Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 25 minutes


James Madison Founding Father and 4th POTUS: In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights. Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.

Paulos contributor to Myth Pilot: In the period we occupy now, we are waiting. It seems that every factor has been precisely balanced to amplify the feeling of uncertainty. Trump could be arrested before the election, but he could also delay, deny, and appeal his way over the finish line. He could [be] fined a billion dollars, but he could also cash out his multi-billion dollar twitter clone. He could again be locked out by an election fortification, or Biden’s unpopularity could sweep him into office with an un-cheatable margin. He could even win and sweep out his enemies from DC, or his second presidency could be another ineffectual tangle. Anything is still possible, and either outcome is extreme. The stakes are higher this time, we’re in late-game poker. The sky is lurid red. Add to this a sense of bracing for COVID: The Sequel. Even normies understand in their hindbrains that the exceptions of the COVID crisis were linked to the election. What’s next in store for us as we gear up for 2024? We whisper: what could possibly be more exceptional than a pandemic? A war? So everyone waits.

Steve McCann contributor to American Thinker: The Republican Party wallows in the same mindset and following in the footsteps of the opposition parties in Germany circa 1929-33; they engage in never-ending internal schoolyard squabbles, a near-religious belief in compromise regardless of long-term consequences, and deferentiality to the leadership of the Democrat party. Far too many have not figured out that they are not dealing with the Democrat party of forty-years ago but the Nazi Party of ninety-four-years ago.

Albin Sadar contributor to The Blaze: Who will win the day: the real God of love or the no-god of the godless?

Leo Homann Substack: Will AI control the world? Absolutely. The question is, will you submit to it?

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: When the United States government lies to Americans, but tells the truth to an enemy dictatorship, something is very wrong. China can trust the White House, but we can’t.

Jonathan Rosenblum contributor to Jewish World Review: If evincing hostility to Israel is the price that Democratic candidates must pay to retain the support of those younger voters being marinated in anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred on university campuses, Jewish voters should take note and reconsider their allegiances.

Fani Willis Fulton County District Attorney: “I don’t feel like my reputation needs to be reclaimed. Let’s say it for the record — I’m not embarrassed by anything I’ve done. I guess my greatest crime is [that] I had a relationship with a man, but that’s not something that I find embarrassing in any way. And I know I have not done anything that’s illegal.”

Jordan Boyd staff writer at The Federalist: The invasion at the Southern U.S. border intensified last month when more than 189,900 illegal border crossers were caught entering the United States. That statistic marks the highest number of illegal border crossers recorded in any February since U.S. Customs and Border Protection began tracking apprehensions in 2000. It also comes on the heels of the most single-month foreign trespasser encounters ever, more than 300,000, recorded by border officials in December.


DOJ Creates New Center To Help Local Officials Apply ‘Red Flag’ Laws Against Certain Gun Owners

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced on Saturday the creation of a new entity to train state and local officials on procedures to apply “red flag” laws that temporarily prevent certain individuals from owning a firearm. The National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center is an entity created under the DOJ’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP) that will both educate and assist local officials when they initiate legal proceedings to obtain “red flag” orders that rescind an individual’s right to bear arms based on the belief that they pose a risk of harm to themselves or others, according to the DOJ’s press release. The individuals to be trained are “law enforcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service and social service providers, community organizations, and behavioral health professionals.” […] “So-called ‘Red Flag’ orders, or Emergency Risk Protection Orders, are designed to empower the government to confiscate Americans’ firearms without due process of law,” the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action wrote in 2022. “Aside from allowing run-of-the-mill malicious actors to indulge personal grudges against law-abiding gun owners, in the current politically-charged environment, these laws enable the government to target those with First Amendment-protected political views the government disfavors.”

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2024/03/23/doj-creates-new-center-help-local-officials-apply-red-flag-laws/


(Destroying the middle class is equity) AZFEC: Arizona Voters Deserve the Opportunity to Stop the Orwellian Vehicle Miles Tax

The Biden administration and his liberal allies have been moving at warp speed to impose their radical agenda on the American people. From banning gas cars and gas stoves to adopting race-based DEI programs in our schools, proposals that would have seemed preposterous just 5 years ago have now become mainstream positions within the Democrat party. Nothing appears to be off limits, and that even includes our ability to travel in our automobiles without having the government monitor, limit, and tax our vehicle miles traveled (VMT). All throughout the country, there are efforts by government bureaucrats and climate change zealots to adopt these authoritarian VMT tax schemes. They are all motivated to eliminate carbon emissions and create a new revenue stream for expensive and rarely used transit projects. For instance, tucked in the Inflation Reduction Act passed by the Biden administration was a pilot program for a VMT tax that would monitor your miles traveled in your vehicle while charging you a fee for any miles you do travel. And if you’re driving a gas-powered car, buckle up because now you’ll get to pay two taxes. That’s right. The gas tax certainly won’t be going away. If VMT taxes are implemented, they will be in addition to—not in replacement of—gas taxes.

Read more: https://azfree.org/blog/2024/03/22/arizona-voters-deserve-the-opportunity-to-stop-the-orwellian-vehicle-miles-tax/

(Destroying the middle class is equity) Mark Levin: This is the hidden war on your freedom

Biden administration is regulating Americans out of their property. Levin explains the Biden/Sanders New Communist Manifesto. What is this war on your property? Your cars, your houses, your stoves, your water heaters, your dishwashers, your  air-conditioning systems, your ceiling fans. . .

Watch the 16:39 minute opening monologue: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6349642487112

Property by James Madison, March 29, 1972 (Founding Father and 4th POTUS)

This short essay, Property by James Madison, defines and describes the term “property” in a political context and discusses the government’s role in protecting it. This term in its particular application means “that dominion which one man claims and exercises over the external things of the world, in exclusion of every other individual.” In its larger and juster meaning, it embraces every thing to which a man may attach a value and have a right; and which leaves to every one else the like advantage. In the former sense, a man’s land, or merchandize, or money is called his property. In the latter sense, a man has a property in his opinions and the free communication of them. He has a property of peculiar value in his religious opinions, and in the profession and practice dictated by them. He has a property very dear to him in the safety and liberty of his person. He has an equal property in the free use of his faculties and free choice of the objects on which to employ them. In a word, as a man is said to have a right to his property, he may be equally said to have a property in his rights. Where an excess of power prevails, property of no sort is duly respected. No man is safe in his opinions, his person, his faculties, or his possessions.

Read more: https://www.revolutionary-war-and-beyond.com/property-by-james-madison-march-29-1792.html


(Abolish he First Amendment) Hohmann: Globalists are constructing AI-powered control grid designed to end independent journalism and free speech on the internet

We’ve heard some disturbing reports out of Canada and the U.S. recently that shouldn’t be viewed in a vacuum. A trend is developing. Last Friday, March 15, Rebel News reporter David Menzies was arrested while trying to interview attendees at a Pro-Hamas rally in Toronto.

According to Rebel News, the arrest came just days after the announcement of David’s lawsuit against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police “for a pattern of intimidation and exclusion following shocking displays of police brutality against David.” Rebel News reports that what transpired was a blatant disregard for civil liberties. […] In the U.S., we have also seen reporters hauled off to jail recently for simply covering events that the government didn’t want covered. Just two weeks ago the FBI arrested Steve Baker, a reporter for Blaze Media, for his coverage of the J6 event. Last year, the FBI arrested […] But now the globalists are taking their war against the truth to a new level. They are going for the kill shots by having journalists and citizen truthtellers actually arrested and removed from society altogether. […] This movement against real journalism is coming down from the United Nations and World Economic Forum, both of which have made the elimination of what they call “disinformation” a top priority for 2024 and beyond.

Read more: https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/globalists-are-constructing-ai-powered

(Government control of your money) Sundance: SWIFT Planning Launch of Central Bank Digital Currency Trading Platform in 12 Months

ME: ”The same way the Patriot Act was not designed to stop terrorism but rather to create a domestic surveillance system. So too were the “Russian Sanctions” not designed to sanction Russia, but rather to create the financial control system that will lead to a USA digital currency. The Western sanctions created a financial wall around the USA (dollar-based west), not to keep Russia out, but to keep us in. The Western sanction regime, the financial mechanisms they created and authorized, created the control gate that leads to a U.S. digital currency.” (more)

REUTERS TODAY: […] When you read that full announcement, you realize they have already built the system. If the system is built, and they are now making policy recommendations for implementation, the question becomes, ‘What’s the goal’? We do not have to look far for the explanation. Prior to the White House announcement, the World Government Summit 2022 took place on March 29 and 30 in Dubai, hosting more than 4,000 individuals from 190 countries including senior government officials, heads of international organizations, and global “experts.” The invited participants presented ideas and worldviews from within their various fields of specialty. One presentation was from Dr. Pippa Malmgren, an American economist who served as special adviser on Economic Policy to President George W. Bush. Her father, Harald Malmgren, served as a senior aide to US Presidents John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Gerald Ford. In this segment, Mrs. Malmgren says the quiet part out loud.  Yes, they are no longer hiding the construct; indeed, as you will hear, they are saying quite openly what the future will look like.

Read more/Watch the 1:46 minute and 37 second videos: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/03/25/swift-planning-launch-of-central-bank-digital-currency-trading-platform-in-12-months/

Joe Allen: “What You See In Transhumanism Is Material Realization Of Christian Aspirations”

Watch the 15:52 minute interview:  https://rumble.com/v4kw7li-joe-allen-what-you-see-in-transhumanism-is-material-realization-of-christia.html


Jewell: Trump Scores Legal Win As New York Appeals Court Allows Him To Post Lower Bond In Civil Fraud Judgment

Instead of posting a bond of $464 million, the appeals court ruled that Trump must now guarantee $175 million, ABC News correspondent Aaron Katersky reported. The appeals court ruling also means that Trump can continue to run his business in New York and gives him an additional 10 days to post the $175 million bond, according to CNN. The ruling comes hours after the deadline for Trump to post the bond hit on Monday, meaning New York Attorney General Letitia James could seek to collect on the former president and seize his assets. The court’s decision will likely prevent James from pursuing the seizure of Trump’s property for now.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/trump-scores-legal-win-as-new-york-appeals-court-allows-him-to-post-lower-bond-in-civil-fraud-judgment

Ingraham Angle: Laura: Media outraged that the legal system gives Trump any rights at all

Watch the 7:58 minute opening monologue: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6349700213112

Fox News: ‘Absurd’ Trump bond should be reduced to nothing: Turley

Watch the 3:16 minute interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwLYTWESS7I&t=15s

Fox News: Kevin O’Leary reacts to Trump bond reduction: ‘Thank goodness adults came to the rescue’

O’Leary Ventures Chairman Kevin O’Leary joins ‘America Reports’ to discuss former President Trump’s ‘huge victory’ in getting his bond reduced to $175 million.

Watch the 4:11 minute interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJCN4z6-BO0&t=35s

Citizen Free Press: Ruth Bader Ginsburg warned about excessive fines and Letitia James. Hey democrats and media, it’s called the 8th Amendment.

Watch the 1:58 minute video: https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1772448816484024414


(Chilling) TheLibertyDaily: Big Tech and Deep State Collaboration Against Americans Is Bigger Than Previously Known

Targeting people for the content they consume.

Watch the 2:20 minute video report: https://rumble.com/v4llp9q-big-tech-and-deep-state-collaboration-against-americans-is-bigger-than-prev.html


(3/22/2024) Street: What SCOTUS Should Have Heard On Federal Censorship In Murthy v. Missouri Oral Arguments

They say bad facts make bad law. But bad hypotheticals make even worse law, especially when they come from a clueless set of judges considering the most important free speech case in years. That thought repeatedly crossed my mind as I listened to the U.S. Supreme Court make a mockery of free speech in Monday’s arguments in the Murthy v. Missouri censorship case. Make no mistake: The actions that led the attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana to sue the Biden administration were not normal. They were unprecedented, both in the extremes to which government officials went in their effort to pressure tech companies into censoring viewpoints they did not like and in the way the companies submitted to the government’s pressure. To use White House official Rob Flaherty’s word, they became “partners” in an Orwellian scheme to remove speech the government deemed false, misleading, or, in a perfect reflection of our elites’ beloved new nanny state, “harmful” to society. The institutionalists on the Supreme Court appeared not to care

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/22/what-scotus-should-have-heard-on-federal-censorship-in-murthy-v-missouri-oral-arguments/

Ungar: Mifepristone access is coming before the US Supreme Court. How safe is it?

The U.S. Supreme Court will take up a case Tuesday that could impact how women get access to mifepristone, one of the two pills used in the most common type of abortion in the nation. The central dispute in the case is whether the Food and Drug Administration overlooked serious safety problems when it made mifepristone easier to obtain, including through mail-order pharmacies. Legal briefs filed with the court describe the pill’s safety in vastly different terms: Medical professionals call it “among the safest medications” ever approved by the FDA, while the Christian conservative group suing the agency attributes “tens of thousands” of “emergency complications” to the drug.

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/mifepristone-access-coming-us-supreme-court-safe-abortion-108442365


Chaitin: House Republicans Threaten Garland With Contempt Over Biden Docs Probe Materials

On Monday, House Republicans threatened to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress over materials from special counsel Robert Hur’s investigation into President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents. Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) sent a letter to Garland that claimed the Department of Justice (DOJ) is withholding materials that are responsive to their subpoenas, specifically citing audio recordings of Hur’s interviews with Biden as well as the transcript and audio recordings of Hur’s interviews with Biden’s ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/house-republicans-threaten-garland-with-contempt-over-biden-docs-probe-materials


Hoekstra: China’s ‘Unrestricted Warfare’: Is It Here Already?

  • China-linked hackers appear to be looking to attack U.S. infrastructure, especially key components such as the electrical grid, water reservoirs and treatment plants, pipelines, and transportation and communications systems, among other targets.
  • The goal is seemingly to disrupt the U.S. [in] everything critical to life – if you have no electricity, your cellphone will not work; no water will come out of the tap; gas pumps will not pump gas; flights and trains will stop, and disease from disabled sewage treatment plants will spread. There will be havoc and panic. The government and military will be unable to protect the nation. That is what is meant by “unrestricted warfare.” Not a bullet was fired. It did not have to be. According to Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, it is perfect.
  • What are some of the steps that should be taken?
  • The West has correctly identified the CCP as the malign threat that it is; now we . . . .

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/20519/china-unrestricted-warfare

Greenfield: Biden Covers Up China’s War on America

“When I was director of intelligence for the Indo-Pacific Command, for example, I watched as numerous requests to publicize Chinese malign activities were disapproved by Washington,” Rear Admiral Mike Studeman recently warned. The former head of the Office of Naval Intelligence had served between 2022 and 2023 and during that time one of the suppressed stories about China’s attacks involved “Beijing’s use of high-altitude surveillance balloons over the sovereign airspaces of the US” which came “many months before the shooting down of a Chinese balloon flying over the US.” […] When the spy balloon was first detected, the initial response by the Biden administration had been to suppress news about it and then to deny that the administration had been aware of it. “Before it was spotted publicly, there was the intention to study it and let it pass over and not ever tell anyone about it,” an administration official admitted. But when a Montana resident’s footage of the spy balloon went viral, the Biden cover-up fell apart. Once it was exposed, the official complained that “It caused so many problems.”

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-covers-up-chinas-war-on-america/


Roach: Two-Front Disaster

Because of the grievances and hubris of the neoconservatives, we have voluntarily undertaken a two-front war against both Islamic extremists and Russia, with a predictable lack of success. At this early stage, there are a lot of unanswered questions. Never deterred, a lot of foolish people have already announced, with no evidence, that this had to be a false flag orchestrated by Putin to garner sympathy for Russia. Others say it had to be CIA or Mossad. Many authorities, including the United States, have said it was ISIS without qualification. Finally, protests that the United States does not approve any Ukrainian attacks on civilians in Russia suggest maybe our client state is trying to force our hand, as well as the world’s, and somehow had a role in this attack. Anything is possible, but without some specific evidence, the definitive answer remains to be established. So far, Russian authorities have been noncommittal. The brief field interrogations of the accused have suggested they were Tajiks recruited on Telegram and paid by unknown parties to carry out the attack. Whether they got assistance or funding from Ukraine or one of Russia’s many other enemies, and whether they had any formal training with ISIS, is not clear.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2024/03/26/two-front-disaster/

Putin: Terror Attack “by Radical Islamists Whose Ideology the Islamic World Has Been Fighting

“Are radical and even terrorist Islamic organizations really interested in striking Russia?” Despite the hype about how tough and serious Putin is, his speeches about the Islamic terrorist attack in Moscow could have been written for George W. Bush. The officially translated remarks after the attack made no mention of Islam, but a follow up one on measures being taken after the attacks do mention Islam in a way Bush and Obama would have been fine with. […] Putin tries to suggest that America, Ukraine and whoever else was really behind the attacks because Muslims, especially Muslim terrorists, love Russia too much. According to Putin, America is suspiciously trying to convince the world that “the bloody terrorist attack was carried out by followers of Islam, members of the ISIS organization banned in Russia.” […] Even after a murderous Islamic terrorist attack, Putin prioritizes appeasing Islam and fighting other Christians. It should by now be abundantly clear that Putin is not a bulwark against Islam, he’s a collaborator.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/putin-terror-attack-by-radical-islamists-whose-ideology-the-islamic-world-has-been-fighting

Newman: Congressman: Brazil Becoming Dictatorship After Biden’s Election Interference

The Biden administration interfered in Brazil’s election and helped bring to power a radical who hates America and is openly aligning Brazil with top geopolitical foes of the United States such as China even while arresting critics and persecuting dissidents, warned Brazilian Congressman Gustavo Gayer in this exclusive interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. Congressman (Deputado) Gayer, who last week led a delegation of Brazilian lawmakers and journalists to Washington to sound the alarm, also warned Americans that as Brazil continues sinking into a dictatorship, it could result in millions of his countrymen fleeing to the United States, making the ongoing illegal immigration crisis seem minor by comparison.

Watch the 21:57 minute interview: https://thenewamerican.com/video/biden-interfered-in-brazil-election-nation-now-becoming-dictatorship-congressman-gustavo-gayer/


TheLibertyDaily: Victor Davis Hanson Reveals How Bathhouse Barry Runs the Country

Watch the 1:36 minute video: https://rumble.com/v4lfnqf-victor-davis-hanson-reveals-how-bathhouse-barry-runs-the-country.html

Varney & Degnan: The Many Ways a Porous Border Means Crime Without Boundaries

When President Biden’s supporters attacked him for describing the man who allegedly murdered Georgia co-ed Laken Reilly as an “illegal,” they shined a light on one of the most contested words in American politics. The progressive push to describe border crossers as undocumented or unauthorized can also serve to downplay and obscure the massive issue of crime perpetrated and spawned by the influx of millions of migrants since Biden was elected – often in ways that leave the migrants themselves as victims. While migrant advocates argue that illegal arrivals commit crimes at lower rates than Americans, the claim is unverifiable because the federal government and most states do not break down crimes by immigration status. Criminologists also note that it ignores the vast web of statutory crimes concurrent with illegal immigration – drug smuggling, human trafficking, child labor violations, prostitution, the black market in employment, and so on. What remains undeniable by the law of averages is that the massive surge in immigration since the Biden administration relaxed border policies – a surge that it puts at more than 4 million people, but other sources millions more – has been accompanied by much more crime, however unquantifiable.

Read more at Real Clear Investigations.

McCann:  The Democrats Have Crossed the Bridge into Unabashed Nazism

In March of 2023, I wrote an article detailing eight inescapable and disturbing ways the Democrat Party emulates the Nazi Party of 1927-34 in their underlying ideology and, more importantly, tactics. Subsequently, Mr. D. Parker further detailed eight additional indisputable similarities. All but two of these sixteen commonalities (irrational obsession with race, and state/private ownership of all means of production) also apply to the proponents of Communism. Nonetheless, there had been no basis to emulate the crudity of the American Left and label them Nazis as there was one bridge they had yet to cross: unabashed and overt antisemitism and acquiescence to repeating the Holocaust while mindlessly setting the table for an inevitable global conflict. That bridge now has been crossed and the time has come to call out these reprobates for what they are: Disciples of National Socialism or Nazis.

Read more at American Thinker.

TheLibertyDaily; Three Minutes of Truth Bombs About the “Big Deception”

Watch the 3:18 minute video: https://rumble.com/v4lfqdf-three-minutes-of-truth-bombs-about-the-big-deception.html

Miranda: White House says it will fight ban on flying pride flags above U.S. embassies

The White House is vowing to repeal a provision banning U.S. embassies from flying LGBTQ+ pride flags. The big picture: The ban was layered in the $1.2 trillion spending package signed by President Biden on Saturday and marks a reversal from the State Department’s authorization in 2021 of U.S. diplomatic facilities around the world to fly pride flags. What they’re saying: A spokesperson for the White House told Axios in a statement that Biden “believes it was inappropriate to abuse the process that was essential to keep the government open by including this policy targeting LGBTQI+ Americans.”

Read more: https://www.axios.com/2024/03/24/pride-flag-ban-fight-white-house-embassies

Lindquist: All Senate Dems Vote Against Stopping Taxpayer Money For Illegal Immigrant Flights Into U.S.

Every single Democrat in the Senate voted against an amendment from Sen. Bill Hagerty (R-TN) that would have prevented federal funds from being used by the Biden administration to fly illegal immigrants into the interior of the United States. The vote came after Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies reported that a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit led to the disclosure that 320,000 “inadmissible aliens” flew into the U.S. in 2023, taking advantage of U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s One app. While it was not clear where the migrants were flown, the report said they arrived at 43 different airports across the United States.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/all-senate-dems-vote-against-stopping-taxpayer-money-for-illegal-immigrant-flights-into-u-s

Exclusive: Illegal immigrant charged in shooting death of Grand Rapids woman

Brandon Ortiz-Vite faces one count each of homicide/open murder, carjacking, felony firearm, operating while intoxicated, driving on a suspended or revoked license.

Read more: https://www.themidwesterner.news/2024/03/illegal-immigrant-charged-in-shooting-death-of-grand-rapids-woman/

Boyd: Gov. Healey Shrugs Off Illegal Border Crosser Who Raped Teen: ‘Things Will Happen’

Massachusetts Democrat Gov. Maura Healey pretends to care about how the invasion at the Southern border is affecting states like hers but shrugs off questions about how to prevent illegal border crossers from raping, brutalizing, and killing Americans. Cory Alvarez, a 26-year-old Haitian national who entered the U.S. illegally, was arrested this month after it was alleged he assaulted and raped a disabled teen at Rockland, Massachusetts migrant shelter. Alvarez didn’t simply cross into the U.S. on his own accord. He took advantage of a taxpayer-funded flight from Haiti to New York City “as part of the Biden Administration’s illegal categorical parole program known as CHNV that ‘allows up to 30,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to fly into the U.S.’ each month,” House Republicans noted in a recent letter probing the illegal’s presence in the U.S.

Read more/Watch the 40 second video: https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/22/gov-healey-shrugs-off-illegal-border-crosser-who-raped-teen-things-will-happen/

Libs of TikTok: A follower just sent me this video. This is Logan Airport in Boston this week. They still have illegals sleeping on the floors. Democrats turned Boston into a sanctuary city. They turned office buildings, rec centers, and hotels into housing for illegals. But there’s still overflow!

This is what they voted for!

Watch the 16 second video: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1768647299868270880


Kunstler: Wake-up Call

Can you feel it? The tension rising to the red-line? It runs clear through all of Western Civ. We are ruled by governments of fiends. But now, the sun rides higher in the sky. The sap is rising in the northern forests. The earth heaves. The buds swell and blush. Something is in the air. The animals are waking from their long winter sleep. The natives are restless. The two traditional political divisions, liberal and conservative died with Covid. Now there are simply the sane versus the insane. The sane have had enough of being pushed around by the insane. The insane don’t register much of what reality tries to tell them. They have a body of insane ideas to comfort and protect them from the reality’s rigors. To call that body of ideas an “ideology” is way too polite. That the insane call themselves “progressive,” is a signature of their insanity. Progress toward what better state of things? Toward a supremacy of fiends, sadists, degenerates, and morons seizing riches and power by every dishonest means possible outside the rule of law and common decency? It’s not even suitable to call them “communists.” They lack the necessary idealism for that. They don’t expect to put their shoulders to the wheel with their fellow man. They just want to grab your stuff and then kill you so they don’t have to hear any complaints.

Read more: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2024/03/james-howard-kunstler/wake-up-call/

Potts, Yang & Burton: How IVF and abortion access could shape the 2024 election

Americans continue to support IVF and abortion access. It’s been just over a month since the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos are children and jeopardized access to in vitro fertilization treatments in the state, bringing the procedure to the forefront of reproductive rights politics. President Joe Biden called on Congress to “guarantee the right to IVF” nationwide in his State of the Union address earlier this month, and Republicans have met a new challenge as they try to signal support for the procedure, during which embryos are often destroyed, while reconciling it with their long-held stance that life begins at conception. All of this means that IVF — and the anti-abortion views that threatened it in Alabama and could spur similar threats in other states — is helping to shape the coming election season.

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/538/ivf-abortion-access-shape-2024-election/story?id=108301112


(Another Democrat rigged election?) Lyman: Secretaries Of State Won’t Explain ‘Coordinated’ Effort To Fight ‘Common Adversary’ In 2024

Several secretaries of state in key battlegrounds will not disclose what their apparent plans for a “coordinated” effort to fight a “common adversary” entail ahead of the 2024 election, despite repeated inquiries from The Federalist. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson recently revealed what she described as a mass collaboration between six battleground states. […] “And we learned to semi-coordinate with each other in ’20. Katie Hobbs and I, she was secretary of Arizona at the time, she and I were friends and we would talk regularly. But there was really no way for us to consistently as a team, the six of us in those six battleground states — Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and Georgia — to constantly both compare notes and also say, OK, how we are going to respond to this nationally coordinated effort with a coordinated response,” Benson said. “So now we have that. We actually spent 2022 working to build that team in these six states.” Benson then reiterated the claim that “democracy” is at stake before saying the states “talk to each other” to “develop common strategies and be much more powerful and united as a team.” The Federalist inquired with all six battleground states about these efforts over the course of 7 business days.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/21/secretaries-of-state-wont-explain-coordinated-effort-to-fight-common-adversary-in-2024/

Gleason: Ohio Volunteers Uncover Massive Irregularities in Voter Database

In the spring of 2021, volunteer investigators from Ohio acquired publicly available voter data for all 88 counties and started their analysis. Over the next year the researchers found hundreds of thousands of records in their state’s voter rolls with irregular data for which they couldn’t identify consistent explanations, no matter who they asked. In late summer of 2022, they reached out to Marly Hornik, coleader of New York Citizens Audit, whose team had identified similar inaccuracies in the New York State data. In 2023, Hornik and Harry Haury, an expert in cybercrime and election law, founded United Sovereign Americans and developed a legal strategy for securing the validity of the 2024 election based […] the Ohio team, in conjunction with USA, has been able to conduct a peer-reviewed audit of the state’s voter rolls at the time of the 2022 Ohio election and has prepared a report that summarizes the issues they encountered.

  • 58,209 resided in an apartment or in a mobile home lot but had no unit number as required on their voter registration application to ensure proper delivery of mail, including mail-in ballot material.
  • 4,143 were older than the oldest person in the U.S. at the time or were too young to legally register.
  • 6,348 had a date of  . . .
  • 253,486 voters supposedly registered on  . . .
  • 120,094 had registration dates in the    . . .
  • 243,583 had state identification numbers that had   . . .

Federal law governing elections specifies that the error rate in Ohio’s 2022 election allowed a mere 34 errors. Instead, the election in Ohio had been certified despite 713,296 apparent voting violations.

Read more at American Thinker.

Reagan Reese Breaks Down Mixed Messages From Republicans On Election Integrity

Reagan is the Daily Caller’s white house correspondent. She wrote a piece about the Democrat Party election integrity planned end-run in the 2024 election.

Watch the 11 minute interview:  https://rumble.com/v4kobnr-reagan-reese-breaks-down-mixed-messages-from-republicans-on-election-integr.html

Regan’s article: ‘They Seem To Not Care”: Daily Caller Reporter Breaks Down Mixed Messages From Republicans On Election Integrity: https://dailycaller.com/2024/03/15/reagan-reese-details-nation-republican-congressional-committee-contrasting-concerns-gop-base-predicts-republican-national-committee-legal-efforts-help-2024-election-vince-coglianese/


Chalk: Media Love ‘Reproductive Choice’ Until Women Choose To Stop Taking The Pill

You might have thought the “my body, my choice” movement was motivated by an underlying emphasis on female autonomy and making informed decisions about one’s body. Yet the left’s reaction to growing female concerns about contraception would seem to suggest otherwise. Apparently, women sharing their stories about the pill — and deciding to reject it in favor of embracing the natural cycles of their fertility — is not a choice they are supposed to make. On March 21, The Washington Post unleashed a flurry of “reporting” on an alleged “misinformation explosion” regarding birth control that included a “cascade of misleading videos vilifying hormonal contraception” on social media outlets such as TikTok and Instagram. “Debunking common birth-control misconceptions,” was the title of one such WaPo article, which noted “misconceptions about the safety and efficacy of hormonal birth-control methods” by citing another WaPo article released on the same day.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2024/03/26/media-love-reproductive-choice-until-women-choose-to-stop-taking-the-pill/

Stiles: What in the Actual F— Is Wrong With These People? (NBC News Edition)

We regret to inform you that America’s journalists are in the midst of another temper tantrum. This one is in response to NBC News’s decision to hire former RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel as a paid contributor. The network’s own employees are in open revolt, incensed at the prospect of having to share screen time with a Republican who hasn’t completely disavowed Donald Trump. NBC chief political analyst Chuck Todd, a former Democratic campaign aide, slammed NBC executives for hiring someone with “credibility issues” and a history of “gaslighting.” Democratic scion Mika Brzezinski urged the network to “reconsider its decision.” Host Kristen Welker issued a trigger warning over the weekend before airing her interview with McDaniel on Meet the Press. Nicolle Wallace read a passage from a book about tyranny and bemoaned the degradation of “our sacred airwaves.”

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/author/stiles/media/what-in-the-actual-f-is-wrong-with-these-people-nbc-news-edition/


Starnes: Megachurch Won’t Mention ‘Blood of Jesus’ on Easter Sunday Invitations

“I’m not going to say the word ‘Calvary,’ I’m not going to say the word ‘resurrection.’ I’m not going to say the ‘blood of Jesus.’ Right? I’m not going to say any of these words that makes someone feel like an outsider,” said Nikki Shearer, the digital content creator for Elevation Church. “This is really an important guiding principle.”

Read more: https://www.toddstarnes.com/faith/megachurch-wont-mention-blood-of-jesus-on-easter-sunday/


Al Jazeera English: Israeli protesters paraglide over PM Netanyahu’s house

Watch the 35 second clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PggN1wAoDtg

Lachmanovitch & Kahana: Trump to Israel Hayom: Only a fool would have not acted like Israel on Oct. 7

In an exclusive interview, the 45th president blames Joe Biden for the war in Israel. “He can’t talk. He’s a very dumb person. He’s a dumb person. His foreign policy throughout 50 years has been horrible. If you look at people that were in other administrations with him, they saw him as a weak, ineffective president, they [Hamas] would have never done that attack if I were there.” Speaking from his Florida home, he expresses disappointment with Jews who do not support him: “They hate Israel.”

Read more/Watch the two interview videos: https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/03/25/trump-to-israel-hayom-only-a-fool-would-have-not-acted-like-israel-on-oct-7/


Sadar: Maybe we should all just agree there is no God

Across the world, many religions and belief systems compete with the God of the Bible. And people follow prescribed regimens and rituals based on those belief systems. Many would argue that the reason for so much conflict and war is fighting over who is right about the existence of God.

[…] God or no-god? One of the really big and obvious problems, however, would be whose “no-god” would we follow? Seventeenth-century philosopher Blaise Pascal said that inside every human heart is a “God-shaped vacuum.” But why? Why deep inside every human being is there a desire to follow something or someone […] bigger? Does our inner spirit know and attest to something of which we are not fully aware? Could that even be possible in a no-god world? Eventually, because of this “vacuum,” we would all end up choosing one version of one no-god or the other. For some, like my friend Connie, it would be the no-god of nature. For others, it would be the no-god of the Bible or the Koran or people like the Buddha or Confucius or what National Lampoon magazine once called the “Cosmic Muffin.” Eventually, whether we chose or not, the no-god would be chosen for us by those more powerful. Look no farther than the strongest examples, North Korea and China. Those places, pre-eminent among many others, follow the no-god of the All-Powerful State. Who will win the day: . . .

Read more: https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/maybe-we-should-all-just-agree-there-is-no-god


There’s no doubt that Boeing is in serious trouble. Recent reports of serious safety issues and concerns over workforce diversity campaigns are symptoms of a corporate culture that has been ailing for a while. The legendary American company that helped win WWII and dominated the postwar aviation industry used to attack engineering problems by empowering the organization’s best men with almost dictatorial authority. But over the past quarter-century, Boeing has transformed from a hard-nosed, mission-focus company into a complacent mediocrity defined by bureaucratic entrenchment and financial chicanery. Boeing’s golden age during WWII was defined by the execution of projects like the B-29: a four-engine bomber that could deliver up to 20,000 pounds of bombs against a target more than 2,600 miles away at a speed exceeding 250 miles per hour, far in excess of any other aircraft in the war. The B-29 was the first bomber with a pressurized cabin, which helped extend its service ceiling above 30,000 feet, well out of the range of Mitsubishi Zeroes. It had remote-controlled machine gun turrets that could be slaved together in a synchronized aiming system run by an analog computer. The plane itself had a startling, graceful silhouette — albatross-like wings that stretched 141 feet, longer than the Wright Brothers’ first flight at Kitty Hawk.

Read more: https://im1776.com/2024/03/18/boeing-decline/

Costescu: At Columbia, an Israeli-Designated Terror Group Teaches ‘Palestinian Resistance 101’—And Lauds Plane Hijackings

On Sunday, a group of keffiyeh-clad individuals huddled around a computer to discuss the “Palestinian resistance.” Charlotte Kates, a member of the Israeli-designated terror group Samidoun, praised Hamas’s Oct. 7 terror attack for showing “the potential of a future for Palestine liberated from Zionism.” Khaled Barakat, a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine activist, lauded airplane hijackings as “one of the most important tactics that the Palestinian resistance have engaged in.” While those speakers and other attendees were explicit in their support for terrorism against Jews, the event did not take place in Gaza, Doha, or Tehran. It took place in New York City, where an anti-Semitic Columbia University student group—Columbia University Apartheid Divest—invited the speakers to deliver a lecture on “the fight for liberation,” titled “Palestinian Resistance 101.”

Read more/Watch the 6:24 minute video: https://freebeacon.com/campus/at-columbia-an-israeli-designated-terror-group-teaches-palestinian-resistance-101-and-lauds-plane-hijackings/


On a Sunday evening last November, a representative of the U.S. Census Bureau showed up at my house to take the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). According to a letter from the Bureau, my address had been selected by a “scientific process” from “all addresses in the United States.” My address “cannot be replaced,” but as the Bureau elsewhere explains, “the survey is voluntary, and there are no penalties for not participating. […] The Bureau wants to interview household members as young as 12. People from each selected address are interviewed once every six months over a three-year period for a total of seven interviews. Interviews last 25 minutes so a boy or girl of 12 can be interviewed seven times for a total of 175 minutes, nearly three hours. No sample questions are included but “the Census Bureau is required by law to protect your information.” From whom “your information” will be protected is not explained.

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2024/03/return-of-the-census-snoops.php

News 18: This New York Sob Parlour Lets People Cry Their Hearts Out In Private Rooms

Human is a living organism filled with emotions. While sometimes one feels happy, sometimes they feel sad as well. Although no one intentionally wants to cry in front of everyone, crying alone in one’s personal space becomes relieving. You might think, where would you get such a place that will make you relieved by letting you shed tears? You would be surprised to know that there is a place in the US where people are being called to cry their hearts out. A place called Sop Parlour in New York City has recently been garnering major attention for being a place where one gets a private cry room to drain out all the emotion of sadness.

Read more:  https://www.news18.com/viral/this-new-york-sob-parlour-lets-people-cry-their-hearts-out-in-private-rooms-8822083.html

Gissen: Nuns lift the lid on what it’s REALLY like to be a ‘bride of Jesus Christ’ – from how they choose their Sister NAMES to the ‘surprising’ things they do for ‘fun’

Two nuns have lifted a lid on what it’s really like to be ‘brides of Jesus Christ,’ spilling on everything from what it’s like to leave their families behind and why they get new names to how they get by despite not making any money. Sister Mary Grace and Sister Marie Veritas, who are members of a Catholic religious community known as Sisters of Life in Denver, Colorado, recently sat down to answer the internet’s most burning questions about nun-hood in a series of videos shared to YouTube. […] Their missions involve ‘evangelization’ and ‘serving pregnant women in crisis pregnancies.’ They also ‘walk with women who have suffered the experience of abortion’ in a bid to teach them ‘the true tender and infinite mercy of God.’ ‘That is such a privilege for us sisters to not only live our life with Jesus but to see Jesus bring life to the people in which we serve,’ Mary added.

Read more/Watch the two videos: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13198471/nuns-church-reveal-secrets-families-money.html

Sundance: Minnesota AG Keith Ellison Investigating Car Manufacturers for Making Cars That Black People Want to Steal

Not a spoof. It’s a classic case of disparate impact lawfare at work. Auto manufacturers must be held accountable for making cars that black people want to steal. It’s real. He really said that.

Read more/Watch the 18 second video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/03/25/minnesota-ag-keith-ellison-investigating-car-manufacturers-for-making-cars-that-black-people-want-to-steal/

Jewell: Baltimore Bridge Collapses, Resulting In ‘Mass Casualty’ Event After It’s Struck By Cargo Ship

The 1.6-mile-long Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed early Tuesday morning after it was struck by a container ship, resulting in what authorities have described as “a mass casualty incident.” Emergency responders, including dive teams, are searching for at least seven people believed to be in the frigid water, but that number could likely change, the Associated Press reported. Two people were rescued from the water; one person was unharmed while the second person was rushed to the hospital in serious condition, Baltimore Fire Chief James Wallace said.

[…] The ship that struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge is chartered by the Danish shipping company Maersk, the company told CNN. The ship was carrying Maersk customers’ cargo, according to the company. The vessel, which is called Dali, was on its way to Sri Lanka.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/baltimore-bridge-collapses-resulting-in-mass-casualty-event-after-its-struck-by-cargo-ship


Skaskiw: Why the Russians Cut Off a Moscow Bombing Suspect’s Ear and Made Him Eat It

Last Friday, terrorists attacked Moscow’s “Crocus City Hall” music venue, killing over a hundred people. My condolences to their families. Within a day, leaked footage showed a suspect getting his ear cut off and being made to eat it. Additional footage showed a suspect in great pain with electrical equipment attached to his genitals. It was the type of gruesome footage from which we tend to turn away. We form our private opinions and don’t discuss them. I fear the silence allows some observers to regard this as extreme but effective justice. Perhaps people will tell themselves the word that has justified centuries of Russia’s self-inflicted tyranny: “order.” Marquis de Custine wrote 200 years ago, “Officially, such brutal tyranny is called respect for unity and love of order.” To say nothing about the dangers of presumptions of guilt and unconstrained authority, this episode points to important differences between Russia and the West, which most of us do not understand and, I fear, cannot understand. But I will try to explain them anyway.

Read more at American Thinker.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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