Entries by Thomas C. Patterson

Medicare Ads And Other Inane Policies

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

We’ve all seen them, the Medicare TV ads exhorting seniors to apply for enhanced benefits. The government appears to be coaxing often reluctant retirees into greater dependence. But this is a colossally bad idea, even for those of us who support helping citizens in their sunset years. It stimulates greed (it’s freeeee!) and entitlement in […]

Race Baiters Are Trying To Divide Us

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Americans are barraged with messaging from left-wing politicians and their supportive media informing us we are a fundamentally racist nation, frozen in amber from our slaveholding past, and denying it only proves how racist we are. But the fact case is against these purveyors of resentment. Yes, racism exists, duh – but America is the least […]

Union Pay Backs Affect Us All

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Most of the attention of our nation’s business entities is focused on attempts to win government favors.  That’s typical of political economies sliding into corruption mode. America’s unions have been a big winner of the competition. They poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Democratic campaigns.  Their bet paid off when Democrats swept the presidency […]

Mail Fraud

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

A recent cover of The Week magazine proclaimed “Undermining Democracy. The GOP’s blueprint for nullifying Democratic votes in 2024“. The article was another installment of the concentrated effort on the Left to convince Americans that voter fraud is essentially nonexistent, just a hoax used by Republicans as an excuse to deny the franchise to underprivileged […]

Debt Limit Negotiations – Threat Or Opportunity For Fiscal Conservatives?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Surprise, surprise! It’s time to go through the debt limit-raising hassle again. Democrats are clamoring for immediate action to avert a financial crisis which would be blamed on Republicans, just because. Meanwhile, the Republican campaign conservatives aren’t showing much enthusiasm for this rare possibility of achieving significant fiscal reform. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen rolled out […]

We Need The Constitution Now More Than Ever

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

These are fraught days for Americans. History is said to be cyclical but there is widespread concern that we are in inexorable decline. Our leadership role in the world which seemed secure three decades ago is under serious threat. Polls show that confidence and love of country are in decline, especially among the young. Traditional […]

Dogma Masquerading As Science Undermines Public Trust

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

“I believe in science, Donald Trump doesn’t. It’s that simple, folks“, Joe Biden tweeted during the 2020 election campaign. Even by Biden standards, that was a deceitful remark. Not only did his opponent spearhead the unexpectedly efficient development of the Covid vaccine, which has been the cornerstone of pandemic suppression ever since, but the Biden […]

Show Me The Voter Suppression

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

In the recent Georgia debacle, the state’s CEOs successfully pushed MLB to punish the legislature by moving the All-Star game from Atlanta to Denver, after allegedly vote-suppressing legislation was passed. Senator Tim Scott asked six of the sanctimonious bullies what provisions they found offensive and why. None had a single answer. Likewise, President Biden’s speech […]

Getting Red In Your Ed

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

It is well known that America’s schoolchildren are woefully ignorant of their national history and government. Majorities of young adults no longer feel grateful to be an American, undoubtedly because they fail to comprehend the precious freedoms to which they were born. So are the teacher’s unions who educate our children concerned about this deplorable […]

Biden’s Budget Busting Blowout

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Biden/Harris administration is ignoring established budget tradition in their determination to spend yet more money. Since the Reagan era, each federal budget has included a list of achievable spending cuts. The final Obama/Biden budget boasted of their averaging 140 cuts, saving $22 billion, yearly. Then-VP Biden headed up these cost cutting efforts as he […]

Racism Is Alive And Well At Yale

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Yale, which protects its fragile students from dead white authors and offensive Halloween costumes, nevertheless featured a psychiatrist lecturing at Grand Rounds of her fantasies “unloading a revolver into the head of any white person that got in my way, wiping my bloody hands, like I did the world a f___ing big favor”. Grand Rounds […]

Do Climate Alarmists Believe Their Own Predictions?

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

In public discourse, it’s considered bad form to insult your opponent’s integrity. But it’s almost impossible to believe that climate alarmists believe their own apocalyptic predictions. Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, and other experts sternly warned that our planet will be an uninhabitable, unsalvageable oven unless within 15 years (now 10 or 12) we bend all […]

Greater Phoenix CEOs Whiff on Election Integrity

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Members of the Public Policy Committee of Greater Phoenix Leadership recently endorsed an editorial entitled “Disenfranchising Voters is Not Election Reform”. “As an organization of CEOs at the helm of hundreds of thousands of employees in Arizona“, they felt it their public duty to warn of efforts in the legislature not only “undermining our carefully […]

Unhappy Truths About Education Today

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Arizona legislature failed this year to pass a bill that would have required third-grade students to be held back if they failed to learn to read adequately. The unsuccessful bill uncovered some unhappy truths about the state of education. Third grade is recognized as a critical progression point for reading proficiency. Students through third […]

Democrats Play a Cynical Game at the Border

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

America has a border wall that is very efficient at keeping out intruders. It hasn’t been breached once in over three months. Unfortunately, it protects only our political elites at the US Capitol, who are under minimal threat. Other Americans must make do with a wall that is highly porous, that leaks multitudes of illegal […]

HR 1 Means the End of Free Elections

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Editors’ note: This bill passed in the U.S.House of Representatives on March 3, 2021 on a strictly partisan vote. It goes to the U.S. Senate and must be defeated there. The Democrats discovered electoral gold in 2020. They featured a historically weak, senile presidential candidate backed by a radically left-wing U.S. Senator. Yet they were […]

Bi-Partisan Fiscal Irresponsibility

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

America’s recent presidents have been all over the spectrum politically, but they shared one thing in common: near-total indifference to our national debt. George W. Bush wasn’t that interested in fiscal matters, not vetoing a single bill his first six years in office. He exerted little influence as the deficit started to climb. Barack Obama […]

Lockdown: Incoherent and Ineffective

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Our response to the Covid pandemic continues to be incoherent and ineffective. No matter how many interstate comparisons prove that lockdowns confer no permanent benefit, no matter how much economic devastation we endure and how many lives are ruined, we soldier on, refusing to learn from experience. Our panic-driven approach was originally in reaction to […]

Biden Shows His True Colors

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States.” So begins the US Constitution. The President’s entire role in the lawmaking process is also described clearly and succinctly: “He shall take Care the Laws be faithfully executed.” Joe Biden apparently didn’t get the memo.  Hours after swearing an oath […]

Mail In Ballots Were the Key to What Went Wrong

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The 2020 election was a disaster for the republic. Lax voting procedures, last-minute rulemaking by unauthorized parties, and hundreds of accounts of process irregularities created such an atmosphere of suspicion and rancor that 60 percent of Americans of all parties believed the election to be basically illegitimate. The hapless Trump team looked foolish by blaming […]

Mail-in Ballots: The Road to a Fraudulent Election

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Trump campaign post-election efforts to detect fraud and possibly reverse the election results were doomed to failure. In retrospect, their only hope was to block mail-in voting before it spread. Democrats learned in 2018 how to use mail-in voting to their advantage. They were dead set on a repeat performance. The bipartisan Carter-Baker Commission […]

Arizona Prop 208 Passed: An Economic Rabbit Hole

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Arizona voters have some serious ‘splaining to do about the passage of Proposition 208, which raised education funds by boosting income tax rates by up to 98% for high income filers. How could this have happened? Arizona schools have already received over one billion dollars in new sustainable monies over recent years, with more coming. […]

The Arizona Corporation Commission “Regulates” Our Climate Thirty Years into the Future

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

On October 29, almost out of the public eye, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) gave final approval to a dreadful regulation, mandating all energy in the state be produced with zero carbon emissions by 2050. Arizona has its own mini-Green New Deal! The consequences will be devastating to Arizona’s economic competitiveness. A mere 15% mandate […]

America, Please Beware: A Toxic Theory of Race Relations in Our Schools

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Most Americans were not aware when a toxic theory of race relations deeply embedded itself into our culture, especially our schools. Critical Race Theory (CRT) sounds like sophisticated academic reasoning, but it is not rooted in any science nor subjected to disciplined analysis. It is based on the assumption that white people are born with […]