Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 13 minutes


Eric Lendrum contributor to American Greatness: Politico reports that some of the states with gun control laws that may now be in jeopardy after the ruling include California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Washington D.C. Such states and jurisdictions also have laws in place that similarly try to restrict the ability of residents to carry handguns in public, in what is known as a “may-issue” approach. Now, as a result of the Supreme Court’s verdict, such states may have to rewrite the laws that are already on the books in order to avoid legal challenges based on the court’s latest ruling.

Christopher Roach is an adjunct fellow of the Center for American Greatness: The most salient part of the recent opinion is its ultimate conclusion: the Second Amendment is no longer the red-headed stepchild of the Bill of Rights, and the earlier Heller decision was not a fluke. Rather, the Second Amendment, like the entire Bill of Rights, imposes a meaningful limit on government action, because our rights, including the right to bear arms, did not end at some indeterminate period in the past, nor today at the threshold of our homes, but extend to protect us from government overreach in the more dangerous public environs of contemporary life.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Crime and abortion are both acts of violence. The Supreme Court has ruled that individuals and states have the right to defend against these forms of leftist violence. Conservative justices have sided with the victims of violence against the perpetrators of that violence. The Left has told us clearly and unequivocally whom it would kill. The Supreme Court has told us whom it would save.

David Horowitz & John Perrazzo  contributors to Frontpage Magazine: Of the 25 most prestigious medical schools in the United States – including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and the Mayo Clinic – at least 23 require their students to take classes or undergo training grounded in the tenets of Critical Race Theory.[10] Worse, still, medical students are subjected to constant brain-washing sessions with “Diversity Equity and Inclusion” commissars, run like Communist Re-education camps where dissent or questioning – the very basis of the scientific ethos – is forbidden, under pain of losing a medical career that you have spent a decade and more, at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars, training for.

Revolver.news: The modern American regime is built on explicit, institutionalized hostility to the people who most resemble the great Americans of the past. It is anti-white, anti-male, anti-Christian, anti-rural, and anti-middle class. The more of these traits a person has, the more worthy of hate they become. The more the Globalist American Empire decays and squanders the inheritance it was given, the more bile and hatred it directs against those who symbolize what came before. The white American middle class has become America’s kulaks — blamed for every problem, vilified for every success, and deserving of every punishment. Their destruction has become a fundamental goal of American political life.

Alex Berenson author: Last week, at the 2022 International Congress of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, a Danish researcher suggested that cannabis might be responsible for 25 percent of new cases of schizophrenia in young men.

Drita Rugov: ‘I was doing my normal usual grocery shopping here in ShopRite when I happened to see the former Mayor Giuliani in there. I went up to him to say “hello” and I wanted to take a photo with him. I was getting ready to take this photo when a gentleman that works here hit him open handedly in the back, closer to his neck and said to him “Hey you f***ing scumbag!”‘


7/26/2022: Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

“I listen to all of these foolish (stupid!) people, often living in a bygone era, like the weak and frail RINO, Peggy Noonan, who did much less for Ronald Reagan than she claims, and who actually said bad things about him and his ability to speak, or Rich Lowry, who has destroyed the once wonderful and influential National Review, the pride and joy of the legendary William F. Buckley, or George Will, whose mind is decaying with hatred and envy before our very eyes, or Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes, two people who are finally out of the conversation and of no relevance whatsoever.

Read more: https://twitter.com/RSBNetwork/status/1541082052027711492?cxt=HHwWiIC8jcP9guMqAAAA

Newsmax: (7/26/22)  FULL SPEECH: Donald Trump Save America Rally in Illinois

Watch the one hour speech: https://rumble.com/v19xv26-full-speech-donald-trump-save-america-rally-in-illinois.html


Sanchez: FBI Raids Home of Retired Texas Couple Who Attended Jan. 6 Capitol Rally

A retired Texas couple says FBI agents on June 22 broke through the gate of their rural home, threw flash-bangs, handcuffed them, and trained lasers on them before searching their home for evidence connected to the Jan. 6, 2021, breach of the Capitol.  […]  Raid Before Dawn The ordeal began when their gate alarm woke them up in the pre-dawn hours of June 22, DeWolfe said. At first, they thought a deer had tripped the alarm, but DeWolfe got up and saw a white car. Kennemer got his AR-15 rifle and went outside, not knowing what to expect, DeWolfe said. “I’m seeing one single white vehicle moving pretty fast, and I was thinking someone’s going to die,” Kennemer said. FBI officers got out of the white vehicle and told Kennemer, who had his rifle up in the air, to drop his weapon. He kept his rifle and asked the FBI to show him a warrant. Kennemer said someone threw a flash-bang at him repeatedly because he wouldn’t drop his weapon at first.

Read more at The Epoch Times.


Greenfield: Who Would You Kill?

The moral question behind the Supreme Court’s abortion and gun control decisions. The proximity of two Supreme Court decisions, one upholding the right to carry guns for self-defense, and the other, dispensing with Roe v. Wade and the myth of a constitutional basis for abortion, has unleashed the furies of political outrage and hot takes. […]  The moral chasm between the premeditated murder of the innocent and the desperate self-defense of beleaguered men fighting for their lives is both damning and revealing of the fundamental flaws of victimhood utilitarianism and Marxist power dynamics as guides.

How did we get to the point where babies can be killed and murderers can’t? The answer lies in the reduction of individuals to classes and classes to victims. Feminist analyses reduced babies from human lives to tools of the patriarchy, lacking agency and able only to deprive women of their own agency. Abortion became a fundamental means of restorinng feminist agency. The killing of children was celebrated as a revolutionary feminist act.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/06/who-would-you-kill-daniel-greenfield/

War Room: ‘Justice Thomas Is Brilliant’: Mike Davis Analyzes The Current Members And Future Of Supreme Court

Mike Davis of the Article III Project gives his assessment of the makeup of the current Supreme Court. Davis served as a law clerk to Justice Gorsuch and knows the other justices. He confirms that Clarence Thomas has been libeled by the left as an intellectual lightweight when he is actually brilliant.

Watch the 12:57 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/06/25/justice-thomas-is-brilliant-mike-davis-analyzes-the-current-members-and-future-of-supreme-court/

Anderson & Chamberlain: ‘Illegitimate’: Read Democrats’ Most Unhinged Reactions to Roe’s Reversal

After the decision’s release, Democratic elected officials, media members, and activists quickly assembled to delegitimize the Court and urge their supporters to take to the streets. As a result, the Washington Free Beacon compiled a list of the craziest liberal reactions to Roe‘s reversal.

Read tweets and watch short video clips: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/illegitimate-read-democrats-most-unhinged-reactions-to-roes-reversal/

Anderson & DeSanctis: How the Eugenics Movement Made Race-Based Abortions Normal

In 1916, Margaret Sanger opened a birth-control clinic in Brooklyn, New York, marking the first major endeavor of her career in social activism, which culminated in 1942 when she founded Planned Parenthood. Contrary to what many might assume from witnessing Planned Parenthood operate today as the nation’s largest abortion business, Sanger wasn’t an abortion activist. Instead, she founded Planned Parenthood as part of a crusade for contraception, which she believed would be an important element of social progress. Unlike feminists later in the 20th century who demanded birth control as a means of liberating women from the supposed tyranny of the female body, Sanger and her allies had a more nefarious angle. It was the Progressive Era, and elite progressive leaders were advocating a frightening campaign: Anglo-Saxon–oriented eugenic policy as a means of reshaping the U.S. population to look, in their view, more ideally American. In her 1919 essay “Birth Control and Racial Betterment,” Sanger couched her argument for birth control in the context and aims of the eugenics movement. “Elimination of the unfit,” Sanger argued, could not be fully achieved without widespread access to birth control. Sanger later elaborated on what she meant by “unfit,” describing the link as she saw it between birth control and progress: “If we are to develop in America a new race with a racial soul, we must keep the birth rate within the scope of our ability to understand as well as to educate. We must not encourage reproduction beyond our capacity to assimilate our numbers so as to make the coming generation into such physically fit, mentally capable, socially alert individuals as are the ideal of a democracy.” While Sanger and her fellow 20th-century eugenicists were not abortion advocates themselves, they no doubt would be pleased by the way in which the widespread acceptance of abortion has furthered their goal of reducing “undesirable” parts of the population.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/06/25/how-the-eugenics-movement-made-race-based-abortions-normal/

Saric: Warren calls for Supreme Court expansion after Roe overturned

The Supreme Court “set a torch” to its legitimacy with its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, warranting an expansion of the number of supreme court justices, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday. Why it matters: A majority of Americans disapprove of the court’s decision to effectively end all federal protections on abortion. At least 26 Republican-led states in total are expected to ban abortions or heavily restrict access to them in the wake of the ruling, according to the Guttmacher Institute, an abortion-rights organization. What they’re saying: “This court has lost legitimacy. They have burned whatever legitimacy they still may have had after their gun decision, after their voting decision, after their union decision,” Warren said.

Read more: https://www.axios.com/2022/06/26/warren-supreme-court-abortion


Lennox: Astonishing Testimony From Dr. Birx Lost Amid Landmark SCOTUS Rulings

With several controversial SCOTUS rulings addressing divisive issues like gun rights and abortion, an exchange between Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Dr. Debra Birx during a congressional hearing on Thursday escaped scrutiny. However, if a power-hungry politician, university, or employer compelled you or someone you love to receive an experimental vaccine in the last two years, it may make you furious. And Birx should be ashamed of herself for not speaking out earlier. […]   Jordan’s questions about the Biden administration’s message on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness should shock the conscience. Jordan asked Birx if the government was lying or guessing when it told the public that people who received the vaccination couldn’t get COVID. Birx responded that she did not know. However, she continued (emphasis added): . . . […]  Jordan went on to challenge Birx about what the government knew and when. “You were part of this effort when you were in the previous administration. And you’re saying in this administration that you can’t rule out the fact that our government was lying to us when they told us the vaccinated could not get the virus,” he charged.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/stacey-lennox/2022/06/26/astonishing-testimony-from-dr-birx-lost-amid-landmark-scotus-rulings-n1608251


Horowitz & Perazzo: The Racial Assault on Medical Science and Public Health

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was not uncommon to hear progressives identify the distribution of the virus as “racist,” and to call for a species of reverse racism to remedy the offense. In the words of Ibram X. Kendi – one of the most influential, widely read and intellectually vapid spokesmen for this cause: “The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination….”[1] In medical practice this now means providing special resources and special care to black patients whose medical conditions are allegedly caused by white racism. It is also unconstitutional and a nullification of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which specifically outlaws systemic racism, even against white people. It would be a relief to learn that this is a view confined to an academic fringe – and a mediocre one at that. But Ibram X. Kendi is not only a best-selling author and self-styled “anti-racist” advocate, he is also the head of a multi-million-dollar, tax-exempt, “anti-racism” institute at Boston University. Moreover, his racist remedies have taken root in America’s medical schools, hospitals, and professional associations and have become an integral policy of the American public health system. […]  Residency programs across the country have deliberately lowered their admissions standards so as to promote racial “diversity.”  […]  Far from being inspired by medical concerns or guided by the principles of scientific inquiry, these are just a panoply of anti-America, anti-capitalist, anti-white ideological radicals who have extended the radical assault on America’s constitutional foundations to a field which affects – and will now affect adversely – all Americans. And the Internal Revenue Service of the United States Government is there with a taxpayer-funded hand-up to help them.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2022/06/racial-assault-medical-science-and-public-health-david-horowitz-and-john-perazzo/

Dr. Robert Malone: Hospitals are sending your private medical data to Facebook

An article entitled “Facebook Is Receiving Sensitive Medical Information from Hospital Websites” is one of the more shocking investigative pieces of the week to not make mainstream corporate media. The authors document how there has been a tracking tool installed on many hospitals’ private website pages, which has been collecting patients’ health information. This includes medical conditions, prescriptions, and doctor’s appointments. This tool is then sending all that data to Facebook (and its parent company Meta). The authors, who originally published in The Markup, found this tool was installed in 33 out of 100 of the top hospitals in the U.S. and on seven major medical systems, including “My Chart.” This means that a large percentage of hospitals have been directly sending patient data to Facebook (or Meta): . . . […]  In reading this, I was struck that patients should demand that their data not be entered into such systems; a movement to return to data entry systems that are not corrupted by Meta, Facebook, or Google needs to be jump-started. As late as 2017, the government was actually worried about medical systems being hacked. But now? Where is our government in protecting patient’s rights?

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/dr-robert-malone-hospitals-are-sending-your-private-medical-data-to-facebook/?utm_source=wnd&utm_medium=wnd&utm_campaign=syndicated


Solomon: Navy threatens to penalize sailors who purposely misuse gender pronouns

The Navy is threatening to penalize sailors who purposely misuse pronouns to describe transgender service members, viewing it as a violation of the service’s harassment policy. Sailors who run afoul of the policy could face administrative or judicial action under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Navy Capt. Dave Hecht, a public affairs officer, told American Military News. “Intentional misuse of transgender service member pronouns is inappropriate and inconsistent with the Navy zero tolerance policy on harassment,” Hecht told the news site.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/free-speech/navy-threatens-penalize-sailors-who-purposefully-misuse-gender-pronouns

Burrow: Biden Pentagon Pledges To Protect Abortion Access For Troops

“Nothing is more important to me or to this Department than the health and well-being of our Service members, the civilian workforce and DOD families,” said Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, addressing concerns about abortion access in a statement Friday. “I am committed to taking care of our people and ensuring the readiness and resilience of our Force.” “The Department is examining this decision closely and evaluating our policies to ensure we continue to provide seamless access to reproductive health care as permitted by federal law,” he continued.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2022/06/25/pentagon-roe-v-wade-abortion-access/


Malone, M.D.: Immune Imprinting, Comirnaty and Omicron (part 1)

This is going to get a bit technical, so I suggest that you take a moment to go get a cup of coffee or tea before launching into this one. I will do my best to make it understandable, but immunology and virology can get a bit complicated, and I will bypass many of the nuances for the sake of brevity and comprehension. From the standpoint of the approved narrative, at this point in time (June 2022) one of the major unresolved COVIDcrisis mysteries has been why so many who are “fully vaccinated” (whatever that means) against SARS-CoV-2 are still developing infection and COVID disease.

Read more: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/immune-imprinting-comirnaty-and-omicron

Malone M.D.: Immune Imprinting, Comirnaty and Omicron (part 2)

More details emerge on why the mRNA vaccines are not preventing Omicron infection. Recently a series of high profile, “fully vaccinated” (four dose) pro-vaccine mandate politicians and bureaucrats have developed COVID-19 disease. In Part 1 of this two part series, a wide range of both primary data and mostly peer-reviewed academic publications relating to SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant “breakthrough infections” were reviewed, multiple working hypotheses for what might be the cause of “negative effectiveness” of the genetic vaccines were described, and one of the hypotheses with the strongest supporting data (“Immune imprinting”) was discussed. This discussion was structured around the introductory section and references cited in a peer reviewed manuscript published in Science magazine, entitled: . . . […]  Recently a series of high profile, “fully vaccinated” (four dose) pro-vaccine mandate politicians and bureaucrats have developed COVID-19 disease. […]  B cell immunity after three vaccine doses . . . Simplifying, if you were first infected with Wuhan Hu-1, then vaccinated, then infected with Omicron, your antibody levels against the important part of Spike (the receptor binding domain) were lower than those who had not been infected. […]  T cell immunity after three vaccine doses We next compared T cell responses in triple-vaccinated HCW 2-3 weeks after the third dose, . . .

Read more: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/immune-imprinting-comirnaty-and-omicron-520

Showalter: Nancy Pelosi disdainfully elbows Rep. Mayra Flores’s pinnafore-clad Mexican-American daughter

But then there’s Nancy Pelosi, Democrat Speaker of the House, who demonstrated Friday who the racists are. The occasion was the congressional swearing in of newly elected Texas Rep. Mayra Flores, who brought her two adorable daughters with her, both wearing little white dresses, the one standing next to Pelosi actually wearing a pinnafore. Somehow, Pelosi didn’t think they were cute — not in the least — the way some white leftists fall all over themselves do, cooing at children of a different skin color. Pelosi reacted this way: . . . […]  Instead of smiling sweetly at the little girls, or putting a reassuring arm around the both of them, Pelosi recoils. She and Flores’s husband, a Border Patrol agent, . . .

Read more/Watch the 30 seconds clip at American Thinker.


Lendon: Never mind China’s new aircraft carrier, these are the ships the US should worry about

China made a big statement about its naval ambitions with the recent launch of its third and most advanced aircraft carrier. The Fujian — by far China’s biggest, most modern and most powerful aircraft carrier to date — is the 80,000-ton jewel in the crown of a military expansion that has seen Beijing grow its navy into the world’s largest. Its new combat systems — such as an electromagnetic catapult-assisted launch system — show China is fast catching up with the United States, experts say, and will give it the ability to launch more aircraft, more quickly, and with more ammunition. […] Essentially, experts say, the Fujian might be China’s biggest ship, but it’s probably not the biggest problem on the minds of US naval commanders right now. Here are four types of ship at China’s disposal that arguably pose a far greater threat to US naval dominance.

Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/25/asia/china-navy-aircraft-carrier-analysis-intl-hnk-ml-dst/index.html

Chang: Taiwan’s Message for China: We Have a Nuke-Like Weapon

At least one of Taiwan’s “eggs” can kill tens of millions of Chinese, perhaps more. China’s Three Gorges Dam creates a reservoir of 39.3 billion cubic meters of water on the Yangtze River and is upstream from about 400 million people. Almost 30% of China’s population, therefore, is at risk of a catastrophic failure of the structure, such as one caused by a missile strike. That means Taiwan possesses a conventional weapon that packs the wallop of a nuclear one. Now, China’s regime looks as if it wants to go to war. The harsh remarks of China’s Defense Minister, General Wei Fenghe, at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore this month, are a clear warning of hostile intent.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18640/taiwan-china-missiles


Revolver.news: Colleges Are Ethnically Cleansing America’s White Kulaks

In the days and weeks after George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose, America’s universities proudly proclaimed an imminent “racial reckoning” on campus. “Diversity,” understood in a very specific way, became the top objective. Harvard’s university press published books on how to eliminate schools that were “too white.” Activists demanded the abolition of “white supremacist” standardized tests, and dozens of schools swiftly complied. Two years have passed. Last fall, American colleges welcomed their first 100% post-George Floyd classes, and the results are clear: At one elite school after another, ordinary white Americans are being treated as academia’s “undesirables” and are slowly being cleansed out. On June 13, University of Chicago freshman Daniel Schmidt posted a Twitter thread that quickly went viral. The thread described the class profile of the school he was attending. I just finished my freshman year at an elite university that costs $80,000 annually (University of Chicago). The students at a school like this are future politicians, billionaires, etc. Here are 5 observations I made this past year about them that may shock you: . . . 1.) A staggeringly high number of them are LGBT+. I’m talking 20% to 30%. Don’t believe me? At Yale, 23% of freshmen identify as LGBT+.

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2022/06/colleges-are-ethnically-cleansing-americas-white-kulaks/


Jose: Large chicken producer abruptly announces closure of U.S. plant, catching locals off guard

George’s Inc. announced it would be closing its Caryville food processing plant, WVLT-TV reported. The move would jeopardize the livelihoods of around 200 of the company’s employees during a time of record-high inflation and soaring gas prices, according to the news station.

Read more: https://www.westernjournal.com/large-chicken-producer-abruptly-announces-closure-tennessee-plant-catching-locals-off-guard/

Greenfield: California to Spend $200 Million to Help Fund Abortion Tourism

California used to attract tourists eager to walk the streets of San Francisco and visit California landmarks and theme parks without stepping in human waste, getting mugged, or caught in the middle of a riot. Since that’s no longer a great option, California’s useless overlords is investing in abortion tourism.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/point/2022/06/california-spend-200-million-help-fund-abortion-daniel-greenfield/


Linge: Prince Charles took bags stuffed with millions in cash from controversial Qatari sheikh: report

Prince Charles personally accepted suitcases and shopping bags stuffed with millions of dollars’ worth of cash from a controversial Qatari politician between 2011 and 2015, according to an explosive new report. “Everyone felt very uncomfortable about the situation,” a former adviser to the Prince of Wales told the Sunday Times of London. The “only thing we could do was to count the money and make a mutual record of what we’d done,” the source said. “And then call the bank.” Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani, the former prime minister of Qatar, bestowed the big bucks on the heir to the British throne in three deliveries during private, off-the-books meetings at Clarence House, the prince’s official London residence.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/06/25/prince-charles-took-millions-in-cash-from-qatari-sheikh-report/



The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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