Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 24 minutes


John Daniel Davidson is a senior editor at The Federalist: One might object that although Biden and the Democrats are clearly stupid, surely they are not as malevolent as all that. On the contrary, I find it rather easy to believe that Biden possesses the kind of malevolence and resolve required to sabotage Nord Stream 1 and 2 for reasons that have mostly to do with domestic politics. After all, it takes boldness, innovation, and naked aggression to weaponize the Justice Department and FBI in the ways that we have seen over the past two years. The Democrats barreled ahead with it, even though it risks tearing the country apart.

World Net Daily’s  Newspeak: How is it possible that the greatest and freest nation in world history has so rapidly come under the control of serially lying, deranged, power-mad sociopaths – leaders with nothing but contempt for America, for its history, its Constitution, its Judeo-Christian culture and its people? Orwell’s “1984” points directly to the answer: The elites are changing America’s language itself, so that people’s words – and therefore, their very thoughts – inevitably come under the control of the ruling class.

Jeffrey A. Tucker Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute: For nearly three years, most people in the world have been treated like lab rats in an experiment in bio-technocratic central management by state power, at the urging of once-respected global institutions, and this has resulted in economic crisis, demographic upheaval, and utter political panic. It will be many years before this is sorted out. 

Alexander Riley contributor to Chronicles Magazine: It is a moral good that we provide the needy with the means to subsist. But it is also a moral good that they demonstrate gratitude for that gift, in the form of adherence to the rules of the social group that provided it. It would be a moral evil to provide resources to the poor if those resources were used to do demonstrable harm: for example, to purchase and consume illegal drugs. In this sense, a requirement of drug testing for those on welfare is perfectly morally sound, even if it forces submission to a rule the receiver would rather avoid.

Betsy Clarke contributor to Chronicles Magazine: The Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center reports that 61 percent of Americans paid no federal income tax in 2020. Yes, the pandemic and various government payouts were responsible for much of this high number, but even in 2019, 44 percent of Americans paid no income tax. And 1 percent of those who did pay accounted for more than a third of all tax dollars.

Mark Wauck commenting on the shooting of a pro-life grandmother canvassing a neighborhood: This is an interesting concept. Shoot someone in the back. Give TV interviews. Claim it was an accident—giving as the reason a narrative that amounts to reckless endangerment at the very least. Do not go to jail, from what I can tell. Leave prosecutors dithering over charges. Somehow I don’t think I’ll try that one at home. I don’t think I’m liberal enough to get any breaks. Meanwhile, the FBI is coming down like a ton of bricks on pro-lifers.

Derek Hunter contributor to Townhall: You don’t want a skunk at your garden party and you don’t want a committed leftist at your, well, anything. If you had to choose between the two, go with the skunk. At least you can wash out the stink with tomato juice, no amount of scrubbing will rid you of the stench that comes with an activist progressive Democrat.

Eric Utter contributor to American Thinker: The hits just keep on coming for residents of the formerly Golden State.  Already besieged by high inflation and severe energy shortages, citizens of the erstwhile Land of Milk and Honey will soon face a ban on natural gas (except for Eric Swalwell’s).  The California Air Resources Board, or CARB, is planning to rid the state of natural gas heaters, stoves, and furnaces.  The Hill recently reported that the CARB passed a proposal that will lay the groundwork for phasing out gas-powered space and water heaters, and other such appliances, by 2030.  (I guess CARBs really are bad for you.)

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) explains why she supports abortion: “Abortion is an economic issue. Forcing poor and working-class people to give birth against their will, against their consent, against their ability to provide for themselves or a child, is a profound economic issue and it’s certainly a way to keep a workforce basically conscripted to large-scale employers and to employers to work more against their will, to take second and third jobs against their desire and their own autonomy.”


The Right Scoop: BREAKING: Judge sides with Trump against Special Master

Judge Cannon has just sided with President Trump against the demand of the Special Master that Trump back up his concern that the FBI may have planted evidence. The Special Master had required that Trump verify the inventory of seized items, but the judge shot that demand down: . . . Here’s the text of the judge’s ruling: . . .[…]  Trump never made a definitive claim that the FBI planted evidence. He just suggested he had that concern and he shouldn’t be the one to have to prove it. [Note: 11,000 documents for a total of 200,000 pages were seized by the FBI]

Read more: https://therightscoop.com/breaking-judge-sides-with-trump-against-special-master/

Schlichter: Trump Needs to Stop Talking to the Liberal Media, But He Won’t

The only people who Donald Trump drives crazier than his enemies are his friends. We like Trump. We appreciate Trump’s largely remarkable record of achievements – remember how your 401k used to go up instead of plummeting into the earth? We even enjoy his mean tweets. But then he does something that is so obviously self-destructive and, moreover, something that has burned him before, and we want to rip our hair out and shriek like that tubby mutant in the raincoat who got on her knees as Trump’s inauguration was announced and howled “NOOOOOOOOO!” Okay, why the hell does he still insist on talking to Maggie Haberman of the New York Times? She’s not his friend. She screws him over all the time.

Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2022/09/29/trump-needs-to-stop-talking-to-the-liberal-media-but-he-wont-n2613694


(9/17/22) War Room: War Room Dissects the Invasion of Technocratic Ideas in American Government

In the wake of Joe Biden’s executive order demanding a “whole of government” approach to turning human beings into programmable software, the “War Room” looks at how technocracy and transhumanism are working together to transform the world into a place safe for elites and unsafe for the rest of us.

Watch the two part panel interview: https://warroom.org/2022/09/17/war-room-dissects-the-invasion-of-technocratic-ideas-in-american-government/

Allen: Federal Research On Manipulating Brains And Rewriting DNA Should Worry Us All

The future of evolution is now in our hands. Or rather, the godlike power to alter biology rests in a few scientists’ hands, and we’re all going to pay for it, one way or another. The U.S. government is pouring billions of dollars into understanding genetics and the human brain, and most consequentially, how to manipulate those systems. Last week, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) launched its “BRAIN 2.0” initiative (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnology), ramping up an existing program started eight years ago. Comparable to the Human Genome Project in scope and scale, BRAIN 2.0 grants $600 million to fully map our 86 billion neurons and their uncounted connections. The project is expected to reach a grand total cost of $5 billion by 2026. In theory, once scientists have created this detailed brain atlas in silicothey can directly alter neural function using digital devices. The director of the BRAIN Initiative, John Ngai, exhibits a troubling fixation on this method. […]  Various skeptics, myself included, call this federally funded transhumanism for good reason. The resonance is obvious. In his “Letter to Mother Nature,” penned in 1999, the OG transhumanist Max More declared humanity’s freedom from our natural inheritance:  . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/29/federal-research-on-manipulating-brains-and-rewriting-dna-should-worry-us-all/

Infowars: Transhumanism Is The New Eugenics

Resurfaced audio captures Alex Jones explaining the exact nature of the transhumanist movement and how globalists will wield it to usher in humanity’s destruction.

Listen to the 11 minute audio:  https://banned.video/watch?id=63360745e6887629275de145

(9/17/22) War Room: Steve Bannon’s Fiery Speech at TPUSA’s Defeating the Great Reset Conference

Watch the 46 minute speech: https://warroom.org/2022/09/17/steve-bannons-fiery-speech-at-tpusas-defeating-the-great-reset-conference/


Piper & Solomon: Outsourced censorship: Feds used private entity to target millions of social posts in 2020

A consortium of four private groups worked with the departments of Homeland Security (DHS) and State to censor massive numbers of social media posts they considered misinformation during the 2020 election, and its members then got rewarded with millions of federal dollars from the Biden administration afterwards, according to interviews and documents obtained by Just the News. The Election Integrity Partnership is back in action again for the 2022 midterm elections, raising concerns among civil libertarians that a chilling new form of public-private partnership to evade the First Amendment’s prohibition of government censorship may be expanding. The consortium is comprised of four member organizations: . . . […]  Three liberal groups — the Democratic National Committee, Common Cause and the NAACP — were also empowered like the federal agencies to file tickets seeking censorship of content. […]  It wasn’t just blogs and individual social media users whose content was targeted for removal and throttling as “repeat spreaders” of misinformation. News and opinion organizations, including the New York Post, Fox News, Just the News and SeanHannity.com were also targeted.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/biden-administration-rewarded-private-entities-got-2020-election

Hasard: Congressman to introduce legislation banning federal agencies from pressing Big Tech to censor

rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) plans to introduce legislation called the Free Speech Defense Act that will prohibit federal officials from collaborating with Big Tech to censor Americans’ voices and create some legal recourse for those harmed by free speech infringement. […]  “It prevents the federal government from partnering with other entities, with these third party groups, with these social media companies, because that is a violation of of our Constitution,” he explained. “This bill would prevent the federal government from labeling anything through a proxy entity such as a social media company as disinformation.” According to the Georgia congressman, he has secured several cosponsors but doesn’t expect the legislation to pass until Republicans take control of Congress.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/congressman-introduce-legislation-banning-federal-agencies-pressing-big-tech-censor

Greenfield: The Berkeley “No Free Speech for Jews” Movement

Kenneth Marcus, who under Trump all too briefly served as Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights at the Department of Ed, calls the move by nine student affinity groups and organizations at Berkeley’s School of Law to ban Jewish speakers to be “Jewish-Free Zones”. Nine different law student groups at the University of California at Berkeley’s School of Law, my own alma mater, have begun this new academic year by amending bylaws to ensure that they will never invite any speakers that support Israel or Zionism. And these are not groups that represent only a small percentage of the student population. […]  Those who know history may remember the ‘Ghetto Benches’ that Jewish students in Polish universities were subjected to before the Holocaust.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-berkeley-no-free-speech-for-jews-movement/


Sperry: Durham Prosecutes FBI Informants, While Protecting Their Handlers

Since being named special counsel in October 2020, John Durham has investigated or indicted several unscrupulous anti-Trump informants. But he has spared the FBI agents who handled them, raising suspicions he’s letting investigators off the hook in his waning investigation of misconduct in the Russiagate probe. In recent court filings, Durham has portrayed the G-men as naive recipients of bad information, tricked into opening improper investigations targeting Donald Trump and obtaining invalid warrants to spy on one of his advisers. But as the cases against the informants have gone to trial, defense lawyers have revealed evidence that cuts against that narrative. FBI investigators look less like guileless victims and more like willing partners in the fraudulent schemes Durham has brought to light. Notwithstanding his reputation as a tough, intrepid prosecutor, Durham has made excuses for the misconduct of FBI agents, providing them a ready-made defense against any possible future prosecution, according to legal experts. “Durham was supposed to clean up the FBI cesspool, but it doesn’t look like he’s going to be doing that,” said Paul Kamenar, counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center, a Washington watchdog group. “He started with a bang and is ending with a whimper.”

Read more at Real Clear Investigations.


Durden: Federal Bureau Of Intimidation: The Government’s War On Political Freedom

Discredit, disrupt, and destroy. That is how the government plans to get rid of activists and dissidents who stand in its way. This has always been the modus operandi of the FBI (more aptly referred to as the Federal Bureau of Intimidation): muzzle anti-government sentiment, harass activists, and terrorize Americans into compliance. Indeed, the FBI has a long history of persecuting, prosecuting and generally harassing activists, politicians, and cultural figures. Back in the 1950s and ‘60s, the FBI’s targets were civil rights activists, those suspected of having Communist ties, and anti-war activists. In more recent decades, the FBI has expanded its reach to target so-called domestic extremists, environmental activists, and those who oppose the police state. Back in 2019, President Trump promised to give the FBI “whatever they need” to investigate and disrupt hate crimes and domestic terrorism, without any apparent thought for the Constitution’s prohibitions on such overreach. That misguided pledge sheds a curious light on the FBI’s latest nationwide spree of SWAT team raids, surveillance, disinformation campaigns, fear-mongering, paranoia, and strong-arm tactics. […]  Politics aside, the message is clear: this is how the government will deal with anyone who challenges its authority. You’re next. Unfortunately, while these overreaching, heavy-handed lessons in how to rule by force have become standard operating procedure for a government that communicates with its citizenry primarily through the language of brutality, intimidation and fear, none of this is new. The government has been playing these mind games for a long time.

Read more: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/federal-bureau-intimidation-governments-war-political-freedom


Heritage Action for America: Blake Masters on America’s Open Border

Masters is Arizona’s Republican U.S. Senate candidate who is challenging Democrat Senator Mark Kelly.

Watch the 8:38 minute interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rO1FyIEqI5c

Husebo: ‘Drugs Aren’t Going to Smuggle Themselves’: Billboard Thanks Democrat Mark Kelly for Open Border

A massive billboard ad in Phoenix is thanking Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) for keeping the southern border open to invasion from illegal migrants. The ad says it was paid for by Citizens for Sanity. […]  Democrat Kelly and the Biden administration have allowed nearly 2 million illegal migrants into the nation in this fiscal year. August represents the fifth month in a row in which migrant apprehensions exceeded 180,000 migrants.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/midterm-election/2022/09/29/drugs-arent-going-smuggle-themselves-billboard-thanks-democrat-mark-kelly-open-border/

Moran: Mitt Romney’s Refusal to Endorse Mike Lee Infuriates Senate Republicans

Romney, Utah’s junior senator, has declined — and even refused — to endorse Lee’s reelection bid. Lee is the senior senator from Utah. Senate Republicans are becoming increasingly alarmed by the decision, noting that even though Senate Republicans may have their differences on policy, they typically stand united against Republican opponents.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/09/29/mitt-romneys-refusal-to-endorse-mike-lee-could-cost-republicans-the-senate-majority/

Blanton: Fox News Poll: Wisconsin Senate race shifts in Johnson’s favor

A new Fox News survey of Wisconsin registered voters finds Johnson preferred over his Democratic challenger by 4 points: 44% Barnes vs. 48% Johnson. Last month, it was Barnes who was up by 4 (50-46%).

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/official-polls/fox-news-poll-wisconsin-senate-race-shifts-johnsons-favor

Downs: Tim Ryan Says He Uses Proxy Voting to ‘Spend Time in Ohio,’ But Actually Uses It to Fundraise in California

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) certainly made news on Wednesday and Thursday for his whereabouts in California, where he was fundraising in his Senate run to replace retiring Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH). While he took advantage of proxy voting, which he claimed was “due to the ongoing public health emergency,” the congressman was, in reality, campaigning in Los Angeles on Wednesday and will have another fundraiser on Thursday night. On Thursday, “Tim Ryan” was trending over Twitter as a result. The story is not only damning because the congressman misled Americans on why he could not vote in person, though it is. And it’s not only damning because he’s dinged his Republican opponent, JD Vance over this, though it is. Rep. Ryan has a history of calling to make proxy voting permanent.

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/rebeccadowns/2022/09/29/tim-ryan-says-he-uses-proxy-voting-to-spend-time-in-ohio-n2613780


Malone: FDA is using Covid Vaccines as a “Platform Technology”

There was a World Health Organization (WHO) consultation in April, 2021 (Sept, 2022 online publication ahead of Dec, 2022 print) whereby US government officials laid out strategies for the process of future mRNA vaccine approvals by the FDA. A summary of this meeting has just been published online, ahead of print. So, we no longer have to speculate about what the FDA has decided about considering future mRNA vaccines and using the past pre-clinical data package as the foundation for these vaccines as being a “platform” technology. The 2021 WHO informal consultation on regulatory considerations discussed these issues. Dr Keith Peden (Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), Food and Drug Administration presented the FDA’s experience and position on licensure of new mRNA vaccine products. […]  Essentially, CBER has completely bypassed the issues of these vaccines not having a complete pre-clinical evaluation, and in April 2021 decided that new mRNA vaccines in development will not have to comply with the norms for vaccine development. That is all mRNA vaccines in the future, as long as don’t vary from what has already been done, will be like processed like the the influenza model, with only the “payload” to be tested. […]  What this all means is that using these flawed pre-clinical trials to support a platform technology was planned from the beginning. By not focussing on the payload of the vaccines, but instead relying on the generic formulations prior to initiating clinical trials, this has allowed CBER (and Moderna, and Pfizer/BioNTech) to . . .

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/fda-is-using-covid-vaccines-as-a-platform-technology/

Moore: CDC database: 648 nursing babies harmed by COVID vax, 3 dead

An analysis of reports in a database run by the CDC and the FDA found 648 cases of side effects in breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine, including three deaths. Health authorities in the United States, Israel and around the world recommended the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for pregnant and lactating women despite the lack of clinical studies or animal safety studies for that demographic. The most common serious events found in the analysis of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System were life-threatening bleeding, anticholinergic syndrome, liver problems, anaphylactic shock, neuroleptic syndrome, neurological side-effects such as convulsions or encephalitis, and hypoglycemia.

Read more: https://www.wnd.com/2022/09/cdc-database-648-nursing-babies-harmed-covid-vax-3-dead/#insticator-commenting

O’Neill: Dr. Fauci and wife’s wealth ‘skyrocketed’ by $5 million during pandemic: analysis

The combined wealth of the 81-year-old retiring director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and his bioethicist wife, Christine Grady, soared from $7.5 million in 2019 to $12.6 million at the end of 2021, according to a report from the non-profit OpenTheBooks. “Despite becoming a figure of controversy, the system has rewarded Dr. Fauci handsomely,” the group’s CEO, Adam Andrzejewski, told Fox News Digital. “While Dr. Fauci has been a government bureaucrat for more than 55 years, his household net worth skyrocketed during the pandemic.” The couple’s wealth boost was due in part to major salary increases, cash awards and royalties, according to the report.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/09/29/fauci-and-wifes-wealth-skyrocketed-by-5m-during-pandemic-analysis/


Sen. Ron Johnson: California Gov. Newsom must not declare war on doctors over so-called medical ‘misinformation’

President Joe Biden may have declared the pandemic “over,” but someone needs to tell the state of California. A bill sitting on Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk would levy career-ending penalties on doctors deemed guilty of spreading so-called “misinformation” related to COVID-19. If enacted, this law has the potential to destroy the medical profession and stifle innovation from coast to coast. The bill in question, AB 2098, would allow the Medical Board of California to revoke a doctor’s license to practice medicine in the state for expressing an opinion “contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” The problem is that “contemporary scientific consensus” has fluctuated wildly over the past two years. […]  Medical knowledge never stops evolving. It is constantly shaped by emerging data and trends. No single doctor – or politician – has a monopoly on good ideas. Society should be encouraging people to come forward with promising new ideas, not threatening to strip their livelihood.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/california-gov-newsom-must-not-declare-war-doctors-so-called-medical-misinformation


Davidson: It’s Not Crazy To Think Biden Sabotaged Nord Stream To Deepen US Involvement In The Ukraine War

Escalating with Russia might be President Biden’s only chance to save his failing administration. Don’t put it past him. […]   If they are willing to weaponize domestic law enforcement for political gain at home, it is not too much to suppose they would pursue a policy of escalation with Russia to cling to power, which in the end is the one thing they really care about.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/30/its-not-crazy-to-think-biden-sabotaged-nord-stream-to-deepen-us-involvement-in-the-ukraine-war/

Bergman: Russia Expanding Its Influence in Latin America

While Russia’s engagement in Latin America is not comparable in volume to that of China, Russia has, in recent years, nevertheless been significantly deepening its influence in Latin America. Of particular concern is that Russia has not only been strengthening its relations with old Latin American partners — such as Cuba and Nicaragua, hailing back to the Cold War, and with Venezuela — but that it is now forging new and stronger relationships with countries that were traditionally oriented towards the US, such as Brazil and Argentina. Putin, just before he invaded Ukraine, met with the presidents of both Brazil and Argentina, while signing a security cooperation agreement with Venezuela.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18926/russia-influence-latin-america

Greenfield: Biden Admin Warns UK Gov Not to Cut Taxes

It’s good to remember that the Biden administration isn’t just trying to run America into the ground. Like the Obama administration, it’s also trying to run the world into the ground. And like Obama, Biden’s regime is hostile to conservative governments and traditional allies like the UK and Israel. Now it’s the UK’s turn in the barrel for cutting taxes instead of raising them.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-admin-warns-uk-gov-not-to-cut-taxes/

Berrien: Biden Administration Seeks To Stop Israel From Turning To The Right, Prompting Meddling Accusations

The Biden administration is signaling that it wants to blunt any rightward turn by Israel in the event that Benjamin Netanyahu returns to power, singling out one potential ally of the former prime minister as “a huge problem for us.” A Biden administration official said the White House would be “troubled by the possibility” that Member of Knesset Itamar Ben Gvir, a hardline conservative and the head of the right-wing party Otzma Yehudit, might become a minister in the future Israeli government, according to Israel HaYom.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-administration-seeks-to-stop-israel-from-turning-to-the-right-prompting-meddling-accusations


Schachtel: Federal Reserve announces major ‘pilot exercise’ for ESG social credit score system

The Federal Reserve has taken a major step in the direction of facilitating an ESG compliant monetary network that effectively acts as a parallel system to that of the Chinese Communist Party’s infamous social credit scoring system. The Fed said in a statement Thursday: . . . […]  The Fed is clearly leaning in to the climate hoax narrative, or the pseudoscientific idea that humans are catastrophically impacting the climate, but not because they somehow care about the environment. The climate narrative is the chief rhetorical facilitator for the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) movement.

ESG acts as a trojan horse for the continuing centralization of the American financial system.

Read more: https://dossier.substack.com/p/federal-reserve-announces-major-pilot?

Deane Waldman: Democrats insist that further tinkering with health care will make it more accessible, but evidence suggests it will cost people dearly.

The Biden administration announced it would again reduce payments to Medicare physicians, this time by 8.42 percent. According to a recent survey, 92 percent of medical group practices report that Medicare payments do not cover the cost of providing care. The federal government can stay in business when it takes in less revenue than it expends. Why? Because it can print money and no one else can. To stay in business, physicians will have to reject Medicare patients; access will decrease once again. And with Democrats pushing legislation like the wrongly named Inflation Reduction Act, things will only get worse.

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) took $716 billion from Medicare to pay for non-medical, bureaucratic spending. Before the ACA, the average maximum wait time to see a primary care doctor was an unacceptable 99 days. After Obamacare was implemented with its cuts to physician payments, wait times increased to a medically unconscionable 122 days. Patients have to wait four months to find out if belly pain is gas, an ulcer, or cancer. With the latest round of cuts, the wait times could stretch from months to years. [NOTE: Look only to the U.K.’s abysmal  national health care system to see our  future if Democrats have their way. Canada’s national health care system isn’t far behind the U.K.’s system. The elite and ruling class will always have the best medical care. Not so for everyone else.]

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/30/good-luck-getting-affordable-care-with-democrats-latest-medicare-maneuver/

Moore: Obama: Racism is fueling Republican agenda to secure border

Speaking to a meeting of Hispanic realtors in San Diego, Obama said that, at the moment, the “biggest fuel behind the Republican agenda is related to immigration and the fear that somehow America’s character is going to be changed if, people of darker shades, there are too many of them here.”

The former president – who received the votes of many white Republicans in 2008 who wanted to see a black man finally reach the White House – claimed Sunday that the GOP is overtly racist, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported.

Read more: https://dailyangle.com/articles/obama-racism-is-fueling-republican-agenda-to-secure-border

Brown: House Dems Block GOP Bill to Make Fentanyl-Related Substances Schedule I Drugs

A bill that would permanently put fentanyl-related substances in schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act was blocked on Wednesday by 220 House Democrats who voted against considering the legislation that would have given the government more power to crack down on the criminal enterprises profiting off of lethal fentanyl-related drugs. […]  It’s impossible at this point to argue that fentanyl and its analogues are anything but a national crisis, as Biden’s own DEA commissioner has warned the drugs are killing Americans “at rates never seen before.” Even worse, recent reworking of fentanyl and such drugs’ appearance — so-called “rainbow fentanyl” — has taken place to make them appear similar to candy for targeting to children.

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/09/29/house-dems-block-gop-bill-to-make-fentanyl-related-substances-schedule-i-drugs-n2613776

Stiles: Wife of Top Biden Aide Named Ambassador for Plants and Animals

The wife of President Joe Biden’s top aide has a fancy new gig at the U.S. State Department. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday announced that Monica Medina, wife of White House chief of staff Ron Klain, will serve as U.S. Special Envoy for Biodiversity and Water Resources. According to the Washington Post, which initially declined to note that Medina is married to Klain, the decision to promote her to the newly established role of “diplomat for plants and animals” is one that “underscores the Biden’s administration’s desire” to fight climate change.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/ron-klain-wife-scandal/

Isidore: Used cars have become unaffordable

High prices and rising interest rates are putting used cars out of reach for a growing number of car shoppers. That’s bad news for CarMax, the nation’s largest used car dealer. CarMax reported Thursday that its earnings plunged 54% as the number of cars it sold in the quarter fell 6.4% compared to a year ago.

The company blamed “vehicle affordability challenges that stem from widespread inflationary pressures, as well as climbing interest rates and low consumer confidence.”

Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/29/business/used-cars-unaffordable/index.html


Lehman: Handcuffing the Department of Correction

Even as violence remains at frighteningly high levels on Rikers Island, the New York City Council is moving to handicap the City’s Department of Correction (DOC), making it all but impossible to control unruly prisoners within the city’s jails. A bill floated by liberal City Council members and expected to pass with a veto-proof majority has been presented by supporters as a ban on the use of solitary confinement and a move toward an “evidence-based” approach to detention. But at a hearing on the bill Wednesday, the DOC maintained that it would make the city’s jail even more dangerous, with Commissioner Louis Molina suggesting that it would increase violence “exponentially.” […]  The “ban” is less important, however, than the bill’s constraints on the use of “restrictive housing”—stricter detention that serves as a consequence for offenses committed within jail house walls. Specifically, it would prohibit placing someone in restrictive housing until the Board of Correction finds they have committed a “Violent Grade I” offense. If an inmate slashes another, in other words, he couldn’t be moved out of general population until he received a full hearing, with legal representation.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/nyc-bill-would-make-rikers-more-dangerous


(Grooming) Pullmann: Arkansas Library Says Book Teaching Masturbation To Ages 7-12 Will Stay On Children’s Shelves

This article quotes explicit content about sex. A book marketed to children ages 7 to 12 that teaches kids to masturbate and affirms gender dysphoria was recently backed by a committee of public librarians in Arkansas after a local parent challenged its place on the shelves. “Sex Is a Funny Word,” by Cory Silverberg and Fiona Smyth, includes images of a child touching herself in the bathtub and affirmation of gender dysphoria, all aimed at prepubescent kids. A children’s library reviewer described the book in 2016 as a “trans-inclusive sex education book.” The book, which won top awards from gay activist organizations, “follows a cast of four 8-10 year old kids, including gender queer Zai, as they learn about and explore that strange and funny word — sex.” “Having a penis isn’t what makes you a boy. Having a vulva isn’t what makes you a girl. The truth is much more interesting than that!” the book tells kids.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/29/arkansas-library-says-book-teaching-masturbation-to-ages-7-12-will-stay-on-childrens-shelves/

Rufo: Pronouns Unbound

San Francisco Unified School District has released a guidebook for teachers to facilitate secret child sexual transitions and to let students use the pronoun “it” at school. According to documents obtained from a whistleblower, in 2021 the district celebrated “International Pronouns Day,” teaching students that they can adopt a wide range of genders and sexual identities. In elementary school, the district tells students that they may not “feel like a boy OR a girl” and can identify as “non-binary” and use “they” pronouns. For secondary students, the district teaches that they can be part of the “bisexual umbrella” and identify as “fluid,” “pansexual,” “omnisexual,” “hetero-, homo-, lesbi-curious,” “hetero-, homo-, lesbi-flexible,” and “queer.” The district also released a guide on students who use “it” pronouns, explaining to teachers that “we are increasingly seeing students using the pronoun ‘it’” at school.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/san-francisco-public-schools-subvert-parental-rights


Eden & Yenor: Kids Must Cry

Government schools have become day camps for indoctrinating a woke cadre. Last week, the U.S. Department of Education awarded a coveted blue ribbon of excellence to Rota Elementary School, which serves children of military service members abroad in Spain. The DOE singled out Rota’s commitment to “families and educators work[ing] together in partnership.” But the “partnership” between teachers and parents that the DOE praises has a weird twist, as it appears to be rooted in keeping parents in the dark about classroom activities. According to Rota teacher Genevieve Chavez, elementary school is the “ideal time” to introduce children to gender identity ideology because “kids as young as four years old are already starting to develop a stable understanding of their gender identity.” And once they hit middle school, according to Chavez, Rota will keep students’ alternative gender identities secret from their “unsafe” parents. So much for “families and educators work[ing] together in partnership.” […]  We cannot say on the basis of these videos alone how widespread this ideological mania is within schools serving the children of American military service members. But DoDEA’s schools clearly contain a radical core of teachers who are operating with the blessing of its top brass.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/kids-must-cry/

Kornick: Liberal author says the family unit is ‘a terrible way to satisfy… love & care,’ calls to abolish it

Feminist theorist and author Sophie Lewis was the subject of an article on Friday in the UK’s The New Statesman website publication following her new book “Abolish the Family.” Historian Erin Magalaque discussed Lewis’ book which described the family unit as “a terrible way to satisfy all of our desires for love, care, nourishment” and was highly critical of suggestions otherwise. “The family isn’t actually any good at creating intimacy, Lewis argues; the family creates, in fact, a dearth of care, with shreds and scraps of intimacy fought out between overworked parents and totally dependent kids, hidden behind the locked doors of private property,” Magalaque wrote. […]  “Almost by definition, you have to be extremely damaged and abnormal to write something like this. It’s like arguing that people should murder their pets for fun or force their children to eat feces. It’s just bizarre,” Right Wing News Founder John Hawkins tweeted. […]  Lewis previously published an article on The Nation following the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade that women should embrace the fact that abortion is the justified killing of an unborn life.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/media/liberal-author-says-family-unit-terrible-way-satisfy-love-care-calls-abolish-it


Anonymous: As Cardinal Zen Faces Trial For Protesting China’s Abuses, Pope Francis Cozies Up To The CCP

If you want to know how Hong Kong has transformed from one of the freest places on earth to a dystopia, observe its courthouses and jails. Since Beijing imposed the draconian National Security Law on Hong Kong in 2020, the city’s authorities have cracked down on dissenting voices by arresting and jailing hundreds of people in the name of national security. From executives of independent newspapers to publishers of children’s books, no one is safe. This week, another set of pro-democracy activists, including the 90-year-old Cardinal Zen, faces trial under the law. The cardinal’s trial relates to an anti-extradition bill protest held in 2019. The bill sought to extradite “criminals” to mainland China, which would erode Hong Kong’s judicial independence and harm Chinese dissidents in the city. Millions of Hong Kongers took to the street to protest. A small fraction of protesters experienced violent encounters with the police after the police deployed brutal anti-riot tactics. The Hong Kong police ended up arresting thousands of people as a result of the protests. […]  Rather than issuing a strongly worded condemnation of Zen’s arrest, Pope Francis is reportedly considering making even more compromises to appeal to Beijing, including possibly closing its Nunciature of China in Taiwan and reopening one in Beijing instead. Pope Francis also said he was ready to visit China, something Zen strongly opposed.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/30/as-cardinal-zen-faces-trial-for-protesting-chinas-abuses-pope-francis-cozies-up-to-the-ccp/


Rondeau: WATCH: Charlie Kirk Warns Conservatives to ‘Stay Peaceful’ as the Left Tries to ‘Provoke’ Conflict Ahead of Midterms

According to Kirk the left is attempting to trigger the right into eliciting an extreme response that would work in the Democrats’ favor as they try to retain control of the U.S. House and Senate this November.

Read more/Watch the 6:47 minute interview: https://www.humanevents.com/2022/09/28/watch-charlie-kirk-warns-conservatives-to-stay-peaceful-as-the-left-tries-to-provoke-conflict-ahead-of-midterms


Riley: Sleepwalking in the Nanny State

Purchasing Submission: Conditions, Power, and Freedom by Philip Hamburger    Harvard University Press 336 pp., $35.00

Philip Hamburger is one of the most important legal scholars in America. His Is Administrative Law Unlawful?, published in 2014, is an essential book. It describes the proliferation of the administrative state, which is perhaps the greatest monstrosity of modern American political life. In Hamburger’s words, it is “extralegal, supralegal, and consolidated.” Produced by executive agencies that grow in size and scope every year, the administrative state exercises absolute power and eludes challenges from the normal political process. In Purchasing Submission, Hamburger turns from the administrative state to another cancerous growth of governmental power that operates parallel to the constitutional framework. Here, the federal government’s sheer purchasing power becomes another means of sidestepping the Constitution and dominating citizens outside the rule of law. […]  Hamburger is a committed federalist. He sees politics—the election by citizens of representatives who pass legislation—as the legitimate method for resolution of most questions regarding American public policy. The Founders recognized that much of our collective life relied on the political activity of citizens rather than on mechanisms of power that leap over our agency. One might well wonder, however, whether contemporary Americans are up to the task the Founders set for us. Are we still capable of responsible self-government, or have we become satisfied to sit hypnotized before our social media while the state steadily steals our political sovereignty right under our noses?

Read more: https://chroniclesmagazine.org/featured/sleepwalking-in-the-nanny-state/


(Return of paganism) Moore: WATCH: Jonathan Cahn exposes the gods behind current ‘irrational’ events

Most Christians are familiar with the apostle Paul’s description of “principalities and powers,” the “spiritual forces of darkness” that are the true enemies of mankind. But few preachers and expositors of the Bible dig deeper into what can only be described as a mysterious realm that is so “other,” it seems best to leave it alone and deal with more “practical” aspects of daily living. But as believer and secularist alike describe current events as “irrational,” “insane” and of “biblical proportions,” Jonathan Cahn argues that nothing could be more practical than to examine what the Bible and ancient texts say about these spiritual powers.

Read more/Watch the one hour interview: https://www.wnd.com/2022/09/watch-jonathan-cahn-exposes-gods-behind-current-irrational-events/


Fairbanks: Black Massachusetts Mother Films Herself Helping Daughter Brutally Attack 12-Year-Old Girl While Calling Her ‘Dumb White Ho’

“The mother was the one filming with one hand, pulling the victim by the hair, wearing the ‘If you like what ya smellin, we selling it’ hoodie, and blue shoes. Her daughter was losing the fight until she jumped in, pulled the girl by the hair, and let her daughter stomp on her face,” the outlet reported.

The mother can be heard encouraging the fight and seen pulling the young girl’s hair, as her daughter stomped on her face. She tells her daughter, repeatedly, to “get this b-tch.”

Read more/Watch the videos: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/09/massachusetts-mother-films-helping-daughter-brutally-attack-12-year-old-girl-calling-dumb-white-ho/

Perrone: ALS drug wins FDA approval despite questionable data

A much-debated drug for Lou Gehrig’s disease won U.S. approval Thursday, a long-sought victory for patients that is likely to renew questions about the scientific rigor behind government reviews of experimental medicines. The Food and Drug Administration approved the drug from Amylyx Pharmaceuticals based on results from one small, mid-stage study in which patients with the debilitating disease appeared to progress more slowly and survive several months longer. Typically, the FDA requires two large studies or one study with “very persuasive” survival results for approval. “This approval provides another important treatment option for ALS, a life-threatening disease that currently has no cure,” FDA’s neurology drug director Dr. Billy Dunn said in a statement. […]  Several panelists said they were also reassured by an extraordinary exchange at the meeting in which FDA’s Dr. Dunn requested — and Amylyx affirmed — that the company would voluntarily pull its drug from the market if a large, ongoing study doesn’t confirm its benefit. That 600-patient study is expected to report results in 2024.

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/als-drug-wins-fda-approval-questionable-data-90724619

Silverio: Planned Parenthood Director Claims That Men Can Get Pregnant During Hearing

Planned Parenthood’s Medical Director for Primary and Trans Care claimed that men can get pregnant during a House Oversight Committee hearing on abortion Thursday. Republican Georgia Rep. Andrew Clyde asked Dr. Bhavik Kumar if biological men have the capacity to get pregnant and give birth. The Planned Parenthood director responded in the affirmative.

Read more/Watch the 3:12 minute exchange: https://dailycaller.com/2022/09/29/planned-parenthood-director-claims-men-can-get-pregnant-andrew-clyde/

Gaty: ‘Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus’ Is The Next Public Health Issue You Can’t Talk About

Polio, a virus once thought to be a thing of the past, recently reemerged in New York state’s wastewater. Politico helpfully explained that this recent emergence is, in fact, a form of “vaccine-derived poliovirus.” And the term, while technically true, is “particularly inartful and confusing” and ought not to be used. As Yale School of Medicine puts it, “there’s a lot of nuance” on the issue. To translate from public health jargon to plain English, this means: Get it out of your system now because you’ll likely be banned from social media for using it by next month.  So what is vaccine-derived poliovirus (VDPV) anyway, and is it something you need to worry about? Here are some key takeaways.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/09/29/vaccine-derived-poliovirus-is-the-next-public-health-issue-you-cant-talk-about/

Reyes: REVEALED: Johns Hopkin doctor told her trans Army officer wife to stop being a ‘coward’ and to ‘work through’ her ‘ethical issues’ to hand over medical information on senior military officers to Russians, indictment shows

Major Jamie Lee Henry, 39, and Johns Hopkins Dr. Anna Gabrielian, 36, were accused of using their secret security clearance at North Carolina‘s Fort Bragg to steal the records from the base’s hospital, according to the Department of Justice. Fort Bragg is among one of the most populated military installations in the world, housing about 52,000 active duty soldiers. The base is home to the US Army’s Delta Force and Special Operations Forces. The couple, from Rockville, Maryland, had communicated and met with an undercover FBI agent who they believed was from the Russian embassy in order to deliver files that the Kremlin ‘could exploit.’ According to the indictment, which was unsealed on Thursday, Gabrielian said she was motivated by her patriotism to Russia, with Henry using her clearance as a staff internist to help secure the files. […]  Gabrielian Johns Hopkins profile shows that she speaks Russian and earned her medical degree at the University of Pittsburg School of Medicine in 2012. She married Henry in 2015, the same year the major officially came out as transgender.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11263375/Armys-trans-officer-wife-INDICTED-trying-pass-medical-records-Russians.html

Higdon: I Am Trans– Here’s Why We Need to Start Listening to Detransitioners

Detransitioners play one of the most important roles in the fight to protect children from Queer Theory. However, in debates about queer theory, no group receives more hate and intolerance. Detransitioners are those who once had a strong enough desire to be the opposite sex that they transitioned, but then after a period of time, realized that their problems did not get better, and took the steps to go back to living as their biological sex. For many, irreversible damage was already done before they made the decision to go back. Detransitioners provide us valuable insight into how they were sucked into this ideological rabbit hole. […]  Much like a cult, for queer activists there can be no dissent. We see this as standard for the many different social justice groups on the left. The worst attacks are on those that have walked away from their ideology. […]  The biggest service detransitioners provide is the other side of the story. Many gender non-conforming people are sold a lie that they are probably trans because they don’t fit the stereotypes for their sex . Many young girls on the spectrum are being preyed upon because their disorder presents itself similarly to that of Gender Dysphoria. Journalist Christina Buttons once told me in an interview, that if someone had told her she was a boy, she would have grabbed onto that and not let go.

Read more: https://www.humanevents.com/2022/09/28/i-am-transgender-we-need-to-start-listening-to-detransitioners


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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