Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 23 minutes


During Holy Week, Christians commemorate the Passion of Christ, who died on Good Friday in reparation for the sins of mankind, and rose on Easter Sunday to give new life to all who believe. Thus, while Holy Week is solemn and sorrowful, it also anticipates the joy of Easter through the recognition of God’s goodness in sending his son to die for our salvation.

Klugewicz: Classical Music for Holy Week & Easter

Though Handel’s “Messiah” rightly reigns supreme as the king of music for Easter, there are many other seasonal masterpieces that deserve to be heard more often. Here are ten lesser-known classical works that brilliantly depict the dramatic events of Holy Week and Easter Sunday.

Read more: https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2024/03/classical-music-holy-week-easter-stephen-klugewicz.html


Sundance contributor to The Last Refuge: Following Ken Buck (U-CO), Republican Congressman Mike Gallagher (U-WI) announces he is leaving congress. This exit drops the GOP majority in the House to one seat, following a path that seemingly continues to put the Democrats in control prior to the 2024 election. This should be the GOP insurance policy against President Trump’s successful election outcome. There are trillions at stake.

Joseph Pearce contributor to The Imaginative Conservative: There are two types of heroism. There is the heroism of Achilles and there is the heroism of Hector. The first is the heroism of the Strong Man who gets even with his enemies through the power that he wields; the second is the heroism of the Good Man who lays down his life in defense of good things worth defending. The first type of hero sacrifices others in pursuit of his own self-empowerment; the second type of hero sacrifices himself to protect the weak from Strong Men seeking self-empowerment. The courage of the former is rooted in pride; the courage of the latter is rooted in humility.

Jennifer Bilek investigative journalist: The cultural shifts we see today regarding gender identity are largely influenced by huge capital inflows from governments, philanthropists, corporations, and investment management and accounting firms like Blackrock and Ernst & Young. While some believe that the ideology originated in universities, funding is directed to these institutions to promote the idea of synthetic sex identities as progressive, which students then carry into the world.

Mark A. Hewitt contributor to American Thinker: Now the deep state FDA has succeeded in overturning the decades-long moratorium of gay men giving blood. What the deep state FDA did was provide a backdoor way to void the Nuremberg Code, where voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. The deep state FDA has, and continues to contaminate, the national blood supply. They are freakishly conducting human experiments on unsuspecting surgery patients with contaminated blood. Surgery patients have not volunteered to take blood possibly contaminated with HIV, AIDS, or hepatitis. It should be a felony to knowingly give contaminated blood to a patient. And, as expected, you can now add to the list of blood contaminants, anyone who has been injected with the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Robyn Dolgin contributor to American Thinker: . . . squatters certainly know their “rights.” Many of them refuse to give an inch initially because they realize if they can hang on for 30 days or longer, they enter a new tier of protection for their illegal behavior in the bluest of blue states. Who would have thought it possible that the longer you engage in violating the law the more protection you’ll receive under the law in “progressive” states?

Michael E. Ginsberg contributor to American Greatness: It’s time for Israel to show the 47-minute video of the October 7 attack to the world.


Tapson: The Left: We’re Not Coming For Your Precious Guns, You Right-Wing Conspiracy Nuts

The bad news is that the Biden administration is ramping up its gun confiscation agenda in the form of a whopping $750 million dedicated to establishing so-called “red flag laws” in every state in the Union. The good news is that epically incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris seems to have been put in charge of the push. […] Red flag laws sound reasonable, don’t they, considering how often gun violence is preceded by the perpetrators dropping blatant warning signs of murderous intent (signs which the FBI and DHS then ignore)? But make no mistake – red flag laws, which enable authorities to disarm someone who has been deemed a potential gun violence threat by family members or others in close contact with the “suspect,” will be used to target political enemies of the Biden administration. Under the guise (as usual) of keeping Americans safe, the government will exploit these laws in totalitarian ways. Own a MAGA hat or a Gadsden flag? The Biden administration sees you as a potential danger. Complain about woke schoolroom indoctrination at school board meetings? The FBI already considers you a domestic terrorist. Post support on social media for […] Kamala’s second proposal urges state legislatures not only to enact red flag laws but to . . .

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-left-were-not-coming-for-your-precious-guns-you-right-wing-conspiracy-nuts/


(Must watch) War Room: Jennifer Bilek Warns Of “Techno-Religious Cult” Takeover By Billionaire Transhumanists

The gender industry promotes disassociation from sex reality as progressive. This is promoted as a human rights issue which it is not. The whole thing is corporate hokum. Follow the money that drives this ideology. There are no transgender people. Transgenderism is changing our culture and society paving the way for transhumanism. Gender rights are actually rights for people who want to disown reality. So you have to ask the right questions, why do people who want to disown reality, biological reality, being given special rights? Why is society  being rearranged for them when they are 0.03% of the population? It’s absolute madness.

Watch the 18:24 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4l1w33-jennifer-bilek-warns-of-techno-religious-cult-takeover-by-billionaire-trans.html

(The March 2024 article mentioned in the War Room video above) Van Maren: How a Handful of Billionaires Created the Transgender ‘Movement’: An Interview with Jennifer Bilek

The medical-tech sector is trying to confer human rights upon a group who are seeking to disown their humanity. What are the primary goals and motives of those pouring their money into LGBT organizations? The primary catalysts driving the gender industry are rooted in technological developments entwined with an unfettered market. Medical-sex identities, along with technological reproduction, are at the forefront of attempts to advance our species beyond our current human borders. The strategic linking of an agenda aimed at deconstructing reproductive sex with a civil rights movement centered on same-sex attraction was pure genius—a metaphorical fox in the henhouse, but dressed as a hen. We are on the brink of breakthroughs in genetic engineering, artificial intelligence (AI), and artificial reproduction, each comprising significant industries. The convergence of these fields indicates a trajectory towards a future that transcends our current human state. Media outlets and tech gurus emerging from Silicon Valley have, since the early 2000s, driven a narrative predicting a more integral fusion of humans with AI, envisioning the creation of a hybrid species.

Read more: https://europeanconservative.com/articles/interviews/how-a-handful-of-billionaires-created-the-transgender-movement-an-interview-with-jennifer-bilek/

(June 14, 2022) Bilek: The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities (SSI)

One of the most powerful yet unremarked-upon drivers of our current wars over definitions of gender is a concerted push by members of one of the richest families in the United States to transition Americans from a dimorphic definition of sex to the broad acceptance and propagation of synthetic sex identities (SSI). Over the past decade, the Pritzkers of Illinois, who helped put Barack Obama in the White House and include among their number former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, current Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, and philanthropist Jennifer Pritzker, appear to have used a family philanthropic apparatus to drive an ideology and practice of disembodiment into our medical, legal, cultural, and educational institutions.

Read more: https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/billionaire-family-pushing-synthetic-sex-identities-ssi-pritzkers


War Room: Mike Benz Explains How Hunter Biden’s Work In Ukraine Touched On A CIA Operation

A most enlightening interview. The man funding Hunter Biden, Kevin Morris.

Watch the 19:12 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4kwpdw-mike-benz-explains-how-hunter-bidens-work-in-ukraine-touched-on-a-cia-opera.html


Boswell: Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. dodges federal charges for the SEVENTH time after being linked to money laundering and mail fraud scheme involving a San Francisco Flop house

Two fraudsters linked to Nancy Pelosi’s son are set to be sentenced over a money laundering and mail fraud scheme, DailyMail.com can reveal. It is the seventh federal case that Paul Pelosi Jr., the 55-year-old son of the former House Speaker, has been embroiled in, documented in an extensive investigation by DailyMail.com. The charges leveled by federal prosecutors against fraudsters Bill Garlock and Gina Rodriguez, include shady dealings over a San Francisco flop house that Pelosi Jr. claimed to own. Garlock and Rodriguez have cut a plea deal and are scheduled to be sentenced in March. The latest law enforcement bust on the real estate dealers linked to Pelosi Jr. has led financial crime experts to question why Nancy’s son avoided indictment himself – even after he was identified by documents reviewed by DailyMail.com as paying bribes to get building permits on his Mission District flop house.

Read morel https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13023467/Nancy-Pelosi-son-Paul-Pelosi-Jr-charges-federal-case.html


(Psychiatrists call this projection) Susan Rice Sounds The Alarm On How Donald Trump’s Debts Could Risk U.S. Security

Former U.S. national security adviser Susan Rice talked on Wednesday about the threat that could be posed to America’s security over the hundreds of millions of dollars that presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump owes in civil trial damages. Rice told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell that Trump owes “some $500 million or more” and is struggling to meet the bond in his $464 million fraud ruling, so “you have to wonder where he’s going to get that money from.” “In the event that [Trump] has to take that money from an individual or an entity, whether domestic or international, that individual or entity will potentially have real influence over him, and so that is of concern” if he returns to the White House, she added.

Read more at The Huffington Post.

Stevenson: Trump’s acting defense sec says J6 committee threatened him when he revealed Trump called for National Guard in DC

Former President Donald Trump‘s former acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller has said that the J6 Committee threatened him to “make his life hell” if he kept on claiming that Trump authorized the National Guard to secure the capital on January 6. Miller spoke to the Daily Mail about the allegations and said when he would go on TV interviews to recount his experiences with Trump calling for the National Guard, the J6 panel would bring him in for hours at a time for additional testimony. Miller had only been on the job for two months when he was thrust into the situation. He said it was clear that Liz Cheney was running the show. […] Miller said it was the “fear” instilled in him that kept him from speaking any more about the events publicly and did not do so until recently.
Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/trumps-acting-defense-sec-says-j6-committee-threatened-him-when-he-revealed-trump-called-for-national-guard-in-dc

Hutchison: ‘Not Likely To Happen’: Jonathan Turley Pours Cold Water On Letitia James’ Plans To Seize Trump’s Assets

“These properties are partnerships, they have leveraged debt. All of that has to be unraveled,” Turley told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow. “So these aren’t just this, you know, one to one Trump versus James type of equation. So in order to seize that property, she’s going to be pulled into court, there’s going to be challenges. It’s not going to happen overnight. Everyone is celebrating this idea that she’s going to padlock Trump Tower. It’s not likely to happen, and it’s certainly not likely to remain very long.”

Read more/Watch the 8:37 minute interview: : https://dailycaller.com/2024/03/22/not-likely-to-happen-jonathan-turley-pours-cold-water-on-letitia-james-plans-to-seize-trumps-assets/

Sundance: Sunday Talks – Trump Organization VP Eric Trump Discusses the New York “Lawfare” Targeting of His Family

Eric Trump runs the day-to-day operations of the Trump organization. Today Eric Trump appeared with Maria Bartiromo to discuss the ongoing battle with the state of New York as Attorney General Letitia James threatens to seize Trump assets.

Watch the 10:07 minute interview: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/03/24/sunday-talks-trump-organization-vp-eric-trump-discusses-the-new-york-lawfare-targeting-of-his-family/


Sundance: Finally – House Subcommittee Chairman Pete Sessions Starts Looking at Root of DC Lawfare Activity

However, if we can get a few politicians to accurately identify and target some very specific and corrupt people within the deep state, then we begin a process where the weeds of corruption begin getting pulled out by their roots. Chairman Pete Sessions (TX-CD17) appears to have taken the first step in what could be a very lengthy process of sunlight.  Chairman Sessions has sent a preservation letter to Georgetown University School of Law, identifying a couple of people at the root of the problem, Rosa Brooks and Mary McCord. While both Brooks and McCord are key players within a corrupt network, it is Mary McCord who can be directly traced to the origin of every attack against President Donald Trump and his administration. There is not a single element of the Lawfare construct targeting Donald Trump that does not trace in origination back to Mary McCord. To give you an idea of the scope of influence of Mary McCord as a key functionary, consider what we can document.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/03/24/finally-house-subcommittee-chairman-pete-sessions-starts-looking-at-root-of-dc-lawfare-activity/

(Republicans fold again) The Charlie Kirk Show Motion to Vacate, Candace Out at Daily Wire, & Shooting Invaders?

What’s in the $1.2T.? Legislative trash. A BIG win for Democrats. Congress continues to add 1T in debt every 100 days. Republicans were not given the opportunity to make amendments. Republicans were not given the opportunity to have input into this legislative process. Any of the money to improve the border will go to concierge service  to improve the ability for illegals to come into our country quicker.

Start at the 2:06 minute audio https://omny.fm/shows/the-charlie-kirk-show/motion-to-vacate-candace-out-at-daily-wire-shootin

Le Mahieu: ‘Pull Off A Leg Or Two’: Footage Shows Reported Planned Parenthood Employee Discussing Brutal Abortion Practices

Planned Parenthood staff and managers appeared to discuss the sale of aborted babies’ body parts and other gruesome abortion practices in videos viewed publicly for the first time this week by lawmakers during a hearing in Washington, D.C. At the Tuesday hearing, called “Investigating the Black Market of Baby Organ Harvesting,” Center for Medical Progress (CMP) President David Daleiden told lawmakers that videos obtained by his organization showed Planned Parenthood revealing that it had a “financial incentive” to sell the body parts of aborted babies and discussing their brutal abortion practices. “These video clips from the subpoenaed congressional footage are just a small part of incredibly disturbing and incriminating undercover conversations that prove Planned Parenthood sells baby parts,” Daleiden said. […] The clips played on Tuesday before the lawmakers were recorded years ago, but were previously unable to be released due to court order.

Read more/Watch the video clips: https://www.dailywire.com/news/pull-off-a-leg-or-two-footage-shows-reported-planned-parenthood-employee-discussing-brutal-abortion-practices


Jewell: Senate Passes Massive Spending Bill In Middle Of The Night

After passing the House on Friday in a 286-134 vote, the Senate voted 74-24 at 2:00 a.m. on Saturday to send the more than 1,000-page spending package to Biden’s desk, The Hill reported. Earlier this week, House and Senate leadership announced that they had come to an agreement to fund the government for the remainder of fiscal 2024, which is nearly half over, covering the remaining spending bills that were not included in a $460 billion “minibus” that passed earlier this month. […] Twenty-five Republicans voted to pass the spending bill, along with 47 Democrats, while 22 Republicans voted against the $1.2 trillion package.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/senate-passes-massive-spending-bill-in-middle-of-the-night

Sundance: She Will Bail – Senator Lisa Murkowski Again Threatens to Leave the Republican Party

It’s really not a matter of if Republican senators will leave the party in the lame duck session after a President Trump win in November; the question is: how many? […] Lisa Murkowski switching parties is a no brainer. Susan Collins and Todd Young are two more possibilities. Mitt Romney has already announced he is leaving. Mitch McConnell has already announced he is stepping down from leadership and will not seek another term. A tenuous John Thune will only remain if he replaces McConnell […] and so it goes. I would bet on THREE Republican senators who will switch parties, but it could easily be more.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/03/24/she-will-bail-senator-lisa-murkowski-again-threatens-to-leave-the-republican-party/


Laila: BREAKING: Another Republican Lawmaker Exits – RINO Rep. Mike Gallagher Will Retire Early Leaving GOP with ONE-VOTE MAJORITY!

Gallagher, who is currently serving as the chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, last month announced that he will not seek reelection. Instead of serving out the rest of his term, Gallagher will retire early leaving the GOP with a one-vote majority! “Wisconsin law dictates that Gallagher’s seat — in a solidly red district — will stay empty for the rest of his term. Departing before April 9 would have triggered a special election.” Politico reported. […] Following the resignation of Kevin McCarthy, Bill Johnson, Ken Buck, Mike Gallagher and the ousting of George Santos, the Republicans are now left with a one-vote majority.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/breaking-another-republican-lawmaker-exits-rino-rep-mike/

Laura Ingraham had this to say – start the video at the 15:02 minute mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM0LA7tDiJg


Kinney III: The FBI’s Otherwise Illegal Activity

How deeply is law enforcement interfering in the daily lives of American citizens? For example, it was recently reported that the FBI labeled Americans who “support the biological basis for sex and gender distinction as potential domestic terrorists.” Then what? What does the FBI, and those who cooperate with the FBI, do to such Americans? Does the FBI label FBI employees who support biology as potential terrorists? Or, is the FBI saying that no FBI employees support the biological basis for sex and gender distinction? The FBI and local police keep their specific actions, methods, and technologies mostly secret; thus, one cannot say with certainty what occurs after the FBI labels a person as a potential domestic terrorist. Americans might study the history of the FBI and local police cooperating with the FBI for hints about what might occur after being labeled as a potential domestic terrorist. One might closely study the “Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, 1975-76.” The secret actions of the FBI and police cooperating with the FBI were summarized as follows: . . .

Read more at American Thinker.

Intrepid Patriot Journalist Ben Bergquam Is Detained and Handcuffed for Filming Border Invasion

Watch the 2:07 minute video: https://rumble.com/v4kzqg6-intrepid-patriot-journalist-ben-bergquam-is-detained-and-handcuffed-for-fil.html

Hewitt: Why is the FDA Contaminating America’s Blood Supply?

Before it became the deep state FDA, they worked to protect the national blood supply of America, ensuring blood products were free of contaminants, viruses, and infectious diseases. No longer. Now, the FDA is fully compromised and is actually facilitating the contamination of the national blood supply. (Maybe you read reports last year that the deep state FDA was finalizing new guidelines to remove certain safeguards in place to prevent HIV transmission in blood products.) Before there was the deep state FDA, there was the “dedicated to patient safety” and “do no harm” FDA.  With respect to the national blood supply, the old FDA reduced the risk of HIV transmission (and the chance of acquiring AIDS) into the nation’s blood supply by preventing it from occurring.  Period, full stop.  Gay men were not allowed to give blood, and if they lied during the blood donating process, blood was still tested and destroyed as a biohazard if the hepatitis virus, HIV, or AIDS were detected. Before they had been infected with the woke virus, the FDA could be counted on for professionalism, and to not play mind-numbingly stupid political games by allowing the contaminated blood from gay men to enter the national blood supply. But now they did it. Why is the deep state FDA trying to normalize gay men into society without regard to their risky behaviors?

Read more at American Thinker.

Whedon: FDA agrees to remove COVID-19 posts warning against ivermectin use

The FDA has three weeks to remove the offending article and social media posts across multiple platforms. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has agreed to remove social media posts and online materials warning against the use of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 after a trio of doctors sued the agency in 2022. The posts in question included one stating. . .

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/health/fda-agrees-remove-covid-19-posts-warning-against-ivermectin-use


Darren Beattie Breaks Down The New York Times Video Trying To Justify The Deep State

NYT mocks those who believe there is a deep state.

Watch the 11:34 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4kogdr-darren-beattie-breaks-down-the-new-york-times-video-trying-to-justify-the-d.html


(PART 1) War Room: Jack Posobiec: Ukraine Is Moving Into A “New Phase Of The War – The Insurgency Phase” 

The new head of Ukraine’s military was trained by the CIA to put together hit squads and they were going after people in Russia. Was the attack in Russia an attack by ISIS? Perhaps not.

Watch the 9:06 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4l1okr-jack-posobiec-ukraine-is-moving-into-a-new-phase-of-the-war-the-insurgency-.html

(PART 2 ) War Room: Jack Posobiec On The Marxist Attacks On Society: “You’re In An Irregular Communist Revolution”

Hear what Victoria Nuland said before her departure from Biden’s State Department. When Victoria Nuland promises nasty surprises you get the terror attack in Russia. ISIS never flees attacks.

Watch the 11:38 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4l1s0w-jack-posobiec-on-the-marxist-attacks-on-society-youre-in-an-irregular-commu.html

Coughlin: Biden’s Pier Is a Gift to Hamas Terrorists

  • There are mounting concerns that the Biden administration’s pier plan could ultimately boomerang, especially, as Netanyahu himself has warned, if the US aid and the port itself end up in the hands of Hamas terrorists.
  • “This [Biden] administration betrayed its allies – the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Jordan – by handing the port over to Qatar, namely to Hamas . . . What all anti-U.S. elements will take away from this tragic episode is not that America stands by its human values to support and care for the population of Gaza, but rather that America is weak and that this is why it is granting the port to Qatar and Hamas.” — Yigal Carmon, founder and president, Middle East Media Research Institute, March 20, 2024.
  • As Hamas ultimately controls most of the aid distribution networks in Gaza, the plans currently being drawn up by the US and Europe to expand aid deliveries could ultimately prove counter-productive in terms of ending the conflict, as Hamas terrorists have a long track record of exploiting foreign aid to strengthen their terrorist activities in Gaza.
  • If the Biden administration and its European allies are really serious about . . .

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20513/biden-pier-gift-to-hamas


Schlichter: America Is Going To Be Targeted For A Massive Terrorist Attack … Will You be Ready?

It happened in Israel, and it happened in Moscow, and it’s going to happen here in America – again, and exponentially worse. The jihadis’ merciless war against the West – the Muslim fanatics are not so finicky as we are about our distinctions between the Jewish state, Russia, and us, the Great Satan – did not end when the regime media started covering other things. We may have fled Afghanistan and Libya and largely pulled out of Iraq, but that war is still going on. It’s going to go on until we decisively win it. But unfortunately, our ruling class refuses to decisively win it. In fact, our ruling class actively undermines attempts to win it. And it refuses to prepare for what’s coming. That leaves you to prepare, you the individual, you and your small community, you and your red state. There is no one else who’s going to help you. There will be a bloodbath here in America. It will dwarf what happened on 9/11, it’ll dwarf what happened in Israel, it will be Moscow times 1000, and you’re going to be caught in the middle of it.

Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2024/03/25/america-is-going-to-be-targeted-for-a-massive-terrorist-attack-will-you-be-ready-n2636901

VDH: Will DEI End America—or America end DEI?

Our future hinges on how quickly we discard DEI orthodoxy. At the nexus of most of America’s current crises, the diversity/equity/inclusion dogma can be found. The southern border has been destroyed because the Democratic Party wanted the poor of the southern hemisphere to be counted in the census, to vote if possible in poorly audited mail-in elections, and to build upon constituencies that demand government help. Opposition to such cynicism and the de facto destruction of enforcement of U.S. immigration law is written off as “racism,” “nativism,” and “xenophobia.”

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2024/03/25/will-dei-end-america-or-america-end-dei/

(H/T AA. Why O’biden opened America’s borders) Benny Johnson’s 3/21/24 X post: Stephen Miller (@StephenM) on the Democrat scheme to allow illegal aliens into the country so they will be counted in the U.S. Census, giving them more electoral power: “California would have HALF of the Electoral College votes it has right now but for illegal immigration.”

Watch the 3:06 minute interview: https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1770852780615356474

(Reposted) Western Lensman 3/18/2024 X post: WATCH: The Democrat Open Borders Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule | Explained in Under Two Minutes

Watch the 1:39 minute video: https://twitter.com/WesternLensman/status/1769883941878571505?s=20

War Room:  Dave Brat Warns Of National Debt Growing Faster Than GDP, Collapsing U.S. Manufacturing

Watch the 8:10 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4kufw5-dave-brat-warns-of-national-debt-growing-faster-than-gdp-collapsing-u.s.-ma.html

War Room: Dave Brat Breaks Down The Social And Fiscal Cost The Migrant Crisis Will Cost You

Watch the 8:31 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v4kuej6-dave-brat-breaks-down-the-social-and-fiscal-cost-the-migrant-crisis-will-co.html

Mackenzie: Parents at far-left Cal-Berkeley – where students pushed ‘defund the police’ and the city cut $9.2million from cop budget – are forced to spend $40K to hire private security to protect students near campus

  • Safe Bears, a coalition of parents, raised the funds for a two-week pilot program with unarmed guards watching over Cal-Berkley students
  • The decision followed skyrocketing crime rates in 2022, amid calls from the student body to cut funding from campus police

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13233081/Cal-Berkeley-security-safety-students-college-defund-police.html

Caralle: Embarrassing moment Kamala Harris claps along and smiles to protest in Puerto Rico (before vice president is told what they were ACTUALLY saying)

  • Vice President awkwardly stops clapping to a song after it was translated to her
  • Came during a trip to Puerto Rico on Friday where singers targeted Kamala Harris, President Joe Biden and the administration’s foreign policies
  • ‘Long live free Palestine and Haiti too,’ they say, according to translation

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13233075/Embarrassing-moment-Kamala-Harris-claps-smiles-protest-Puerto-Rico.html


Jewell: Biden Campaign Rolls Out Nickname For Trump; Strategists Say That’s A Bad Idea

The Biden campaign is taking a page from former President Donald Trump’s playbook, rolling out a nickname for the president’s political rival as the 2024 race heats up. In an email to supporters on Thursday, the Biden-Harris campaign referred to Trump as “Broke Don,” copying a strategy made popular by the former president during his 2016 and 2020 campaigns. Team Biden’s nickname for Trump comes after the Democrat’s campaign reported a massive fundraising edge over Trump and the Republican National Committee (RNC).

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-campaign-rolls-out-nickname-for-trump-strategists-say-thats-a-bad-idea

Murdock: Biden’s path to re-election is paved with lies

In three words, here is Joe Biden’s re-election strategy: Lie, lie, lie. Biden and his Democrat allies are not conducting a normal re-election campaign based on a brighter tomorrow. Concerning their job performance today, their approach is: The less said, the better. Instead, Biden Democrats present a non-stop parade of lies about Donald J. Trump. These include outright fabrications about his record and pitch-black premonitions of a “Trump dictatorship” totally unlike his first term.

Read more: https://jewishworldreview.com/0324/murdock032524.php

Frontpage Editors: Video: The Savage Truth About the Contrast Between Biden and Trump

Watch the 2:14 minute video: https://www.frontpagemag.com/video-the-savage-truth-about-the-contrast-between-biden-and-trump/


Laila: Dirty Obama Judge Amy Berman Jackson Upholds DC Law That Allows Non-Citizens – AND ILLEGAL ALIENS – to Vote in Municipal Elections

A federal judge on Friday upheld a Washington DC law that allows noncitizens – including illegal aliens – to vote in municipal elections. US District Judge for the District of Columbia Amy Berman Jackson, an Obama appointee tossed a lawsuit filed by a conservative group challenging the Local Resident Voting Rights Act, passed by the DC Council in October 2022. The law not only allows non-citizens and illegals to vote, it also permits noncitizens to run for office! Judge Jackson said the lawsuit failed to demonstrate how the plaintiffs are harmed by illegals voting or running for office. Fox News reported: . . .

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/dirty-obama-judge-amy-berman-jackson-upholds-law/

Fleetwood: Media Smear GOP Candidate Seeking To Primary Leftist-Friendly Arizona Election Official

Regime-approved media are engaged in a seemingly coordinated effort to smear a conservative candidate seeking to unseat an Arizona election official who regularly attacks Americans concerned about the integrity of elections. A Republican in name only, Stephen Richer became Maricopa County’s election recorder after defeating incumbent Adrian Fontes — a Democrat who now serves as Arizona’s secretary of state — in the 2020 contest. Throughout his campaign, he pledged to “make the Recorder’s Office boring again,” and cast himself as an ardent supporter of election integrity efforts. Despite these promises, Richer did a complete 180 after being sworn into office. As The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway previously noted, the GOP recorder has since defended his Democrat predecessor’s administration of Maricopa’s 2020 election, penned “op-eds at CNN against the type of election audits he conducted to gain power,” and attacked “Republican leaders and voters for their election integrity concerns.”

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/22/media-smear-gop-candidate-seeking-to-primary-leftist-friendly-arizona-election-official/


Bowman: Planet Fitness assigns staffer to assist transgender client in women’s locker room: ‘If you are uncomfortable, you can use a stall’

  • Patricia Silva was banned from an Alaska Planet Fitness after posting about a trans woman shaving in the female locker room
  • She said the person now has a staff escort to use the facilities and the gym has told critics to back off
  • Backlash against the gym caused the company’s valuation to plummet $400 million in five days

According to Silva the employee, ‘told my friend that if you are uncomfortable you can go into a stall.’ ‘Another friend of mine went to that gym the other day and he was in there — shaving his face again,’ she said. ‘He is dressed as a man. His hair is cut short. It appeared that he was dressed, shaving his face and getting ready to leave for the day.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13233213/Planet-Fitness-staffer-transgender-locker-room-fight.html


Ginsberg: Show the Video, Israel

It’s time for Israel to show the 47-minute video of the October 7 attack to the world. cross the globe, a critical mass of the ignorant, the brainwashed, the Islamist supremacists, and the evil is forming. Just consider what a massacre of Jews on October 7 launched: Downtown London has become a no-go zone for Jews every weekend. Jewish teachers have been being chased by frenzied student mobs through the halls of New York schools. Jewish university students have been barricaded in auditoriums and libraries by braying mobs. Synagogues and Jewish hospitals in the US and Canada have become the targets of screaming protesters. Jewish-owned restaurants and businesses have been vandalized, and their patrons have been threatened with violence. Jewish artists have had their shows cancelled or protested. Rallies featuring Nazi imagery and celebrating the events of October 7 have taken and continue to take place in Times Square and on the streets of New York City. And all this has been in response to a genocidal attack on Jews on October 7.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2024/03/23/show-the-video-israel/

Kemp: UK threat to withhold Israel arms sales is a show of Western weakness

Western weakness has wider implications beyond its immediate unintended consequences, and at a time of increasing danger from the despotic China-Russia-Iran axis, it seems to be afraid to stand by its allies when the going gets tough. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron’s recent threats will not directly harm or constrain Israel but they will undoubtedly strengthen Hamas. He has been striking a distinctly belligerent stance towards Israel since he came into office in November, in contrast to his predecessor James Cleverly and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Read more: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/s1qn1mrrt


Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari is the IDF spokesman. I posted his briefing on the current IDF operation at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital last week. The operation continues. Yesterday Hagari provided a three-minute update on the operation (video below). This is what he said: Today is day 6 of the IDF’s operation against Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Shifa Hospital. 170 terrorists were neutralized in or around the Shifa Hospital compound while firing at our forces. The IDF apprehended hundreds of terror suspects with confirmed ties to Hamas or Islamic Jihad, making this one of the most successful operations since the start of the war. A large number of these terrorists were involved in planning and executing the brutal massacre of October 7. This operation is not over. . . .

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/03/return-to-shifa-contd.php

Foreign Desk News: Israel Agrees to Release 800 Terror Prisoners for 40 Citizens Held Hostage by Hamas

Israeli officials told media outlets on Sunday that Jerusalem has agreed to release between 700 – 800 Palestinian detainees in exchange for 40 hostages held by the Hamas terrorist organization. Some of the proposed prisoners to be freed are serving life sentences for murder.

An approval from the terror group is expected in the next 24 – 48 hours, as time is needed to discuss the matter with Hamas’s Gaza-based leader Yahya Sinwar. In addition to the large amnesty, local media outlets have reported that Israel is willing to allow displaced civilians to return to their homes in northern Gaza should the settlement be implemented.

Read more: https://foreigndesknews.com/top-story/israel-agrees-to-release-800-terror-prisoners-for-40-citizens-held-hostage-by-hamas/


Joshu: Beauden, 3, scraped his knee..days later both limbs were amputated: Doctors warn of a sepsis crisis that’s killing one American every 90 seconds – and hospitals are missing it

The toddler who fell of his bike and scraped his knee. The woman with a common bowel disease injury. And the man with Strep throat. All are victims of a minor, treatable problems that turned deadly in a matter of seconds. Thankfully, all four survived – but left with life-changing injuries, including legs so destroyed they had to be amputated. The culprit is a terrifying condition that occurs in response to a minor infection, and affects one American every 20-seconds: sepsis. […] ‘Doctors are not provided with enough information to help them to diagnose sepsis,’ Dr Steven Simpson, Professor of Medicine at the University of Kansas and Chair of the Sepsis Alliance told DailyMail.com. […] ‘Sepsis is taking too many lives,’ she said. ‘Rapid diagnosis and immediate appropriate treatment, including antibiotics, are essential to saving lives, yet the challenges of awareness about and recognition of sepsis are enormous.’ Sepsis is a medical emergency that is caused by the body’s extreme reaction to an infection. It occurs when chemicals released in the bloodstream cause the immune system to go haywire. Instead of sending infection-fighting white blood cells to attack a foreign invader, it targets healthy tissues and organs such as the limbs and the lungs and kidneys. Infections that lead to sepsis most commonly start in the . . .

Read more:  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13165721/sepsis-crisis-killer-infections-hospital.html


Sundance: DWAC Voting Members Approve President Trump’s Truth Social Platform for Public IPO

Shareholders of Digital World Acquisition Corporation (DWAC) approved a merger with Donald Trump’s media company Truth Social on Friday, setting the stage of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) of the social media network. With the approved merger, President Donald Trump’s social media platform Truth Social is now preparing to go public on the stock market at a current valuation of $6 billion. President Trump owns about 60% of Truth Social, ultimately the IPO could net him a possible $3.5 billion gain in net worth – at least on paper.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/03/23/dwac-voting-members-approve-president-trumps-truth-social-platform-for-public-ipo/

Greenfield: Chicago Politician Stands in Front of PLO, Iraqi Flag, After U.S. Flag Burned

This isn’t a political opposition. This is treason. […] According to the Chicago socialist, and a close ally of failed Mayor Brandon Johnson, “as a proud naturalized American immigrant, Alderman Sigcho Lopez is sensitive to any perception of disrespect towards the country that has provided him with numerous opportunities. He categorically denies ‘choosing’ to speak in front of a burned American flag.” Lopez claims he didn’t see the flag and was just there to denounce America, Israel and complain about the lack of illegal alien amnesty. But that’s not what people are seeing. They’re seeing a socialist standing in front of the PLO flag and the Iraqi flag with a burned American flag near his feet. […] This is the enemy within.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/chicago-politician-stands-in-front-of-plo-iraqi-flag-after-u-s-flag-burned/

Laila: Ronna McDaniel Joins Liberal NBC and MSNBC as Contributor After RNC Ouster

After losing several elections for Republicans, Ronna McDaniel officially stepped down as RNC Chairwoman earlier this month. Michael Whatley and Lara Trump were officially elected as the new chair and co-chair, respectively. […] Republicans have suffered losses under Ronna McDaniel’s leadership. Republicans got crushed in 2018, 2020, 2022, and 2023. Under McDaniel’s leadership, Republicans lost: -8 Governors races -3 Senate seats -19 House seats -1 Presidential race [Note: Sundance: Oh, there’s no UniParty silly […] No, none at all. lolol 😂]

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/03/ronna-mcdaniel-joins-liberal-nbc-msnbc-as-commentator/

Huston: Michigan Offers Homeowners $500 a Month to House ‘Newcomers’

The program, called the Newcomer Rental Subsidy, is set to provide shelter outside state shelters for “refugees.” The assistance would be available to homeowners for up to a year, according to MLive.com.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2024/03/24/michigan-offers-homeowners-500-month-house-newcomers/

Fox Business: ‘MY HOUSE NOW’: Handyman finds creative way to force out squatters

Watch the 3:23 minute instructive interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFAwbYNtF7g

Calder: Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife giving most of $640M donations to extreme left groups boosting migrant criminals, trans athletes

Most of the $640 million in new charitable donations Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife MacKenzie Scott is dishing out will go to nonprofits pushing extreme left-wing causes, including helping migrants who commit crimes and boosting male-born transgender athletes who want to compete against women. Scott will provide 67 migrant-advocacy organizations a combined $122 million for legal aid and other assistance, according to an analysis of 361 awards she announced Tuesday through her foundation Yield Giving.

Read more at The NY Post.

Larson: San Francisco dumps sewage into bay at alarming rate, environmental advocates say

The local nonprofit watchdog organization said its investigation found hundreds of federal Clean Water Act violations over the last five winters. According to Baykeeper, the SFPUC discharges an average of 1.2 billion gallons of combined stormwater runoff and sewage every year. About six percent of its total discharge is sewage, environmental advocates said. In a wet year, this is enough to fill 180 Olympic-sized swimming pools, Baykeeper said. Sejal Choksi-Chugh, Baykeeper’s executive director, said, “There’s no excuse for polluting the Bay with sewage and trash, and those who pollute must be held accountable. Dumping millions of gallons of untreated sewage into Mission Creek and the Bay is unacceptable, avoidable, and illegal.”

Read more: https://www.kron4.com/news/bay-area/san-francisco-dumps-sewage-into-bay-at-alarming-rate-environmental-advocates-say/


(Update) Whedon: Death toll soars in Moscow terrorist attack, 11 detained as Islamic State claims responsibility

U.S. intelligence reportedly warned Moscow of an impending threat, and Russian authorities confirmed the attack had been carefully planned. Officials said the death toll stood at 115, and more than 150 people were wounded. “Intelligence agencies have detained 11 people, including four terrorists, who were directly involved in an attack on the Crocus City Hall,” Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) said in a statement.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/security/islamic-state-claims-responsibility-moscow-terrorist-attack

Woodland & Stewart: Moment Moscow massacre suspects ‘were arrested’ – as videos show alleged killers of 143 claiming they were paid for the attack as ISIS claims responsibility

A video shows one of the suspects apparently confessing as he is kneeling with his hands bound behind his back. He is quizzed: ‘Exactly what was offered?’, to which he replies: ‘To do these things for money’.  The interrogation continues: ‘Which things? What exactly?’. He replies: ‘These things, to kill.’  A soldier then asks: ‘To kill who?’. He responds: ‘They sent the location [on the Telegram messenger].’ The man goes on to say that he was told to walk into the venue and kill anyone, no matter who they were. He said he had flown from Turkey on March 4 and had received instructions from unknown people via Telegram to carry out the attack in exchange for money. He claimed he had followed a presumably Muslim ‘preacher’ on Telegram. He gave his name as Fariduni Shamsidin. He said: ‘I listened to lessons, studied on Telegram. The preacher’s assistant suggested killing people, and promised me a million rubles.’ He claimed not to know the name of the preacher of his assistant who had ordered the killings.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13230829/moment-moscow-massacre-suspects-killers-attack-isis-responsibility.html


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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