Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 23 minutes


Athena Thorne contributor to PJMedia: By an amazing coincidence, CBS news show 60 Minutes aired a segment on Sunday night highlighting how easily disinformation can be created and spread. It’s incredible that they just happened to have this episode in the can and ready to roll at the same time the Biden administration is launching its shiny new Ministry of Truth to crack down on all the disinformation in the United States! … Yes, they really think we’re this stupid.

SCOTUSblog  refers to the leaked  draft copy of the majority opinion of Rowe v.  Wade:  “It’s impossible to overstate the earthquake this will cause inside the Court, in terms of the destruction of trust among the Justices and staff. This leak is the gravest, most unforgivable sin.”

Rajan Laad contributor to American Thinker: An investigation into the leak must be immediately initiated and the culprit must be punished.  The left has managed to infiltrate and hijack most government institutions and irrevocably compromise them. The Supreme Court has been standing for over two centuries. It still means a great deal to citizens. It must be protected from such thugs at all costs. Democracy ceases to function if the mob is allowed to take over.

Jim Hoft founder Gateway Pundit predicting  the pro-abortion crowd’s reaction to the leaked SCOTUS Roe v. Wade draft opinion: This ought to be quite the insurrection in the coming days.

Ben Shapiro founder of The Daily Wire:  Whomever leaked this – and the smart bet is on some social activist in Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s office – should immediately be prosecuted. Instead, watch for the media to treat the leaker as either an afterthought or as a hero. After all, the Left treats leaks of IRS documents as fine, so long as they target the right people; the leak of unverified smut about the sitting president in the Steele Dossier was treated as both newsworthy and courageous by the press.

Leah Barkoukis contributor to TownHall: While the legal world was shocked by the leak, liberals cheered it on. As Katie reported, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 press secretary wondered if the “brave clerk” who leaked the document was trying to warn the country “in a last-ditch Hail Mary attempt to see if the public response might cause the Court to reconsider.” He wasn’t alone in thinking that. Based on one line in the draft opinion, however, it appears the conservative justices are ready for the blowback.

Ben Zeisloft  contributor to The Daily Wire: “That abortion supporters are working to codify legal abortion federally is only further confirmation of the obvious: abortion is not a right recognized by the Constitution or federal statute,” Free The States communications director James Silberman told The Daily Wire last year. “There is no federal right to abortion, and there is nothing resembling a right to abortion. There was a rogue court which invented the ‘right to abortion’ from whole cloth.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) & Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in a joint tweeter thread: “If the report is accurate, the Supreme Court is poised to inflict the greatest restriction of rights in the past fifty years – not just on women but on all Americans. The Republican-appointed Justices’ reported votes to overturn Roe v. Wade would go down as an abomination, one of the worst and most damaging decisions in modern history. Several of these conservative Justices, who are in no way accountable to the American people, have lied to the U.S. Senate, ripped up the Constitution and defiled both precedent and the Supreme Court’s reputation. This is at the expense of tens of millions of women who could soon be stripped of their bodily autonomy and the constitutional rights they’ve relied on for half a century. The party of Lincoln and Eisenhower has now completely devolved into the party of Trump. Every Republican Senator who supported Sen. McConnell and voted for Trump Justices pretending that this day would never come will now have to explain themselves to the American people.”

J.B. Shurk contributor to American Thinker: If the words we write today are illegal tomorrow, then peace and freedom are made illegal, too.

Dan  Gelernter contributor to American Greatness: If you don’t want another world war, a good way to help avoid it would be to stop waving another nation’s flag on Facebook like a thoughtless idiot.

Glenn Greenwald journalist, author and columnist tweeted on May 1, 2022:Noam Chomsky, in an interview this week, says “fortunately” there is “one Western statesman of stature” who is pushing for a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine rather than looking for ways to fuel and prolong it. “His name is Donald J. Trump,” Chomsky says.

Sundance contributor to The Last Refuge:  DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admits since January 21st: 836,000 released illegal aliens, plus 207,000 unaccompanied children (UAC’s), plus 200k to 400,000 that got away and avoided detention.  Add that up and we have 1.3 to 1.6 million illegal aliens through the southern border in the last three months.

May David contributor to The Federalist challenges Biden’s effort to force taxpayers to pay off other people’s school loan debt: he administration has no legal authority to pursue its punishment of the working class in favor of lawyers, doctors, and unemployed art history PhDs.

James Kunstler contributor to LewRockwell.com: It’s one thing to lose your dignity as citizens, and another to just lose your country altogether, and that is the circle of hell that the Left has dragged everyone else into since even before Hillary Clinton booted the 2016 election. This tyrannical Maoist managerial mob, grown paradoxically rich beyond precedent, became a tool of the state itself working around the inconvenient first amendment to hog-tie public debate. Will the US government allow Mr. Musk to get away with liberating the new “public square?

Kyle Hooten tweet: WaPo is horrified that about 10 people a month get hurt falling off the wall… Probably more than 10 people a month OD on fentanyl carried across unprotected sections of the border. Probably more than 10 women a month are sex trafficked across open sections of the border. Etc.

Bill Maher host of  Real Time:   “Has Twitter failed in setting itself up in the past as the judge of what can go out there? And I would say yes, you have. You failed when you threw the New York Post off of Twitter for talking about Hunter Biden’s emails. And it turned out that was a real story. You failed when you said we couldn’t read about whether COVID had come from a lab. You failed!”


Hoft: ‘2000 Mules’ Is Selling Out at Theaters Across the Nation! — Dinesh D’Souza Offers a Solution

The movie ‘2000 Mules’ is receiving rave reviews from movie-goers across the country.  In the film, Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote provide answers and evidence of the stolen 2020 Election in this documentary released on Tuesday at select theaters across the nation.

Here is where you can see the movie.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/2000-mules-opens-rave-reviews-sold-shows-across-nation/


Hoft: ERIC States Won’t Provide Lists That Update Voter Registration. We Must Demand Them!

The ERIC voter registration non-profit says their “sole mission is assisting states to improve the accuracy of voter rolls and increase access to voter registration.” Most now know the first part is just not true. A coordinated effort should be made to collect the reports (lists) that ERIC has been providing its member States. Below is some guidance on why, and how to obtain these lists. Only until these reports (lists) are analyzed will the public know what’s been happening with those voter rolls. [NOTE:It was  reported that George Soros provided some of the seed money for  ERIC. What can possibly go worng?]

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/eric-states-wont-provide-lists-update-voter-registration-must-demand/


Saavedra: BREAKING: Supreme Court Strikes Down Roe V. Wade Decision In Draft Of Majority Opinion, Report Says

The United States Supreme Court has voted to strike down the controversial Roe v. Wade decision, according to an initial draft of the majority opinion obtained by Politico. The draft, written by Justice Samuel Alito, “is a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of the 1973 decision which guaranteed federal constitutional protections of abortion rights and a subsequent 1992 decision – Planned Parenthood v. Casey – that largely maintained the right,” Politico reported. “Deliberations on controversial cases have in the past been fluid. Justices can and sometimes do change their votes as draft opinions circulate and major decisions can be subject to multiple drafts and vote-trading, sometimes until just days before a decision is unveiled. The court’s holding will not be final until it is published, likely in the next two months.” […]  Other Supreme Court Justices that sided with Alito included Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. It is not clear how Chief Justice John Roberts will vote. […]  The draft’s leak caused an immediate reaction online with notable figures and publications weighing in on the matter, including SCOTUSblog, which wrote: “It’s impossible to overstate the earthquake this will cause inside the Court, in terms of the destruction of trust among the Justices and staff. This leak is the gravest, most unforgivable sin.” […]  Other notable initial responses to the leak included: . . .

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/breaking-supreme-court-strikes-down-roe-v-wade-decision-in-draft-of-majority-opinion-report-says

Politico: Read Justice Alito’s initial draft abortion opinion which would overturn Roe v. Wade

Read the full 98-page initial draft majority opinion:    https://www.politico.com/news/2022/05/02/read-justice-alito-initial-abortion-opinion-overturn-roe-v-wade-pdf-00029504

Barkoukis: Will the Reaction to SCOTUS Leak Change the Bench’s Decision? One Line in Draft Opinion Is Telling.

Based on one line in the draft opinion, however, it appears the conservative justices are ready for the blowback. Emphasis added: Having shown that traditional stare decisis factors do not weigh in favor of retaining Roe or Casey, we must address one final argument that featured prominently in the Casey plurality opinion. The argument was cast in different terms, but stated simply, it was essentially as follows. The American people’s . . .

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/leahbarkoukis/2022/05/03/will-the-reaction-to-scotus-leak-change-the-benchs-decision-one-line-in-draft-opinion-is-telling-n2606664?utm_campaign=rightrailsticky1

Fox News: Laura Ingraham reacts to Supreme Court leak: ‘Shocking and unprecedented breach’ of ‘confidentiality’

‘The Ingraham Angle’ host argued the leak is an attempt to ‘hijack’ the ‘deliberative process.’

Watch the 1:17 minute video: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6305550178112#sp=show-clips

SHAPIRO: Draft Supreme Court Majority Opinion Leaks STRIKING DOWN Roe v. Wade. Here’s What All Of That Means.

Who Leaked The Decision? But there is another issue, here, too: who leaked the draft decision? This is not an ancillary issue – it’s absolutely primary. It’s primary for two reasons. First, the draft decision is just that: a draft decision. No one has presumably voted for it yet. Drafts change over time; they are subject to feedback from other members of the majority. The attempt to leverage public pressure against the justices is an attempt to strangle the Alito majority opinion in the crib, to generate fractures on the Court. Were the final Court decision to depart widely from Alito’s draft now, it would be crystal clear that public pressure played the main role. And that is the reason the draft was leaked. The Supreme Court, which supposedly is above petty politics, will now be subjected to a tsunami of threats from a snarling left-wing enraged by the prospect of restrictions on killing in the womb. Second, the leak of the draft decision demonstrates . . .[…]  The Impact Of The Draft Majority If the Supreme Court majority does indeed endorse the Alito draft decision, it would completely revolutionize politics in the United States, which has been polarized around the abortion issue since Roe and its subsequent line of cases. Those cases froze the law in place based on nothing more than specious social activism by Left-wing lawyers wearing black robes; those cases also federalized what had been a state issue, polarizing Americans further on the issue. […]  If Americans truly wish for a return to an era of politics in which we could live with one another, federalism and separation of powers is the answer to that wish. A Supreme Court majority approving Alito’s opinion would be a massive step in that direction.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/shapiro-draft-supreme-court-majority-opinion-leaks-striking-down-roe-v-wade-heres-what-all-of-that-means

Olohan: Tension Builds Outside Supreme Court After Leak Shows Roe May Be Overturned

A growing throng was on a knife’s edge outside the United States Supreme Court late Monday night following the bombshell leak of a draft decision from the high court overturning the landmark Roe v Wade case that guaranteed the federal right to abortion. Roads were blocked around the Supreme Court building immediately after the news broke that the upcoming ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization would overturn the 1973 case. The decision was expected sometime over the next two months, but after Politico obtained a draft opinion by Justice Samuel Alito and signed by a majority of justices, word spread quickly. “Let’s make a deal: For every one woman who dies from this, one of you goes too,” read a hand-scrawled sign dangling from a coat hanger and held aloft by a woman protesting the apparently pending decision.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/tension-builds-outside-supreme-court-after-leak-shows-roe-may-be-overturned

Zeisloft: ‘The Right To An Abortion Is Sacred’: Democratic Lawmakers Renew Calls To ‘Codify Roe’

a number of Democratic officials called for Congress to “codify” Roe v. Wade — a position that aligns with the official platform of the Biden administration. “People elected Democrats precisely so we could lead in perilous moments like these- to codify Roe, hold corruption accountable, & have a President who uses his legal authority to break through Congressional gridlock on items from student debt to climate,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) tweeted. “It’s time to be decisive, lead with confidence, fight for a prosperous future for all and protect the vulnerable.” […]  “Congress must pass legislation that codifies Roe v. Wade as the law of the land in this country NOW,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said. “And if there aren’t 60 votes in the Senate to do it, and there are not, we must end the filibuster to pass it with 50 votes.”

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/the-right-to-an-abortion-is-sacred-democratic-lawmakers-renew-calls-to-codify-roe

Unruh: Shocker: Strongly divided Supremes rule UNANIMOUSLY on one issue

In a public rebuke to the city of Boston, the U.S. Supreme Court has unanimously ruled the city violated the constitutional rights of Camp Constitution, whose officials asked to fly a Christian flag at city hall through a program that already had allowed multiple private interest groups to fly their banners.

“We conclude that, on balance, Boston did not make the raising and flying of private groups’ flags a form of government speech,” wrote Justice Stephen Breyer, one of the court’s leftists, in the opinion. “That means, in turn, that Boston’s refusal to let Shurtleff and Camp Constitution raise their flag based on its religious viewpoint ‘abridged’ their ‘freedom of speech.'” […]  A report noted Boston officials had approved “284 straight applications,” of flags involving other nations, and multiple special interests, including references to other religions. Those included the flags of the Pride flag and communist regimes such as China and Cuba.

Read more: https://www.wnd.com/2022/05/supremes-big-u-s-city-violated-1st-amendment-censoring-christian-flag/

Margolis: Suddenly the Left Remembers That Men CAN’T Get Pregnant

Reaction to the leak of the draft opinion of Dobbs v. Jackson came in swiftly Monday night. Liberals haven’t been this outraged since Elon Musk bought Twitter. Pro-abortion activists quickly formed a protest outside the court, and politicians released statements that featured fresh new takes on the usual tropes and slogans we’ve heard for decades. “A woman’s right to choose is not up for debate. A woman’s right to make her own health care decisions is not up for debate,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.). “We can’t go back. We must not go back. We won’t go back.” “This is at the expense of tens of millions of women who could soon be stripped of their bodily autonomy and the constitutional rights they’ve relied on for half a century,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said . “If you think they’ll stop with a women’s right to choose, . . .. […]  Women. Women. Women. That’s funny. Hasn’t the radical left been telling us that “trans women are women” and that “men can get pregnant, too” suddenly have such a narrow view about the abortion issue that they only see it as a women’s rights issue? Weird, since less than a month ago, the pregnant man emoji was made available on my iPhone. Before the draft opinion leaked, if you asked a leftist to define what a “woman” is, they couldn’t tell you. Now, these non-biologists know precisely what a woman is.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2022/05/03/suddenly-the-left-remembers-that-men-cant-get-pregnant-n1594682


Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif): Our daughters, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers will not be silenced. The world is about to hear their fury. California will not sit back. We are going to fight like hell.

Elizabeth C. McLaughlin (she/her): And now there is this. In a draft circulated opinion NOT A FINAL ONE BUT IT MIGHT AS WELL BE, the Supreme Court will vote to overrule Roe. REMINDER: the Democratic House, Senate and Presidency could stop this with ONE LAW, TODAY. BURN IT ALL DOWN.

Chrisoula Baikos: Scorched earth. Burn it all to the ground. Roe v Wade. SCOTUS turning.

Darrian the Intellectual Samurai: Say what you will, but the left really needs to understand to fuck this playcating to the right shit. Political violence works. Leftist in America need to burn down the Supreme Court if Roe V wade is overturned.


Shurk: Do We Draw the Line at a US Ministry of Truth?

This aspiring dictatorship is getting desperate and dangerous. Imagine having complete control over America’s corporate news propaganda arm and still feeling vulnerable when it comes to “securing the narrative.”  Imagine having all the Big Tech censors working for the U.S. Intelligence Community, and the masters of disinformation are still unsure whether they can amply manipulate American opinion.  Imagine dedicating a year and a half to persecuting anyone who questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election and learning that more Americans than ever now view that monstrosity as tainted by fraud.  Imagine shamelessly spinning the Capitol breach into an attempted coup d’état only to find that half the country believes that the federal government is in the business of imprisoning political protesters.  Imagine spending six years framing Donald Trump as a Russian spy; putting him in constant legal jeopardy with a rogue, Democrat-aligned special counsel investigation; impeaching him for the financial corruption of his political opponent’s quid-pro-quo schemes in Ukraine; and then impeaching him a second time for the crime of free speech in a congressional operation designed to prevent him from ever running for elective office again — only to learn that he is the runaway favorite to win the 2024 Republican presidential primary and handily beating the current occupant of the White House by six points.  When propaganda, domestic espionage, malicious prosecution, blackmail, and an organized terror campaign of burn-loot-murder mayhem directed against ordinary Americans fail to subdue the citizen population, what do aspiring totalitarians do next?  That’s right, friends, come on down: it’s Ministry of Truth time!   […]  Let me ask a simple question: will there ever be an end to these government trespasses?  Is it truly possible for America to dip only a couple toes into the police state pools without sinking into the depths of despotism?

Read more at American Thinker.


Kelly: January 6 Committee Targets GOP Donors Ahead of 2022 Elections

Judge Timothy J. Kelly and his colleagues on the D.C. District Court have acted as little more than rubber stamps for the Justice Department’s abusive prosecution of January 6 defendants. As I reported last month, Kelly, a Trump appointee, continues to hold six nonviolent Capitol protesters behind bars while allowing the Biden regime to delay trial dates and skirt its discovery obligations. After months of tolerating the government’s broken promises related to sharing evidence with defense attorneys, Kelly finally issued a toothless order to compel prosecutors in one major case to finally produce Brady material or face consequences. (He won’t do anything.) But Kelly isn’t just helping Joe Biden’s Justice Department punish Americans who dared to protest Joe Biden’s election that day. In a shocking ruling issued Sunday night, Kelly gave his imprimatur to the House Democrats’ January 6 select committee, paving the way for hyperpartisan, vengeful lawmakers such as Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) to potentially access the private information of Republican campaign contributors. […]  The RNC plans to appeal the ruling but that will end up before the second rubber-stamp bench at the D.C. Circuit Court. Meanwhile, the committee announced Monday it would seek depositions from three more Republican House members. Thompson has scheduled a series of public hearings beginning next month.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/02/january-6-committee-targets-gop-donors-ahead-of-2022-elections/


Levoritz: There’s a malevolent logic to Biden’s much-desired Iran agreement

I view Iran as an irrational and implacable enemy of Israel and its Jews. Without Israel, visible Jews would have no safe space in the world. So, why would Israel’s supposed friend, Obama-Biden, support a weak agreement that will in a short time lead to Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons?   […] Anyone who denies the invidiousness of the Obama-Biden administration needs to wake up. These seeming bumpkins set the US southern border on fire, caused the impoverishment of Americans through raising energy prices, increased crime by refusing to punish it, helped an already evil Russian government justify its slaughter of Ukrainians by pushing Putin into a military and political corner, supported the Chinese Communists against the best interests of the American people in too many ways to count, and supported the destruction of American values by printing and distributing our fiat currency to its leftist and corporate political cronies. If war breaks out between Iran and Israel, both countries can be squeezed, perhaps to death, by an irate world led by the United States and the EU because both Iran and Israel are too independent for the world’s up-and-coming new universal political system. Both countries have stated clearly that they will not accept domination by anyone else.

Read more at American Thinker.

Rafizadeh: Why Is the Biden Administration Determined to Help Terrorist Iran Get a Bomb?

Why would any administration in its right mind permit an official state sponsor of terrorism, the Islamic Republic of Iran, to have nuclear weapons, as well as billions of dollars that will assuredly not be used for a “GI Bill for returning members of the Revolutionary Guard”? Just this week, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan called Iran, a “sponsor of terrorism.” Calls and warnings against reviving the 2015 nuclear, however, seem to be falling on deaf ears, as the Biden administration appears determined to reach a deal that would enable a state that has been trying to take over the entire Middle East for decades — and already controls Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq — to have nuclear weapons, the ballistic missiles to deliver them, and billions of dollars to further its well-documented terrorism. Last week, 45 retired US Generals and Admirals sent an entreaty, titled “Open Letter from U.S. Military Leaders Opposing Iran Nuclear Deal”, to the Biden administration, warning against reviving of the nuclear deal. They wrote: . . .

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18452/help-terrorist-iran-bomb

Kredo: Biden Admin Won’t Block $10 Billion for Russian Nuclear Work in Iran, Blinken Says

Secretary of State Antony Blinken told lawmakers late last week that the United States will not stop Russia from cashing in on a $10 billion contract to build out portions of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure. Blinken, in testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, confirmed for the first time publicly that the Biden administration will not stand in the way of Russia-Iran nuclear cooperation. Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.) asked Blinken to provide assurances that sanctions on both Iran and Russia remain in place as long as Moscow continues its unprovoked war in Ukraine. Blinken said any sanctions lifted as part of a new nuclear deal will be separate from the United States’ current pressure campaign on Russia, meaning that the $10 billion contract between Tehran and Moscow will be permitted to go through.

Read more/Watch the 1:25 minute video: https://freebeacon.com/national-security/biden-admin-wont-block-10-billion-for-russian-nuclear-work-in-iran-blinken-says/


Gelernter: Get Ready for an Actual War

Are we utterly deranged? Wasn’t a large portion of America inexorably against war just a few years ago? Have we so completely forgotten everything in the past 10 years and the past 100 years that we’re willing to call for “regime change” in one of the largest and most bellicose nations in the world?

And yet a majority of the population is now busting out the Ukrainian flags when Joe Biden says that Russia’s Putin must go. What exactly do we think is going to happen now? Is anyone thinking? Listen America, let me remind you of a few things: First, you don’t care at all about Ukraine. I’m willing to bet that most Americans couldn’t have picked it out on a blank map of Europe two months ago. I’ll even double the ante and bet that a majority of Americans still couldn’t pick it out on a blank map of Europe. And yet we’re willing to make this a holy casus belli? Of course, my own instincts put me on the help-Ukraine bandwagon. After all, I have been telling literally anyone who would listen for the last 10 years (all two of them) that we were heading toward war with Russia. But my goal in warning about this was to find a way to avoid the war. If you’re one of those people who has put the Ukrainian flag on your Facebook profile pic (which probably means you also put the “I got vaccinated” frame on your profile pic) let me ask you this: Does it make you suspicious when our government and all of our media, including Fox News, unanimously tell you the same thing? Does it bother you at all when the two least-trusted institutions in the entire nation are reading from the same page, singing from the same hymnal, running the same playbook? No? […]  Nock predicted in 1935 that a new world war would start in the summer of 1939, not because Hitler was unstoppable in his evil schemes, but because the powers controlling public opinion and public expenditure in the West would also benefit from a war. Nock may be wrong, but this thesis is so awful in its implications that I suspect most of us would simply refuse to give it serious consideration.  And if Nock was right, we are going to have another world war soon.  Ask yourself: . . .

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2022/05/02/get-ready-for-an-actual-war/

Fox News: Tucker: The war in Ukraine has nothing to do with Ukraine

Fox News host gives his take on the real motivation behind U.S. involvement in the Russia-Ukraine conflict on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

Watch Tucker’s 19 minute opening monologue: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6305534119112#sp=show-clips

War Room: Richard Grenell: The EU and Russia; Fix California

Rick Grenell, who was President Trump’s ambassador to Germany and later the acting director of national intelligence, talks to Steve Bannon about the incongruities of American policy on Ukraine, NATO and Russian oil.

Watch the 23:11 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/05/02/richard-grenell-the-eu-and-russia-fix-california/

War Room: Episode 1,825 – Fed Moves Too Slowly and Too Softly To Reign In Runaway Inflation

Bannon interview Frank Gaffney, Committee on the Present Danger: China  who discusses Russia and China.

Start the video at the 34:08 minute mark: https://rumble.com/v139pup-episode-1825-fed-moves-too-slowly-and-too-softly-to-reign-in-runaway-inflat.html

Brown: Is China preparing to invade Taiwan? Beijing orders officials to find ways to protect the nation from western sanctions like those used against Russia

Chinese officials are looking at ways to defend the country from economic attack if the West should look to sanction China in the same way it did Russia — stoking fears the nation is preparing for an invasion of Taiwan. China’s regulators held an emergency meeting on April 22 between officials from China’s central bank, the finance ministry, domestic banks operating within China, and international lenders such as HSBC. The West’s harsh economic sanctions on Russia prompted the emergency meeting, with the Ministry of Finance stating that President Xi’s administration had been put on alert by the surprise dollar freeze. The news comes as the UK and the US held top level talks on how to manage a crisis in Asia, should China invade Taiwan. China claims Taiwan as part of its territory despite the island nation functioning under a separate government since 1949.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10774819/Beijing-looks-save-3-2tln-foreign-reserves-sanctions-event-military-conflict.html



The video below is not entirely self-explanatory. In it President Biden claims (White House transcript here, video below): “[T]here have not been many of the senators from Delaware. It’s a small state. As a matter of fact, there has never been one. ((Laughter.) And so I want to take advantage of making sure I introduce [a fellow Delaware native],” Biden said at a White House event celebrating Eid. The New York Post’s Steve Nelson explains: “Biden mixes up job title, says he’s nation’s first senator from Delaware.” Biden apparently meant to say he’s the first president from Delaware, but he’s a little confused.

The difference is significant. You might think that is a difficult mistake to make. The transcript leaves the confusion intact without correction. Perhaps Biden’s meaning remained unclear even to the transcriber. Biden’s remarks are full of idiotic shibboleths regarding “Islamophobia” and related thoughts. At one point, however, he hit an important note and then descended to an abysmal low. The important note: . . .

Read more/Watch the 5 second clip: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2022/05/and-the-hits-just-keep-on-coming.php

Prager U: China’s Social Credit System

In the past, the Social Credit System existed only in the world of science fiction. In the present, it’s happening in China. In the near future, it might become a reality right here in the West — unless we take a stand against it. Here’s what you need to know.

Watch the 5:51 minute video: https://www.prageru.com/video/chinas-social-credit-system

The Right Scoop: Project Veritas: Whistleblower reveals Biden letting suspected Muslim terrorists into country from Afghanistan

A whistleblower has come forward to Project Veritas to reveal how the Biden admin is allowing suspected Muslim terrorists into the country under the guise of being refugees from Afghanistan in the wake of Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan: . . . Here’s more from Project Veritas:  A source within the Federal Government has come forward to reveal suspected and known terrorists are roaming freely in the United States following the Biden administration’s exit strategy in Afghanistan, and subsequent initiatives launched by the Department of Homeland Security [DHS] to shelter fleeing refugees, known as Operation Allies Welcome. According to records obtained and published by Project Veritas, numerous violent refugees, previously flagged by DHS for a wide range of offenses the agency describes as terrorism, are living in the United States.

Read more/Watch the 4:09 minute Veritas video: https://therightscoop.com/project-veritas-whistleblower-reveals-biden-letting-suspected-muslim-terrorists-into-country-from-afghanistan/

Kruta:; ‘Why Isn’t He Saying We Know Where Those 42 Are, They’re In Jail?’: Doocy Spars With Psaki Over Suspected Terrorists In US

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy challenged press secretary Jen Psaki directly over the 42 suspected terrorists who may have been released into the United States after illegally crossing the southern border. The information came to light during a hearing late last week when Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) pressed Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on the status of 42 people from the Terror Watch List or the no-fly list who had been apprehended at the border.

Read more/Watch the 34 second Doocy/Psaki exchange: https://www.dailywire.com/news/why-isnt-he-saying-we-know-where-those-42-are-theyre-in-jail-doocy-spars-with-psaki-over-suspected-terrorists-in-us

War Room: Steve Cortes: A Recession is a Given

Steve Cortes talks to host Steve Bannon about the horrible state of the economy. “How bad is Joe Biden’s economy? It is so bad that even MSNBC, even Ali Velshi, is doing some truth telling about it. Because they know they can’t pull the wool over the eyes of the American people…. It is worse than the 1970s.”

Watch the 8:50 minute interview: https://warroom.org/2022/04/30/steve-cortes-a-recession-is-a-given/

Prager U: Seven Economic Truths

You can learn a lot about basic economics from great quotes. David Bahnsen, author of There’s No Free Lunch: 250 Economic Truths, proves how true this is.

Watch the 5:29 minute video: https://www.prageru.com/video/seven-economic-truths

Bedard:  Eighty-four percent demand voter ID, want ‘Zuckerbucks’ banned

Despite President Joe Biden’s assault on election integrity efforts in several states, voters in record numbers are demanding that identification be presented to get a ballot and want reforms across the board in all 50 states. New polling provided to Secrets Monday showed that 84% want voter ID, and huge percentages of black and Hispanic voters are behind the surge in support as the nation readies for the fall congressional midterm elections. The polling from the Honest Elections Project for two groups, the American Legislative Exchange Council and the National Conference of State Legislatures, is the latest to show that the push by Biden and his media allies has fallen flat, especially among minorities who the president claimed would be hurt by election integrity laws passed in states such as Georgia.

Read more: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/most-84-demand-voter-id-want-zuckerbucks-banned


In other survey news, a brand new Pew Research Center survey finds that the public opposes race-based college admissions by a whopping 74 percent. Here’s the general breakdown of factors the public believe should guide admission: . . .[…]  Pew, controlled for decades now by liberals despite—or rather against—the wishes of the very conservative J. Howard Pew who set up the Pew foundation, does its best to fog up the massive public opposition to race-based affirmative action admissions. Note how this first chart says minorities are “more likely” to support race as a factor in admissions than whites: But if you look closer what you note is that a majority of blacks and hispanics oppose race-based admissions (by 59 percent for blacks, and 68 percent for hispanics). Also, 62 percent of Democrats are opposed.

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2022/05/affirmative-action-even-more-unpopular-than-democrats.php

Kruta: Psaki Dodges Direct Question On Whether Disinfo Board Will ‘Censor’ Americans — Twice

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dodged direct questions — twice — about the newly-announced Disinformation Governance Board and whether or not it would actively seek to censor stories that could be damaging to President Joe Biden and his administration.

Read more/Watch the two  video clips: https://www.dailywire.com/news/psaki-dodges-direct-question-on-whether-disinfo-board-will-censor-americans-twice

Davis:  5 Reasons Joe Biden Can’t Force Taxpayers To Pay Other People’s Student Loans

The administration has no legal authority to pursue its punishment of the working class in favor of lawyers, doctors, and unemployed art history PhDs. n April 25, President Joe Biden gave his strongest indication yet that he would unilaterally force taxpayers to pay off other people’s student loans. Biden is hopeful to restore his dire approval rating among young people, 85 percent of whom apparently want other people to pay for their personal spending. What politician could resist giving out other people’s money? Let’s put aside for a second that forgiving student loans is a regressive wealth transfer, unfair to past loan holders, an inflation bomb, and incentivizes colleges to raise tuition even higher. There’s another real problem—the administration has no legal authority to pursue its punishment of the working class in favor of lawyers, doctors, and unemployed art history PhDs. When our founders gave the president the authority to command the Army and receive ambassadors, they never mentioned the president’s student loan forgiveness powers. So, he can only take this action if Congress has authorized it. Congress hasn’t. 1. You Can’t Forgive Loans You Don’t Own   Proponents of nationalizing $1.75 trillion in student debt claim the U.S. secretary of education has the power to absorb such debt pursuant to the Higher Education Act of 1965. This act set up a public-private loan program where the federal government didn’t directly own any student’s loan. Rather, private lenders lent money to students at capped rates, in exchange for the federal government backing the loans. These government-backed loans had specific terms on deferment, default, and repayment. For example, . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2022/05/02/5-reasons-joe-biden-cant-force-taxpayers-to-pay-other-peoples-student-loans/

Holy Crap, Look at All These Fancy Nerds (PHOTOS)

White House Correspondents’ Dinner weekend: Journalists mingle with celebs, applaud themselves as Ukraine burns and Americans suffer.

Read more/ See photos: https://freebeacon.com/media/fancy-nerd-explosion/

AP: Biden lunches with Clinton as midterms loom

President Joe Biden had lunch Monday with former President Bill Clinton as Democrats are facing long odds to retain their congressional majorities in November’s midterm elections — a predicament the former president knows only too well from his own time in office. White House press secretary Jen Psaki declined to say what the pair would discuss, only saying “I’m sure they will have a broad conversation.”

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/news/biden-lunches-with-clinton-as-midterms-loom/


Boswell:  EXCLUSIVE: Russian oligarch with close ties to Putin met with Hunter Biden in Moscow over potential investment deal before meeting TWICE more in New York and DC – and is now sanctioned by the UK (but NOT the US)

Hunter Biden flew to Moscow for a meeting with a now-sanctioned Russian oligarch with reportedly close ties to Vladimir Putin, laptop files reveal. Vladimir Yevtushenkov, 73, owned a company which reportedly supplied Putin’s forces with drones used for deadly bombing raids in Ukraine and until last year owned key Russian defense contractor RTI. But while he was added to the UK and Australian sanctions lists this month but remains one of a handful of oligarchs unsanctioned by the Biden administration. Hunter’s multiple meetings and apparent business deals with him are the latest in a troubling web of his connections to Putin-linked mega-rich individuals which has emerged from his abandoned laptop. Emails show the president’s son and his business partners were courting Yevtushenkov for an investment in their real estate company in 2012 and 2013.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10767957/Hunter-Biden-flew-Moscow-meeting-sanctioned-Russian-oligarch-Vladimir-Yevtushenkov.html


Markowicz: Yes, Randi Weingarten, this is war — we parents are fighting for our kids

Parents across the country are fighting against critical race theory, gender ideology and generally inappropriate lesson plans all while the left denies any of this is being taught at all. A few weeks ago, parents at the Glendale Unified School District in California confronted their school board after they learned that a third-grade teacher had shown their kids videos for Gay Pride Month that included discussions of nudity and sexual arousal. One parent had learned about the lesson and pulled her child from the class. The teacher then reached out to her school administration to see about continuing her lesson plans for two more days, and it assured her that she could in defiance of parental wishes. A parent group calling itself Gender and Our Children: La Canada, Glendale, Burbank +, or Gender LCGB, has organized to fight what’s happening at GUSD as well as neighboring school districts. To make matters worse, Gender LCGB notes, California does not allow opting out from this type of lesson.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2022/05/01/yes-randi-weingarten-this-is-war-we-parents-are-fighting-for-our-kids/

Simon: She came out as conservative at Harvard. It went better than expected.

Yet Hajjar said what she experienced after coming out as conservative by becoming a columnist for the Harvard Crimson in her final months as a student at the Ivy League school in the spring of 2021 was camaraderie. She received a lot of quiet agreement from peers, friends, teaching assistants and professors, including private emails, texts, and even people coming up to her in person expressing their approval and concurrence. She also said some of her very liberal friends thanked her for writing her column, as they felt like they “couldn’t say anything anymore” due to today’s stigma and intense analysis of everything people say. Others told her to make sure she continued to write it, saying a contrarian point of view was sorely needed. This shows a lot of people are fed up but are too scared to speak out due to the “progressive orthodoxy that’s a very vocal minority that rules over discourse,” she said.

Read more: https://www.thecollegefix.com/she-came-out-as-conservative-at-harvard-it-went-better-than-expected/

Huston: Woke to Broke: MLB Viewership Tanks Outside of Sunday Night Baseball

With about one month of Major League Baseball’s 2022 season in the books, it appears that the woke pro league is having trouble getting fans to turn on their TVs. According to Sports Media Watch, no game has reached 300,000 viewers over the past two weeks. Even a college softball game beat the 300,000 mark. […]  MLB also suffered a 49 percent crash in Sunday Night Baseball ratings.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/sports/2022/05/02/woke-to-broke-mlb-viewership-tanks-outside-of-sunday-night-baseball/


Showalter: Snitch Nation: D.C. public schools command 4-year-olds to identify the ‘racists’ in their families

Looks like Pavlik Morozov, the famous child snitch who turned in his parents to Russia’s commissars and became a Soviet hero for it, is still serving as a role model, in woke public schools of Washington, D.C. Here’s the latest from Fox News’s Jessica Chasmer: A public elementary school in Washington, D.C., gave children as young as 4 a lesson on “anti-racism” that asked them to identify racist members of their family. According to a Nov. 30 letter from Janney Elementary School Principal Danielle Singh, . . . […]  The textbook then taught this: Under a section titled, “How to deal with racism from loved ones,” the book teaches children that “just because someone is older than you doesn’t mean that they’re right all of the time.” “If someone doesn’t believe that people should be treated equally based on the color of their skin, then they are the problem. Parents need to stop making excuses for that behavior if they truly believe in anti-racism,” the book says. “Who in your family has racist beliefs? Do you think you can change their ways? What is your strategy for dealing with them?”

Read more at American Thinker.


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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