Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 27 minutes


Steve Miller investigative reporter for Real Clear Investigations: A nonprofit group called the Audacious Project, whose supporters include the Gates and MacArthur foundations and the Bridgespan Group, a consultant whose clients include Planned Parenthood, has committed $80 million to a progressive organization, the Center for Tech and Civic Life, to provide grant funding to run local elections.

 Michael Waller contributor to American Greatness: Section 402, “Incorporating Environmental Justice,” shows the politicization objective. The new FBI headquarters “shall address actions taken to advance environmental justice” under this section. Section 403 takes it further, turning federal employees, in this case FBI special agents and other personnel, into political activists on and off the job. It would pair the FBI with “public, private, and non-profit sectors and labor unions and worker organizations” to promote environmental justice. All this activity, under Section 501 of the executive order, would be overseen by a political commissar titled Federal Chief Sustainability Officer, appointed by the president.

Patrick Howley reporter for National File: The U.S. federal government is tracking people who decided not to get the COVID-19 vaccine injection, according to bombshell federal government records and video exclusively obtained by NATIONAL FILE. According to the shocking video, unvaccinated people are quietly tracked when they go to the doctor’s office or to the hospital due to a quiet new program proposed and implemented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Government meeting materials make clear that the new program is designed to “to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized.”

Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL): “We’ve got more problems in our military right now because of the leadership, because of the wokeness that they’re teaching – the CRT, the things that our kids shouldn’t be taught.”  “As I tell in hearings – one of the first things I always tell General [Mark] Milley of the joint chiefs of staff and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin – guys, you’re not here to educate people on social issues. You’re here to build a killing machine. We have to protect our country. We have to protect our allies. That is not their number one agenda for some reason. They want to bring all this woke teaching to our military. We were 20,000 behind last year in recruiting in the Army – first time ever.”  

Joy Pullmann is executive editor of The Federalist: A PBS affiliate reported in 2018: In places like Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont where industrial wind turbine projects have recently been introduced, residents have reported symptoms such as nausea, sleep disorders, fatigue, and increased stress that they account to a low-frequency hum — a combination of audible bass sounds and inaudible vibrations — generated by the turbines. In one instance , an air traffic controller attributed a near-fatal mistake on the insomnia and stress he experienced after a wind turbine was installed near his home in Falmouth, Massachusetts.

Steve McCann contributor to American Thinker: Every American should be proud of being a member of whatever race or ethnic group they may identify with, but more importantly of being a citizen of the United States and a part of Western Civilization. However, every American, in particular Black Americans, must understand that they are currently being exploited by those with a megalomaniacal agenda. They will not succeed if the citizenry stands up and tells these self-absorbed wannabe tyrants to take their malevolent attempts at manipulation and incitement and shove it.

Jeffrey A. Tucker is Founder and President of Brownstone Institute: We have solid historical and contemporary proof that eugenic ambitions are capable of sweeping up the most elite intellectuals and policy circles. The dream of curating the population by force to make it more fit is a historical reality and not nearly as discredited as people tend to believe. It can always make a return in new guise, with new language, and new excuses.


Jack Posobiec tweet: BREAKING: Trump calls for peace talks for Ukraine and Russia, slams Biden for escalating toward WW3

Watch the 1:14 Trump video: https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/1620994648780181506?cxt=HHwWhMDQ9e2C9_4sAAAA

Bahr: If Trump is such a terrible candidate, why does everyone fear him?

For someone whom the establishment says has no chance of winning the 2024 presidential campaign, there seems to be a lot of fear about President Donald Trump winning another term. One thing about Trump, he gets hate from both sides. And that’s why he’s the only choice to get this country going in the right direction again. But, but, but Trump needs to renounce the vaccines. He keeps saying he’s saved over 100 million lives because of the vaccines, say his detractors. If you parse what Trump has said, he is not saying the vaccines saved all those lives, he has said it’s because of the vaccines that he is believed to have saved so many lives.  Let me explain. […]  The people who get their noses of joint because of Trump are not America-first individuals.  These are the weasels, criminals, backstabbers and turncoats who care only for their own power and enrichment. I hope that when Trump  gets re-elected, he unleashes political hell against the enemies of the American people. It is my prayer that we will finally get the justice we have been demanding, and you know what?  I think we will.

Read more at American Thinker.

Sundance: New York AG Releases Footage of President Trump Deposition, The Details of the Witch Hunt Are Very Visible in Procedural Explanations

The office of New York Attorney General Letitia James released footage on Tuesday of the deposition of former President Donald Trump. The video was intended to create a narrative as President Trump repeatedly invoked privileges under the fifth amendment against self-incrimination. However, if you watch the introductory part of the deposition, to include the statements from the office of the AG, you get a real sense of how this witch hunt is being conducted. President Trump’s deposition took place on August 10, 2022. […]  Pay close attention to the preliminary procedural explanations and questions from state Attorney General Letitia James. That is the set up, technically and legally explained by the New York AG herself. Once you see that part,  . . .

Read more/Watch the  37:37 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/02/01/new-york-ag-releases-footage-of-president-trump-deposition-the-details-of-the-witch-hunt-are-very-visible-in-procedural-explanations/


War Room: Joe Allen: ChatGPT Biased Ideological Direction

Watch the 9:59 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v281364-joe-allen-chatgpt-biased-ideological-direction.html

Allen: AI Conjures A Cronenberg Film. It’s Like Gazing Into the Gates of Hell

“Artificial intelligence? Pfft. Nothing ‘intelligent’ about it.” David Cronenberg is one of the freakiest film-makers of all time. His vision is perverted and disgusting—but always heavy, and always insightful. His movies evoke biomedical horrors, where machines look like pulsating organs, and organisms look like slimy machines. The vibe is a high brow barf-fest. […]  By the end of each movie, you can’t imagine how the next would be more repulsive. And by the end of the next one, you realize you were sorely mistaken. As it turns out, things can always get worse. Last weekend, Cronenberg’s brilliant cinematography was siphoned up from the Internet, data-mined to the last frame, broken down into statistical models, and refashioned into a film that never existed. These computer-generated images bother me for two reasons. First, they really do look like something Cronenberg would make. Setting aside my hatred for this dehumanizing technology, I’ll admit some scenes are as good as anything he ever did. They even smell like a Cronenberg movie. More troubling, though, is that these hellish scenes of malnourished cyborgs and brittle robots were literally dreamt up by a machine. They are the mathematical distillation of a subconscious mind. […]  What does it mean for a machine to dream? What happens when our minds brim with synthetic fantasies?  I’m no psychologist, but I’ll tell you this. If AI comes to dominate the cultural landscape, human beings will lose their minds.

Read more: https://joebot.substack.com/p/ai-conjures-a-cronenberg-film-its


A new report from Semafor alleges that Silicon Valley darling and ChatGPT creator OpenAI has been making major moves to hire an “army” of outside contractors to better train a model how to code — an operation that could ultimately render entry-level coding jobs extinct. The company, per Semafor, has brought on roughly 1,000 of these contractors — most of whom live “in regions like Latin America and Eastern Europe,” according to sources familiar with the matter — in the past six months. About 60 percent of those hired were reportedly brought to do data labeling work, while the other 40 percent are computer programmers tasked with making software engineering datasets to train OpenAI’s models on.

Read more: https://futurism.com/the-byte/openai-replace-entry-level-coders-ai

The Right Scoop: New AI bot ChatGPT criticizes Trump and DeSantis but writes LOVE POEMS about Joe Biden

The new ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, a company funded by Microsoft, is proving that it is as partisan as the garbage media. Snopes decided to fact check the claim that ChatGPT won’t write a poem about former President Trump but will write one lavishing praise on Joe Biden. The leftwing fact checker found that this was indeed true and even went one step further and validated that it also won’t write a poem about Governor Ron DeSantis. But there’s more to it than just a refusal to write poetry about Republicans. ChatGPT actually responded to Snopes query with criticism of both Trump and DeSantis, dumping a heavier load of hate on DeSantis – believe it or not. Here’s what Snopes found when it queried ChatGPT to write a poem about Trump: . . .

Read more: https://therightscoop.com/new-ai-bot-chatgpt-criticizes-trump-and-desantis-but-writes-love-poems-about-joe-biden/


Howley: EXCLUSIVE: The Federal Government Is Tracking Unvaccinated People Who Go To The Doctor And To The Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program

A bombshell piece of information was revealed at the September 14-15, 2021 virtual Zoom meeting of the federal government’s ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee (which includes representatives from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, known as CMS, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Center for Health Statistics). At the meeting, the Committee discussed new categories of “ICD-10” codes that the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) wanted to create to mark people as “Unvaccinated for COVID-19,” “Partially Vaccinated for COVID-19” and “Other underimmunization status.” The ICD-10 coding system was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and doctors are required to use it to categorize different kinds of patients. The ICD-10 codes are preserved in a patient’s electronic health record and used by insurance companies for billing purposes. The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics maintains the ICD-10 codes. Within ICD-10 codes, there is a category known as “ICD-10-CM” codes (which are reportedly used by the CDC for tracking purposes), and this “CM” category includes the new “Unvaccinated for COVID-19” category and also the “Partially Vaccinated For COVID-19” category and the “other underimmunization status” category.

Read more/ Listen to the 3:40 minute audio: https://nationalfile.com/exclusive-the-federal-government-is-tracking-unvaccinated-people-who-go-to-the-doctor-and-to-the-hospital-due-to-cdc-designed-surveillance-program/

War Room: Dr Wolf: AI At War Against Humanity, Genocidal Pfizer Vaccines Against Children

Humanity is in the crosshairs. Humans are now fungible. Children under 12 received unlawful mRNA vaccine.

Watch the 14:16 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2812lk-dr-wolf-ai-at-war-against-humanity-genocidal-pfizer-vaccines-against-childr.html

Boyd: Getting Pfizer’s Covid booster and flu vaccine on the same day may raise the risk of a STROKE, FDA says

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) found the preliminary link while scouring vaccine injury databases after a separate safety concern was raised about Pfizer’s jab. Earlier this month, one of the country’s vaccine surveillance systems flagged a possible association between the Omicron-specific shot and an elevated risk of an ischemic stroke among seniors over 65. FDA officials who have been investigating the link said most of the patients had also received their flu shot on the same day, which might be a factor. […]  The FDA is launching a bigger study to examine potential safety problems arising from vaccinating against Covid and flu simultaneously. [NOTE: And yet, the bivalent booster continues to be offered to unsuspecting citizens who apparently are trial guinea pigs.]

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11681217/Getting-Pfizers-Covid-booster-flu-shot-day-raise-risk-STROKE.html

 Piper: From colds to commotio cordis, medical pundits reaching to rule out COVID vax in health scares

Celebrity health scares in the past month have prompted fast and sometimes far-fetched explanations in the media and medical community, seemingly to avoid the feared explanation popular on social media: COVID-19 vaccine injury. […]   NYU Langone cardiologist Greg Katz explained to Vossoughian’s viewers that an “overactive immune response” to the cold caused her heart problems. Doctors, he said, have been seeing such problems “a little bit more this year … it’s rare, but it’s not the rarest” and “very unpredictable.”   […]  NFL safety Damar Hamlin and his doctors have stayed tight-lipped on what they think caused his on-field collapse during the Jan. 2 Buffalo Bills-Cincinnati Bengals game. Hamlin didn’t address it in a Jan. 28 Instagram video, and family spokesperson Jordon Rooney did not respond to Just the News queries.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/health/colds-commotio-cordis-medical-pundits-grasp-straws-rule-out-covid-vax-near


War Room: Dave Walsh: BP Turns On Against Renewal Energy

Watch the 8:39 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v28120c-dave-walsh-bp-turns-on-against-renewal-energy.html

Beaman: Energy Department proposes efficiency rules for cooking devices after gas stove furor

BIDEN ADMINISTRATION RACKS UP 110 RULES ON ENERGY EFFICIENCY The proposed rule-making would set new efficiency standards for both electric and gas cooking tops, preventing them from exceeding set levels of energy use per year. The metrics used would not attempt to limit stove usage when they are installed and in use, a department spokesperson emphasized. “Instead, the metric will ensure cooktops are produced to meet a certain level of energy efficiency if the proposed rule is finalized,” the person said. It would also impose regulations on electric ovens for the first time, providing that they may not utilize a linear power supply, or one that produces unregulated as well as regulated power. Gas ovens would be subjected to the same prohibition.

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?ref=&q=https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/policy/energy-environment/energy-department-proposes-regulations-for-cooktops

Raw Egg Nationalist: Hacking the World

The prospect of thousands of “geoengineers” trying to save the planet could spell disaster. icture this. An entrepreneur with a history of investment in wacky environmental projects—everything from cold fusion to large-scale reforestation—decides to take matters into his own hands and restore dwindling fish stocks in the ocean off Canada’s west coast. His hope is that, by doing so, he can also help secure the livelihoods of the region’s downtrodden indigenous peoples, who rely heavily on the fish and have fallen on hard times. Maybe he can even do something about global warming while he’s at it. He plans to stimulate a giant artificial algal bloom by dumping a huge amount of a particular chemical into the water, a few hundred miles out from the coast. The thinking is that a massive input at the bottom of the food chain (the chemical is a nutrient essential for algal growth) will have knock-on effects all the way up, via the smaller and larger fish, to the humans at the top. […]   In fact, all of this happened a little over ten years ago. In 2012, entrepreneur Russ George, with a crew of 11 aboard the ship the Ocean Pearl, dumped 100 tons of iron sulfate into the water off British Columbia. […]  This new attempt, by an American startup called Make Sunsets, is different from the George Incident in a number of worrying ways. Not least of all, it has the potential to be replicated on a large scale, in a decentralized, distributed manner, making it even more difficult to police and arguably much more dangerous. The company has confirmed it is now using cheap helium balloons to release reactive particles into the atmosphere, with the aim of global cooling.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/hacking-the-world/

Pullmann: Wind Farms Don’t Just Hurt The Environment And Boost China, They’re Ugly As Sin

Hoosier Daniel Lee recently noted the policy choice to limit natural gas and coal, combined with mandates for low-energy wind and solar, is making the Midwest energy grid significantly more expensive and unreliable. Federal regulators are also attempting to quash local opposition to eyesore wind farms as they force utilities to increase unreliable power. “The Environmental Protection Agency is scrambling to enact the administration’s climate agenda,” Lee notes. “Rules and regulations currently being written could take local opposition out of the equation, giving state officials cover in overruling obstructive local wind-farm restrictions. Davos attendees may like this, but some Hoosiers won’t be happy.” It’s a pattern happening across the United States. In early 2022, New York’s power grid operator predicted increasing blackouts as environmentalist regulations cut supply and the state shuts down power plants. The North American Electric Reliability Corp. warned the West and Midwest should expect to see the same thing for the same reasons. In fall 2022, New England’s power grid operator told customers to expect blackouts if cold weather became severe, because of natural gas shortages. […] In places like Massachusetts, New York, and Vermont where industrial wind turbine projects have recently been introduced, residents have reported symptoms such as nausea, sleep disorders, fatigue, and increased stress that they account to a low-frequency hum — a combination of audible bass sounds and inaudible vibrations — generated by the turbines. In one instance , an air traffic controller attributed a near-fatal mistake on the insomnia and stress he experienced after a wind turbine was installed near his home in Falmouth, Massachusetts. Not to mention what an eyesore wind farms are, stretching sometimes miles and miles along what was formerly a far more beautiful landscape of sky, trees, and land.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/02/02/wind-farms-dont-just-hurt-the-environment-and-boost-china-theyre-ugly-as-sin/


Strom: Governor Abbott: election irregularities in Harris County may necessitate new elections

Harris County Texas is huge. If it were a state it would rank 25th in population, just behind Alabama. Almost 5 million people live there. Nine members of the U.S. House of Representatives hail from or represent the county, as well as 24 state representatives. At its center is Houston, which is reliably Democrat, but the county as a whole is a swing district these days with both Democrats and Republicans winning elections. […] Guess what? The elections were run rather poorly last year. So poorly, and suspiciously so, that Governor Greg Abbott is suggesting that new elections may have to be held. […]  At issue? Harris County officials didn’t provide enough ballot paper to 121 voting centers to cover the needs of the precincts. Not due to a surge in voting at the polls–that wasn’t the issue at all. Nor was it due to a shortage of available paper. There was plenty of it to go around. They simply chose to deliver about half as many ballots to some voting centers as were needed in previous years.

Read more: https://hotair.com/david-strom/2023/02/01/governor-abbott-election-irregularities-in-harris-county-may-necessitate-new-elections-n527766


(H/T CFP) Miller: Big Philanthropy Advances as a Big Player in the Private Funding of Public Elections

Echoing the private financing of public elections that critics saw as heavily favoring Democrats in 2020, some of America’s richest foundations are pouring money into a similar effort again, in the face of more organized conservative resistance. […]  As part of its review process, the CTCL is sending operatives to local elections offices, examining practices and equipment, and acquiring the sorts of data coveted by political campaigns. Despite public claims of transparency, the center has refused to provide basic information about its operations.  The CTCL became a focus of controversy in 2020 when it helped direct hundreds of millions of dollars donated by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan to help run elections during the pandemic, which prompted ad hoc changes to rules minimizing in-person voting. Many objected to that as unlawful. While the outside assistance was touted as nonpartisan, post-election analysis found that the so-called “Zuckerbucks” or “Zuck Bucks” were distributed on a partisan basis that favored Democrats.

Read more at Real Clear Investigations.


Waller: Planned New FBI HQ Is Twice the Size of the Pentagon

The federal government is proceeding with plans to build a new FBI headquarters complex twice the size of the Pentagon building. Riveted into the colossal new project are woke regulations to ensure that the FBI center will comply with diversity, equity, LGBTQ+, and climate change political goals. The plan, unveiled last September, has received little attention. For years the FBI has sought to vacate its present headquarters, a brutalist concrete bunker on stilts and occupying two city blocks between the White House and the Capitol. Plans for the new FBI headquarters specify that it will be built on one of three sites in suburban Virginia and Maryland. Those sites are large parcels of 58, 61, and 80 acres. […]  The Kremlin in Moscow —a walled fortress containing the administrative offices of the Russian central government, the official presidential residence, massive auditoriums, an arsenal, a museum, four palaces, three cathedrals and several churches—is just over 66 acres in area. […]  The new FBI complex, under EO 14057, would be part of a push to achieve a range of ambitious green energy and emissions goals plus “climate resilient infrastructure and operations” for “a climate- and sustainability-focused Federal workforce.” […] Section 403 takes it further, turning federal employees, in this case FBI special agents and other personnel, into political activists on and off the job. It would pair the FBI with “public, private, and non-profit sectors and labor unions and worker organizations” to promote environmental justice. […]  The House Still Has Time to Stop It

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/01/planned-new-fbi-hq-is-twice-the-size-of-the-pentagon/


Masugi: The FBI as Intelligence Unit for the Administrative State

ho knew, only a few short years ago, that staring in our faces in 2023 would be the crisis posed by the title of this essential guide to the politics of our times: The Fall of the FBI: How a Once Great Agency Became a Threat to Democracy, by former 33-year veteran FBI Agent Thomas Baker? Having followed his insightful columns on the FBI in the Wall Street Journal, I was excited to read Baker’s book and see his expanded argument, which is very much in line with my work and the work my colleague John Marini on the administrative state. Sketching his involvement in prominent cases (the Reagan assassination attempt, the downing of TWA flight 800, Whitey Bolger, various murders, and corruption cases), this model civil servant rose from the ranks to positions of great responsibility. With those achievements and experience Baker describes how his beloved agency betrayed its own standards and threatened what it was sworn to protect. This betrayal happened not by foreign subversion (though we’re seeing some signs of this beginning to happen now), but was an inside job that must become better known to a people who would govern themselves. As increasing numbers of Americans become more aware of the collapse of formerly trusted institutions, they will need Baker’s insider account of the once-vaunted FBI for an explanation of our exasperating current condition brought on by the vicissitudes of politics. By connecting the dots he presents an ugly portrait that describes other malign bureaucracies, inflicting their damage on American political and moral character and undermining confidence in America’s future.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/02/01/the-fbi-as-intelligence-unit-for-the-administrative-state/


Holloway: Libel and Cancel Culture

The Supreme Court needs to revisit its flawed ruling in New York Times v. Sullivan.  Yenor’s account reminds us that “cancel culture” depends on a larger corruption of culture in our institutions and in our country. Most obviously, cancel culture can only get a foothold in higher education if universities step away from such principles as academic freedom and freedom of speech. The academy is meant to stand for rational inquiry. Such inquiry is impossible if expressions of unpopular opinions are turned into occasions of virulent denunciation aimed at destroying reputations and ending careers.

Cancel culture also depends on the corruption of democratic culture. Real democracy requires that citizens be unafraid to express their opinions, even when those opinions are unpopular. Citizens must have a chance to state their opinions and to persuade each other through reasoned argument. This cannot happen where there is a race to see who can most ruthlessly demonize those who depart from the apparent consensus, especially if that consensus is simply enforced by the loudest, most self-righteous, and most punitive faction. In sum, cancel culture is the result of a spirit of intolerance that is compatible with neither higher education nor democracy. But cancel culture also thrives on the corruption of our legal culture.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/libel-and-cancel-culture/


AP: A lawsuit can proceed against Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, a federal judge rules

A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled Wednesday that a wrongful death lawsuit filed by the father of a man shot and killed by Kyle Rittenhouse during a protest in 2020 can proceed against Rittenhouse, police officers and others. The father of Anthony Huber, one of two men shot and killed by Rittenhouse, filed the lawsuit in 2021, accusing officers of allowing for a dangerous situation that violated his son’s constitutional rights and resulted in his death. Anthony Huber’s father, John Huber, also alleged that Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time of the shootings, conspired with law enforcement to cause harm to protestors. John Huber is seeking unspecified damages from city officials, officers and Rittenhouse.

Read more: https://www.npr.org/2023/02/01/1153706694/kyle-rittenhouse-wrongful-death-lawsuit-kenosha


The Right Scoop: Mark Levin blasts McConnell as Mike Lee and Rick Scott get the boot from Senate Commerce Committee

Both Mike Lee and Rick Scott got the boot today from the Senate Commerce Committee. Scott believes that McConnell is the reason they got the boot. More specifically, he believes it’s payback for him challenging McConnell for the minority leader role. Here’s more from Fox News: Multiple Senate sources, including Scott’s office, confirmed to Fox News Digital that Scott and Lee were taken off the panel as the Senate restructures around its one-seat Democrat majority. Scott told Fox News Digital he blames Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., for the removal. “I represent the third-biggest state in the country,” Scott said in an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital. “What they told me today at lunch is the way the rules work, McConnell gets to pick.” “So guess who [were] kicked off? Mike Lee and me,” the senator continued.

Read more: https://therightscoop.com/mark-levin-blasts-mcconnell-as-mike-lee-and-rick-scott-get-the-boot-from-senate-commerce-committee/


Ballasy: House Oversight chair: No Biden officials have come before panel, while 39 testified under Trump

Comer said Monday that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas had been blocking needed testimony from four key border patrol officials. Mayorkas later reversed course, Comer acknowledged in a letter to Mayorkas on Tuesday. “We’ve asked DHS to let us have four border patrol agents come before our hearing next week,” Comer said Monday at the National Press Club. “[I]f I wanted to have a big political hearing that was full of red meat, we would have victims’ families that lost their lives to fentanyl, we would have people that have been human trafficked there, but we’re not.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/congress/comer-testified-oversight-committee

War Room: Congressman Andy Biggs On Triggering Mayorkas Impeachment Over Border Invasion

Watch the 9:56 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v280o9q-congressman-andy-biggs-on-triggering-biden-impeachment-over-border-invasion.html

Toldjah: Chip Roy Gets Maxine Waters to Denounce Maxine Waters in Amazing Exchange

Any day that Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) commits a self-own is a good day. But sometimes a little prodding is necessary to achieve the desired result, and that’s exactly what happened during a fascinating exchange Tuesday between Waters, who is the former Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, and Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) at a House Rules Committee hearing. The subject of the hearing was a discussion of a resolution titled “denouncing the horrors socialism,” which is sponsored by Rep. Maria Salazar (R-Fla.) and which was introduced on January 25th.

Read more/Watch the 3:17 minute exchange: https://redstate.com/sister-toldjah/2023/02/01/chip-roy-gets-maxine-waters-to-denounce-maxine-waters-in-amazing-exchange-n697330

Daily Wire News: Republican Lawmaker Reverses Course On Ilhan Omar, Now Supports Removing Her From Committee

Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) indicated Tuesday that she has reversed course on her previous opposition to removing Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee after she met with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) this week. Spartz’s reversal comes after McCarthy already booted Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Eric Swalwell (D-CA) from the House Intelligence Committee over security concerns surrounding their ability to be trusted with classified information.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/republican-lawmaker-reverses-course-on-ilhan-omar-now-supports-removing-her-from-committee


Ross: Meet the Dark Money Group Helping Democrats Undermine Republican Investigations

Democrats are relying on a dark money group to stymie Republican investigations into President Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The Congressional Integrity Project will provide the Biden White House and congressional Democrats with poll data, political ads, and opposition research on Republicans leading investigations into the Biden family, CNN reported. House Republicans have made clear their intention to investigate the Biden family’s business dealings, the president’s handling of classified documents, the border crisis, and federal mismanagement of the coronavirus relief program. Democrats’ collusion with the Congressional Integrity Project contradicts party leaders’ insistence that dark money has undue influence on Washington, D.C.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/meet-the-dark-money-group-helping-democrats-undermine-republican-investigations/

EXCLUSIVE: Matt Gaetz Responds To Jerry Nadler Objecting His Request To Recite Pledge Of Allegiance Before Judiciary Hearings

During the first Judiciary hearing with the new GOP-led Congress, Gaetz put forward an amendment to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the start of each hearing, to which Nadler responded, saying, “I would oppose it simply on the grounds that, as members know, we pledge allegiance every day on the floor and I don’t know why we should pledge allegiance twice in the same day, to show how patriotic we are.” Gaetz mentioned he thought it would be a unifying and patriotic act. Gaetz responded to Nadler’s opposition exclusively to the Daily Caller, saying, “Standing for the American flag isn’t controversial. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance isn’t a waste of time. Democrats are so outraged at the idea of a daily dose of patriotism that they spent 30 minutes ranting and raving in opposition. Congress cannot expect the American people to believe they are fighting for their values when they don’t even care to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.”

Read more/Watch the 52 second clip:  https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/01/matt-gaetz-response-jerry-nadler-pledge-allegiance-request/


Le Mahieu: North Dakota Mayor Moves To Block Chinese-Owned Corn Mill After Warning From Air Force

Grand Forks Mayor Brandon Bochenski, a Republican and former NHL player, said with the city council’s approval, he would block the opening of the mill operated by Fufeng USA, an American subsidiary of a Chinese company. “The federal government has requested the city’s help in stopping the project as geo-political tensions have greatly increased since the initial announcement of the project,” Bochenski said in a statement. “The only remedies the city has to meet this directive is to refuse to connect industrial infrastructure and deny building permits.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/north-dakota-mayor-moves-to-block-chinese-owned-corn-mill-after-warning-from-air-force


Hoft: General Flynn: Vice President Biden Visited Ukraine 12-13 Times in His Last Year as VP – ALL OF THESE Trips Need to be Investigated! (AUDIO)

During our conversation General Flynn pointed out that Joe Biden visited Ukraine 12 or 13 times his last year as vice president. Why? And why did Obama allow this? Obama is as much at fault as Joe Biden. General Flynn is calling on Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan to investigate every single one of these trips.

Read more/Listen to the 1:55 minute audio: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/general-flynn-vice-president-biden-visited-ukraine-12-13-times-last-year-vp-trips-need-investigated-audio/

AP: North Korea warns of ‘overwhelming nuclear force’ to counter US

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korea said Thursday it’s prepared to counter U.S. military moves with the “most overwhelming nuclear force” as it warned that the expansion of the United States’ combined military exercises with rival South Korea is pushing tensions to an “extreme red line.” The statement by Pyongyang’s Foreign Ministry came in response to comments by U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, who said Tuesday in Seoul that the United States would increase its deployment of advanced military assets to the Korean Peninsula, including fighter jets and aircraft carriers, as it strengthens joint training and operational planning with South Korea.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/02/02/north-korea-warns-of-overwhelming-nuclear-force-to-counter-us/

Averre: America ramps up military presence in the Philippines amid rising tensions with China over Taiwan

The agreement between the longtime allies was made public during the visit of U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, who has led efforts to strengthen America’s security alliances in Asia amid China’s increasing assertiveness toward Taiwan and in the disputed South China Sea. Under the new terms of the agreement, U.S. forces will be granted access to four more Philippine military camps, sewing up a banner of alliances around China that stretches thousands of miles from South Korea and Japan to Australia. The allies also said in a joint statement that ‘substantial’ progress has been made in projects at five Philippine military bases, where U.S. military personnel were earlier granted access by Filipino officials under the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA).

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11704415/US-Philippines-agree-larger-American-military-presence.html


War Room: U.S. Consumer Can No Longer Hold The American Economy Afloat With Record Debt, Recession Incoming

Watch the 13:07 minute video: https://rumble.com/v27z48y-u.s.-consumer-can-no-longer-hold-the-american-economy-afloat-with-record-de.html

Zeisloft: Federal Reserve Raises Target Interest Rates By Quarter Point, Marking Slowdown Of Aggressive Hikes

Officials at the Federal Reserve announced a 0.25% increase in the target federal funds rate, marking a slowdown from previous 0.75% and 0.5% rate hikes meant to combat inflation. Price levels declined slightly last month amid a decrease in energy prices: year-over-year inflation fell from 7.1% in November to 6.5% in December, marking the largest overall decline in nearly three years even as food and shelter prices continue to increase, according to a report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Members of the Federal Open Market Committee said in a statement on Wednesday that “ongoing increases in the target range will be appropriate in order to attain a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive.” Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell previously confirmed that officials would “moderate the pace of our rate increases.” Target interest rates now sit between 4.5% and 4.75%.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/federal-reserve-raises-target-interest-rates-by-quarter-point-marking-slowdown-of-aggressive-hikes

(Cover up?) Dunleavy: National Archives ‘wasn’t allowed’ to reveal Biden classified documents discovery

A top House Republican says the top lawyer for the National Archives “wasn’t allowed” to weigh in on the discovery of classified documents in President Joe Biden’s possession — despite publicly commenting repeatedly on former President Donald Trump’s similar circumstance. The National Archives has stayed largely quiet when it comes to Biden’s classified document saga — a stark contrast to how it handled Trump’s scandal. It set up an entire section on its website, “Press Statements in Response to Media Queries About Presidential Records,” in early 2022 dedicated to its numerous press releases on the Trump Mar-a-Lago documents saga. However, in the weeks after Biden’s scandal burst into public view (and months after the National Archives first learned about it), the agency has yet to issue a single press release on it.

Read more: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justice/national-archives-not-allowed-reveal-biden-classified-documents-discovery

Faria: Liberals have spent the last few years obsessing over systemic racism, and yet they are the ones perpetuating it.

Over the past two decades, nearly 200,000 black New Yorkers moved out of New York City, a decline of 9% of its black population. The New York Times lists several reasons for the decline, including “concerns about school quality,” but one issue reigns supreme: Black people, especially parents, are simply being priced out of living in New York City. New York City isn’t making up the decline either, as the New York Times notes that “the birthrate among black women has decreased.” On a completely unrelated note, New York has been fanatical in its commitment to the Democratic Party’s platform of abortion anytime for any reason. PolitiFact confirmed in 2015 that more black babies were aborted than born in the city. […]  So where does the “national trend of younger black professionals, middle-class families, and retirees leaving cities” lead to? It leads to . . .

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?ref=&q=https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/community-family/liberalism-is-systemic-racism-liberals-complain-about

Duke: Explanation? Biden Said He Discussed How to “Increase … Food Shortages” — Now They’re Reality

While meeting with European allies last March, Joe Biden said that they “talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food shortages.” This was on camera at a press conference. The media didn’t seem to care much, though, and when the statement itself was disseminated online, Facebook labeled it “false news.” Perhaps the idea was that Biden, being senile, will spout falsehoods. Then again, senile people can also forget to suppress what they’re supposed to keep hidden, some may counter.Note, too, that the White House never corrected Biden’s odd statement, according to Fox News host Tucker Carlson. Whatever the truth, here’s what requires no guesswork: There have been increasing food shortages since that time. […]  This all, of course, sounds like a conspiracy theory, and maybe that’s all it is. Or is it a conspiracy fact? […]  Susan McKelvey, a National Fire Protection Association spokesman, “noted in an email that national data show the country averaged more than 5,000 fires annually at manufacturing and processing facilities, not just food plants, between 2015 and 2019,” related U.S. News & World Report last May. “She estimated that there have ‘been approximately 20 fires in U.S. food processing facilities in the first 4 months of 2022, which is not extreme at all and does not signal anything out of the ordinary.’” “The recent inquiries around these fires appears to be a case of people suddenly paying attention to them and being surprised about how often they do occur,” McKelvey stated.

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/explanation-biden-said-he-discussed-how-to-increase-food-shortages-now-theyre-reality/


Perez & Rabinowitz: Hunter Biden calls for criminal probe in aggressive new legal strategy

Attorneys for Hunter Biden on Wednesday asked state and federal agencies to investigate a computer repair shop owner, Rudy Giuliani and number of right-wing political figures involved in disseminating contents of his laptop, alleging that they committed computer and other criminal violations in their effort to “weaponize” the laptop contents against his father. The allegations – made in letters to the Delaware attorney general, the Justice Department’s National Security Division and the IRS – mark the first time President Joe Biden’s son and his legal team have publicly acknowledged that it was his personal data purported to be found on a laptop left at the Delaware repair shop. However, his legal team said their new outreach does not amount to confirmation of the laptop narrative that has been circulated on the right.

Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/01/politics/hunter-biden-laptop-contents-letter/index.html


LaChance: Old Clips Of Mister Rogers Talking About Kids And Gender Are Triggering People On The Left (VIDEO)

Old clips of the classic children’s TV show ‘Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood’ are circulating on social media and triggering people on the left because what Rogers is saying clashes with the progressive view on transgenderism. In our current environment, it’s easy to forget that the left’s view on this issue was considered far outside the mainstream just a few years ago. What Fred Rogers says in these videos is still the view held by most Americans, despite the efforts of the media and Hollywood to normalize it.

Read more/Watch the 27 and 29 second clips: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/02/old-clips-mister-rogers-talking-kids-gender-triggering-people-left-video/

Reese: Florida Pride Festival Features ‘Family Friendly’ Drag Event, ‘Kid Zones’

Hollywood, Florida, and Broward County, Florida, helped put on the “Welcome Home, My Hollywood Pride” event on Jan. 29, according to the event website. The “family friendly” event included a “teen zone” that put on a drag queen question and answer session, and in the “kids zone” a “banned book nook,” featuring challenged books, hosted by the Broward County Hollywood Library and Safe Schools South Florida, a group working to empower LGBTQ students in schools. […]  Other sponsors of the “family friendly” pride festival included the Florida Cleveland Clinic, a non-profit hospital, Starbucks and Holy Cross Hospital, the event website stated.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/02/01/florida-pride-festival-family-friendly-drag-event-kid-zones/

Alexander: Transgender substitute teacher is fired after sharing salacious TikTok videos of herself with sixth-grade students – and clips where she discussed hormone therapy and her transition

Lydia Lamere’s now-deleted posts included her discussing Hormone Replacement Therapy and posing in the bathroom wearing just a towel, The Maine Wire reported. Another site, Reduxx, said that Lamere, who was born male, also had discussions of BDSM on her page.A student in Lamere’s class at King Middle School in Portland told her father, Mark Davey, that classmates at her school were discussing Lamere’s posts. […]  ‘Her gender or sexuality has nothing to do with why I’m upset. ‘The violation here is the sexualization of children.’

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11703655/Transgender-substitute-teacher-fired-sharing-racy-TikToks-sixth-grade-students.html


James: Republican councilwoman, 30, is gunned down behind the wheel of her SUV outside her home: New Jersey mother was shot multiple times in ‘targeted’ attack while driving

Eunice Dwumfour, 30, was found dead in her white Nissan SUV after it crashed near her home on Point of Wood Drive in New Jersey. The Republican councilwoman was found with multiple gunshot wounds and pronounced dead at the scene. Witnesses claim that the suspected gunman was spotted racing away from the Camelot at La Mer apartment complex, and a 911 call was placed at 7.22pm. Authorities say that the councilwoman who worked for a Nigerian-based church group was the intended target – but have not given a motive.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11705629/Republican-New-Jersey-councilwoman-30-gunned-outside-home-targeted-attack.html

Duffy-Alfonso: Listen As ‘Hi Ren’ Gives Countercultural Rebuttal To Godless Mental Health Industry

While Ren Gill claims he doesn’t identify with any particular religion, deep and ancient Christian themes take center stage in ‘Hi Ren.’ […]  Gen Z is being marked down as the most mentally ill generation to date. Disturbing rates of anxiety, self-harm, suicide, and depression plague young people, with professionals calling it an “epidemic.” That’s the cultural context for “Hi Ren,” a nine-minute rhythmically and lyrically genius blend of rap, singing, and acoustic guitar by English musician Ren Gill. “Hi Ren,” thrusts you into the harrowing internal battle within Gill’s tormented psyche. The Music video is filmed in an unsettling room inside a mental institution, with Gill dressed in a hospital gown and seated in a wheelchair. The song appears to be a vocal and visual representation of mental illness or perhaps addiction. […] So much of the psychological turmoil that many people struggle with is rooted in sin and evil. Psyche means soul, and the term psychiatry means the treatment of the soul. Yet the modern mental health industry rejects the very essence of what it seeks to study and treat. Since many practitioners and the heights of the profession deny the existence of the soul, modern mental health professionals must merely treat with surface-level symptoms. This is why they turn to psychotropic drugs so readily and are often incapable of properly sourcing and curing mental illness.

Read more/ Watch the 9:19 music video: https://thefederalist.com/2023/02/02/listen-as-hi-ren-gives-countercultural-rebuttal-to-godless-mental-health-industry/

Simonson & Rampersad: Bless His Heart: Missouri Democrat Debuts Southern Accent After Launching Senate Bid

There’s a consultant-driven playbook for candidates: Ditch the khakis for jeans, roll up your sleeves, and start talking like your constituents. Missouri Democrat Lucas Kunce, who recently announced a Senate bid, may have taken that last piece of advice a little too far. Since launching his campaign on Jan. 6, Kunce speaks with a soft Southern drawl. The accent was on full display in his campaign launch video, with one scene featuring a meditative Kunce sitting on a porch ripping Sen. Josh Hawley (R., Mo.) for his “banker daddy.”

Read more/Watch the 53 second clip: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/bless-his-heart-missouri-democrat-debuts-southern-accent-after-launching-senate-bid/

Kruta: Eagles Lineman Indicted For Rape, Kidnapping — Just Days Ahead Of Super Bowl

According to a report from entertainment site TMZ, Sills, 25, was indicted pursuant to an incident that dates back to December of 2019 in Guernsey County, Ohio — in which prosecutors allege that he “engaged in sexual activity that was not consensual and held a victim against her will.” […] A grand jury indicted Sills earlier this week and the case will be handled by the Special Prosecutions Section of the Attorney General’s Office.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/eagles-lineman-indicted-for-rape-kidnapping-just-days-ahead-of-super-bowl


Ibrahim: The Never-Ending ‘Pandemic’: 360 Million Christians Persecuted Worldwide

In 2022, 5,621 Christian around the world were “killed for faith related reasons.” Another 4,542 Christians were illegally detained or arrested, and 2,110 churches were attacked, many destroyed. Overall, the global persecution of Christians remains higher than ever, with 360 million believers suffering high levels of discrimination and violence. These are among some of the findings of the World Watch List 2023, recently published by the international humanitarian organization, Open Doors. Each year, the World Watch List ranks the top 50 nations where Christians are most persecuted for their faith by using data from approximately 4,000 field workers and external experts to analyze the persecution worldwide. The report finds that around the world, on average, one in seven Christians (14%) are persecuted. In Africa, that number grows to one in five (20%), while in Asia it is as much as two in five — meaning 40% of all Christians are persecuted there.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19365/christians-persecuted

Reynolds: American tourist ‘armed with a hammer’ is arrested in Jerusalem for smashing up a statue of Jesus in a church on the historic Via Dolorosa and shouting: ‘You can’t have idols, this is the holy city’

Israeli police arrested an American tourist today suspected of vandalizing a Jesus statue in a church in the Old City of Jerusalem. The suspect, who is in his forties, damaged a statue of Jesus in the Church of Flagellation on the historic Via Dolorosa, a processional route believed to be the path Jesus took to his crucifixion. He was detained after shouting at security guards:  ‘You can’t have idols in Jerusalem. This is the holy city.’  Police said the man’s mental health was being assessed. The American Embassy  declined to comment.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11705545/Israeli-police-American-arrested-vandalizing-church.html

Kheriaty: The Biomedical Security State, British Edition

First, by way of contextual backdrop, let me offer a quick recap of some relevant developments, which I describe in more detail in The New Abnormal: November 2021: As reported by the New York Times, the Israeli government issued emergency pandemic legislation permitting Shin Bet (their equivalent of the CIA), to access mobile phones and extract track and trace data from suspected covid patients without their knowledge or consent. December 2021: Canada’s Public Health Agency confirmed that it had been extracting mobile phone data from the outset of pandemic to covertly track citizens’ movements, again without their knowledge or consent. Unlike Israel, this was not done legislatively or publicly. The agency confirmed that it planned to expand and continue this program until 2026. May 2022:  . . .[…] Not to be left out of the digital panopticon game, news from Britain broke this week with the following headline:

Army spied on lockdown critics: . . . […]  The article begins: A shadowy Army unit secretly spied on British citizens who criticised the Government’s Covid lockdown policies, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Military operatives in the UK’s ‘information warfare’ brigade were part of a sinister operation that targeted politicians and high-profile journalists who raised doubts about the official pandemic response. […]  As happened with so many of our federal agencies in the US, which have strayed beyond their original mission of protecting citizens from foreign threats to protecting the state from its own citizens, we see the following developments in the UK: . . .

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/biomedical-security-state-british-edition/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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