Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 32 minutes


Edward Ring contributor to American Greatness: Cash is freedom. Don’t let the government take it away. If making cash illegal is the path to total control over economic activity, the destruction of a fossil fuel-based economy is not only a parallel pathway to total control by government and corporations but also to the systematic reduction in our standard of living.

Douglas V. Gibbs contributor to Canada Free Press: Economic destruction is not a concern to the Biden administration. Change and equity at any cost, even at the cost of American prosperity, is the goal. Ideology over truth, equity over logic, social justice over the United States Constitution. All dissenters will pay a fee, or be labeled an insurrectionist.

Peachy Keenan contributor to The American Mind: Color revolutions have finally come to the United States, courtesy of our leaders. The target is clear: weak red state governments, which are going to be toppled, one by one.

Revolver.news: The real reason that pro-life groups are rejecting or, at the very least, chilly toward Trump’s presidential ambitions is because his decisive action to repeal Roe ended their gravy train. The pro-life groups had been dangling the carrot in front of Republican voters: ‘Vote for the RINO, and Roe may be repealed.’, ‘Get to the polls and vote Republican because it will mean we can repeal Roe.’, and so forth. Like Lucy yanking the football away from Charlie Brown at the last possible moment before he could kick, these promises were never meant to be fulfilled. Pro-life groups never changed their philosophy or their tactics despite failure after failure because they were always meant to lose. They existed to keep corralling Christian voters to vote for lousy Republican politicians and playing their dutiful role within the controlled opposition apparatus.

Collin Anderson contributor to The Washington Free Beacon: The head of the Nevada Democratic Party last week lamented parental input in public schools, saying she wishes she could “legislate what parents do” but sadly “cannot.”

Rob Jenkins is a professor at Georgia State University: For employers, “critical thinking” denotes the ability to work through a problem logically and arrive at a viable solution. Indeed, that is what it has meant for most of history.   When today’s “woke” educators use the term, however, that’s not what they’re talking about. They mean “critical” in the Marxist sense, as in “critical theory.” For them, being “critical” means focusing on problems, not solutions—and in their minds, practically everything is a problem.

Rebecca Terrell contributor to The New American: Last year, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) added three new diagnostic codes to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), a medical list maintained by the World Health Organization (WHO). The new codes specifically target immunization status. If you have not received the Covid jab, your medical chart will now bear the stamp Z28.310 (unvaccinated for COVID-19). If you are not fully boosted, you’ll be labeled with Z28.311 (partially vaccinated for COVID-19). Patients deemed vaccine deficient in non-Covid related diseases get the designation Z28.39 (other under-immunization status).

Milt Harris  contributor to Canada Free Press: The ASPCA has exploited us by portraying themselves as righteous and moral. Tugging on our heart strings to engorge their wallets and offshore accounts. They have exploited local SPCA charities through deception and intimidation. Taking in untold amounts of dollars from well-meaning people trying to help struggling animals. Most importantly, through their uncaring lethargy, they have allowed animals to suffer and die, all the while creating an image that appeared loving, decent, and kind.

Mitt Harris contributor to Canada Free Press: A man that dresses as a woman, got elected in a liberal state that doesn’t give a damn about biology, common sense, or the results of letting their guard down by electing freaks of nature. Now, one of those freaks wants to offer protection for pedophiles. Another example of when you deny the truth and elect unstable, mentally incompetent people they take advantage of the position. These people have an agenda. They won’t stop until every form of perversion is deemed acceptable. Open your eyes, America. The left wants power over the future and that means the souls of your children … in any way, shape, or form they can acquire them.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: If we want a society where people don’t violently dehumanize each other, we might start with a government that doesn’t make such dehumanization, in the form of equity, into its primary mission.


DNYUZ: The Godfather of A.I.’ Leaves Google and Warns of Danger Ahead

Geoffrey Hinton was an artificial intelligence pioneer. In 2012, Dr. Hinton and two of his graduate students at the University of Toronto created technology that became the intellectual foundation for the A.I. systems that the tech industry’s biggest companies believe is a key to their future. On Monday, however, he officially joined a growing chorus of critics who say those companies are racing toward danger with their aggressive campaign to create products based on generative artificial intelligence, the technology that powers popular chatbots like ChatGPT. Dr. Hinton said he has quit his job at Google, where he has worked for more than decade and became one of the most respected voices in the field, so he can freely speak out about the risks of A.I. A part of him, he said, now regrets his life’s work.

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fdnyuz.com%2F2023%2F05%2F01%2Fthe-godfather-of-a-i-leaves-google-and-warns-of-danger-ahead%2F

Capoot: Scientists develop A.I. system focused on turning peoples’ thoughts into text

  • Scientists have developed a noninvasive AI system focused on translating a person’s brain activity into a stream of text.
  • The system, called a semantic decoder, could ultimately benefit patients who have lost their ability to physically communicate.
  • Once the AI system is trained, it can generate a stream of text when a participant is listening to or imagines telling a new story.

Read more: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/01/scientists-develop-ai-system-focused-on-turning-thoughts-into-text.html


Giant Wind Turbines Keep Mysteriously Falling Over. This Shouldn’t Be Happening.

  • Turbine failures are on the uptick across the world, sometimes with blades falling off or even full turbine collapses.
  • recent report says production issues may be to blame for the mysterious increase in failures.
  • Turbines are growing larger as quality control plans get smaller.

The taller the wind turbine, the harder they fall. And they sure are falling. [NOTE:  Wind turbines are primarily manufactured in China. Enough said.]

Read more: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/giant-wind-turbines-keep-mysteriously-falling-over-this-shouldn-t-be-happening/ar-AA16EQuG

McLeod: The “15 Minute City” Concept No Conspiracy But A New Lockdown Strategy

In a now totally upside-down world, the United Nations/WEF is the shepherd, and unsuspecting masses, the sheep. The latest move of the largely U.S.-funded UN? The 15 Minute City—a world wide phenomenon, during which the UNFCCC (The United Nations Framework Convention On Climate Change) gets to brand any and all dissenters “conspirators”. The 15 Minute City is not a federal initiative, but a municipal one. Thousands of municipal councils in North America alone, are all but owned by the United Nations. “The new buzzword among urban planners is the “15-minute city,” but it’s the same old idea they’ve been pushing for decades: their dream of getting us all living in small, densified urban condos, and out of our cars. Urban policy analyst Wendell Cox joins host Brian Lilley to explain what the “15-minute city” really is and why it’s doomed. He discusses how planners ignore how we really want to live, how cars and suburbs improve our lives, and how the ways the pandemic changed our work and our world should rightly put an end to these schemes once and for all. (National Post, April 10, 2023 “Christine Anderson, a member of the European Parliament, believes that COVID passports and QR codes that became widespread during the pandemic were only test runs for implementing “15-minute cities” aimed at tightening government control over people. (Epoch Times, April 30, 2023) […]  “That’s what we’re talking about. When you really take all of this together, there is no other way for me to actually say this—it will be a complete impoverishment and enslavement of all the people. I’m stating it so clearly because that’s what it seems like, and that’s what it looks like to me.” “The concept of 15-minute cities is drawing heated debate on social media. When documentary maker Carla Francome posted a thread in February about the benefits of such cities, it soon attracted criticism.

Read more: https://canadafreepress.com/article/the-15-minute-city-concept-no-conspiracy-but-a-new-lockdown-strategy

BEYOND THE RESET – Animated Short Film A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us. {Perhaps not so farfetched?} Watch the 24:08 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWkepoLUZfs

Harris: The ASPCA Has Been Exposed And It’s Worse Than Any Sarah McLachlan Song

If you’re an animal lover and have ever been caught off guard by one of the ASPCA’s sad commercials showing abused dogs and other animals while Sarah McLachlan sings in the background, dry your eyes, and start getting pissed. A newly formed think tank has pulled the curtain back on the ASPCA and if you’re an animal lover, you won’t like it. I have to admit, for years I religiously gave $20 dollars every month to this group. I stopped donating around 2016, and now I am really glad that I did. The Center for the Environment and Welfare (CEW) has exposed what they are referring to as the “duplicity” of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). The CEW is not taking the sins of the ASPCA lightly. According to their findings, the ASPCA has allegedly become radicalized and now focuses on pushing their political agenda against farmers and enriching themselves rather than helping animals. The same filings show that only about 2 percent of the ASPCA’s budget is given as grants to community pet shelters. […]  Yet, the ASPCA isn’t happy with just deception and strong-arming people when it comes to domesticated animals like dogs and cats. No, they have larger, more lucrative plans that will affect the food supply and ultimately the supply chain, possibly worldwide. Translation: Stop raising animals and start planting … (What we tell you to plant).

Read more:  https://canadafreepress.com/article/the-aspca-has-been-exposed-and-its-worse-than-any-sarah-mclachlan-song

Hughes: Gas leaf blowers and lawn mowers are shockingly bad for the planet. Bans are beginning to spread.

our lawn may be the next climate change battleground. And parks. And playgrounds. Regulators and clean-air advocates are increasingly eyeing the pollution emitted by small gasoline engines used to power lawn mowers and leaf blowers as they seek to blunt climate change. Environmentalists say using a commercial gas leaf blower for an hour produces emissions equal to driving from Denver to Los Angeles. Among cities and states with bans or limits: California; Burlington, Vermont; and Washington, D.C. Vancouver, British Columbia, also has restrictions in place. […]  Experts say lawn and garden equipment represents about 85% of all SOREs in operation today nationally, and those engines are typically manufactured without the pollution controls used on cars.

Read more: https://money.yahoo.com/gas-leaf-blowers-lawn-mowers-090012486.html


Sundance: FISA 702 Reauthorization Scheduled for This Year – Here’s Why It Must Be Opposed

This is a repost of an earlier outline from last week, you’ll soon see why refamiliarizing yourself with the details is important. Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz testified April 27, 2023, that more than 3.4 million search queries into the NSA database took place between Dec. 1st, 2020 and Nov. 30th, 2021, by government officials and/or contractors working on behalf of the federal government. These search queries were based on authorizations related to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). Approximately 30% of those 3.4 million search queries were outside the rules and regulations that govern warrantless searches, what the politically correct government calls “non-compliant searches.”  That means more than 1 million searches of private documents and communication of Americans were illegal and outside the rules. Additionally, IG Horowitz also admitted that somewhere north of 10,000 federal employees have access to conduct these searches of the NSA database; a database which contains the electronic data of every single American, including emails, text messages, social media posts, instant messages, direct messages, phone calls, geolocation identifiers, purchases by electronic funds, banking records and any keystroke any American person puts into any electronic device for any reason. If we were in a functioning system of government everything would be stopped right now, and no conversation would be taking place that was not about this issue. This is the total and complete surveillance state being talked about as if we were discussing what’s for dinner.

Read more/Watch the 4:509 minute hearing exchnage: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/05/01/fisa-702-reauthorization-scheduled-for-this-year-heres-why-it-must-be-opposed/


War Room: FDA Knew in 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID Vax Caused Dire Fetal & Infant Risks, Including Death.

BOMBSHELL – Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death.

Watch the 12:10 minute Naomi Wolf interview: https://rumble.com/v2lj5n2-fda-knew-in-2021-that-pfizer-mrna-covid-vax-caused-dire-fetal-and-infant-ri.html

Read Report 69: BOMBSHELL – Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway. https://dailyclout.io/bombshell-pfizer-and-the-fda-knew-in-early-2021-that-the-pfizer-mrna-covid-vaccine-caused-dire-fetal-and-infant-risks-they-began-an-aggressive-campaign-to-vaccinate-pregnant-women-anyway/

War Room: Jeffery Tucker: Catastrophic Quotes from Fauci NYT Interview

Watch the 14:19 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2lj7ew-jeffery-tucker-catastrophic-quotes-from-fauci-nyt-interview.html


Boyd: Minnesota Democrat Signs Bill Banning Free Speech For Therapists Of People Struggling With Sexual Distress

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz signed a bill on April 27 that bans private conversations between therapists and patients struggling with their sex and sexuality. Now Minnesotan therapists who help those with gender dysphoria accept their sex and those with unwanted same-sex attraction are banned from helping willing clients with these struggles. HF 16 bans these private, uncoerced conversations as illegal “conversion therapy” for children and adults despite studies suggesting such conversations can be helpful and welcomed.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/05/01/minnesota-democrat-signs-bill-banning-free-speech-for-therapists-of-people-struggling-with-sexual-distress/

Mahoney: TN: LGBTQ+ Coalition Pressures County Exec to Cancel Permit for “Opposing” Group

It appears the LGBTQ+ coalition in Pulaski, TN called the Giles County Inclusivity Coalition (GCIC), does not live up to its name. The group has allegedly pressured County Executive (CE) Graham Stowe to rescind permission for local Christian business owners Jason Guthrie and his wife Tonya to use the gazebo, courthouse grounds, and surrounding lawn during the GCIC’s Pride Parade on June 3. As a result, the Pride event will be allowed to carry on, but Guthrie’s event has been shut down. He believes it is a violation of his First Amendment rights.

Read more: https://www.uncoverdc.com/2023/04/28/tn-lgbtq-coalition-pressures-county-exec-to-cancel-permit-for-opposing-group/


(Arizona) Conradson: EXCLUSIVE: Runbeck Election Services Refuses to Comply with Legal Public Records Request, Maricopa County Served With Letter Threatening Lawsuit – REQUESTS INCLUDED

Runbeck Election Services has refused to comply with a lawful Public Records Request for “exterior video of all loading dock locations which clearly shows any items) being delivered and/or picked up” and “interior video of all loading dock locations/warehouse space which clearly shows any items) being delivered and/or picked up” after Election Day. This video could shed light on a central question from Kari Lake’s lawsuit of why there are over 35,000 ballots unaccounted for. As The Gateway Pundit reported, Maricopa County still refuses to answer this question, as well as other questions about the missing ballot chain of custody documentation. According to a recent filing from Lake’s attorneys, Maricopa County Delivery Receipt forms “on Election Day, should have been (but were not) completed at MCTEC with the precise number of EDDB ballots sent to Runbeck.” […]  Katie Hobbs has the same attorney as Runbeck. How incestuous and disgusting? The liberal hack attorney even has his pronouns in his email signature.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/05/exclusive-runbeck-election-services-refuses-to-comply-with-legal-public-records-request-maricopa-county-served-with-letter-threatening-lawsuit-requests-included/


Jacobson: “A full-blown Color Revolution-style attack on the US Supreme Court as an institution is now in its early stages”

“Color Revolution” is a term that has been around for a while and doesn’t have a single clear definition. But the term most famously was used as to the “Orange” Ukraine 2004 civil unrest that allegedly was manipulated by western intelligence agencies to topple a pro-Russia regime. A color revolution then, is a form of manipulated mass civil disobediance meant to accomplish regime change. We saw it used against Trump after the 2016 election, where manipulated and hysterical claims of Russia collusion were used to attempt to paralyze the Trump administration under the umbrella of “The Resistance” – and it worked well in stymying many of Trump’s planned initiatives. It all was highly organized and manipulated. What has been happening in Israel regarding judicial reform also is a form of color revolution, where organized mass protests against the recently-elected right wing coalition led by Benjamin Netanyahu paralyzed the country, and even the military, all with the purpose of overthrowing the democratically elected government. There also is a type of color revolution being waged against the Supreme Court now that it has a conservative majority. Michael Waller tweeted: . . .

Read more: https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/04/a-full-blown-color-revolution-style-attack-on-the-us-supreme-court-as-an-institution-is-now-in-its-early-stages/


Cleveland: Huge Development Means IRS Whistleblower Can Soon Explode Biden Family Scandals

The House Ways and Means Committee granted two attorneys representing the Internal Revenue Service whistleblower authority to inspect Hunter Biden’s tax returns and related information. This development promises to accelerate the unraveling of the Justice Department’s Biden family protection racket.

Understanding why requires a fuller understanding of IRS privacy law, so here’s your “lawsplainer.” Section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that federal tax returns and “return information” “shall be confidential” and makes it illegal for an IRS “officer or employee” to disclose such tax information. […]

Several exceptions to the confidentiality provisions of Section 6103 exist, though. Relevant here is the statutory exception authorizing whistleblowers to disclose confidential information to the House Committee on Ways and Means or the Senate Committee on Finance. That exception guarantees whistleblower protection to government agents who reveal confidential information concerning tax issues to either of those committees.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/05/01/huge-development-means-irs-whistleblower-can-soon-explode-biden-family-scandals/

Ring: The Other Hills to Die On

As conservative troops and resources flood the zone to resist the woke agenda, bigger threats are neglected. Woke ideology is both a distraction from and a fraudulent justification for pushing toward the ultimate objective: gaining absolute, centralized control over the American economy. The method to accomplish this takeover is via two mutually reinforcing policy shifts that are already happening: the move to a central bank digital currency and enforcing increasingly restrictive rules governing energy. One of the most fundamental expressions of freedom Americans take for granted is the ability to conduct transactions using cash. The fact that ordinary Americans can settle debts and sell goods using cash may not be fully appreciated until cash is taken away. […]  The anonymity of cash offers some safeguard as well against a growing and even more serious problem, the ability of corporations and government agencies to stifle transactions by people deemed a “threat to democracy.” Confined at the moment to intemperate bloggers and other supposedly seditious conspiracy theorists, and restricted so far to canceled online financial services and frozen bank accounts, imagine what could be accomplished with central bank digital currency. Here’s JH Investments explaining the “risks” of CBDCs: . . . […]  Cash is freedom. Don’t let the government take it away. If making cash illegal is the path to total control over economic activity, the destruction of a fossil fuel-based economy is not only a parallel pathway to total control by government and corporations but also to the systematic reduction in our standard of living.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/05/01/the-other-hills-to-die-on/


Sundance: Senator Ron Johnson Notes Republicans on Senate Homeland Security Committee Refused to Support Hunter Biden Investigation

During an interview on Sunday conducted by Maria Bartiromo with Senator Ron Johnson, ranking member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, Senator Johnson revealed that Republicans on his own committee refused to investigate the issues that surfaced from the Hunter Biden laptop, because they were worried about the appearance of politics during a 2020 election year.  Note, that’s an outcome of a Mitch McConnell decision.

Read ore/Watch the 9:39 minute interview: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/05/01/senator-ron-johnson-notes-republicans-on-senate-homeland-security-committee-refused-to-support-hunter-biden-investigation/


Revolver.news: Pro-life groups turn on Trump, and the reason why will sicken you…

Trump was the most pre-life president of our lifetime. During his term, President Trump defunded Planned Parenthood, signed the Mexico City Policy that prohibited foreign aid for abortions, nominated pro-life judges to the Supreme Court, and was vocal in his support for the rights of the unborn. His actions were recognized by many pro-life groups and individuals as having a significant impact on the pro-life movement. So, why are these same pro-life groups who hailed Trump a hero suddenly abandoning him, now? There’s a very good reason, and you’re not going to like it one bit. […]  And one of the biggest pro-life movements in the country is currently leading the charge against President Trump. One prominent pro-life organization, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, is leading the charge . . . […]  However, don’t be fooled. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America isn’t pushing back against Trump because they care about babies—they’re doing it for purely political reasons. SBA Pro-Life gave away their con when they immediately shifted from criticizing Trump to praising former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, a neoconservative with dismal support even in her home state of South Carolina, for giving a speech filled with trivialities and platitudes at the group’s headquarters earlier this week. […]  The problem with this glowing “pro-life” endorsement from SBA is that Haley hadn’t even outlined her abortion commitment when they made their declaration. How do they know what her plans are, if she hasn’t made them public? […] Pro-life groups are now endorsing Republican “establishment” candidates blindly. It’s the “rubber-stamp” mentality, . . .

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/05/pro-life-groups-turn-on-trump-and-the-reason-why-will-sicken-you/


Mangold-Lenett: Exhausted Republican Voters Should Be More Skeptical Of RFK Jr.

Republican voters seeking an alternative to the status quo should be more skeptical about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The son of Sen. Robert Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy, RFK Jr. is a longtime liberal Democrat who broke with party orthodoxy during the Covid-19 pandemic to criticize mRNA injections, censorship of dissent, and the corrupt synthesis of state and corporate power. In doing so, he garnered a loyal following of Americans who were fed up with having their civil liberties impeded — many of whom happened to be Republican voters. In recent times, he’s produced works like “The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health,” appeared in documentaries produced by Tucker Carlson, and spoken at Hillsdale College about Big Pharma and the deep state’s roles in undermining American health standards. As a result, it is understandable why some Republicans view him as a reliable vehicle through which a conservative political agenda might be advanced. […]  But he’s still a liberal Democrat. His previous stances should give burned-out GOP voters pause before they throw their support behind a dissident voice who can seemingly talk the talk so well. 

RFK Jr. is a devout environmentalist. His résumé is replete with decades of corporate and nonprofit lawfare and activism attempting to place burdensome regulations on energy production. He has expressed a desire for laws punishing public officials who “sell[] out the public trust” by resisting climate alarmism, and described skeptics of environmental fanaticism as going “against all the evidence of the rational mind.” 

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/05/01/exhausted-republican-voters-should-be-more-skeptical-of-rfk-jr/


Ramsey: Who Will be the next Chief of Naval Operations?

Last September, the Navy promoted and installed a new Vice Chief of Naval Operations.  Then Vice Admiral Lisa Franchetti got her 4th star and was appointed to the second-highest position in the Navy.  Now after a scant seven months, the betting line going around D.C. is that she will likely be the next CNO based on the identity politics track record of President Biden. […]  Admiral Franchetti is a journalism graduate of Northwestern University NROTC, a non-STEM degree which itself is unusual, as the Navy strongly favors STEM degrees for officers.  She has a Master’s Degree in organizational management from the University of Phoenix, an online university.  Her biography does not mention any war college credential.  In contrast, her predecessor Admiral William Lescher had multiple commands in combat zones, was a test pilot, had multiple advanced degrees in naval technical fields and his commands won multiple combat zone merit awards.  To naval professionals, for someone to have been promoted to the Navy’s highest rank and second highest position based on a NROTC commissioning source with a liberal arts degree, an online masters, no war college or combat zone credentials, would be considered inconceivable. Perhaps her success is based on a particularly spectacular service record?

Read more at American Thinker.


Vespa: Everyone Is Preparing for War Between China and the United States

We’re in the middle of Taiwan invasion season. As we continue to be distracted by Joe Biden’s incompetence, the crumbling economy, and post-season sports, China has ramped up its military presence against Taiwan. Recent military drills by Beijing have been large-scale and aggressive. The weather window regarding such an operation is open, though time is ticking for China to pull off what would be a massive gamble on Joe’s senility and our internal divisions. In the meantime, everyone in the region is preparing for a Sino-American War. Taiwan’s defense policy is not to defeat China—they know their limitations—but to hold out long enough for the United States to arrive. […]  Okinawa serves as a primary base from which America could deploy its forces should hostilities break out, but the Philippines granted permission for the US to use its northern bases as well. Axios had a lengthy piece detailing what each major regional player is planning in case all hell breaks loose. Australia might also not serve as a significant resupply depot for US forces but be entrusted with securing supply lanes:

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2023/05/02/everyone-is-preparing-for-war-between-china-and-the-united-states-n2622707


War Room: Frank Gaffney: CCP Infiltration in DC and In Biden Administration

How far does the D.C. infiltration go?

Watch the 9:23 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2lj4io-frank-gaffney-ccp-infiltration-in-dc-and-in-biden-administration.html

Klein: Biden vs. McCarthy

After passage of the bill, called the Limit, Save, Grow, Act of 2023, by a 217-215 vote, Speaker Kevin McCarthy told reporters: “We lifted the debt limit; we’ve sent it to the Senate; we’ve done our job.” He added that it was time for President Biden to finally “sit down and negotiate.” The last time that President Biden agreed to speak face-to-face with Speaker McCarthy was in February. The same president who promised to seek bipartisan solutions to the nation’s problems remained as defiant as ever for more than two months by refusing to negotiate at all. Indeed, Biden laid down his marker again on April 26th, just a few short hours before the House passed its bill.  “I’m happy to meet with McCarthy, but not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended,” President Biden told reporters during a joint White House press conference with South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol. “That’s not negotiable.”  […]  The president finally confronted reality and agreed to hold a meeting with Speaker McCarthy and other congressional leaders on May 9th following an ominous warning by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. She wrote a letter to congressional leaders on May 1st stating that the United States was likely to run out of money to pay all its outstanding obligations by June 1st.  This is sooner than originally thought. […]  Here are some of the Republicans’ proposed cuts in spending and in green energy tax breaks that President Biden finds so “wacko.”  Cancel the Unspent COVID-19 Funds . . . .Repeal the Huge IRS Expansion Appropriation   . . .  Cancellation of President Biden’s Student Debt Relief Windfall  . . . New Work/Training Requirements for Medicaid and Food Assistance Recipients   . . . Cutting Back on Green Energy Tax Breaks  . . .

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-vs-mccarthy/

Gibbs: Biden’s Unconstitutional Equity Housing Scheme

Remember when the Housing Bubble burst fifteen years ago, or so? I was in construction at the time, and work began to vanish real fast. The problem wasn’t predatory lenders like the Democrats suggested, but laws the lenders were required to operate under. The Community Reinvestment Act encouraged loans to risky borrowers, claiming that not lending to them was racist since most of the low-credit-rating borrowers were not-white (according to the Democrats). The high-risk loans defaulted, the bubble burst, and the economy spiraled into a recession. Now, the Democrats are at it again, but this time they are using a more direct federal approach. Equity in lending, is the excuse. Equity is one of their favorite failed policies. […]  Enter, stage left, a new unconstitutional executive order from President Joe Biden targeting the housing market. Executive Orders hold no power of law. Law is created by the legislative process. Executive Departments or Agencies have no authority to establish law or to regulate outside of established law. No authority exists in the United States Constitution allowing federal power over property, lending, or the housing market. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process. No person shall be treated unequally by law as per the Equal Protection Clause. Effective May 1, 2023, an executive order by President Joseph Biden will force homebuyers with good credit scores to pay more for their mortgages to subsidize loans assumed by those with poor credit. The presidential ultimatum is the Community Reinvestment Act by another name

Read more: https://canadafreepress.com/article/bidens-unconstitutional-equity-housing-scheme

Greenfield: Biden to Make Sure Criminals in Jail Vote for Him

Are you a thug shortly to be on the loose? Apply for food stamps directly from your cell. The Biden administration will be sending “guidance” to agencies handing out food stamps to “accept and process SNAP applications before someone is released from jail or prison”. What else does Biden have for the Murderers, Muggers and Molesters of America? The administration’s “strategic plan supports justice-involved individuals” with expanded “access to health care”, “affordable housing”, “educational opportunities”, “food and subsistence benefits”, “job opportunities and access to business capital”, and “banking and other financial services”. Why even bother being a law-abiding citizen when all of this is waiting for you?  […]  Biden is “expanding access to” bank accounts for “justice-involved persons” and giving  “incarcerated persons” more access to Medicare and Medicaid, and tips on voting Democrat. That guy who picked your pocket: he’s getting a voter guide with all the D’s marked in red. […]  The most criminal administration in the country’s history has officially partnered with actual criminals.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-to-make-sure-criminals-in-jail-vote-for-him/

Eastman: East Palestine Resident Experiencing Lesions and Other Health Effects 2 Months After Train Derailment

Residents are taking it upon themselves to get tested, and do not seem to be getting answers or assistance. […]  “A lot of it is stomach pain, constant stomach pain. It feels like stabbing in my stomach,” she said. “I’ve had a shortness of breath, I’ve tried to go to the hospital a few times because of it, and they’re telling me that I don’t meet criteria.” [Note: EPA lied and is now uninvolved. No financial help received to help people through this ongoing crisis.]

Read more/Watch the 3:45 minute interview: https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/05/east-palestine-resident-experiencing-lesions-and-other-health-effects-2-months-after-train-derailment/

Kredo: Two Years After Botched Withdrawal, The Biden Administration Has Yet to Properly Vet 88,000 Afghan Refugees

The Department of Homeland Security “encountered obstacles to screen, vet, and inspect all evacuees” arriving stateside after the rushed 2021 evacuation that killed 13 American servicemen, House Homeland Security Committee chair Mark Green (R., Tenn.) and subcommittee chairs August Pfluger (R., Texas), Dan Bishop (R., N.C.), and Clay Higgins (R., La.) said Monday in a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.The pair further notes that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection also “lacked critical data to properly vet evacuees” but nonetheless admitted thousands of Afghan refugees who landed in America without passports or basic identifying information. “Not only did the Biden administration’s catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan threaten our allies in the region by allowing the Taliban to return the country to a terrorist breeding ground,” Green told the Free Beacon, “but the failure of DHS to properly vet or screen all Afghan nationals during the evacuation has put the U.S. homeland and our security interests at great risk.”

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/two-years-after-botched-withdrawal-the-biden-administration-has-yet-to-properly-vet-88000-afghan-refugees/

Nava: White House fails to mention Texas shooting fugitive Francisco Oropesa is an illegal immigrant

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday discussed the brutal slaying of five people in Texas without noting the fugitive accused of the heinous crime is an illegal immigrant who had previously been deported four times. During her daily briefing, Jean-Pierre provided an update on the manhunt currently underway for 38-year-old Francisco Oropesa, the Mexican national accused of gunning down five people – including a nine-year-old boy – inside a home in Cleveland, Texas, last Friday. The White House spokeswoman called for more stringent gun control measures – but not immigration controls – in the wake of the tragedy.

Read more/Watch the 1:31 minute video: https://nypost.com/2023/05/01/white-house-fails-to-mention-fugitive-francisco-oropesa-is-an-illegal-immigrant/


War Room: Mike Davis: “The Biden’s are scum, they’re trash, they’re bad people…”

Watch the 12:23 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2livf6-mike-davis-the-bidens-are-scum-theyre-trash-theyre-bad-people….html


(Said the quiet part out loud) Anderson: ‘I Wish I Could Legislate What Parents Do,’ NV Dem Chairwoman Says

The head of the Nevada Democratic Party last week lamented parental input in public schools, saying she wishes she could “legislate what parents do” but sadly “cannot.” Liberal state lawmaker Daniele Monroe-Moreno, who was elected Nevada Democratic Party chair in March, made the comment during a Wednesday committee hearing on a GOP-led school choice bill. Monroe-Moreno defended Las Vegas area public schools—which in 2021 ranked second-worst in the nation—by dismissing criticism of the schools as misplaced “parent input” that she wished she could stifle through legislation. […]  “Nevada Democrats aren’t even trying to hide their disdain for parents across Nevada,” Better Nevada spokesman John Burke told the Washington Free Beacon. “Monroe-Moreno’s offensive and out-of-touch comments are not only an attack on Nevada parents, but they demonstrate the exact kind of backwards thinking from politicians that has put Nevada schools among the last in the nation.”

Read more/ Watch the 1 minute clip: https://freebeacon.com/democrats/i-wish-i-could-legislate-what-parents-do-nevada-dem-chairman-says/

Chadwell: It Takes a Village?

Hillary’s famous book title may have some truth to it in that a village is a close-knit tiny community where everyone knows everyone and has a stake in each other’s well-being. But Hillary wasn’t talking about a village; she was talking about huge, faceless, unaccountable government bureaucracies. Now we have a president — or maybe half a president — who recently said, “Our nation’s children are all our children.” Really? Our children belong to their radical left-wing teachers? Biden quoted one such teacher saying, “There’s no such thing as someone else’s children.” So, our children belong to the pedophiles among us? Do they belong to the greedy plastic surgeons? Do they belong to the drug dealers and the pharmaceutical companies? Do they belong to school boards and bureaucrats and school counsellors? Our children are our very flesh and blood. They carry our DNA and yet some anonymous official has the right to determine their future? There is something in the very core of a reasonable person that rebels against that. Well, let’s look at this idea of ownership.  […]  For roughly 6,000 years parents have had exclusive rights to control, provide for, and instruct our children. The nuclear family has, in all this time and in most places, been the backbone of human societies. The few that have strayed far from that have been noticeably unsuccessful. A community built of committed, one-man-one-woman households, in which children are produced and trained, has been a reliable organization. It is the way God designed human societies to run.

But the leftists are so arrogant as to think that they have a better way, so the first order of business must be to destroy that family arrangement. What better way to do that than to undermine parent-child relationships, to confuse children about sex, to round them up in government schools in which to indoctrinate them in leftist ways of thinking.

Read more at American Thinker.


LIBBY EMMONS: Associated Press—who used capitol riot to redefine ‘insurrection’—now OUTRAGED by GOP calling state capitol riots ‘insurrections’

In an interesting turn of events, the Associated Press no longer appears to believe that staging a riot at a capitol building with the intention of disrupting and diverting legislative proceedings is an insurrection. Janaury 14, 2021 saw the AP publicly hashing out what to call the Capitol riot of January 6. In an article entitled “Riot? Insurrection? Words matter in describing Capitol siege,” the AP ran through a list of potential words to describe the events in Washington, DC on that day. Apparently words still matter—but only when convenient to the left. […]  But now that riot is coming from the other side of the aisle, the AP wants to make sure that everyone knows when Democrats engage in “an act or instance of revolting against civil authorities or an established government,” it is absolutely not an insurrection.

Read more: https://humanevents.com/2023/04/29/associated-press-who-used-capitol-protest-to-redefine-insurrection-now-outraged-by-gop

(Go woke, Go Broke) Bois: Report: Vice Media Preparing to File for Bankruptcy

The media company Vice will reportedly soon file for bankruptcy despite being previously valued at $5 billion with deals at major companies. Two sources familiar with the situation told the New York Times that Vice has been looking for a buyer to potentially stave off filing for bankruptcy and that no such buyer has materialized yet. Per the report: . . .[…]   News of Vice’s impending bankruptcy comes as various media companies have started downsizing. Disney, InsiderABC News, NPRBuzzfeed, and Vox Media have all enacted layoffs of their own.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2023/05/01/report-vice-media-preparing-file-bankruptcy/

Scarry: Washington Media Drop The Charade Over Their Annual Dinner — Now They Want You To Know How Corrupt They Are

There’s something truly awe-inspiring about the Washington media’s resumption of the annual White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in all its tacky, wince-worthy depravity. It’s as if they hadn’t spent the last several years pretending to have gone through a profound reckoning, acknowledging it as a decadent and unnecessary affair that bred suspicion of journalists being too in bed, literally, with the people they’re supposed to be holding accountable on behalf of the public. All it took was one election to go the media’s way, and boy, did that farce end fast. CNN ran a promo for its coverage of the event, referring to the dinner as “the unforgettable, star-studded event.” The flashy spot featured clips of the channel’s anchors in pricey formal wear, posing for photos with celebrities on a red carpet, beaming in their most pathetic environment.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/05/01/washington-media-drop-the-charade-over-their-annual-dinner-now-they-want-you-to-know-how-corrupt-they-are/

OLI LONDON: Trans TikToker who mocked women signed to agency that took $200,000 from DNC for Gen Z influencers to promote Biden’s policy

A transgender Tiktoker who went viral last year for a video of him buying tampons and mocking women is signed to a talent agency that received over $200,000 from the DNC to pay influencers to push far-left policies. New York based talent agency Palette Management received $210,000 between August-October 2022 from the Democratic National Committee for “Paid Media Advertising.” The payments were made by the DNC to the influencer agency to pay online Gen Z creators to promote Democrat policies, including pro-LGBTQI+ messaging.

Read more: https://humanevents.com/2023/05/01/oli-london-trans-tiktoker-who-mocked-women-signed-to-agency-that-took-200000-from-dnc-for-gen-z-influencers-to-promote-bidens-policy


Revolver.news: Women’s sports best kept secret: it’s one gigantic “Club Med” for lesbian groomers…

Believe it or not, there’s a juicy well-kept secret about women’s sports hiding in plain sight that people don’t talk about much. The truth is, women’s sports can be a groomer’s paradise, like some sleazy “Club Med,” where predators are able to roam around and freely target anyone without fear of retribution. However, let’s be clear: we’re not discussing male predators here; rather, the focus is on female groomers. We’re referring to older female coaches and strong veteran players who are grooming younger female athletes and turning women’s sports into a lesbian-making factory. While the image of a “lesbian factory” might elicit a chuckle, the prevalence of lesbianism within women’s sports is off the charts. Even the Washington Post can’t ignore it. Alyssa is dating DeWanna who used to be married to Candice; Jasmine and Natisha are engaged, and Natisha and Courtney used to date. Allie and a different Courtney are married, while Diana married her former teammate, Penny. No, this isn’t an episode about Alice’s chart on “The L Word”: It’s the WNBA, where romances among teammates and league rivals are as expected as a lethal three-point shot. The Washington Post piece goes on to admit that this a phenomena that only happens in women’s sports. This should be a huge red flag, and it would be if the this tale involved men, like we saw with girls swimming and gymnastics, but because the groomers are women, nobody seems to care. However, that’s a real shame, because once again, vulnerable women are being abused.

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/05/women-sports-best-kept-secret-one-gigantic-club-med-for-lesbian-groomers/


Just th News Staff: John Solomon debuts kids book teaching children about free speech, countering censorship

Just the News founder and award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon unveiled a children’s book on Monday to empower parents and grandparents to teach new generations about the dangers of censorship and the essential role of free speech in the American experience. The book, “Hidden Headlines,” done in partnership with Brave Books, showcases the Solomon family hamster, Chunk, as a newspaper editor who cannot distribute his Hamster Headlines news product because an evil koala named Karl has blocked the tubular social media system in the hamster village of Starlotte City. […]  The story was inspired by Solomon’s own experiences facing cancel culture and censorship while reporting on the Russia collusion, Hunter Biden laptop and COVID-origins stories dating to 2016.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/nation/culture/john-solomon-debuts-kids-book-teaching-children-about-free-speech-countering

Brave Books website: https://bravebooks.us/


War Room: Jeff Clark details The Tennessee Transgender Ban and why the DOJ is suing.

The civil rights decision of the DOJ are the shock troops of the DOJ. Tennessee’s SB1 creates causes for action for parents and minors for decades after they reach their 18th birthday to proceed against medical providers who provide any medical services whether surgery or drugs to change their gender. Biden’s civil rights division says that violates equal rights protection under the U.S. Constitution Which is crazy.

Watch the 5 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2lixnw-jeff-clark-details-the-tennessee-transgender-ban-and-why-the-doj-is-suing..html

Oliver: A Woman is not a Cat

The Bible warns about calling evil good and good evil (Isaiah 5:20).  Based on that warning, the Democrats should be very worried.  The Dems are a party that openly lies and calls evil good. They celebrate killing babies in the womb, revel in the authoritarian power they seized during the COVID lockdowns, and recently they’ve started to groom young children (as young as six and eight years old) to mutilate their bodies by confusing them about their gender.  The Dems claim that if someone identifies as the opposite gender, we should celebrate and acknowledge their gender confusion.  Well, I refuse to do so because doing so is dishonest and a lie.  Perhaps you’ve seen the video of Lindsay Graham, an Arizona woman who dressed as a cat to speak to her local school board.  Graham wore a cat costume, introduced herself as a cat, said “meow, meow,” then asked who believed she was an actual cat.  Nobody raised their hands.  Which was exactly Graham’s point: nobody believed she was a cat because she’s not a cat.  People aren’t stupid.  But our Dems believe that we are. A woman doesn’t become a cat because she dresses as one, meows, and calls herself a cat; any more than a biological male becomes female by wearing a dress, heels, lipstick, and calls himself a woman. To accept that Graham is a cat is to accept fantasy for reality and a lie for the truth.

Read more at American Thinker.

Gaydos: Trans cyclist picks up overall victory in Tour of the Gila

Austin Killips, a transgender female, finished in first place in the women’s category in the Tour of the Gila as she finished in first place in the final stage of the event in New Mexico. Killips broke free from the pack in the final minutes of the race. Killips clocked in at 3:07:16 defeating Marcela Prieto and Cassandra Nelson in the stage. […]  With the focus on transgender women competing against biological females taking centerstage across the country, Killips took some heat on social media for the victory. […]  If males were excluded from the @UCI_cycling  women’s standings, Marcela Prieto is the 2023 women’s @TouroftheGila  winner. […]  Killips was also the subject of controversy at the UCI Cyclocross National Championships in December 2022, when she was accused of pushing another competitor off course. Killips denied making the move in a statement to the Los Angeles Blade.

Read more/Watch the video clips: https://www.foxnews.com/sports/trans-cyclist-picks-up-overall-victory-tour-of-the-gila

(You decide) Miguel: Transgenderism Is Demonic Possession

What is really behind the transgenderism movement? The trans question has become one of the most hotly contested issues in the culture war. While young people continue to proclaim their “gender-fluid” and “non-binary” statuses in increasing numbers, a fervent opposition to this trend has gained steam among the Right. Driven by the clear pedophilic grooming of trans “family” strip shows, the constant pro-LGBT propaganda in the media and schools, and recent high-profile acts of violence committed by trans against non-trans, the counter-trans movement has taken hold among a sizeable segment of America and has virtually become completely mainstream among GOP voters and lawmakers. Much of the trans debate centers around significant questions: Mental health, parental rights, the safety of children and families. But one aspect of the trans question is rarely discussed, and it is the most important factor — the one which explains and underlies the entire issue: the spiritual side. Why are the globalist oligarchs, of which the contemporary political Left is a segment, so hell-bent on making you, me, and all our children trans?

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/transgenderism-is-demonic-possession/


Anderson: Federal Judge Orders School District To Allow After-School Satan Club 

A federal judge on Monday ordered that a Pennsylvania school district must allow The Satanic Temple (TST) to use school property for its clubs, according to the ruling. The ACLU filed a lawsuit against Saucon Valley School District (SVSD) after it allegedly denied an application from TST to host its “After School Satan Club,” despite having accepted the request earlier. A federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania issued a preliminary injunction Monday, requiring the district to allow the club while the lawsuit continues, according to the ruling.

Read  more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/05/01/federal-judge-school-district-after-school-satan-club/

Ballentine: Judge blocks Missouri rule that would limit transgender care

A Missouri judge on Monday temporarily blocked a unique rule that would require adults and children to undergo more than a year of therapy and fulfill several other requirements before they could receive gender-affirming treatments such as puberty blockers, hormones and surgery.

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fapnews.com%2Farticle%2Fmissouri-transgender-health-care-ruling-705afa8c4e8a6d4445629c3f2694053f

Vago & Crane: Hunter Biden ripped by judge for concealing his money in baby mama showdown

The Arkansas judge overseeing Hunter Biden’s long-running child support battle with his baby mama chastised the first son’s lawyers Monday for being stingy with his financial data. Judge Holly Meyer rebuked the 53-year-old’s legal team during the two-hour proceedings, saying they wrongly concealed details of filings that had already been submitted to the court as part of the ongoing legal saga. “The ability to redact is somewhat being abused,” the judge told Hunter’s attorneys before ordering them to refile some of those papers. It wasn’t immediately clear exactly what financial information was included in the filings.

Hunter appeared in a Batesville court as he seeks to reduce his monthly payments for the 4-year-old daughter he fathered with ex-stripper Lunden Roberts.

Read more/Watch the 202 minute Turley interview: https://nypost.com/2023/05/01/judge-slams-hunter-biden-for-overly-redacting-financial-filings-in-paternity-case/


Saavedra: U.S. Military Releases New Details About Balloon That Flew Over Hawaii

The U.S. military released new details Monday afternoon about another mysterious balloon that recently flew over Hawaii late last week. “Applying newly-established parameters for monitoring U.S. airspace, the Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) detected and observed April 28th an unmanned, balloon off the coast of Hawaii, floating at approximately 36,000 feet,” a DOD spokesperson said in a statement. “Ownership of the balloon is unknown, but there is no indication that it was maneuvering or being controlled by a foreign or adversarial actor,” . . .[…]  Officials said that it did not pose a threat to civil aviation despite it flying at an altitude common in civil aviation.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/u-s-military-releases-new-details-about-balloon-that-flew-over-hawaii

Silverstein: Coca-Cola shareholders vote down proposal that targets pro-life states

Coca-Cola shareholders recently voted against a proposal to conduct a survey into how state laws restricting abortion impact the company’s business performance. […]  The proposal was introduced by As You Saw, a nonprofit that promotes ESG policies in corporations. Eighty-seven percent of controlling shares voted against the measure. […]  The proposal by As You Saw cited research that showed women who do not have access to abortion are more likely to drop out of the workforce. In a proxy statement, Coca-Cola said its “robust risk management processes” are adequate to address these concerns. The company argued further research into the matter is not needed.. The activist group’s statement included a suggestion that the board of directors, at its discretion, may elect to cease operations in states where abortion restrictions are in place.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/media/coco-cola-shareholders-vote-down-proposal-targets-pro-life-states

Saavedra: DeSantis Signs New ‘Law-And-Order’ Bills That Allows The Death Penalty For Pedophiles

“Florida is a law-and-order state with a 50-year record low crime rate and double-digit year-over-year decreases in murder, burglary, and overall crime,” DeSantis said in a statement. “For three consecutive legislative sessions we have enacted tough-on-crime policies, and this year we are continuing to implement measures to protect our communities and keep Florida safe, with a particular emphasis on keeping criminals in jail and throwing the book at pedophiles.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/desantis-signs-new-law-and-order-bills-that-allows-the-death-penalty-for-pedophiles

 Truly: I Made Myself Blind: Living With BIID

Body integrity identity disorder.  American Journal of Bioethics: The term body integrity identity disorder (BIID) describes the extremely rare phenomenon of persons who desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who desire a paralysis. Some of these persons mutilate themselves; others ask surgeons for an amputation or for the transection of their spinal cord. Psychologists and physicians explain this phenomenon in quite different ways; but a successful psychotherapeutic or pharmaceutical therapy is not known. Lobbies of persons suffering from BIID explain the desire for amputation in analogy to the desire of transsexuals for surgical sex reassignment.

Watch the 6:18 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdRihAJ3H9Q&t=82s

Townsend: Lame Duck Lori Lightfoot sends letter to Abbott asking him to stop sending illegal migrants to Chicago

Lame Duck Lori isn’t happy that Texas Governor Greg Abbott is taking her at her word and acting like Chicago is a sanctuary city where all are welcome, regardless of legal status in this country. Governor Abbott has been busing illegal immigrants to Chicago as he has to other big blue cities that love to virtue signal about how open and welcoming they are. Just like Washington, D.C., and New York City, Chicago is the destination for some of the overflow of illegal immigrants who are apprehended in Texas. Lightfoot sent a letter to Abbott Sunday asking him to stop sending them.

Read more: https://hotair.com/karen-townsend/2023/05/01/lame-duck-lori-lightfoot-sends-letter-to-abbott-asking-him-to-stop-sending-illegal-migrants-to-chicago-n547639

Kelly: Oregon Bill Would Decriminalize Homeless Camps

Oregon has one of the highest rates of homelessness in the United States, growing by 23 percent between 2020 and 2022, leading Democratic Governor Tina Kotek to sign a $200 million legislative package in March to address the state’s homelessness crisis.  According to the Oregon Capital Chronicle, the package provides for “more than $112 million to expand the state’s shelter capacity by 700 beds and help about 1,650 homeless Oregonians move into permanent homes within the next year. The package also includes $25 million for homeless youth and more than $33 million for rent assistance to help nearly 9,000 families stay in their homes.”

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/oregon-bill-would-decriminalize-homeless-camps/


AFP: British people urged to swear allegiance to the king

All Britons will be called on to swear allegiance to King Charles III at his coronation, an oath hitherto reserved for British nobility, in a move that has upset anti-royalists. […]  Instead, the ceremony will include a “Homage of the People”, with the archbishop calling on all people in the United Kingdom and other places where King Charles is the head of state to swear allegiance. The archbishop will call on “all persons of goodwill in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and of the other realms and the territories to make their homage, in heart and voice, to their undoubted king, defender of all”.

Read more: https://news.yahoo.com/british-people-urged-swear-allegiance-223829342.html

Glick and Sharansky – Unify Around Zionism

While the domestic strife in Israel is enough to make anyone feel distressed, the fact is that the fissure tearing Israelis apart is not as deep or as wide as they seem from the news. While the angry, massively funded rallies of the left against the Netanyahu government and its voters, and the angry responses of the government’s voters make it seem like Israel is tearing itself apart, the vast majority of Israelis remain completely committed to the State of Israel and the Zionist vision of Jewish national salvation and renaissance in the Land of Israel. To explore the vastness of the shared ideal and significance of the State of Israel for the Jewish people, former Prisoner of Zion, former government minister and former chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel Natan Sharansky was my guest on the show this week. Sharansky has spoken out against the government’s judicial reform effort, while I am an outspoken advocate for massive reform of the legal system. We chose to ignore what divides us and instead had an in-depth, inspiring discussion of the meaning of Israel and Zionism for the Jewish people in Israel and around the world.

Read more/Watch the 59:40 minute interview: https://carolineglick.com/glick-and-sharansky-unify-around-zionism/

Welborn: Ireland about to execute free speech as in “kill it off permanently”

For a country that has spent a good portion of its existence with a boot on its throat, you’d think the Irish would be a bit more particular about the concept of “freedom”: which constituted the same, what measures impede or crush it, and thereby do everything in their power to avoid those. Again, you’d think but WHOA, NELLY, would you ever be wrong. Currently wending its way through the Oireachtas (Oireachtas Éireann, is the bicameral parliament of Ireland) are updates to sections of their Prohibition of Incitment to Hatred Act 1989. As there were no innerwebs or social media in 1989 they felt they needed a new, improved version. They came up with a doozy. …What does the new law state?

Read more: https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2023/05/01/ireland-about-to-execute-free-speech-as-in-kill-it-off-permanently-n547513

Chi-Sing: French police clash with violent protesters during mass May Day demonstrations

Macron’s pension reform bill raised the retirement age from 62 to 64.  Violent demonstrators took to the streets of Paris Monday and across France to protest against French President Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform, joining workers across Europe in May Day rallies. May 1 marks a worldwide celebration of labor rights, with Macron’s highly unpopular pension bill taking the forefront during the rallies in France.. Police were seen clashing with protesters during the demonstrations in Paris as people in masks threw projectiles amid clouds of tear gas. Local businesses were also targeted, including stores and banks. Ride-sharing bicycles were torched and bus stops smashed leading up to a union march at the central Place de la Republique.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/world/french-police-clash-with-violent-protesters-during-mass-may-day-demonstrations

Tawil: How Palestinians Are Trying to Destroy Lebanon

  • According to these reports, Hamas could not have carried out the rocket attack without the blessing of Hezbollah, Iran’s terror proxy in Lebanon.
  • “[T]here are those who seek to turn Lebanon into a military base. What [Hamas] did [by firing missiles at Israel] will be an incentive for other organizations to carry out similar military actions that could drag Lebanon into disaster.” — Elie Mahfoud, a lawyer for Sovereign Front for Lebanon, Asharq Al-Awsat, April 24, 2023.
  • Hezbollah has proven that it is the only authority in Lebanon and that the Islamic Republic of Iran controls all aspects of the country.” — Kheirallah Kheirallah, veteran Lebanese journalist, Al Arabiya, April 9, 2023.
  • Kheirallah also took the Lebanese foreign ministry to task for protesting against Israel when it fired back “instead of asking itself what Hamas and its rockets are doing in Lebanon.”
  • The bad news… is that Lebanon will continue to be used by Iran’s ruling mullahs and their proxies as a launching pad to attack Israel as long as the Lebanese people do not rise up against them.
  • More bad news: this is exactly what will happen if and when a Palestinian state is established next to Israel. This new state will be used by Iran and its terrorist militias as a base for attacking Israel and killing as many Jews as they can.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19614/palestinians-hamas-destroy-lebanon


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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