Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 27 minutes


Scott Powell is senior fellow at the Institute for Faith and Culture and contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Easter, which has its ultimate meaning in the resurrection, is one of ancient history’s most carefully scrutinized and best-attested events. The resurrection is real, and changes everything. Easter is the commemoration and celebration of the single event that transformed the world forever.

Steve Grunow  contributor to The Federalist: Those who have sufficiently reflected on the Gospel account of the suffering and death of Christ can look squarely in the face of cancel culture and name it for what it is. We should know and see what God knows and sees. Hidden in cancel culture’s dark recesses is the same power that lurks in the human condition, a terrible power that brought Jesus to His cross.

Haley Kynefin contributor to Brownstone Institute: Many of us can recognize the results of evil intuitively: evil causes vast human suffering; revokes our sense of human dignity; creates an ugly, dystopian, or disharmonic world; destroys beauty and poetry; perpetuates fear, anger, distress and terror; causes torture and bloodshed. Nevertheless, there are always some people who seem to remain ignorant of its presence — or, incredibly, see specific visceral atrocities as justified and even good.

Vince Coyner contributor to American Thinker: America has been loosed from the anchor of the Constitution and the rule of law that kept our citizens free for two centuries. While the blood of the regime’s enemies may not yet be flowing in the streets, history very clearly tells us that, unless we change what’s happening, it will be. The question is, are there enough Americans who are familiar with history and willing to pull us out of our national death spiral before that terrible end is upon us? How Americans respond to Donald Trump’s persecution is the canary in the coal mine that will likely answer that question.

Christopher Roach contributor to American Greatness: For all his faults and his New York cynicism, Trump still believes in America. The old one. This is why he says Make America Great Again. He thinks the country and its institutions are fundamentally good, that its people are decent, and that truth, justice, and prosperity will prevail once again when this temporary emergency passes.

Revolver.news: The truth is that “Trump Derangement Syndrome” was coined for a reason: Trump really does drive his enemies insane. They don’t want him on a GOP ticket. The system harbors unique hatred for Trump for the same reason that he inspires unique loyalty in patriots– Trump is the real deal and challenged the system in a way that our country hadn’t seen for years. Trump started and still leads one of the most powerful political movements in American history. For this, the corrupt regime wants him either dead, or behind bars and bankrupt, nothing less. And in many cases, they want the same for you.

Matthew Boose contributor to American Greatness: Like all totalitarian cults, the trans cult preys upon the youth, and drives a wedge between parents and their children. It demands unyielding obedience and affirmation of its false creed, which burns with sulfurous hatred of Christians and the faith that was once the beating heart of the West. Society is paying the price for having tiptoed around these hectoring tyrants over the past seven or eight years. People have become too afraid to speak the truth: “trans people” need humility, not “rights.” It is beyond the power of society to satisfy them, as their grievance is with God, not man.

Thom Nichels contributor to Frontpage Magazine: In explaining his concept of the demonic to Catholic podcaster John Henry Westin, Fr. Rodrique mentioned how the “the devil,” as a fallen angel, has no sex or gender, but in order to set the stage for the coming of the anti-Christ, it is necessary to create a generation resembling the devil’s “genderless” state as a first step in assembling a structure or foundation for the coming of the one predicted in scripture.

Camille Paglia  lesbian activist and college professor: So here’s the deal: I know feminists don’t like that I don’t think men are pigs. Well, I don’t want to throw everyone for a loop, but I’m actually against the idea of being transgender when it comes to the whole surgical thing. I’m a woman who loves women. I also love men, and I think that feminists could benefit from giving up the witch-hunt against men. I love all things gay-related. But that doesn’t mean I’m for switching genders. (And I also have a beef against what I call “gay Stalinists”—that is, people who turn queerness into an ax to grind, thereby becoming as dogmatic as the homophobes.)

Camille Paglia  lesbian activist and  college professor: “It is certainly ironic how liberals who posture as defenders of science when it comes to global warming (a sentimental myth unsupported by evidence) flee all reference to biology when it comes to gender,” said Paglia.


Hoekstra: The Trump Trials: Changing the Subject

  • Red lights have to be flashing for the current administration and its supporters: “danger ahead.”
  • Inflation continues threatening to turn into a crushing recession. Iran is reportedly days away from a nuclear-weapons breakout. A Chinese spy balloon just spent a week doing figure-eights over America’s most sensitive nuclear sights while transmitting information back to Beijing in real time. Communist Chinese President Xi Jinping is telling his people to prepare for war. And the House Oversight Committee keeps finding more bank evidence that the Biden family appears compromised by foreign payments.
  • What do the current administration and its supporters do, then? Revert to the tried-and-true playbook of the Trump era and launch the latest “Trump trial” to distract from the administration’s challenges. The pattern has been consistent – create a false narrative that is more favorable to themselves and more problematic for whoever is challenging them.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19570/trump-trials

Kelly: The Gathering Storm

For the first time in history, a vice president will testify before a grand jury considering evidence of crimes committed by his former boss. Mike Pence, after winning partial immunity, reportedly will answer questions about his exchanges with Trump in the weeks leading up to the protest at the Capitol. Oddly, Pence will not be compelled to discuss what he did on January 6—a dubious protection considering his key presence throughout the day and into the next morning. Of course, the public can’t read any of the government’s arguments since everything remains under seal. Ditto for court orders granting Smith’s every wish. As the most norm-crushing investigation in history unfolds in the nation’s capital, judges without explanation keep the files out of the view of the American people. Out of view, that is, except for what D.C. apparatchiks want to spin. […]  Bragg’s flop was merely the unsatisfying appetizer for the feast on Donald Trump that is about to come.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/06/the-gathering-storm/

Roach: The Last American

Earlier this week, former President Donald Trump surrendered to the New York City courts to face an indictment on 34 felony charges. The case arose from his accounting records of payments to a former paramour, Stormy Daniels. The indictment itself is garbage, the product of an extremely ideological prosecutor.

[…] Why did Trump surrender at all? […]  Not only should Trump not have surrendered, he should be looking for ways to get his allies to sue and prosecute his enemies, including this lunatic Manhattan prosecutor. Starting now, states are going to need to develop creative means of resistance to the federal government, as well against blue states, which are engaged in lawless, extraterritorial power grabs. We need to dust off the 19th century playbook of nullification. […]  There is evidence the deep state had much to do with the political demise of President Nixon and that the CIA and the Pentagon tried to box in JFK. Earlier, President Eisenhower warned of the dangers of the national security state.  The apparatus of the deep state is much bolder now. […]  The old civic nationalist ethos does not apply, because he is not being treated normally and never has been. For the ruling class, he is below the law. The fact that this prosecution is garbage doesn’t mean they won’t find Trump guilty and throw him in prison.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/04/06/the-last-american/

Solomon: Jim Jordan subpoenas former Manhattan prosecutor in first strike against office prosecuting Trump

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Thursday subpoenaed a former Manhattan prosecutor who openly campaigned to criminally charge Donald Trump – in the first significant strike at the office that brought the historic indictment against the former president this week. Jordan’s subpoena to former Special Assistant District Attorney Mark Pomerantz comes just days after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg pointedly declined to provide documents and testimony to Jordan’s committee, calling it an interference in his investigation. In a letter last month, the GOP-led panel requested Pomerantz’s voluntary cooperation, but he declined to cooperate at the direction of Bragg’s office.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/congress/jim-jordan-subpoenas-former-manhattan-prosecutor-first-strike-against-office

Frontpage Magazine: Video FLASHBACK: Corrupt Soros-Backed Manhattan DA Says #1 Issue Is to Convict Trump

In this video, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg exposes his own weak case against Trump as he drives his agenda to push for conviction no matter what.

Watch the 1:20 minute video: https://www.frontpagemag.com/video-flashback-corrupt-soros-backed-manhattan-da-says-1-issue-is-to-convict-trump/

Nava: Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing Trump case, donated to Biden campaign in 2020

Federal Election Commission records show Merchan made three small-dollar donations within the span of two days in July 2020 through ActBlue, the Democratic Party’s preferred online fundraising platform.  The veteran judge contributed $15 earmarked for the “Biden for President” campaign on July 26, 2020, and then the following day made $10 contributions to the Progressive Turnout Project and Stop Republicans. The Progressive Turnout Project’s stated mission is to “rally Democrats to vote,” according to the group’s website. Stop Republicans is a subsidiary of the Progressive Turnout Project and describes itself as “a grassroots-funded effort dedicated to resisting the Republican Party and Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy.”

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/04/07/trump-case-judge-juan-merchan-donated-to-biden-campaign-in-2020/


Whedon: In short time, half of America moves to constitutional carry as more states embrace gun rights

Gov. Ron DeSantis this week signed legislation into law that makes Florida the 26th state to allow Americans to carry firearms on their person for self-defense without a permit as one of the fastest moving affirmations of the Second Amendment continues to sweep the country. All eyes are now turning to Nebraska and South Carolina, two states expected to take up such legislation in coming months. Gun rights activists say the summer 2020 riots and the subsequent rise in violent crime in many blue cities gave a jolt to a constitutional carry movement they long wanted to see gain steam. “The bottom line is Americans watched years, certainly a year of riots and arson and looting. And they decided that they needed to be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights. Not everybody wants to do that. But they recognize the right to do so,” retired Army Lt. Col. Willes Lee, a top official in the National Rifle Association, told the John Solomon Reports podcast on Thursday.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/wkdas-florida-approves-permitless-carry-more-gop-states-poised-follow-suit


David McGrogan: Machiavelli and the Globalists: Why the Elites Despise Independent Thought

The most important two sentences in the history of political philosophy since the ancient Greeks appears towards the beginning of Machiavelli’s The Prince. ‘[A] wise ruler,’ the author informs his reader, ‘must think of a method by which his citizens will need the state and himself at all times and in every circumstance. Then they will always be loyal to him.’ The history of the development of modern governance is essentially a riff on this basic insight. It tells us almost everything we need to know about our current predicament: those who rule us vigorously engaged in the task of making us need them, so that they can retain our loyalty and hence stay in power – and gain more of it. Machiavelli was writing at a particular point in history when the thing which we now know as ‘the state’ first came into existence in European political thought. […]  At the very moment that the modern state was coming into existence at the beginning of the 16th century, then, it already had at its heart a conception of itself as needing to render the population vulnerable (as we would nowadays put it) in order that they should consider it to be necessary. And it is not very difficult to understand why. Rulers want to maintain power, and in a secular framework in which the ‘divine right of kings’ no longer holds sway, this means keeping the mass of the population on side.

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/machiavelli-globalists-why-elites-despise-independent-thought/


War Room: Dave Walsh on Climate change cultists: “They build this thesis on a basis that facts are not facts.”

Dave Walsh energy consultant and former president of Mitsubishi power systems joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss the cult of climate change hysteria that is destroying the United States energy sector. “Let’s talk about a rise in temperatures, you can see the conflation. They build this thesis on a basis of facts that aren’t facts. There are no rising temperatures… From 1945 to 1972 according to the Noah data temperatures rose .38 centigrade. From 79 to 23 temperatures on average rose .4 centigrade. So between the 80 years of that time period they are about the same.”

Read more/Watch the 5:10 minute interview: https://warroom.org/dave-walsh-on-climate-change-cultists-they-build-this-thesis-on-a-basis-that-facts-are-not-facts/

Watts: Tornadoes, Climate Change, and the Media

After the recent devasting tornadoes in the Midwest and South, some media outlets scrambled to try to link the weather events to climate change, when in fact there is no hard data to support this. In fact, tornado data refute claims that tornadoes are increasing in number, range, or severity. However, Salon, Axios, and the Washington Post among others ran articles suggesting climate change is expanding the length of tornado season and area over which tornadoes commonly form, as well as adding ingredients to the atmosphere to make more and bigger tornadoes.

Read more at American Thinker.

Thakur: Beware Catastrophizing Climate Models and Activists

A ll true believers of The Science™ of climate change have taken careful note of the lessons offered by the coronavirus pandemic during 2020–22 for managing the ‘climate emergency.’ The two agendas share nine items in common that should leave us worried, very worried.  The first is the revolting spectacle of the hypocrisy of the exalted elites who preach to the deplorables the proper etiquette of abstinence to deal with the emergency, and their own insouciant exemption from a restrictive lifestyle. […]  A second common element between Covid and climate change is the mismatch between models that inform policy and data that contradict the models. The long track record of abysmally wrong catastrophist predictions on infectious diseases from the Pied Piper of Pandemic Porn, Professor Neil Ferguson, is if anything exceeded by the failures of climate change alarmist predictions. The most recent example of the drum roll of “The end is nigh and this is absolutely your last chance to avert the end of the world from climate collapse” is yet another Chicken Little Sixth Assessment Report from the indefatigable Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  […]  Calls for urgent climate action based on the language of “edging towards ‘tipping points” have been made over many years. Atmospheric scientists and former IPCC members Richard McNider and John Christy note that climate modeling forecasts have “always overstated the degree to which the Earth is warming compared with what we see in the real climate.” A few examples: . . . […] Third, the rapidly consolidating Censorship Industrial Complex covered both agendas until Elon Musk began releasing the Twitter Files to expose what was happening. This refers to . . .

Read more: https://brownstone.org/articles/beware-catastrophizing-climate-models-activists/

Smith: Boston City Council approves green building code in latest strike against gas appliances

Once in place, the code is expected to put a substantial burden on building developers in the city while achieving what backers say is ‘environmental justice.’ The Boston City Council has adopted a new state building code to disincentivize fossil fuel usage in new construction and large-scale renovation projects, the latest locality to take aim at natural gas appliances. The “Municipal Opt-in Specialized Stretch Energy Code,” which the city referred to as a “transformative green update,” passed 8-4 on Wednesday and will now be sent to Mayor Michelle Wu’s desk for her expected signature. The code, as noted by Boston Globe, amounts to a near outlawing of new fossil fuel-operated appliances like gas stoves and drying machines. It will impose costly, climate-friendly requirements on developers who opt for fossil fuel connections in buildings, requiting they meet stringent energy efficiency standards.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/fft-boston-city-council-approves-green-building-code-push-environmental


Weber: Attorney for J6 defendant alleges about 40 under-cover law enforcement officers were amid protesters

Law enforcement agencies had at least 40 undercover informants at the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot engaging in surveillance work, says an attorney for one of the protesters charged in the incident. The allegation was made Wednesday in a court filing by Roger Roots, the attorney for Dominic Pezzola, a member of the far-right group the Proud Boys. Pezzola is standing trial in a federal court in Washington, D.C., with the group’s former national chairman, Enrique Tarrio, and members Joseph Biggs, Ethan Nordean and Zachary Rehl on charges including allegedly conspiring to oppose the transfer of power in the 2020 presidential election, according to the Daily Caller news outlet. Roots states in his court filing the federal government has admitted that eight FBI confidential human sources were among the Proud Boys at the riot.

Read more:  https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/j6


Howe: Court allows West Virginia transgender girl to continue to participate in girls’ sports

The Supreme Court on Thursday cleared the way for a 12-year-old transgender girl to continue to participate, at least for now, on a middle-school girls’ track team. In a brief unsigned order, the justices denied West Virginia’s request to be allowed to enforce a law that bars transgender girls from playing on girls’ sports teams in public secondary schools and colleges while a challenge to the law continues in the lower courts. Calling the issue in the case “an important” one that the justices are “likely to be required to address in the near future,” Justice Samuel Alito dissented from Thursday’s order, in a two-page opinion joined by Justice Clarence Thomas. Alito complained that a federal court of appeals had not provided any explanation for its order barring enforcement of the law – a criticism often leveled at the Supreme Court’s own rulings on its emergency docket. The West Virginia legislature passed H.B. 3293, the law at the center of the case, in April 2021. Shortly after that, a transgender girl known in court filings only as B.P.J. went to federal court to challenge the law. She argued that – at least as applied to her – the law violates the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection under the law by singling out transgender girls for exclusion from girls’ sports teams. She also contended that the law violates federal civil rights laws barring sex discrimination in educational institutions that receive federal funding. In July 2021, U.S. District Judge Joseph Goodwin . . .

Read more: https://www.scotusblog.com/2023/04/court-allows-west-virginia-transgender-girl-to-continue-to-participate-in-girls-sports/


Piper: ‘Hate group’ listings in legal peril as judge approves defamation suit against one-time KKK fighter

Liberal advocacy groups that publish widely cited lists of purported “hate groups,” tarring a diverse spectrum of conservative organizations, are facing defamation claims alleging they knowingly spread falsehoods about those organizations’ beliefs and activities. A federal judge recently refused to dismiss litigation against the 52-year-old Southern Poverty Law Center for designating the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society, which promotes “legal, sustainable and reduced immigration,” as an “anti-immigrant hate group.” The designation came seven years after SPLC told The Associated Press the label would be too strong for what it called a “nativist” group that works “through the political process.” That has always been its approach, according to the April 2022 lawsuit by the society, which is named after a teenager killed by an illegal immigrant. […]  U.S. District Judge Keith Watkins did not explain the legal basis for denying SPLC’s motion to dismiss the Dustin Inman Society’s lawsuit, and the docket shows he hasn’t held a hearing on the motion. SPLC didn’t answer a query on how it plans to proceed. But Watkins’ one-page March 31 order suggests that SPLC’s Aug. 29 filing didn’t convince him that “anti-immigrant” was simply an opinion protected by the First Amendment rather than a “precise factual term” that can be proven false.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/hate-group-listings-legal-peril-judge-approves-defamation-suit-against


Christensen: FDA takes only drug for premature birth off the market

On Thursday, the US Food and Drug Administration announced its final decision to withdraw its approval of Makena, a drug approved more than a decade ago to reduce the risk of preterm birth that had been the only medication approved for the condition. The FDA says that the drug is not effective and that the benefits of taking it do not outweigh the risks. “It is tragic that the scientific research and medical communities have not yet found a treatment shown to be effective in preventing preterm birth and improving neonatal outcomes – particularly in light of the fact that this serious condition has a disparate impact on communities of color, especially Black women,” FDA Commissioner Dr. Robert Califf said in a statement. “Fundamentally, however, the touchstone of FDA drug approval is a favorable benefit-risk assessment; without that favorable assessment, the drug should not have the status of being FDA-approved.”

[…]  In October, the FDA’s Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee voted that Makena should not remain on the market. It also voted that a postmarket trial didn’t show any benefit to babies and that the evidence didn’t show that Makena reduced the risk of preterm birth in women who had had one before.  […] Dr. Sean Blackwell, chair of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences with UTHealth Houston, said he understands that the FDA does not want to expose people to risk or to unnecessary cost, but he disagrees with the interpretation of the research and the decision to withdraw the drug from the market. “I certainly have had some women that had a prior preterm birth, and then I put them on Makena and had good outcomes. So for those patients, they’re going to be distressed that they used a medication and it worked for them, and now it’s no longer available,” he said.

There are no good options, he said. [NOTE: Yet, the FDA keeps the Covid mRNA vaccine, which research shows is not safe and effective, on the market.]

Read more: https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/06/health/makena-fda-withdrawl/index.html


Citizen Free Press: Vivek’s platform is strong on MAGA…

Watch the 5 minute Vivek video: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/kids-under-18-cant-get-a-tattoo-but-we-let-them-cut-off-their-testicles/


(H/T DM) Money Metals: Three Congressmen Introduce Gold Standard Bill to Stabilize the Dollar’s Value

As America faces the twin threats of inflation and bank failures, three U.S. congressmen introduced a pivotal sound money bill that would enable the Federal Reserve note “dollar” to regain stable footing for the first time in more than half a century. Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) – joined by Reps. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) and Paul Gosar (R-AZ) – introduced H.R. 2435, the “Gold Standard Restoration Act,” to facilitate the repegging of the volatile Federal Reserve note to a fixed weight of gold bullion. Upon passage of H.R. 2435, the U.S. Treasury and the Federal Reserve are given 24 months to publicly disclose all gold holdings and gold transactions, after which time the Federal Reserve note “dollar” would be formally repegged to a fixed weight of gold at its then-market price. Federal Reserve notes would become fully redeemable for and exchangeable with gold at the new price, with the U.S. Treasury and its gold reserves backstopping Federal Reserve Banks as guarantor.

Read more: https://www.moneymetals.com/news/2023/04/04/three-congressmen-introduce-gold-standard-bill-to-stabilize-the-dollars-value-002717


War Room: John Fredericks Slams RNC For ‘Complete And Utter Disaster’ In Wisconsin Election.

John Fredericks host of “Outside the Beltway” joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss the 2008 financial crisis that effected him and his family and how the recent Supreme Court loss in Wisconsin is pushing the US one step closer to another crisis. Fredericks explains how the GOP needs to win key races in order to have a political future and lack of proper infrastructure and party leadership is causing fatal losses in elections. “There’s no infrastructure in place in a swing state for us to win Wisconsin. This has got to be the wake up call. These people at the RNC, where were they? Where was Ronna?”

Watch the 9:29 minute interview: https://warroom.org/john-fredericks-slams-rnc-for-complete-and-utter-disaster-in-wisconsin-election/


Sprang: Air Force Loosens Standards To Make Room for Overweight Recruits

The Air Force is lowering its standards to counter dismal recruitment numbers, as the military’s pool of eligible recruits continues to shrink. The Air Force will now recruit men with up to 26 percent body fat and women with up to 36 percent, an increase from the previous standards of 20 percent and 28 percent, respectively. The branch is expected to fall short of its recruitment goal by 10 percent this year, Fox News reported. […]  The new standards for body fat percentage would permit overweight recruits to join the Air Force. “Women with more than 30 percent body fat and men with more than 25 percent body fat are considered obese,” according to Penn Medicine. […]  The Air Force recruitment changes come as Biden’s Pentagon pushes for diversity, equity, and inclusion in the military. Veterans and lawmakers argue that these measures are also hurting recruitment, which Biden administration officials dispute.

Read kore: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/air-force-loosens-standards-to-make-room-for-overweight-recruits/


Cooper & Schmitt: Ukraine War Plans Leak Prompts Pentagon Investigation

Classified war documents detailing secret American and NATO plans for building up the Ukrainian military ahead of a planned offensive against Russia were posted this week on social media channels, senior Biden administration officials said. The Pentagon is investigating who may have been behind the leak of the documents, which appeared on Twitter and on Telegram, a platform with more than half a billion users that is widely available in Russia. Military analysts said the documents appear to have been modified in certain parts from their original format, overstating American estimates of Ukrainian war dead and understating estimates of Russian troops killed. The modifications could point to an effort of disinformation by Moscow, the analysts said. But the disclosures in the original documents, which appear as photographs of charts of anticipated weapons deliveries, troop and battalion strengths, and other plans, represents a significant breach of American intelligence in the effort to aid Ukraine.

Read more: https://archive.fo/Yr59z#selection-597.13-609.345


(Fighting a spiritual war) Van Deest: Leftism and the Minions of Satan

As more Americans abandon God, evil gains a greater foothold in the U.S., working nonstop to demolish our constitutional republic.  While many people sense a hidden malignancy choreographing what’s taking place, they can’t identify it.  Make no mistake: ultimately, Satan is behind these efforts, using his deluded followers, both in and outside government, to lure Americans away from Christian values to fundamentally transform their hearts, minds, souls and ultimately the nation. Our forefathers, like John Adams, understood that the Constitution was written for a moral and religious people.  Reading the founders‘ original writings, and not just the four or five that current history books highlight, it is clear that they chose the general principles of  Christianity outlined in the Bible as the best foundation on which to base that morality.  Absent a biblical God, our nation’s morality is being rebuilt upon Satan’s deception that the force of government can establish utopia on Earth using man-made values.  But without God’s absolute truths, the nation and many of its people are unstable, providing government opportunities to exercise tyrannical powers, silence our faith, and steal our God-given rights. Positioned in and outside government, Satan’s enablers are plentiful and not afraid to attack anyone who threatens their agenda to attain such power, particularly Christians and MAGA-supporters.  From Obama labeling millions of Americans bitter clingers of their guns and religion to Hillary’s desire to change America’s basket of deplorables’ religious beliefs, they do not hide their revulsion of those who trust God over government.  Biden’s administration and its supporters are not at all different, embracing and giving voice to a multitude of Satan’s lies, often twisting the Bible in their thirst to defy God, satisfy their lusts, and advance their political agenda.

[…]  As an outward sign of Biden’s faithfulness to Satan’s idolatry, he filled government positions with deluded perverts.

Read more at American Thinker.

O’Neill: Two-thirds of US doesn’t think Biden deserves second term, poll finds

Just 32% of Americans think President Biden deserves to be re-elected next year — and more than half of those inclined to vote for Democrats want the party to nominate another candidate, according to a stunning new poll. The CNN/SSRS survey released Thursday found 67% of Americans said the 80-year-old did not deserve re-election, with the remaining 1% saying they had no opinion. The poll also found Biden’s approval rating at 42%, down from 46% in early December, just after the midterm elections.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/04/06/only-32-of-americans-think-biden-deserves-second-term/

Sundance: White House Releases 11-Page Review of Biden Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, Blaming Trump for Biden’s Bad Decisions

Because of course… Despite the Biden White House having complete control over the issues and events during their withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, which included the murder of 13 U.S. servicemen during a terrorist attack at the Kabul airport, the Biden administration has to blame Donald Trump.   Pathetic doesn’t even begin to appropriately outline the issue, and even U.S. corporate media can see it. Without announcing the release in advance, the White House dropped an 11-page after action report [SEE HERE] claiming the prior administration was in control of all their decision making in the summer and fall of 2021. […]  These people are vile.

Read more/Watch the 18 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/04/06/white-house-releases-11-page-review-of-biden-botched-afghanistan-withdrawal-blaming-trump-for-bidens-bad-decisions/

Murray: Banking behemoth CEO flaunts federal incompetency and proposes the use of ‘eminent domain’ against American citizens

It’s one of the more bizarre experiences in life to witness the unsuspecting sheep shuffle on towards the abattoir as you openly declare the danger ahead, telling them they are in fact moving towards a grisly death. What’s even stranger, is when those sheep bleat back, asserting the slaughterhouse is actually a utopia, and once inside, everything will be more just, more free, and more fair. […]  Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase & Co. and World Economic Forum crony, dispatched a letter to all shareholders just two days ago which contained several revealing tidbits, two of which I will highlight. The first? Dimon proposes the seizure of Americans’ private property as a viable path forward for the “green” agenda. In his words: We may even need to evoke eminent domain – we simply are not getting the adequate investments fast enough for grid, solar, wind and pipeline initiatives. As we all know, the Inflation Reduction Act was really just the Green New Deal, with billions of confiscated and unbacked dollars funneled to “green” industries — and now the globalists are openly clawing for our real estate too. Secondly, Dimon reveals . . .

Read more at American Thinker.

Reuters: IRS Plans To Hire 30,000 Employees Over Two Years

The tax agency, in its long-awaited Strategic Operating Plan, said it will obligate about $8.64 billion of the new funding during the 2023 and 2024 fiscal years, and that 8,782 of the new hires during those years will be enforcement staff. “The IRS is going to hire more data scientists than they ever have for enforcement purposes,” U.S. Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo told reporters, adding that these would complement more traditional tax attorneys and revenue agents in using new data analytics technology to identify audit targets.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/irs-plans-to-hire-30000-employees-over-two-years/

Welborn: Kiss your gas goodbye

All is takes is a bunch of vocal lunatics ruining their own states, and the horde of howling monkeys rattling the cage bars is enough to scare the rest of the sane people away. That’s essentially what’s happening in the natural gas world right this very second. You may own a gas stove or furnace, and you may just adore that appliance, and your state may not even be outlawing the stuff that makes it get hot as all get out and works even when the electricity doesn’t. But guess what? The utility that sends that wonderous, gaseous fuel through the lines to your house is running scared, and they are already moving to divest themselves of what they see as a YUGE liability – owning natural gas pipelines.

Read more: https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2023/04/06/kiss-your-gas-goodbye-n542163


Logan: Leftists Violate Separation Of Church And State With ‘Spiritual’ SEL In Public Schools

Social-emotional learning will soon become spiritual-ethical learning, and the public school systems will decide whose spiritual and ethical beliefs to teach. For families that care about raising their children with the moral and religious values of their own faith tradition, questions about which spiritual and ethical teachings should be taught prompt even more speculation about whether so-called social-emotional learning (SEL) should be taught in public education at all. As the theory adopts spiritual and ethical dimensions, it will amount to state-sanctioned religion. Social-emotional learning (SEL) is a mental-health framework that has woven itself into the very fabric of our education system. […] Released in collaboration with UNICEF and the Learning for Well-being Foundation — a “Whole Child Partner” committed to advancing the WSCC model worldwide — it addresses nine core capacities that are believed to protect and improve the lives of children based on the U.N.’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  There is just one teeny little problem. The UNCRC believes children’s rights usurp parental ones. The report released with “What Makes Me” states:. . .  […]  One must wonder if the “spirituality” they intend to impart to children as a fundamental “right” is a wide acceptance of sexual variance and the offering of an alternative belief system that differs from their familial, cultural, and religious beliefs.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/04/07/leftists-violate-separation-of-church-and-state-with-spiritual-sel-in-public-schools/


(From 2018) Gravitahn:  Lesson from History: Transgender Mania is Sign of Cultural Collapse – Camille Paglia

Author, art professor, feminist, and cultural commentator Camille Paglia speaks on the current transgender mania, the wisdom of early medical & surgical intervention (calling it “child abuse”), and how the explosion of gender identities is a recurring sign of cultural collapse throughout the history of civilization.

Watch the excellent 7:10 minute interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8BRdwgPChQ

(Sept. 2029) Holmquist: Paglia: Criticizing Transgenderism Is Not Transphobic

Feminist academic Camille Paglia is notorious for marching to her own beat. Her recent interview in the academic journal Interfaces Brazil/Canada is no exception. Per usual, Paglia is asked several questions about today’s hot topics, including feminism, censorship, and the current state of civilization. The questioning gets personal, however, when the subject turns to transgenderism, as Paglia herself claims the label of “transgender.” The interesting thing about Paglia is that she refuses to treat transgenderism as a badge of victimhood and cause for special treatment. Instead, she points out the problems societal fawning over transgenderism likely brings. Such an attitude has caused her to be labeled “transphobic.” But as Paglia explains, this label is overblown:

Read more: https://intellectualtakeout.org/2019/09/paglia-criticizing-transgenderism-is-not-transphobic/

(Nov. 2015) Doorman: Paglia: ‘Transgender Mania’ is a Symptom of West’s Cultural Collapse

Best-selling feminist author, social critic and self-described “transgender being” Camille Paglia said in an interview last month that the rise of transgenderism in the West is a symptom of decadence and cultural collapse. “Nothing… better defines the decadence of the West to the jihadists than our toleration of open homosexuality and this transgender mania now,” Paglia said during an October 22 interview on the Brazilian television program Roda Viva.

Read more: https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/sam-dorman/camille-paglia-transgender-mania-symptom-cultural-collapse

Elordi: The Weird Life Of A Transgender Triple Murderer Likely To Land In A Women’s Prison

Women’s rights activists are worried that an infamous triple murderer who claims he is a woman will land in a female prison when he is sentenced in June. Dana Rivers, previously David Warfield, 67, was convicted in November of the triple murder of Charlotte Reed and Patricia Wright, a lesbian couple in their late 50s, and their 19-year-old son Benny Diambu-Wright, in Oakland in 2016. […]  He is currently housed at Santa Rita Jail about 40 minutes north of San Jose. Rivers is expected to request housing in a women’s prison after he is sentenced on June 14. California is permissive when it comes to allowing trans-identifying male inmates to be incarcerated in women’s facilities. Since 2021, the state has allowed at least 47 male inmates who identify as transgender or “non-binary” to transfer to women’s prisons. Many of those inmates do not appear to even try to present as female.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/the-weird-life-of-a-transgender-triple-murderer-likely-to-land-in-a-womens-prison


Elordi: New Biden Education Rules Prohibit Blanket Bans On Males In Girls Sports

The Biden administration proposed new regulations on Thursday that would prohibit schools enforcing blanket bans on trans-identifying males in girls sports. The education department’s Title IX rules state that schools that receive federal funding may not ban biological males in girls sports wholesale, but they may exclude them on a case by case basis. […]  “Sex-related criteria” at schools that would limit or ban a trans-identified student from playing on the team of their preferred gender must meet two standards. First, the criteria must be related to an “important educational objective,” and second, the criteria must also “minimize harms” to the trans-identified student. […]  “The Biden Administration is trying to have their cake and eat it too: inject gender identity into athletics while placing the onus upon school districts to determine whether doing so would be problematic or not,” said Nicole Neily, president and founder of Parents Defending Education. “Without a doubt, institutions are going to err on the side of ‘inclusion,’ because they fear the wrath of the Education Department . . .

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/new-biden-education-rules-prohibit-blanket-bans-on-males-in-girls-sports


Sheherd: Gripping Faith-Based Film ‘On A Wing And A Prayer’ Flies High With Wide Appeal

On April 12, 2009, Doug White boarded a private plane — a twin-engine Super King Air 200 — with his wife and teenage daughters, following a family funeral in southwest Florida. On a whim, he sat in the co-pilot seat to look out the larger window and hear the radio chatter. Following a routine takeoff, the unthinkable happened. His pilot passed out and slumped over the controls after experiencing sudden cardiac death. They had ascended to 10,000 feet, and White had never flown a twin-engine aircraft. “It was a focused fear,” said White, today age 70, when asked what he felt at that moment. “I was so focused on listening to the controllers in my headset. The only lifeline I had was them talking to me in that headset, because I didn’t know anything.” What transpired on that Easter Sunday flight — involving people in multiple states whom White today considers “guardian angels” — comes to the screen as a riveting, uplifting thriller in “On a Wing and a Prayer,” available to watch worldwide via Prime Video on Friday. […]  The White family has fielded a few offers to adapt their story but turned them down before now. “Everybody else told him [he] had to take God out of it,” said Egeston. “I assured him that was the exact opposite of what I wanted to do. This is a story about faith and courage.” […]  “At LightWorkers, we are committed to telling stories that uplift, inspire, and offer hope in some way,” she said. “This real-life story actually happened on Easter Sunday. So the fact that we’re getting to launch the movie worldwide at Easter — we can only call it God’s timing.”

Read more/Watch the trailer: https://thefederalist.com/2023/04/07/gripping-faith-based-film-on-a-wing-and-a-prayer-flies-high-with-wide-appeal/


Whedon: Tennessee legislature expels 2 of 3 state representatives for disruptions during gun control protest

Tennessee lawmakers on Thursday expelled two members of the lower chamber for conduct during a gun control protest at the Capitol last week, while a third member survived an expulsion vote. Lawmakers ousted Democratic Rep. Justin Pearson of Memphis in a 69-26 vote, the Tennessean reported. […]  Pearson, alongside with Democratic Reps. Gloria Johnson of Knoxville and Justin Jones of Nashville, reached the podium of the House floor in violation of chamber rules and encouraged demonstrators seeking gun control reforms in the wake of a mass shooting in which a transgender individual killed three children and three faculty members at a Christian school in the state. “There is a proper way to handle that and a proper way not to,” GOP House Speaker Cameron Sexton said of their conduct.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/tennessee-lawmakers-expel-state-rep-conduct-during-gun-control-protest

Ward: Biden condemns Tennessee House vote to expel Dems over gun protests

President Joe Biden on Thursday condemned as “shocking” and “undemocratic” moves by Republicans in Tennessee to expel Democrats from the state Legislature for their roles in gun control protests. […]  “Today’s expulsion of lawmakers who engaged in peaceful protest is shocking, undemocratic, and without precedent. Rather than debating the merits of the issue, these Republican lawmakers have chosen to punish, silence, and expel duly-elected representatives of the people of Tennessee,” Biden said in a statement Thursday night.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/06/tenn-republicans-vote-expel-dems-gun-protests-00090863

Lifson: Report: Amazon Studios dropped audience ranking of series because ‘ audiences found queer stories off-putting’

The Hollywood Reporter and its at-large editor and veteran reporter Kim Masters are the last places one would expect to see anything even hinting that catering to LGTBQWERTY sensibilities might explain poor performance with audiences. Hollywood may be the gay friendliest place on earth, after all.

That must be why it took almost 2500 words in this long article on troubles at Amazon Studios before the subject of discarding the system of audience ratings was introduced. Amazon’s Prime Video is the greatest rival of Netflix, and spends enormous amounts of money seeking “tent pole” series that will cause people to want to subscribe or renew their subscriptions. Yet Netflix dominates Prime when it comes to the most popular streaming series. It seems that the problem with letting audiences tell them what they like (and presumably making decisions on what to make and release) is: . . . […]  Note that this executive didn’t say stop making gay storylines, but to hide it from the marketing materials.

Read more at American Thinker.

Saavedra: Transgender Suspect With Communist Manifesto Arrested For Planning Shootings At Schools, Churches: Police

Law enforcement officials in Colorado have arrested a transgender individual with a communist manifesto for allegedly planning mass shootings at schools and churches in the area. News of the arrest was made public on Thursday afternoon, but the arrest happened on March 31, just a few days after a transgender terrorist massacred six people, including three children, at a private Christian school in Nashville. […]  The 19-year-old was charged with criminal attempt to commit murder in the first degree (two counts), criminal mischief, menacing, and interference with staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions. […]  A family member turned the suspect into police, telling 911 that they had threatened to shoot up schools and had severe anger issues. […]  Evidence collected inside the house included the suspect’s manifesto, the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrick Engels, and a notebook with suicidal ideations.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/transgender-suspect-with-communist-manifesto-arrested-for-planning-shootings-at-schools-churches-police

Billingsley: Murder Manifesto Mystery

On Monday, March 27, as the April 1 “Trans Day of Vengeance” approached, Audrey Hale, a woman who thinks she’s a man, shot open a locked door and entered the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee. In 14 minutes, Hale fired 152 rounds from an AR-15–style rifle and 9mm Kel-Tec SUB2000. Hale shot dead Evelyn Dieckhaus, 9, Mike Hill, 61, William Kinney, 9, Katherine Koonce, 60, Cynthia Peak, 61, and Hallie Scruggs. That nine-year-old was the daughter of Chad Scruggs, senior pastor at the Covenant Presbyterian Church, on the same site as the school. With six people dead, including three children, Hale’s attack qualifies as a mass murder, and in any murder case, the question of motive is paramount. Hale left clues in a manifesto, but trans-friendly activists sought to suppress its release. […]  The FBI, supposed on guard 24/7 against domestic terrorism and violent extremism, failed to prevent Audrey Hale’s attack. Relatives of the victims have reason to wonder what the FBI knew and when they knew it. […] The Department of Justice, on alert for violent extremism, will not regard the mass murder in Nashville as a hate crime.  On the establishment media side, CBS ordered staff not to describe Hale as trangender. In his initial statement, Joe Biden said the shooting was “sick” and “heartbreaking” but failed to name a single victim. “

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/murder-manifesto-mystery/

Hogan & Campanile: Eric Adams orders city agencies to cut budgets as migrant costs rise

New York’s migrant crisis is growing so bad that the city is being forced to spend tens of millions of dollars more than previously known — and with no end in sight — as Mayor Adams has ordered across-the-board spending cuts, The Post has learned. On Tuesday, as the administration publicly declared their inability to pay for the influx of immigrants, the city quietly put out a notice that’s spending $20 million more on emergency hotels — and Adams ordered city agencies to cut a combined $1.1 billion each year over the next four years, according to the city’s Office of Management and Budget.

The mayor lamented the belt-tightening in a speech Wednesday.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/04/06/eric-adams-orders-nyc-budget-cuts-as-migrant-costs-rise/


Ravid: Israel strikes Gaza and Lebanon after rocket fire

The Israeli military attacked Gaza and launched rare strikes against Lebanon overnight in response to a barrage of rockets fired from Lebanon toward northern Israel earlier Thursday. Dozens of rockets were also fired from Gaza overnight. The big picture: It’s the most serious escalation between Lebanon and Israel since the 2006 war. Israel blames Hamas militants in Lebanon and says the Lebanese government is responsible for any attacks coming from its territory.

Read more: https://www.axios.com/2023/04/06/rockets-fired-from-lebanon-toward-israel-in-major-escalation

AP: Disorderly protests hit France for the 11th day, but number of strikers falls

Police fired clouds of tear gas against unruly protesters in Paris and other French cities Thursday as hundreds of thousands of people returned to streets across the country to vent anger against President Emmanuel Macron’s contested pension reforms. Macron’s drive to raise the national retirement age from 62 to 64 has ignited a months-long firestorm of opposition. Talks between trade union leaders and Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne quickly collapsed Wednesday without a breakthrough, setting the stage for the fresh demonstrations that were largely peaceful but also punctured by violence. Trade unions vowed to keep up their resistance and called for another round of protests in a week. But labor strikes that have caused significant disruptions since January lost some of their bite, with fewer workers taking part.

Read ore: https://www.foxnews.com/world/disorderly-protests-hit-france-11th-day-number-strikers-falls

Jerkovich: Women’s Swimwear Company Names ‘Non-Binary’ Biological Male As New Brand Ambassador

A famed Australian women’s swimwear company has named a “non-binary” biological male as its new brand ambassador after previously using supermodels like Gigi Hadid and Miranda Kerr. The Women’s Swimwear Brand Seafolly recently announced Australian activist Deni Todorovič would be the brand’s first transgender ambassador, and the news was met with a mix of reactions, News.com AU reported.

Read ore: https://www.dailywire.com/news/womens-swimwear-company-names-non-binary-biological-male-as-new-brand-ambassador


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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