Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes


Kengor: Marxist Women’s Day

Woke women, wake up! You need to understand that International Women’s Day, like Vladimir Putin, was promoted by the KGB. In April 1845, Karl Marx’s mother-in-law sent to the Marx family a nanny named Helene Demuth, known as “Lenchen.” Marx’s long-suffering wife, Jenny, was thrilled. After all, she had long expressed the wish that Karl would “earn some capital rather than just writing about capital.” But Karl refused to earn money. Just as he refused soap and bathing, which spawned boils all over his body. As the late historian (and close friend of The American Spectator) Paul Johnson noted, Marx’s boils “appeared on all parts of his body, including his penis […] They brought on a nervous collapse marked by trembling and huge bursts of rage.” All the more reason for Karl to refuse work. So, when Jenny’s mom sent Lenchen, Marx’s wife breathed a huge sigh of relief. […] Not unlike how we’re at the mercy of the useful idiots who now celebrate International Women’s Day every March 8, utterly oblivious to its socialist origins. When I try to inform them that they’re commemorating a day that the Bolsheviks championed, they give me a blank stare or a glare. In friendlier cases, they will object incredulously: “Well, so what? It isn’t a Marxist or socialist holiday to me!” Indeed, . . .

Read more: https://spectator.org/marxist-womens-day-marx/


Alvin and Heidi Toffler futurists and authors of the 1970 bestselling book, Futures Shock: “A new civilization is emerging in our lives, and blind men everywhere are trying to suppress it. This new civilization brings with it new family styles, changed ways of working, loving, and living, a new economy, new political conflicts, and beyond all this an altered consciousness as well.”

From the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference: “Land […] cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”

Rosa Koire a Democrat and anti-UN Agenda 21 activist in the 1990’s: “Sustainable Development is the action plan implemented worldwide to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, all information, and all human beings in the world.

Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992: “Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.”

Dave Foreman co-founder Earth First (1980’s) & co-founder The Wilderness Project (1990’s): “The optimum human population of earth is zero. Humanity is the cancer of nature. “We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.”

Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability) in 1996: “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.”

Milan Adams: “The United Nations (UN) for some people conjure up images of a benevolent organization intended for the preservation of human life wherever conflict occurs, and of encouraging international cooperation and peace. Far from this peaceful image, however, is their little-publicized plan to depopulate 95% of the world by 2030. Or as they have called it, Agenda 21.”


Husebo: Exclusive — Feds Build a Wall for Joe Biden’s SOTU Address: ‘Walls Work’

Federal authorities constructed a wall surrounding the U.S. Capitol Building for President Joe Biden’s Thursday State of the Union speech, drawing the ire of Republicans who painted a contrast between Biden’s open border policies and the heavily guarded Capitol complex. The eight-foot black Capitol wall, approved by the Capitol Police Board, could be more heavily guarded on Thursday by law enforcement than the southern border where 1.7 million known “gotaways” escaped into the United States under Biden.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/03/07/exclusive-feds-build-a-wall-for-joe-bidens-sotu-address-walls-work/

RNC Research X post: CNN’s John King: “This is the 36th of these for me […] Never heard one so political. Never heard one that is such a campaign speech.” Watch the 10 second video: https://twitter.com/RNCResearch/status/1765946563388379484

Citizen Free Press X post: President Trump just released a prebuttal to Biden’s speech. Watch the 3:38 minute video: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1765879513727062125

(Rough language) Citizen Free Press X post: She is all of America tonight: Watch the 39 second video: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1765945305210519847


The White House has posted the text of the speech “as prepared for delivery.” That isn’t exactly how he gave it. You have to see it to get the full flavor. I have posted the White House video at the bottom.

Herewith are my impressions of Biden’s delivery and my observations on the speech in the form of bullet points:

• The Democrats in the audience broke out in cheers of “Four more years.” You have got to be kidding. Let me begin with a prediction. Even if Biden wins reelection to another term this coming November, he will not be giving four more State of the Union addresses. No way no how.

• Esquire used to pose a rhetorical question as a caption on a photograph of Richard Nixon that it published in its annual Dubious Achievement Awards edition: Why is this man laughing? The question to be posed for this speech is Why is this man shouting? He is an angry old man.

• This was a terrible speech terribly delivered. It’s a good thing no drug test was required before the address. Biden sounded hopped up. He spoke too fast. He slurred his words. He was frequently difficult to understand. He shouted a variety of clichés and shibboleths as though we might otherwise miss their depth and meaning. The disparity between the shibboleths and the shouting was almost funny.

• Biden sounded like a 45 rpm record playing at 78. It was an old record — it had scratches at several places that caused it to skip the groove.

• To whom was this speech addressed? The opening reflected the poor judgment of Biden’s daycare minders in the White House. As I heard it, the country needs to be protected from two threats: Russia and Donald Trump (“my predecessor”).

Read all 27 bullet points: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/03/the-sotu-from-hell.php

Frascine: The State of the Union

Regardless of what POTUS says, it’s what he’s doing that counts. Trump followers want to make America great again. No one seems to know what the Republican Party wants. But the goals of the Democratic Party are clear. The defining position of today’s left, now more than ever, is one of dissatisfaction and dissidence. Socioeconomic classes and inequalities are resultant of the oppressed being subjugated by the oppressors in an unjustly evolved social system based in racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and capitalistic greed. There is little or nothing in current American society that warrants perpetuation. The Democrats want to remake American society into a system they alone control.

  • The Constitution. An illegitimate document framed by slaveowners. It must be reframed to show preference for favored groups, institutions, and policies to bolster the political influence of the Left.
  • The Supreme Court. Strict adherence to the tenets of a flawed Constitution stands in the way of progressive liberalism. Judicial activism need replace jurisprudence. The Court needs to be expanded with progressive thinkers. Its jurisdiction should not be limited to Constitutional issues — Roe should have been upheld.
  • Patriotism. Patriotism is a product of white nationalism and xenophobia. There is no American exceptionalism. We must totally and immediately embrace globalization as a moral imperative. Open borders is “who we are!”
  • Democracy. Their concept of the democratic process is to jail their political opponent via a weaponized legal system instead of defeating him at the polls. And if that doesn’t work, there is always ballot harvesting and early and absentee mail-in voting.
  • Electoral college. A system imparting too much power to . . .
  • Free market economy. Unregulated markets, driven by private sector supply and demand, are innovative and efficient, but lack.
  • Caucasians. A race which,  . . .
  • Religion. Religious tenets can be in conflict with  . . .
  • Gender. We must achieve gender neutrality. “Toxic masculinity” fosters . . .
  • Human nature. Self-serving behavior is baked into human nature, so leftists seek to . . .
  • Natural law. Natural law also is too  . . .

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/03/the_state_of_the_union.html


(2001) Kijos: Reinventing the World – PART 1 of 3 : The Seamless Communitarian System

“The challenge to humanity is to adopt new ways of thinking, new ways of acting, new ways of organizing itself in society, in short, new ways of living.” UNESCO […] Strange new labels have begun to define our schools, workplaces, clinics and other institutions. […] How will they change our institutions and affect our lives? Are they part of a local agenda or do they point to a global management system? Finally, the most important question, who defines the terms and sets the standards?  The answers are complex, but these true stories offer some simple views of the problem: […] We are in the midst of a global transformation, and few of us saw it coming. Silent and unseen half a century ago, this social revolution grew like a stream of water below the surface of our culture for decades. But now, at the dawn of the new millennium, the benign current has become a malignant torrent flooding the land. Too powerful to be ignored, it challenges us to respond before the old pathways and guideposts have been swept aside in its wake. Gaining Control through Partnerships. In a revealing 1997 editorial, The New Order of the Day, Frances Hesselbein, the president and CEO of the Drucker Foundation, and former chief executive of the Girl Scouts of the USA, gives an overview of the tangled webs of shared leadership we can expect in the future. Add the strings attached to government funding, and you see the framework needed for socialist controls over nearly all areas of human needs and services: “For the first time in recent history, government is saying it cannot, alone, provide the social services our people need. Business is saying it cannot deliver the services government is relinquishing, and the nonprofit/social sector is telling us it cannot single-handedly meet the societal needs being ceded to it by government and business. “The meaning of this monumental change is clear: partnership, alliance, collaboration — call it what you will — is suddenly the order of the day. […] this new global management system — more recently labeled the Global New Deal — behind the backs of an unsuspecting public. 

Read more: http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/Reinvent1.htm


Phil Holloway X post: Here’s Attorney Ashleigh Merchant testifying that #FaniWillis in fact visited the White House, and the VPOTUS prior to the GA Trump RICO indictment

Here’s Attorney Ashleigh Merchant testifying that #FaniWillis in fact visited the White House, and the VPOTUS prior to the GA Trump RICO indictment

Watch the 1:38 minute testimony video: https://twitter.com/PhilHollowayEsq/status/1765493486357283250

White: NY Attorney-General Letitia James tells crowd of Trump-supporting firefighters to ‘simmer down’ after being BOOED on stage throughout speech

NY Attorney-General Letitia James tells crowd of Trump-supporting firefighters to ‘simmer down’ after being BOOED on stage throughout speech New York Attorney-General Letitia James has been booed by unruly firefighters who shouted Donald Trumps name as she gave a speech. James was speaking at a New York Fire Department promotion ceremony Thursday and the jeers began before she even took the stage. No sooner than she was announced as the next speaker at Christian Cultural Center’s Brooklyn Campus, the boos were mixed in with cheers. ‘Come on, we’re in a house of God […] simmer down […] thank you for getting it out of your system,’ she said, before beginning her speech.

Red more/Watch the 1:35 minute video: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13171221/NY-Attorney-General-Letitia-James-heckled-firefighters-Donald-Trump-fraud-lawsuit.html


Aronson & VanDussen: THE FBI’S DOUBLE AGENT

The Informant at the Heart of the Gretchen Whitmer Kidnapping Plot Was a Liability. So Federal Agents Shut Him Up. A MONTH BEFORE the 2020 presidential election, the Justice Department announced that the FBI had foiled a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, whose pandemic lockdown measures drew harsh criticism from President Donald Trump and his supporters. The alleged plot coincided with growing concern about far-right political violence in America. But the FBI quickly realized it had a problem: A key informant in the case, a career snitch with a long rap sheet, had helped to orchestrate the kidnapping plot. During the undercover sting, the FBI ignored crimes that the informant, Stephen Robeson, appeared to have committed, including fraud and illegal possession of a sniper rifle. The Whitmer kidnapping case followed a pattern familiar from hundreds of previous FBI counterterrorism stings that have targeted Muslims in the post-9/11 era. Those cases too raised questions about whether the crimes could have happened at all without the prodding of undercover agents and informants. […]

  • The Intercept exclusively obtained a five-hour recording of the FBI’s interrogation of Stephen Robeson, a paid informant central to the alleged kidnapping plot.
  • The reports and recordings reveal how the FBI has adapted abusive war-on-terror sting tactics to target perceived domestic extremists and raise questions about whether the FBI pursued a larger effort to encourage political violence ahead of the 2020 election.
  • Federal agents running the Whitmer kidnapping investigation put the public in danger to avoid undermining their operation, the files show.
  • When FBI agents feared their informant might reveal the investigation’s flaws, they sought to coerce him into silence, at one point telling him: “A saying we have in my office is, ‘Don’t let the facts get in the way of a good story,’ right?”

Read more: https://theintercept.com/2024/03/06/gretchen-whitmer-kidnapping-informant/


Fox 35 Orlando: Sheriff Grady Judd gives update on human trafficking bust after 228 people arrested

Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd provides an update about an eight-day-long multi-agency undercover investigation called “Operation March Sadness 2024,” which focused on human trafficking. Forty-two arrested were married. The operation resulted in the arrest of 228 people, twenty-one were illegal aliens The 228 arrested had a combined history of 2,038 arrests. 879 previous felonies. 1,159 previous misdemeanors.

Start the video at the 14:43 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edw92sH1gkk&t=844s

Yeatman: National Guardswoman, 27, and her daughter, 11, are shot dead while sitting in parked car as cops arrest man and search for another ‘armed and dangerous’ suspect in Massachusetts

  • Chasity Nunez, 27, was gunned down in a hail of bullets outside her home in Worcester, Massachusetts as she sat in her car alongside daughter Zella, 11
  • The National Guardswoman worked at MIT and leaves behind a two-year-old daughter, Isla
  • Suspect Karel Mangual, 28, is due in court today and police are searching for ‘armed and dangerous’ alleged accomplice Dejan Balnavis, 27

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13168923/worcester-chastity-nunez-belnavis-shooting-mangual.html


Morse: Woke Company ‘Sweet Baby Inc.’ Is Lashing Out Like a Cornered Animal Thanks to Gamers

It doesn’t get a lot of corporate press coverage but some of the fiercest fighting in the culture war is done on the gaming front, where the woke left takes loss after loss. This is probably why the corporate media doesn’t cover gaming a whole lot. Still, with the gaming industry being the most productive and lucrative of all the entertainment industries, the left is consistently attempting to weasel its messaging into games as they do with everything else. This has caused gamers to push back, as they do, and now the woke left attempting to infect the gaming industry is on the verge of losing yet another battle. […]  What could this ultimately accomplish?  With Sweet Baby Inc. now dragged out of the shadows and into the light, and with gamers now informed about the company […] If and when Sweet Baby Inc. becomes irrelevant, it’ll be another woke dragon that gamers have slain.

Read more: https://redstate.com/brandon_morse/2024/03/04/a-woke-company-is-lashing-out-like-a-cornered-animal-thanks-to-gamers-n2170891


Wyner: How the Gaza Ministry of Health Fakes Casualty Numbers

The number of civilian casualties in Gaza has been at the center of international attention since the start of the war. The main source for the data has been the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry, which now claims more than 30,000 dead, the majority of which it says are children and women. Recently, the Biden administration lent legitimacy to Hamas’ figure. When asked at a House Armed Services Committee hearing last week how many Palestinian women and children have been killed since Oct. 7, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the number was “over 25,000.” The Pentagon quickly clarified that the secretary “was citing an estimate from the Hamas-controlled Health Ministry.” President Biden himself had earlier cited this figure, asserting that “too many, too many of the over 27,000 Palestinians killed in this conflict have been innocent civilians and children, including thousands of children.” The White House also explained that the president “was referring to publicly available data about the total number of casualties.” Here’s the problem with this data: The numbers are not real. 

Read more: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/how-gaza-health-ministry-fakes-casualty-numbers

Pacchiani: In East Jerusalem, hopes for a calm Ramadan mix with fears of Al-Aqsa restrictions

As the Muslim holy month of Ramadan approaches, Arab residents of East Jerusalem are in the grip of uncertainty, concerned about possible restrictions on access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque as well as the possibility of clashes between young worshipers and security forces, especially if they are denied access.

The month of fasting and prayer is expected to begin on March 10, if on that day a new moon is sighted. In the days leading up to the holiday, whose starting date slides back about 10 days every year, the alleys in the Muslim quarter of the Old City and the streets of East Jerusalem would typically be festooned with colorful lanterns and neon crescent moons, preparing to welcome the throngs spending their nights outdoors after the evening iftar meal to break the fast.

Read more: https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-east-jerusalem-hopes-for-a-calm-ramadan-mix-with-fears-of-al-aqsa-restrictions/

TOI Staff: Netanyahu overrules Ben Gvir: Temple Mount access on Ramadan to be like previous years

Israel will not reduce the number of worshipers allowed to pray on the Temple Mount in the first week of Ramadan from the levels in previous years, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office announced Tuesday amid serious concerns over efforts by Hamas and its backer Iran to stir up violence at the flashpoint site and in Jerusalem in general during the Muslim holy month. The premier’s office said that a “situational assessment around security and safety” will be made every week and that “a decision will be made accordingly.”

Read more: https://www.timesofisrael.com/netanyahu-temple-mount-access-on-ramadan-to-be-the-same-as-previous-years/


Blake: Science Keeps Obliterating The Left’s Favorite Transgender Narratives

The truth about transgenderism is coming out. On Monday, Michael Shellenberger released a multitude of internal files from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) that “prove that the practice of transgender medicine is neither scientific nor medical.” WPATH has been accepted by the political, cultural, and medical establishments as the authority on transgenderism, but what its members say in private is not the narrative they sell to the public. Instead of the rigorous, careful, evidence-based medicine that champions of “gender-affirming care” claim to practice, the WPATH files show doctors who are making it up as they go along, smashing through guardrails even though they know that the children they are chemically and surgically altering cannot really give informed consent. And people are noticing.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/06/science-keeps-obliterating-the-lefts-favorite-transgender-narratives/

Read the WPATH Files here.


War Room: Batya Ungar-Sargon Explains The MAGA Philosophy That The Left Can’t Understand

Batya Ungar-Sargon is a self-described Democrat who is the author of a soon to be released book, Second Class: How the Elites Betrayed America’s Working Men and Women.

Watch the 14:44 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4hfq50-batya-ungar-sargon-explains-the-maga-philosophy-that-the-left-cant-understa.html


White: Terrifying moment wheel falls off United airplane taking off from San Francisco airport and crushes cars parked below

A 256lb wheel fell from a United Airlines plane shortly after take-off in San Francisco  and crushed cars parked below as it plummeted to the ground. The United Airlines flight 35 left San Francisco Airport on its way to Osaka in Japan and was barely off the runway with the Boeing 777-200’s wheel came off. The plane with 235 passengers and 14 crew diverted to Los Angeles Airport after it was alerted to the landing gear failure at 11.35am on Thursday. The incident is the latest in a string of bad press for Boeing, which has made headlines in recent weeks for issues with planes – including an engine exploring on a flight out of Texas and a door blowing out of a flight mid-air above Oregon.

Read more/Watch the 18 second video: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13170999/Terrifying-moment-wheel-falls-United-airplane-taking-San-Francisco-airport-crushes-cars-parked-below.html


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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