have some of the worst exclusionary zoning in the nation.”

To understand the hostility to the suburbs, some background is useful.

Read more at American Thinker.

VDH: Biden and Oil: Destroy America in Order to Save It

Try to follow the Joe Biden energy plan of frantically trying to get his hands on more of something that his own party despises.  During the Democratic primaries, Biden ran on the premise that he would end all fossil fuels during his tenure. In 2019-2020 that bluster seemed easy demagoguery at a time of near-record low gas and diesel prices. The American people shrugged at such utopianism since they often were filling up their cars for less than $50. Biden’s video clips from the primary campaign now seem surreal, as he tried to out-green Bernie Sanders in boasting about what has now become his own self-created energy disaster. Biden monotonously promised at rallies, such as they were, that he would cancel pipelines, stop new federal leasing to oil and gas companies, persuade lenders to restrict loans to them, put the Alaska National Wildlife Reserve off limits, and embrace the green new deal. Those were certainly campaign boasts that he has followed up on. His environmental czar John Kerry has just insulted Americans by lecturing them that there is no need to pump more gas and oil to reduce gas prices that are well over $6 a gallon in many of the Western states. The billionaire Kerry exudes Antoinette disdain for the muscular classes, a hubris that now characterizes the elite rich leadership of the Left in general.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/19/biden-and-oil-destroy-america-in-order-to-save-it/

WarRoom Battleground EP 75: We’re Still Exporting Our Natural Gas; Preserve Your Documents

Dave Walsh – energy consultant, former President, Mitsubishi Power Systems is interviewed.

Start the video at the 22:10 minute mark: https://rumble.com/v18ua8l-warroom-battleground-ep-75-were-still-exporting-our-natural-gas-preserve-yo.html

Catenacci: Top US Energy Officials Appear To Be Stonewalling FOIA Requests For Secret White House Meetings

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has appeared to put off an information request related to the agency’s communications with White House officials. The Institute for Energy Research (IER), a Washington, D.C.-based energy policy group, requested copies of all email correspondence between FERC Chairman Richard Glick and the White House beginning in September 2021, in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated March 29, according to documents shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation. The IER filed the request after Glick said under oath, during a March 3 Senate hearing, that he hadn’t consulted with any Biden administration higher-ups about implementing policies blocking domestic natural gas pipeline development.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/06/17/richard-glick-ferc-pipeline-institute-for-energy-research/

Nobel: And A Bear Came to Wall Street

The last time we provided you with market commentary was in late May.

You might recall, that our position since last summer was that when the Fed took action to constrain inflation, all the markets that had been elevated by easy money policies and zero interest rates would face a challenge.The market had fallen so far and so hard by our last visit, that we suggested a respite, at least a temporary contra trend rally. We got one from late May into mid-June, but it was feeble and short-lived. Since then, it has been like being mauled by a Kodiak bear. In 5 of the last 7 sessions, more than 90% of stocks on the NYSE fell. According to Jason Geopfert at SentimentTrader.com, this is the worst bout of selling in the S&P since 1928! From the May 27 temporary peak, the most widely followed average shed about 11.5 %. About the only positive thing you can say about this is that such extremes tend to indicate capitulation. Maybe we get the contra trend rally?

Read more: https://pricklypear.news/and-a-bear-came-to-wall-street/

Zubatov: How to Create White Supremacy in Seven Easy Steps

Headline notwithstanding, this isn’t meant as a blueprint for actual white supremacists. I would not be writing this had the identity politickers on the woke Left not already followed this step-by-step guide perfectly. Perhaps they didn’t know any better. But they couldn’t have done any worse. With that said, imagine we had the goal of taking a nation in which race relations had been steadily improving for decades and plunging it back into the racial maelstrom from which a new wellspring of white supremacy could emerge. Here’s what we’d do: Step 1: Dismantle the Idea of Race-Blindness. If our goal is more white supremacy, our big obstacle is that lots of people don’t dwell on race, and when they do notice themselves thinking about race, they try to tamp down the thought. With several generations weaned on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ideal of a colorblind society, we need to begin by reviving race-consciousness. We start by seeding a bunch of articles and videos in high-circulation channels telling us race-blindness is racism.  We might hear a reaction like this: . . .[…]  Step 2: Get Children to See Race Early and Often. Next, let’s get kids while they’re still young. It’s “never too early to learn,” contends the aptly titled EmbraceRace organization. Even toddlers and babies can detect race, a Boston University publication informs us, but because naïve kids might not make much of superficial skin-tone differences, let’s make clear, starting in preschool, that what they’re seeing is this big bugaboo we call “race.” Indoctrinating the future influencers in elite private preschools will have the most impact. By the time they’re 6 years old, we can start teaching white kids that they are born privileged racist oppressors. As one fawning story about such education puts it, . . .[…]  Step 3: Invent Race-Based Insults to Target Whites. We’ve given whites a clear racial identity; now, we have to . ..

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/19/how-to-create-white-supremacy-in-seven-easy-steps/

DeBlasi: Living Under Nazi Dictatorship

Before the COVID invasion, a story appeared in a magazine called “Military,” no longer published, about an Austrian woman who grew up under Hitler’s Nazi regime. I saved it and, in reexamining it, found that its relevance for us is greater than before. What the woman had to say presents parallels to current times that are, to say the least, astonishing. I shall call the woman Betty. Hitler did not take Austria with tanks and guns, said Betty, he was elected by the Austrian people. […]  On the day Hitler was elected (March 13, 1938), Betty entered her school classroom to find a picture of Hitler on the wall where there had always been a crucifix. Her teacher, a devout Christian, told the class that they would no longer be praying and having religion. Class began by singing “Deutschland, Deutschland, Über Alles” and two hours of political indoctrination. The rest of the school day was for sports. The sports equipment was provided free. Sunday was National Youth Day, which all schoolchildren had to attend. Parents of children that failed to attend got letters of warning that a second nonattendance of their children would bring a heavy fine, and a third such failure would subject them to imprisonment. […]  Then came a mandate to register guns. Criminals would be caught by matching serial numbers on guns. Most citizens were law-abiding and gun owners dutifully marched to the police sta­tion to comply with the mandate. Freedom of speech ended. Whoever said anything against the government was arrested, and this included priests and ministers who spoke against the government.

Read more at American Thinker.

Piper: ‘Sexualization of children’: Feminists join Christian conservatives to stop Biden LGBTQ order

President Biden has strengthened the growing coalition between social conservatives and gender-critical feminists against transgender ideology by issuing an executive order on “advancing equality” for people who are not heterosexual or don’t identify with their sex. While they disagree on abortion rights and same-sex attraction, this ideological odd couple shares common ground on the primacy of sex-based rights, the harm of pornography and even the “sexualization of children” through exposure to adult themes such as drag.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/white-house/sexualization-children-feminists-join-christian-conservatives-stop-biden


Dwoskin: Peter Thiel helped build big tech. Now he wants to tear it all down.

Last month, Thiel finally stepped down from the social network, formally dissolving one of the most powerful partnerships in the history of Silicon Valley. As Facebook’s first outside investor, its longest-serving board member and a close adviser to CEO Mark Zuckerberg since he launched the company as a Harvard sophomore in 2004, Thiel helped alter the direction of the company whose products serve billions. Thiel’s ambition to serve as an architect of the American right had grown increasingly at odds with his position on the board of one of the movement’s top enemies — a political shift that dovetailed with his own growing alienation from Silicon Valley. Reports at the time said that Thiel left the Facebook board to focus on politics, including a slate of 2022 congressional candidates aligned with former president Donald Trump. But interviews with members of his inner circle indicate that his departure was years in the making, driven by a growing philosophical rift between Thiel and Facebook as conservatives became uncomfortable with the tech industry’s willingness to police online speech. Thiel, according to those close to him, lost his appetite to serve as Facebook’s defender as his political aspirations matured. […]  “Peter deeply believes that there is huge opportunity in creating a parallel economy,” said Ramaswamy, a former biotech CEO and author of “Woke, Inc.: Inside America’s Social Justice Scam.” “Serving Americans who are disaffected from corporate America today would be the backbone of the next generation of major companies — and almost nobody is going after that opportunity in a serious way,” he said.

Read more: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:wlJHgNbQI18J:https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/19/peter-thiel-facebook-new-right/+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us


Kornicc: Teen Vogue argues current Supreme Court is ‘illegitimate,’ at a ‘crisis moment’

Teen Vogue published an op-ed on Thursday that claimed the Supreme Court is facing a “crisis moment” of legitimacy because of its conservative justices. The piece by Molly Coleman and Tristin Brown began by claiming that Justice Clarence Thomas’ refusal to recuse himself from cases involving the Jan. 6 events at the Capitol because of his wife’s connections was the latest display of “illegitimacy.” “As egregious as Justice Thomas’s refusal to recuse is, it is merely the latest display of the current Supreme Court’s illegitimacy. The creation of a 6-3 radically conservative supermajority on the Court is the result of a conservative legal movement determined to seize power at any cost,” the article read. Coleman and Brown further argued that the addition of the three justices nominated by President Donald Trump were also illegitimate “because of bad-faith practices by conservatives.”

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/media/teen-vogue-current-supreme-court-illegitimate-crisis


Lex Fridman tweet:  I went down the rabbit hole reading about how harvester heads work and now I’m glad they’re not controlled by AI.

Watch the 34 second clip: https://twitter.com/lexfridman/status/1538372924285018113?cxt=HHwWgoCzwcSBs9kqAAAA

Burroughs: Pro-Abortion Protestors March At Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s Home With Blood And Doll Props

Pro-abortion protestors marched in front of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s home on Saturday wearing “blood” stained clothing and carrying toy dolls to protest the court’s potential overturn of Roe v. Wade. The Saturday action adds to a series of protests at the residences of conservative Supreme Court justices. “We aren’t incubators! Youth procession delivered baby dolls to Amy Coney Barrett. We aren’t protesting to change the minds of women-hating fascists. We’re calling on the pro-choice majority, on YOU, to get in the streets to STOP #SCOTUS from overturning Roe,” the Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights Twitter account posted along with a video of the protest.

Read more/Watch the 2 short clips: https://www.dailywire.com/news/pro-abortion-protestors-march-at-justice-amy-coney-barretts-home-with-blood-and-doll-props

Le Mahieu: Survey Shows Fewer Americans Believe In God Than Ever Before

A new survey released Friday from Gallup revealed that a record low number of Americans report a belief in God. The polling firm found that only 81% of Americans say they believe in God, which is the lowest amount since the group started asking the question back in 1944. This is down six points from 2013-2017, when 87% of Americans said they believed in God. “Fewer Americans today than five years ago believe in God, and the percentage is down even more from the 1950s and 1960s when almost all Americans did. Still, the vast majority of Americans believe in God, whether that means they believe a higher power hears prayers and can intervene or not,” Gallup noted.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/survey-shows-fewer-americans-believe-in-god-than-ever-before

Rosiak: In These Places, Most Kids Don’t Live With Their Dad

With families preparing to mark Fathers Day, the majority of kids in large swaths of the country will have nothing to celebrate, a Daily Wire analysis of newly released Census data shows. On the black map above, all of the blue areas are where most kids don’t live with two parents.At the state level, the disaster zone for intact families was Puerto Rico, where only 38% of children live with two parents. That is followed by the District of Columbia at 48%, and Mississippi, Louisiana, and New Mexico, at between 55% and 57%, according to the Census data, which covers the years 2016-2020. All states’ two-parent percentages are visible on the map below. The rate was even more jarring at the local level. […]  The states with the highest rate of kids with two parents were predictable: Utah at 81%, Idaho at 76%, Wyoming at 74%, and North Dakota at 73%.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/in-these-places-most-kids-dont-live-with-their-dad


Walsh: How Transgenderism Moved From Sideshow to the Main Stage

The following is an excerpt from Matt Walsh’s new bookWhat Is a Woman? One Man’s Journey to Answer the Question of a Generation, an investigation into the radical gender ideology movement. The passage is taken from Chapter 5, “The Transgender Takeover.”  Transgenderism has taken the (western) world by storm, and there’s no medium where we aren’t confronted with it, often on a daily basis. While this appears to have happened rather rapidly, pressure had been building for quite some time. In the early 1950s, a former GI from the Bronx who renamed himself Christine Jorgensen went to Copenhagen, Denmark, received a sex change surgery and massive doses of estrogen, and became the first international transgender media sensation. Three wire services together sent out a sum total of 50,000 words on the Jorgensen story in the first two weeks of coverage. While Alfred Kinsey and John Money conducted their experiments and the ideas behind sex change surgery and gender theory spread through academia, society at large took passing interest in the transgender issue after Jorgensen. One could be forgiven for living life in the mid 20th century without worrying if your daughter would come home and announce she is actually a man. It was a simpler time. Jorgensen was a media sensation, but like all media sensations, he was soon forgotten. In the 1970s, the controversy over Renee Richards broke onto the scene,

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/culture/how-transgenderism-moved-from-sideshow-to-the-main-stage/

Pack & Paoletta: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words

This interview is adapted from Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words, edited by Michael Pack and Mark Paoletta. (Regnery, 256 pages, $29.99).

The Hearings Begin […] MP: There were the opening statements from the senators and your opening statement and then the questioning begins. It was really relentless, day after day. It must have been grueling. Even though you have been through congressional hearings before, this must have been extraordinary.  CT: I’ve had worse things in life. I’ve been blessed because I’ve seen worse. It was a lot worse to be hungry and not know when you got to eat, or be cold and not know when you’re going to be warm again. These people who were doing the attacking had never known anything like that. They think that this is the worst that could ever happen. It was horrible, in every way, and I was worn down. I was exhausted. I was tired. I felt as though in my life I had been looking at the wrong people who would be problematic toward me. We were told that, “Oh it’s gonna be the bigot in the pickup truck. It’s gonna be the Klansman. It’s going to be the rural sheriff.” And I’m not saying that there weren’t some of those who were bad, but it turned out that through all of that, that ultimately, the biggest impediment was the modern day liberal. They were the ones who would discount all those things because they have one issue, or because they have the authority, the power to caricature you.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/17/clarence-thomas-in-his-own-words/

Flannery: Statesmen at the Helm

With epic understatement, James Madison wrote in 1787 that “Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm,” prophetically consoling his future countrymen for the catastrophic presidency of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. In his new bookThe Statesman as ThinkerPortraits of Greatness, Courage, and Moderation, Daniel Mahoney writes not just about “enlightened statesmen” but about great-souled statesmen, with philosophic gifts and the full complement of cardinal virtues. Such men and women are not just unusual. They are rare—and indispensable: “On rare but vitally important occasions, democracies need such men of virtue and honorable ambition to preserve and perpetuate free and civilized human life.” Mahoney thinks Solon, Pericles, Cicero, and George Washington were such statesmen. Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, and Nelson Mandela, for all their gifts, virtues, and importance, were not. Daniel Mahoney takes seriously his highest duty as a student of politics—to remind himself and his readers of true greatness. He offers chapters on Edmund Burke, Alexis de Tocqueville, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Charles De Gaulle, and Václav Havel, with helpful “Sources and Suggested Readings” at the end of each chapter.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/17/statesmen-at-the-helm/

WarRoom: Defenders Of The West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam

Raymond Ibrahim talks to host Steve Bannon about his new book “Defenders of the West: The Christian Heroes Who Stood Against Islam.” “One of the reasons I wrote the book is … the dereliction of Western leadership and just how bad it’s become in all facets of life, and I wanted to show that it wasn’t always this way. In fact, Western leaders, the kings of Europe and princes were usually not only the most conservative in their values but  the ones right there at the head of the battle to protect their way of life and religion.”

Watch the two part interview: https://warroom.org/2022/06/17/defenders-of-the-west-the-christian-heroes-who-stood-against-islam/


Sundance: Marine Le Pen French Nationalists Win 89 Seats in Parliamentary Election

The French parliamentary elections were held Sunday and delivered a surprising result for Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National party.   The RN won 89 seats, far beyond what would be needed (15 seats) to have a consequential impact in the assembly.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2022/06/19/marine-le-pen-french-nationalists-win-89-seats-in-parliamentary-election/

Citizen Free Press: Germany fires up dormant coal plants… Starts rationing gas…

Germany’s economy minister said Sunday that the country will limit the use of natural gas for electricity production amid concerns about possible shortages caused by a cut in supplies from Russia. Economy Minister Robert Habeck said that Germany will try to compensate for the move by increasing the burning of coal, a more polluting fossil fuel. “That’s bitter, but it’s simply necessary in this situation to lower gas usage,” said Habeck, a member of the environmentalist Green party. Russian gas company Gazprom announced last week that it was sharply reducing supplies through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline for technical reasons, but which Habeck said appeared to be politically motivated.

Read more: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/germany-fires-up-dormant-coal-plants-starts-rationing-gas/ 

Malloch: Die Frau Running Europe

Ursula von der Leyen won by eight votes. That was her margin of victory. Angela Merkel wanted one of her own and her supposed heir apparent before she was dumped. So, Europe is now led by an inept, corrupt stooge who pretends to be a head of state. This, she decidedly is not. The Brussels aristocracy wanted to impose a presidential candidate selected by the European Parliament’s political parties during the election way back in May 2019. Falling into line, the European Socialists came to the aid of the center-Right’s U-turn on their own presidential candidate, Manfred Weber, another German who took one for the team. The centrist Liberals, led by Emmanuel Macron’s own forces, also voted in lockstep, as expected. Poland’s government actually pushed the unappreciated candidate, who is scandal-ridden, over the finish line. She even plagiarized her doctoral thesis and got away with it! Not to mention her family pedigree: high-ranking Nazis. Par for the course. It is the EU, after all. More surprising was the support of the Greens, traditionally in opposition to the centrist establishment. Their performance in the election surprised everyone. That they would so quickly turn their backs on their historical environmental stances confirms the suspicions of many Eurosceptics—supposedly of the Left, supposedly environmentalist, they voted in a center-right figure with no bona fides on either count. Lacking a Green head of state in the European Council, they were, as the old saw goes, not at the table, therefore on the menu.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/18/die-frau-running-europe/

Archbishop Carlo Maria: ViganòAbp. Viganò: Freemasonry is using the WHO and the ‘Bergoglian church’ to advance its global coup

‘We are being governed by members of a global lobby of criminal conspirators who tell us directly that their plan is to eliminate us, and the whole time we are sitting here wondering why we have to wear masks on buses and not in restaurants.’ Armando Manocchia: Your Excellency, [Here in Italy] we are now in economic and financial bankruptcy, where the public debt is now over 2.7 billion euros. In my opinion the problem is the moral and ethical bankruptcy not only of the ruling class but also of a significant part of the population. What can we do to reconstruct a social fabric that includes an ethical and moral sense?

Archbishop Viganò: Bankruptcy is the inevitable result of multiple factors. The first is the transfer of the monetary sovereignty of individual nations to a supranational body such as the European Union. The European Central Bank is a private bank, lending money at interest rates to member states, forcing them into perpetual indebtedness. I recall, en passant, that the European Central Bank is officially owned by the Central Banks of the nations that are part of it; therefore, since the Central Banks are controlled by private companies, the ECB itself is essentially a private company, and acts as such. The second factor is seigniorage, . . . […]  Finally, the subversive action of the U.N. Agenda 2030 – that is, the Great Reset of the World Economic Forum – has as its declared purpose the transfer of the wealth of nations and individuals to large investment funds managed by the globalist mafia. This subversive operation must be denounced and prosecuted by the magistrates, because it constitutes a true silent coup against the community. I would, however, like to point out that the economic aspect is only one means of achieving far more worrying goals, such as total control of the world’s population and its enslavement: if citizens are deprived of home ownership; if they are prevented from having freedom of enterprise; if endemic unemployment is caused and increased by uncontrolled immigration and health emergencies, reducing labor costs; if Italians are harassed with exorbitant taxes; if the traditional family is penalized by making it practically impossible for two young people to marry and have children; if education is destroyed beginning in elementary school and the cultural vacuum is created by frustrating the talent of individuals; if the history of our native land is cancelled and the glorious heritage that made Italy great is denied in the name of inclusiveness and the renunciation of our national identity, what can one expect, if not a society without a future, without hopes, without the desire to fight and engage?

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/abp-vigano-freemasonry-is-using-the-who-and-the-bergoglian-church-to-advance-its-global-coup/?utm_source=featured&utm_campaign=usa

Spencer: Al-Azhar calls for new law criminalizing ‘Islamophobia’

Al-Tayeb says that he doesn’t hold Christ responsible for massacres by Christians. But that is not an exact analogy, because there are no massacres by people who are screaming “Jesus is Lord” as they kill, and there are no teachings of Christ calling for violence. Meanwhile, his claim that “Islam rejects violence among people of any religion” is, at best, unproven. If he gets his criminalization of “Islamophobia,” such questions will be forbidden even to be asked. “Al-Azhar calls for enacting law criminalizing Islamophobia,” Egypt Today, June 16, 2022: . . .

Read more: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2022/06/al-azhar-calls-for-new-law-criminalizing-islamophobia

Grant: Male blood donor, 66, turned away from clinic after he refused to answer a question on whether he was pregnant as part of a pre-donation questionnaire

Over nearly 50 years, Leslie Sinclair has given a formidable 125 pints of blood. But on his last trip he was turned away after refusing to answer a question on whether or not he was pregnant. Mr Sinclair, 66, was told to fill in a form which asked whether he was expecting a child or had been pregnant in the past six months. When he complained that as a man in his 60s this question did not apply and he should not have to answer it, Mr Sinclair said staff at the clinic told him they could not accept his blood.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10928505/Male-blood-donor-turned-away-clinic-refused-answer-pregnant.html


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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