Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 27 minutes


Ayn Rand author: “We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”

Stella Paul contributor to American Thinker addresses the government & medical cartel’s deadly Covid relationship: If the hospitals were indeed crime scenes, then we must look for the criminals’ motive. AAPS (The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons) has found a classic crime motive: money. The federal government paid hospitals lavish bonuses to enforce a specific deadly protocol. Every step of the way, from the patient’s arrival in the emergency room to the delivery of their corpse in the coroner’s office, obedient hospitals were slathered with federal money.

An unidentified physician, in response to government Covid treatment protocol wrote: “It is exactly as the article describes. I lived it with my patients. It was organized homicide. Hospitals were being paid per death, not per life saved. The incentives were backwards and upside down. Once someone was admitted, the family lost contact and the patients were basically tortured to death and given no rights.

Jerome Corsi contributor to American Thinker: . . . electric vehicles (EVs) do not eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, but instead, EVs export CO2 emissions to the production chain. “You have to dig up about 500,000 pounds of materials to make a single 1,000-pound battery,” he explains. “It takes 100 to 300 barrels of oil to manufacture a battery that can hold one barrel of oil equivalent of energy. Just manufacturing the battery can have a carbon debt ranging from 10 tons to 40 tons of CO2″

Bette Grande contributor to American Thinker: If I owned a coal-fired power plant, I would consider a 60 to 90 day planned maintenance outage starting July 1. It is time that people begin to understand what their future holds. Appeasement does not end well. Atlas, it’s time to shrug.

Harold Hutchison is a reporter for Daily Caller: China refines 60% of the world’s lithium and 80% of the world’s cobalt, according to a 2021 Department of Defense report.

Larry Sand contributor to Frontpage Magazine: At the end of the day, it is not the schools, the media or the APA who is in charge of children’s well-being. Parents must step up and reclaim their children. Homeschool if at all possible, or send your child to a private school that shares your values.

Publius Huldah a pseudonym for lawyer & strict constructionist of the U.S. Constitution:  Nowhere in the Bible does God endow civil government with power over the education and upbringing of children. Those responsibilities are vested in Parents.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: But with a 78% black majority, Detroit would be taking money from black people to pay reparations to other black people with the government, run by a white mayor, taking a cut. “Detroit is the blackest big city in the nation. Eight out of every 10 people here are due some sort of reparation,” Chairwoman Hood argued. “Can you imagine how the landscape of the city might change socially, economically, spiritually, if we actually get what we’re owed?” If 8 out of 10 people are due reparations, whom does Hood see paying them? The other 2? And what happens if the other 2 leave?

Chris Queen contributor to PJMedia questions a Biden statement as the Covid Declaration Emergency ends on May 11, 2023:  “Our Administration’s vaccination requirements helped ensure the safety of workers in critical workforces including those in the healthcare and education sectors, protecting themselves and the populations they serve, and strengthening their ability to provide services without disruptions to operations,” bragged a statement from the White House. It added, “Our COVID-19 vaccine requirements bolstered vaccination across the nation, and our broader vaccination campaign has saved millions of lives.” Millions of lives? Really? Is there a standard by which the White House can measure that millions of people would have died without the vaccine?


Schwerha: Trump Vows To Save Students From ‘Radical Left’ In New Higher Ed Agenda

Trump’s agenda tackles both cultural and economic problems in higher education, and aims to “reclaim” colleges and universities from “the radical left,” he said in the video published to Rumble. His “secret weapon” will involve firing college accreditors who “failed” to “ensure that schools are not ripping off students and taxpayers” and replace them with people who will uphold a new set of standards that includes “defending the American tradition and Western civilization.” “President Trump has laid out a bold agenda for his second term and there is no other candidate in the race who can even come close to what he’s doing,” Steven Cheung, a campaign spokesperson, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “This new Agenda47 policy proposal is another example of President Trump being far ahead of the curve.”

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/05/02/trump-save-students-radical-left-higher-ed-agenda/

Watch Trump’s 2:42 minute  policy statement: https://twitter.com/realLizUSA/status/1653494680334528513?cxt=HHwWgsCztdapsvItAAAA

The OG Red: @VivekGRamaswamy coming in clutch with the truth bombs about real cults…..

Gay movement: the sex you’re attracted to is hardwired at birth, even though there’s no gay gene. Trans movement: your sex is entirely fluid, even though there is a definitive sex chromosome. LGBT movement: you must believe both of those things at once, or else you’re a bigot.

Watch the 43 second video: https://twitter.com/get4208/status/1653532004330229766?cxt=HHwWjMC-7Zumw_ItAAAA

Sundance: President Trump Extends Polling Lead, DeSantis Continues Shrinking, Ramaswamy Leaps Ahead of Haley and Pence

As the business operations of politics and consultants start their income cycle, several polls have been released in the past several days attempting to capture the attention of an increasingly angst riddled population. […]  The CBS/YouGOV poll is one of the larger overall polls that tracks large voter samples over time [DATA HERE].  “Trump looks like a former president who left office popular with his party, and little that’s happened in the ensuing years has changed that. In fact, concerning his recent legal challenges, a majority say one rationale for backing him is showing support during those fights.” For the well-funded multinational corporate opposition to Trump, generally best personified in their promotion of Ron DeSantis, the problem they cannot overcome is easily identified in the next graphic, “Why are you voting for Trump?”

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/05/02/president-trump-extends-polling-lead-desantis-continues-shrinking-ramaswamy-leaps-ahead-of-haley-and-pence/


Ellwanger: The Battle to Technologize the Body

The Left’s war on nature is integral to its larger project. The battle over trans identity is the first theater in what will be a much larger conflict over technology, the body, and the human essence. Whoever can secure the high ground in these early skirmishes will possess an enormous advantage in the fight for the future. Exploring the mutually exclusive accounts of the Nashville massacre offers a panorama of this bloody war. Although they agree on some basic facts, each account showcases a well-developed worldview and a network of deeply-held values. The Left Sees a War Against Sexual Minorities, Personal Autonomy, and Tolerance One account of Nashville views Audrey Hale as the primary victim in the narrative. This is a prominent view among the radicals on the political Left, the legacy media, the loudest voices in the LGBTQ movement, and our captured institutions. They don’t admit this outright, but some of them come close. They concede that the deaths of six people at Hale’s hands were tragic, but those deaths were something like collateral damage. They didn’t have to die, but proponents of this view think their fates were sealed by the grave injustices and stigma that trans people suffer daily in American life. In this telling of the story, Hale stands as an avatar for all trans people in America. Until just recently, we are told, they couldn’t even publicly express their “authentic selves” for fear of violence or hate. And now, just as they were feeling safe enough to live their truest lives out in the open, a backlash has begun. […]  The fence-sitters of our society—those inclined to refer to the battles like the one over trans identity as “culture war distractions”—will continue whistling past the graveyard and telling the rest of us that everything is fine. Even so, those who grasp the stakes of this fight understand it’s a war that must be fought. But what are the stakes? Kevin Kelly, a co-founder of Wired magazine, is one of many thinkers who see our era as a brief prelude to a biological merger of humanity and technology.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/the-battle-to-technologize-the-body/

Greenfield: Amnesty International Posts Fake AI Generated Photos of Police Brutality

Now it’s time to embrace real fake news. “Police officials raped and insulted women and LGBTI people taking part in protests,” text superimposed over an AI-generated woman standing in front of AI-generated flames said. Another image shows AI-generated cops pulling an AI-generated woman away from a protest. The woman is draped in a flag that shows Colombia’s red, gold, and blue stripes out of order. The images contain hallmarks of AI generation. Besides the Colombian flag’s colors being in an incorrect order, in the same image there are plenty of unrecognizably warped human faces and features like hair, officers’ names are gibberish, and hands in the image are distorted. In another image shared by Amnesty Norway, depicting an AI-generated Colombian police officer, the officer’s helmet is a nonsensical and mangled design in addition to strange anatomical features. Every media story like this one is careful to claim that the events really happened. […]  Amnesty International was founded based on a hoax. Amnesty International was founded by the British lawyer and activist Peter Benenson. In March 1961 Benenson, . . .

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/amnesty-international-posts-fake-ai-generated-photos-of-police-brutality/


In a measure that is no doubt devised as a desperate attempt to hold tight to its grasp as the self-proclaimed arbiter of global pandemics, the World Health Organization just launched a new pandemic prevention plan. Released on April 27, 2023, the WHO’s Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) Initiative’s first module focuses on respiratory pathogens, including influenza, coronaviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus. According to WHO, given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic “and the possible threat of avian influenza,” this module will enable countries to “critically review, test, and update their respiratory pandemic planning efforts to ensure they have the functional capacities and capabilities in place.” While the first module focuses on respiratory pathogens as a potential future “COVID-19 scale” pandemic, the WHO boasts that PRET’s “systems, capacities, knowledge, and tools can be leveraged and applied for groups of pathogens based on their mode of transmission.” So never fear; besides a global respiratory catastrophe, the WHO is expecting global pandemics that are both vector-borne and foodborne, to name a few. The WHO reports, “A process is underway to identify the next group of pathogens, such as arboviruses, to be addressed under this initiative.” Ultimately, the PRET initiative will be poised to operationalize the objectives and provisions of the controversial Pandemic Accord, currently being negotiated by WHO Member States. [NOTE: China owns WHO.] ]

Read more: https://thehighwire.com/editorial/whos-new-pandemic-prevention-plan-first-focus-respiratory-pathogens/


Corsi: The Push for ‘Net Zero Emissions’ is Climate Hoax Fiction, Not Energy Reality

Last August, Mark Mills, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, published a prescient report entitled “The ‘Energy Transition’ Delusion: A Reality Reset.” The report demonstrates convincingly that the transition to Net Zero Emissions (NZE), if politically imposed, will mean a dramatically reduced standard of living for the world’s advanced industrial societies. It’s an excellent essay, but it misses the mark because Mills misses the real point of the leftist push for a “green energy” revolution: For leftists, NZE is not about the climate. Instead, NZE is simply a vehicle to achieve a purely political goal. While eminently reasonable and admirable, the Manhattan Institute’s push for “energy and climate” reality to dominate governmental policy debates will fail because global warming and climate change hysteria derive from neo-Marxist anti-capitalist ideology. “Imaging a world without hydrocarbons” is predominately a utopian dream, fit only for a John Lennon lyric. Climate scientists, who exchange emails admitting their “hockey stick” arguments require rigged data, know that CO2 is not the turning knob of Earth’s temperature. […] . . . electric vehicles (EVs) do not eliminate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, but instead, EVs export CO2 emissions to the production chain. “You have to dig up about 500,000 pounds of materials to make a single 1,000-pound battery,” he explains. “It takes 100 to 300 barrels of oil to manufacture a battery that can hold one barrel of oil equivalent of energy. Just manufacturing the battery can have a carbon debt ranging from 10 tons to 40 tons of CO2,

Read more at American Thinker.

Krisher: Ford posts $1.76B 1Q profit largely on gas-powered vehicles

Ford Motor Co. made $1.76 billion last quarter, swinging into the black from a $3.1 billion net loss for the same period a year ago. Most of the profit came from Ford Blue, the company’s internal-combustion engine vehicle unit, which made $2.62 billion before taxes during the quarter. Ford Pro, the commercial vehicle unit, added $1.37 billion. But Model e, Ford’s electric vehicle unit, lost $722 million before taxes.

Read more: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ford-posts-1-76b-1q-203307421.html


Cleveland: Lawsuit Shows Government’s Hands All Over The Election Integrity Partnership’s Censorship Campaign

he members of the Election Integrity Partnership and Virality Project conspired with state, local, and federal government officials to violate the First Amendment rights of social media users, a class-action lawsuit filed on Tuesday in a Louisiana federal court alleged. Over the course of the 88-page complaint, the named plaintiffs, Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and Co-Director of Health Freedom Louisiana Jill Hines, detailed extensive direct and indirect government involvement with the defendants’ censorship activities, allegedly making the private entities and individuals “state actors” for purposes of the Constitution.

Here are the highlights of the government’s alleged connection to the defendants’ censorship activities. Formed in 2020, the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) describes itself as a partnership “between four of the nation’s leading institutions focused on understanding misinformation and disinformation in the social media landscape: the Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, Graphika, and the Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab.” In early 2021, the same four entities expanded their focus to address supposed Covid-19 “misinformation” on social media, calling the effort the “Virality Project.” In both the run-up to the 2020 election and since then, EIP and the Virality Project pushed Big Tech companies to censor speech. Excepting the University of Washington, which was not named in the class-action lawsuit, the institutions involved in the EIP and Virality Project are private entities, and the individuals running those institutions are non-governmental actors. Thus, without more, the censorship efforts would not implicate the First Amendment. But there was more — much more — a conspiracy . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/05/03/lawsuit-shows-governments-hands-all-over-the-election-integrity-partnerships-censorship-campaign/


Glazov Gang: The Bioweapon Cocktail in the Freezer

Dr. Cottrell discusses The Bioweapon Cocktail in the Freezer, exposing the nightmare on the horizon – if humans don’t wake up fast.

The world changed post Covid. Now we are moving into a post Covid era. People need to realize that we have a series of governments doing bioweapon development.

Watch the 48:38 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/glazov-gang-the-bioweapon-cocktail-in-the-freezer/

Fleetwood: Texas AG Launches Investigation Into ‘Misrepresentations’ By Covid Jab Manufacturers: ‘The Public Must Know’

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton launched an investigation into Covid jab manufacturers on Monday to uncover whether these companies conducted gain-of-function research or misled the public about the efficacy of the experimental shots. “The development of the Covid-19 vaccine, and the representations made by and knowledge of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, are of profound interest to the public’s health and welfare. This investigation aims to discover the truth,” said Paxton in a statement. “If any company illegally took advantage of consumers during this period or compromised people’s safety to increase their profits, they will be held responsible.” According to a press release, Paxton’s investigation will look into whether the aforementioned pharmaceutical companies violated the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act by intentionally misleading the public about the shot’s effectiveness in preventing human-to-human transmission of the virus. The inquiry will also examine “potential manipulation of vaccine trial data.”

Read ore: https://thefederalist.com/2023/05/02/texas-ag-launches-investigation-into-misrepresentations-by-covid-jab-manufacturers-the-public-must-know/


Paul: Covid Hospital Protocols Destroyed Thousands of American Families

Someday, if America is saved, there may be a museum to memorialize the Covid dead.  There will be a wing for those killed by the disease who died at home after being refused early treatment. There will be a wing for those who died of the vaccine and another for those who died from the lockdowns. And, surely, one wing will be dedicated to those who died in hospitals due to deadly protocols. Last week, my article in American Thinker, “What Happened in Hospitals During Covid,” explored the lethal medical regimen that patients were subjected to in hospitals, often without their informed consent.  The article gained a lot of attention, and I was invited on Bannon’s War Room to discuss it. As a result, I began hearing from many people about their loved ones’ tortured passing in hospitals, and my Twitter feed began to resemble a digital graveyard of remembrance for the cherished souls who were lost. Here’s a sample of the agony of the bereaved. […]  Doctors and nurses with strong ethics are also suffering, feeling betrayed by the profession to which they gave their lives.  […]  In my interview on War Room, Natalie Winter, the wunderkind investigative reporter who hosted the show, asked me to go through each stage of the federal government’s bonuses to the hospitals. Here they are, as listed by AAPS: . . . […]  I told Natalie about another Covid payout that extended beyond the coroner’s slab. When my husband died in a locked down nursing home in New York, I received a letter from the government informing me . . .

Read more/Watch the 8 minute video interview at American Thinker.


Hoekstra: Politicized Intelligence Community: Danger to a Democracy

  • Teixeira, if convicted, is facing a lengthy prison sentence. Morrell, meanwhile, remains an esteemed national security figure who has members of the press defending his actions, even though they had an impact on the last election. Beyond Morrell, none of the other signatories of the letter has suffered any negative consequences for choosing to use the stature they gained by virtue of being high ranking, cleared individuals to politicize national security.
  • While one cannot condone the alleged activities of Mr. Teixeira, one can understand his confusion at being a part of an Intelligence Community where the leadership has allowed itself to become a partisan appendage of the Democratic Party and, instead of suffering consequences, is rewarded.
  • Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe called the letter “election interference,” said it had damaged national security by unjustly framing another country, Russia, and stated that Secretary of State Antony Blinken should either resign or be impeached.
  • Why then are we surprised when a 21-year-old leaks classified information? The big shots are not afraid to trade on their reputations or access to highly classified information, and they are not held accountable for their actions. Even though he should have known better, maybe Teixeira thought he would not be held accountable either?
  • The deception and political activities of these intelligence professionals — and their complicit media enablers — need to be exposed and reported. Every single one of these 51 individuals who signed the Hunter Biden laptop letter should lose their security clearance if they still have one.
  • Those serving in government or on appointed federal boards or commissions should be removed from those positions immediately. Lastly, Congress needs to hold hearings into the culture of the Intelligence Community that lets these types of individuals serve without fear of accountability. It then needs to expose and rip out the rot that has infected the Intelligence Community and get it out of domestic politics and refocused on foreign threats to our great nation.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19611/politicized-intelligence-community


Whedon: Judge denies trans Montana lawmaker’s bid to return to House floor following censure

A judge has rejected a suit from Montana Democratic state Rep. Zooey Zephyr seeking to return to the state House floor following a censure vote from lawmakers over remarks made during debate on a bill barring transgender care for minors. Zephyr, a trans individual, filed suit on Monday seeking to override the decision that bars the Democrat from speaking on the House floor. Several constituents alleged that the decision had infringed on their constitutional rights. District Court Judge Mike Menahan determined that he lacked the authority to overrule the legislature on such a matter.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/judge-denies-trans-montana-lawmakers-bid-return-house-floor-following-censure

Cooke: BREAKING: Jurors Likely Deadlocked In Jan 6 Proud Boys Trial

According to a report by NBC News’ Ryan Reilly, the jury in the Proud Boys trial is now deadlocked and just asked the judge in the case to provide more specific instruction on the definition of “seditious conspiracy”. This means the primary charge of the highest-profile January 6th case is now in doubt. The judge is expected to give instructions to the jury shortly on how to interpret the law and break the deadlock. A failure to convict the Proud Boys on seditious conspiracy would be a major black eye for the Department of Justice, as this is just one of only two trials of the so-called “January 6 Insurrection” where anyone has actually been charged with insurrection.Of the more than one thousand others who have been accused by the DOJ, the vast majority have been nonviolent offenders guilty of trespassing or “unlawful parading.”

Read more: https://valiantnews.com/2023/05/breaking-jurors-likely-deadlocked-in-jan-6-proud-boys-trial/


Ballasy: House committee chairs introduce bill to bring order to border ‘chaos’ with Title 42 set to expire

“For more than two years, President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas have watched our southwest border fall into the hands of violent cartels and stood by as their own open-border policies allowed the crisis to metastasize to our northern and maritime borders,” House committee chairmen Jim Jordan (Judiciary), Mark Green (Homeland Security), and Michael McCaul (Foreign Affairs) said in a joint statement. “This chaos has pushed our Border Patrol agents to the brink, forcing them to work endless hours with no support. […]  The chairman said the proposed legislation would invest in technology at the border and put an end to the Biden administration’s “reckless catch-and-release policies.” The bill would also take steps to resurrect two cornerstones of Trump administration border policy — Remain in Mexico and the Asylum Cooperation Agreements — that the Biden administration ended through executive actions.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/congress/house-gop-chairmen-introduce-secure-border-act-title-42-set-expire-under-2


(5/2/2023) Senator John Kennedy gets to the HEART of Democrat attacks on the Supreme Court [VIDEO]

Democrats in the Senate are holding a hearing today trying to undermine the Supreme Court over a phony ethics scandal they’ve created against Justice Clarence Thomas.

Read more/Watch the 26 second clip: https://therightscoop.com/senator-john-kennedy-gets-to-the-heart-of-democrat-attacks-on-the-supreme-court-video/

War Room: Mike Davis: Nonsense ‘Political Smear Job’ against Clarence Thomas

Watch the 4:58 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2lq3oc-mike-davis-nonsense-political-smear-job-against-clarence-thomas.html

Lindsey Graham Rips Democrats At Hearing, Claims They Are Seeking To ‘Destroy The Legitimacy’ Of The Supreme Court

Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham highlighted multiple instances of what he claimed was bias against conservative Supreme Court justices during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Tuesday, arguing that the hearing was a partisan attempt to “destroy the legitimacy” of the Supreme Court. […]

In 1998, then-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg donated a signed copy of her decision in the  United States v. Virginia case—which found the Virginia Military Institute’s male-only admissions policy unconstitutional—to an auction for the National Organization for Women’s Legal Defense Fund. Graham questioned what would have happened if conservative Justice Samuel Alito donated a signed copy of his Dobb’s decision—which returned the power to make abortion laws to the states—  to Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America. “All hell would break loose in this country,” he said. “Why didn’t all hell break loose in 1998?…I think we all know the answer to that.”

Read more/Watch the 1:01 minute video: https://dailycaller.com/2023/05/02/sen-graham-bias-conservatievs-liberal-justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg/


Fleetwood: Report: Unable To Meet Recruiting Targets, The U.S. Navy Is Turning To Drag Queens For Help

According to a Daily Caller report, the Navy brought on Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley — an active-duty drag queen who goes by the stage name Harpy Daniels and identifies as non-binary — to be a “Navy Digital Ambassador.” The Digital Ambassador initiative, which ran from October 2022 to March 2023, was reportedly “designed to explore the digital environment to reach a wide range of potential candidates” for military recruitment, according to a Navy representative. In November, Kelley announced on Instagram the Navy had invited him to become the branch’s first “Digital Ambassador.” During his announcement video, Kelley highlighted his experience performing in drag for the Navy as early as 2018 and his new role as a so-called “leader” and “advocate” for individuals who were allegedly “oppressed for years in the service.”

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/05/02/report-unable-to-meet-recruiting-targets-the-u-s-navy-is-turning-to-drag-queens-for-help/


Lane: Watch: Ukraine Attempted to Assassinate Putin in Kremlin Drone Strike Overnight, Claims Russia

“Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin”, so says the Russian government through the official communication channel Tass on Wednesday morning, releasing a statement alleging they had fended off an attack against the heart of the Russian state by Ukrainian drones. Ukraine has not yet claimed the attack and Russia has not offered any hard evidence of what happened. Nevertheless, it is claimed President Volodymyr Zelesnky’s chief of staff posted “fire emojis” to his personal Telegram channel after the news broke but swiftly deleted them.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/europe/2023/05/03/watch-ukraine-attempted-to-assassinate-putin-in-kremlin-drone-strike-overnight-claims-russia/


Greenfield: Biden Admin Ponders Unconstitutionally Seizing ‘Power of the Purse’

The long game in the debt ceiling battles has been to engineer a larger economic power shift even beyond infinite spending and infinite debt (a leftist economic idea known as Modern Monetary Theory embraced by the left wing of the Dems). The options on the table have been for the president (when he’s a Democrat, obviously) to either mint a trillion-dollar coin or declare that the debt limit is unconstitutional and start borrowing money on his own. Both are blatantly unconstitutional attacks on one of the most fundamental elements of the checks and balances of the respective powers of the presidency and the legislature. The idea that a dubious clause in the Fourteenth Amendment could override the fundamental structure of the Constitution is obviously wrong. […]  Section 4, which the Biden administration is pondering using to grab the power of the purse away from Congress,  . . . […]  If Biden goes with the “force the courts to stop me” option, he has little to lose. His administration is already on an unpopular leftist Jihad that seems to exist mostly to open the Overton Window. And even a Supreme Court decision isn’t a foregone conclusion. While Alito and Thomas are solid, . . .

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/biden-admin-ponders-unconstitutionally-seizing-power-of-the-purse/

Goodman: DOE Set To Award $200M Grant to Battery Maker Run by Chinese ‘Talent Program’ Recruit

The founder of a lithium battery company poised to receive a $200 million grant from the Biden administration was once brought to China through a Chinese Communist Party program that the FBI warns is used for economic espionage. The founder and chief executive officer of Microvast, Wu Yang, in 2000 was recruited to move back to China from the United States as part of a Chinese government-sponsored “talent program.” The grant to Microvast could conflict with the stated policy of the Department of Energy, which plans to boost the company with the massive green energy grant. A DOE official said in February that the department is “prohibited” from funding people who are involved in foreign talent programs. The Department of Energy has faced criticism from lawmakers for months over its proposed $200 million grant to Microvast to build a battery separator facility, after the Washington Free Beacon reported late last year that the company operates primarily out of China. While the administration in a pre-election press release last October portrayed the funding as a done deal, the department now says the grant is still under review.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/biden-administration/doe-set-to-award-200m-grant-to-battery-maker-run-by-chinese-talent-program-recruit/

War Room: Todd Bensman: “I’m being told that the whole system is already off the rails.”

On May 11,  700,000 to 1 million illegal aliens will cross our open southern border. [NOTE: Interesting that the Biden administration allows the Covid-19 Public Health Declaration to expire on May 11, 2023. Coincidence?]

Watch the 13:33 minute video: https://rumble.com/v2lpf8g-todd-bensman-im-being-told-that-the-whole-system-is-already-off-the-rails..html

War Room: Victor Avila: “It’s lawlessness down there and its been like this in Arizona, Texas, Brownsville..”

Biden sending 1500 troops to the border to welcome illegal immigrants not to stop them.

Watch the 6:07 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2lppvo-victor-avila-its-lawlessness-down-there-and-its-been-like-this-in-arizona-t.html

(IRS swat teams?) Kruta: In The Last 3 Years Alone, IRS Has Dropped $10 Million On Weapons, Ammo, And Tactical Gear

The report was compiled by watchdog organization Open the Books — which tracks government spending — and contains data through the end of March. “The Militarization of Federal Bureaucracy – Updated Statistics Through March 31, 2023” was released to the public last Thursday. According to the report, the federal tax agency spent more than $5 million just in 2021 — and since 2020, $2.3 million has gone to pay for ammunition; $474,000 has gone to Smith & Wesson rifles; and $463,000 has gone to Beretta 1301 tactical shotguns. In addition, the IRS has dumped more than $1 million dollars into defensive tactical gear — $243,000 for body armor vests and $1.2 million for ballistic shields.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/in-the-last-3-years-alone-irs-has-dropped-10-million-on-weapons-ammo-and-tactical-gear

Franey: White House shuts down question over why Biden refuses to publicly acknowledge his seventh grandchild amid Hunter’s child support trial days after president mentioned only six of them at ‘Bring a Kid to Work Day’

DailyMail.com pressed Joe Biden‘s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as to why the commander-in-chief will not admit Navy Joan, 4, is Hunter’s daughter. ‘I’m not going to speak on that from here,’ the senior presidential aide said. The president told a student at ‘take your child to work day’ last week that he had just six grandchildren. Biden then offered the audience of children a brief background on each of his six grandchildren. ‘They’re crazy about me because I pay so much attention to them,’ he bragged but did not mention Navy. Navy’s mother, Lunden Roberts, 32, is suing the president’s son in an Arkansas lawsuit in a row over unpaid child support for her daughter Navy.

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12038919/White-House-shuts-question-Bidens-seventh-grandchild.html


Solomon: As evidence emerges in Hunter Biden probe, investigators see a political protection racket

The more congressional investigators dig into evidence in the Hunter Biden scandal that was kept from the public for years, the more they have become concerned the first family was protected by a political cone of silence that prevented voters from making an informed choice in the 2020 election about a family with uncomfortable foreign business deals and partners. […]  Two new sensational allegations burst into public Tuesday as Johnson joined fellow Sen. Chuck Grassley to formally accuse Secretary of State Antony Blinken, a close lieutenant of President Joe Biden, of giving Congress a “patently false” account in 2020 about his earlier dealings with Hunter Biden during the Obama years. “On December 22, 2020, you provided false testimony to Congress during your voluntary transcribed interview,” the senators wrote in a letter to the secretary demanding he preserve and turn over all records of his and his wife’s contacts with Hunter Biden. You can read that letter here: . . .

Read more: https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/evidence-emerges-hunter-biden-probe-investigators-see-political


(March 2023) Parents’ Statutory “Bill Of Rights”: A Massive Transfer Of Power Over Children, From Parents To Governments

On February 2 of this year (2023), the North Carolina Senate passed SB 49, which bears the deceptive title of “Parents’ Bill of Rights”.  It transfers massive open-ended powers over children to the federal and state governments and to the “governing body” of the school.  The Parents are “granted” enumerated rights[1] and every such right is qualified by exceptions which may be carved out at any time by the various levels of governments.  This is a profoundly evil piece of work; and if it passes the House, Parents in North Carolina with minor children would be wise to consider leaving the State and taking their children with them. […]  The Creator God who, as acknowledged by our Declaration of Independence, endowed us with unalienable Rights; also assigned to parents specific responsibilities to their children.  Parents are to:. . . […] In a nutshell, what SB 49 does is to transfer power over  children from parents to governments.  Parents’ “rights” consist of the privilege of being notified of decisions made respecting their children by governments; and they are granted certain rights to challenge some of the decisions. Here are some of the provisions of SB 49: Page 1, lines 27-30 grant to parents the right to enroll their child in any school choice option “available to the parent” for which the child is “eligible by law”. So parents can’t homeschool unless the Legislature permits it.

Read more: https://thewashingtonstandard.com/parents-statutory-bill-of-rights-a-massive-transfer-of-power-over-children-from-parents-to-governments/

Sand: The War on Boys and Girls

Over the years, a cause for teen angst, suicide, etc., has reportedly been the media. But there is no definitive evidence to corroborate that. In fact, every recent generation has traditionally pointed to the media or some other cultural factor as damaging to youth. In the 1920s, it was the Charleston, and in the 1940s, the bogeyman was radio crime dramas. Then in the 1950s, it was shoot-em-up westerns on TV and the advent of rock ‘n roll. But at the end of the day, most kids grew up normally. […]  A report from the CDC in February found that teen girls are experiencing “record high levels of violence, sadness, and suicide risk.” The data show that 57% of U.S. teen girls felt “persistently sad or hopeless in 2021—double that of boys, representing a nearly 60% increase and the highest level reported over the past decade.” About 30% had seriously attempted suicide. These numbers are dramatically higher than they were ten years ago.

Toxic masculinity is a counterproductive term, to say the least. Boys are unlikely to react well to the idea that there is something toxic inside them that needs to be exorcised, especially as most of them identify quite strongly with their masculinity. Almost half of men said their sex was “extremely important” to their identity. […]  With boys, it’s certainly institutional. In 2019, Scientific American posted an article entitled “How to Fight Toxic Masculinity,” and the American Psychological Association declared that “traditional masculinity is psychologically harmful.”  […]  Who else is behind our culture’s malevolent turn toward young people? Many school districts have decided to take over the traditional role of parents, and this, I believe, is a very important factor in the alienation of the young. […]  Needless to say, the teachers unions have been leaders in promoting the chasm between parents and their children. The National Education Association and likeminded groups have released a guide that, among many things, suggests . . .

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-war-on-boys-and-girls/

 Yenor: Federalism for Families

Red states should engineer policies to encourage higher birth rates and to attract large families.  Count me as one of those generally skeptical that tax breaks, tax credits, housing allowances, and other economic incentives for parents will decisively increase birth rates. In general, values like honor, pride, and shame affect how people behave more than any economic incentives. When family life—especially motherhood—is dishonored, birth rates decline; when honored, they rise. […] Family-friendly economic policies such as those in Hungary and Poland are not irrelevant, but not as important as other normative factors. No American state has ever tried family allowance or tax credit, however. Such incentives, combined with policies oriented toward promoting the centrality of the family to American life, might work. […]  Building on that idea, states could cultivate family-friendly environments by adopting policies to induce families with large broods to emigrate. States could start by building relatively wholesome environments for raising children. Protecting kids from publicly-sponsored gender wokeness is a great first step. States could, like Florida, seek to prevent state-sponsored moral corruption of children by regulating the teaching of gender identity in the schools, expunging porn from public libraries, and prohibiting drag queen performances targeted at or even including children. Perhaps they could adopt a more civilized sex education, emphasizing that sex finds a place in marriage and that boys and girls will have somewhat different destinies in family life. States could increase the power of such parents. […]  The culture follows public opinion. As more large families gather into family-friendly states, having large families becomes less freaky and more normal and honorable.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/federalism-for-families/


Sapir: Nothing to See Here

Following the explosive allegations of wrongdoing by former employee-turned-whistleblower Jamie Reed, the Washington University Transgender Center (WUTC, or the Center) at St. Louis Children’s Hospital conducted an internal investigation of its practices. In a report it released late last month, WUTC claimed that it found no evidence of serious problems. Reed’s allegations, it concluded, were “unsubstantiated.” WUTC’s report has four basic problems. First: in its eight-week investigation, the Center never bothered to interview Jamie Reed herself. One would think that hearing about allegations of misconduct from the individual making them is a key part of an internal review. WUTC’s lack of interest in what Reed has to say—whether, for instance, there is relevant information she did not include in her sworn affidavit or whether she has learned anything in the months since complaining to the attorney general—suggests a lack of good faith on WUTC’s part. This deficiency alone calls the report’s conclusions into question. […]  Responding to the release of the WUTC report on Friday, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey said that “the transgender center’s assertions don’t line up with what we’ve uncovered so far in our investigation.” A truly comprehensive and impartial investigation of the clinic is needed more than ever.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/article/nothing-to-see-here


The Right Scop: Watch Texas DPS officers quickly deal with violent transgender activist at House protest – [VIDEO]

Texas DPS officers don’t mess around. There was a protest today at the House of Representatives where a transgender activist started fighting cops and quickly got his butt handed to him. The reason for the protest was a bill in the House to ban the transgender medical attack on minors.

Read more/Watch the e56 second video: https://therightscoop.com/watch-texas-dps-officers-quickly-deal-with-violent-transgender-activist-at-house-protest-video/

The Right Scoop: WATCH: California teen calls out school board WITH FIRE for allowing “mentally confused men to use women’s spaces”

I thought the middle schooler we wrote about yesterday did a good job at making his point about there only being two genders, but this 18-year-old girl has fire in her veins over the issue. I absolutely love how she called out the mental confusion of these boys who think they are women, not afraid to speak the truth about it to these fools running the show. That’s a rare show of courage.

Read more/Watch the 1:19 minute video: https://therightscoop.com/watch-california-teen-calls-out-school-board-%f0%9f%94%a5with-fire%f0%9f%94%a5-for-allowing-mentally-confused-men-to-use-womens-spaces/

Revolver.news: Strange hypnosis: is Biden inciting crazed MK-Ultra transgender radicals to kill MAGA Republicans?

Joe Biden is a lot of things, but a “unifier” isn’t one of them, and to make matters worse, the recent shift in Biden’s behavior has been drastic. From a harmless old man shouting at clouds, he’s now transformed into a pudding-eating, seek-and-destroy human missile. This alarming transformation has left many concerned that someone may end up seriously hurt or killed as a result of his neurologically-compromised behavior. The title of our piece is tongue-in-cheek but the topic is deadly serious. Intentionally or not, Joe Biden’s rhetoric is radicalizing an angry mob of mentally unstable radicals into his own personal army of loony assassins trained to kill MAGA Republicans. In recent months, the country has been overrun with violent, hulking transgenders—juiced up on hormones and hate—who are lashing out in deadly ways. […]  Of all the sins of the MAGA Republicans, though, perhaps the worst is their transgression against the left’s First Commandment, which is “Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Besides Transgenders”. If  you thought we were joking about the religious aspect of it, watch this video as Joe Biden calls laws restricting sex changes for kids “close to sinful”:

Read more/Watch the video clips: https://www.revolver.news/2023/05/strange-hypnosis-is-biden-inciting-crazed-mk-ultra-transgender-radicals-to-kill-maga-republicans/

Halligan: Miriam Grossman talks powerfully with Dr. J.P. about the forgotten victims of the transgender cult – the parents and extended family

Parental Trauma in a World of Gender Insanity | Miriam Grossman MD | EP 347 – YouTube “Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Miriam Grossman discuss the grief and trauma associated with the Transgender movement, not just for those transitioning, but for the parents and families who now find themselves shunned and alienated if they refuse to affirm their own child’s delusion. They also go into detail on the history of the ideology, the monstrosity of Dr. John Money, and his horrendous failed experiment on which he built his doctrines.” Skip to the 27 minute 15 second mark for what to me was quite moving. It describes the “get out of my office” attitude of psychiatrists to the on-going and likely permanent Traumatic Stress Disorder (not PTSD, just TSD) suffered by parents of kids who have been brainwashed into thinking their body does not reflect their gender.

Read more: https://peterhalligan.substack.com/p/miriam-grossman-talks-powerfully


Rossman: A CRT Mandate?

Every high school student in California is familiar with the “A-G requirements” for admission to the University of California. These requirements codify what almost anyone would list if asked to describe the contents of an academically oriented high school curriculum: two years of history or civics, four years of English, three or four years of math, two or three years of science, two or three years of foreign language, a year of art, and a year of an elective. Or at least that’s the current standard. Depending on how a faculty committee of the University of California rules, beginning in 2030, students applying to the University of California as freshmen would also have to have completed a semester of ethnic studies, taught from a theoretically and politically radical perspective. […]  The University of California proposal would, in effect, set the curriculum for every high school in California. The California state legislature already mandates ethnic studies for public high schools, but the UC BOARS proposal goes beyond that. (The original version of the state legislature bill had CRT language, as well as support for the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions movement against Israel, but Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed it on those grounds.) The UC BOARS proposal would effectively mandate this curriculum for private schools as well as public ones. Organizations generally follow the imperatives and hints offered by their cultural and professional environment, and the most relevant actors for private schools are colleges—in particular, college-admissions departments.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/article/a-crt-mandate


Zymeri: Vermont Becomes First State to Open Assisted Suicide to Out-of-Staters

Vermont removed its residency requirement for assisted suicide on Tuesday, officially opening the door for any American to travel to the state to end their life. Nine other states allow the practice of assisted suicide, but Vermont is the first to actively change its law to strip the residency requirement. Oregon, which also allows assisted suicide, agreed to stop enforcing its residency requirement as part of a settlement to a lawsuit that alleged the requirement is unconstitutional. Advocates of assisted suicide thought it discriminatory. Vermont had a similar process to Oregon’s. In March, before the Vermont legislature and Republican governor Phil Scott acted in concert to change the law, the state had come to a settlement with a Connecticut woman dying of cancer. She would be the first non-Vermonter to be able to take advantage of Vermont’s assisted suicide law provided she complied with other aspects of the law.

[NOTE: Euthanasia is a slippery slope. When will being euthanized no longer be voluntary? Look only to what happened to hospitalized Covid patients during the pandemic. Read the article under MEDICAL CARTEL CANCELLED THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH FOR A BOUNTY  ]

Read more: https://www.nationalreview.com/news/vermont-becomes-first-state-to-open-assisted-suicide-to-out-of-staters/

Rep Matt Gaetz: BREAKING: Tallahassee Woman Arrested and Charged with Assaulting Congressman Matt Gaetz

On Saturday Evening, Gaetz Issues Statement in Response “I will never allow the safety of Northwest Floridians to be compromised. I will be pressing charges against this individual in order…

Watch the 4:17 minute video: https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1653458785644544000?cxt=HHwWgIC8kaqAovItAAAA

Sundance: Why Now? Florida Republican Legislature Sealing Ron DeSantis Travel Records from Public Review

The easiest way to cut through the pretending nonsense is to ask the obvious question, ‘Why now?‘ The Florida Republican Legislature is changing the Sunshine Laws in Florida to block people from reviewing the travel records of the Florida Governor. [HB1495 Link] The claimed justification is security, to protect the governor and high-ranking state officials.  However, the obvious timing of Ron DeSantis pending run for the White House, in combination with his administration refusing to give details on who/how the funding for his private charter flights have been taking place during the “book tour,” makes the new law much more suspicious as constructed.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/05/02/why-now-florida-republican-legislature-sealing-ron-desantis-travel-records-from-public-review/

Jacobson: Remembering the Wisconsin 2011-2012 Leftist “Insurrection”

Democrat/Leftist/Anti-Republican protesters have been taking over state houses and disrupting legislative proceedings multiple times in the past couple of months. It’s not like it’s a new tactic. I’m so old I remember the insurrection against Scott Walker in Wisconsin during 2011-2012. […]  Windows were smashed to gain entry, as protesters pushed through police guarding the doors.

Read mor/Watch the 1:14 minute report: https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/04/remembering-the-wisconsin-2011-2012-leftist-insurrection/

Byrnes: $100 Million Offer Made to Tucker Carlson for New Broadcast Role

On Tuesday, Valuetainment Television made a public $100 million, five-year contract offer to Tucker Carlson, plus ownership shares in the company. Carlson is still under contract to News Corp., however, and his Tucker Carlson Today shows are still in the archive lineup. But his sidelining has created a media feeding frenzy. Newsmax also seems to be in the hunt. Backchannels — and in the case of Valuetainment, a publicity-grabbing front channel — have opened up as media companies hope to steal market share on the Right from the Fox News Channel.

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/gregbyrnes/2023/05/02/100-million-offer-made-to-tucker-carlson-for-new-broadcast-role-n1692130

Klasfeld: Jeffrey Epstein sent ex-senior JPMorgan exec photo of young woman in ‘sexually suggestive pose,’ judge says

Released on Monday afternoon, Senior U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff’s 54-page opinion and order explains why he advanced claims alleging that JPMorgan and Deutsche Bank knowingly profited from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking scheme. Rakoff revealed new details about the bank, and its former executives, in explaining his reasoning. The most prominent among these bankers is Staley, who later moved on to become the CEO of Barclays Bank, before resigning amid scrutiny of his Epstein ties.

Read more: https://lawandcrime.com/jeffrey-epstein-2/jeffrey-epstein-sent-ex-senior-jpmorgan-exec-photo-of-young-woman-in-sexually-suggestive-pose-judge-says/


Fernandez: Sudan Again

Americans suspicious of our elites’ lust for foreign entanglements and of their sending billions down foreign policy ratholes probably have looked askance at recent news of fighting coming from the African country of Sudan. What does it all mean, and why should we care, beyond the fact that thousands of U.S. passport holders were left behind when the Biden Administration evacuated diplomats from our embassy in Khartoum? The fighting in Sudan is essentially between two armies, both of them with a grim past and a history of corruption and human rights abuses. Each one seeks to dominate and replace the other while eventually controlling the state. The struggle is over power, money, personal ambition, and institutional rivalry tinged with ethnocentrism. The two sides have different geographic and ethnic origins. […]  A lot of Western reporting on this conflict is just wrong. It is not really about great power competition. While Hemedti does have a much-publicized relationship with the Russian Wagner private military company (Wagner in Africa is Washington’s most recent monomania) involving Darfur’s gold mines, both sides are pro-Russian and pro-Chinese as is quite common on the African continent. Russia will sell you weapons no questions asked, China will build infrastructure on easy terms, while Washington will give you a rainbow-flag-tinged lecture for your sins.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/sudan-again/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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