Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 15 minutes


Federer: D-Day, June 6, 1944: Turning Point for World War Two in Europe & the Nazi aggression that led up to it; FDR “A Struggle to Preserve our Republic, our Religion and our Civilization”

After World War I, Germany’s economy suffered from depression and a devaluation of their currency. On January 30, 1933, Adolph Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany by promising hope and universal healthcare. Less than a month later, on February 27, 1933, a crisis occurred —

the Rheichstag, Germany’s Capitol Building, was suspiciously set on fire, with evidence pointing to Hitler’s supporters. Hitler, though, blamed the attack on his political opponents and used the power of the state to falsely accused and arrest them. Hitler used the panic of the “crisis” as an opportunity to suspend citizens’ rights and systematically undermine Germany’s Weimar Republic.

Read more: https://americanminute.com/blogs/todays-american-minute/d-day-june-6-1944-fdr-a-struggle-to-preserve-our-republic-our-religion-our-civilization-hitlers-national-socialist-workers-party-brownshirts-used-antifa-tactics-american-minute-with-bill-federer

Tillman: D-Day, History, and Memory

History is where you find it. Certainly it’s found in books, and on television. But while we still enjoy the company of perhaps 150,000 Americans who served in World War II, they include veterans of June 6, 1944, and the scores of D-Days that preceded and followed the Normandy invasion. We can still appreciate their sacrifice and their service. For a moment, let’s consider what those veterans meant to America and the world. Let’s ponder what their victory accomplished — and what it did not. Operation Neptune (the naval portion) delivered Overlord (the invasion) to five beaches along the Normandy coast: two American, two British, one Canadian. Some 175,000 Allied airborne and ground troops comprised the initial landings, with perhaps 4,400 dead or missing, including 2,500 Americans. German losses remain uncertain; perhaps 9,000 total casualties.

Read more at American Thinker.


J.B. Shurk contributor to American Thinker: When the day comes that the Marxists are throwing Molotov cocktails through corporate windows or confiscating company assets as their own, there will not be a lot of sympathy from the millions of Americans who have long wished just to be left alone.  When the same corporate officers who harangued normal Americans as bigots are rounded up by the real bigots who tolerate no diversity of thought, their Marxist jailers will lack the compassion and forgiveness that Christians embrace.  When woke companies discover that they allied with untrustworthy partners, they will have already sealed their fate.

Robert A. Taft contributor to American Thinker: Even the New York Times declared that the new debt limit bill will not save a penny or cut a dime from government spending. Over the next two years Biden will have access to $14 trillion of new spending, $4 trillion that will not be covered by tax and revenue income. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the bill will save $2.1 trillion over six years, but since there are no statutory caps in place, the 2.1 trillion is a fiction. In fact, supplemental requests for natural disasters and the Ukraine war will add to the $14 trillion.

Madeleine Hubbard is a reporter for Just the News:  The Treasury Department recently imposed sanctions on an Iran-based technology firm for helping Iranian leaders impose internet censorship on anti-government protests, but President Joe Biden is remaining silent on the U.S. government’s censorship of its own citizens.

Ned Ryun contributor to American Greatness: . . . we cannot change the rules of the game unless we win the game by the existing rules. To think otherwise is to bark at the moon. We must use the laws as they currently stand in every state across the country to help our candidates across the finish line.

Victor Davis Hanson contributor to American Greatness: Like the mysterious omnipresence of transgenderism in popular culture, all of a sudden, the obsession with whites as a Satanic collective has become a national fad—a pet-rock or hula-hoop-like collective madness. Yet such an addiction remains bizarre in a variety of ways. Millions in the present are now to be libeled as oppressors by the contemporary self-described oppressed—supposedly for what some whites who are mostly now dead once did to now mostly dead others.

Stella Morabito contributor to The Federalist: In the end, we must coalesce around freedom, not safety. Some may believe they’ll get a sense of safety and peace by living under an authoritarian state that dictates what they may say and how they must relate to others. Yet giving up your freedom for the illusion of safety also means giving up the private sphere of life, the only place in which we can forge the relationships we crave. Let’s not trade that in for the pseudo-intimacy and pseudo-life of collectivism.



SARS is not a naturally occurring  phenomena but was engineered in a lab at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill with grants from Anthony Fauci’s NAID. In 1999 our government knew that vaccines do not work against coronaviruses because the virus is malleable and escapes the vaccine impulse. In 2002 U of NC Chapel Hill patented an infectious replication defective clone of coronavirus. Infectious replication defective clone means it is an engineered biological weapon meant to target an individual but not have collateral damage to other individuals. The patent mysteriously preceded SARS 1.0 by one year.  SARS came from a laboratory at U of NC Chapel Hill.

Watch the 21:27 minute presentation that was made to  the EU Parliament: https://rumble.com/v2qec4u-dr-david-martin-w-the-most-important-video-you-will-watch-on-c-19-and-plann.html

(Why does the Biden administration continue to push proven ineffective & dangerous mRNA boosters?)

Wauck:  Brief Covid mRNA Injection Update

You may have heard recently that most adults—80%—are not getting boosted with mRNA injections. The CDC is recommending that everyone get shot up, while admitting that duration of supposed “effectiveness” isn’t great: . . .[…]  While the CDC attempts to control the spread of this pandemic of information, inconvenient findings keep seeping out. For example (edited for reading continuity): The UK government admits that vaccines have damaged the natural immune system of those who have been double-vaccinated.The UK government has admitted that once you have been double-vaxxed, you will never again be able to acquire full natural immunity to Covid variants — or possibly any other virus. So let’s watch the “real” pandemic begin now! […]  The unvaxxed, on the other hand, will gain lasting, if not permanent, immunity to all strains of the alleged virus after being naturally infected with it even once. […]  Here’s more bad news along the same lines: . . .

Read more: https://meaninginhistory.substack.com/p/brief-covid-mrna-injection-update?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2


Morabito: Federal Loneliness ‘Advisory’ Threatens To Destroy Freedom By Occupying Private Life

“The mass state has no intention of promoting mutual understanding and the relationship of man to man; it strives rather for atomization, for the psychic isolation of the individual.”  — Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy recently released an 81-page advisory titled “Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation.” I have already reported on the devil in the details of Murthy’s report here at The Federalist. Its sprawling plan to address social isolation as a public health crisis includes substantial elements of surveillance, mandatory “diversity, equity, inclusion” (DEI) policies, and federal control of local infrastructure and organizations—all beckoning with love language about the need for more “caring” and outreach. In another article , I wrote about how that strategy opens the door to unprecedented and potentially unlimited government regulation of our private lives and relationships. But exactly why is the private sphere of life important?

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/05/federal-loneliness-advisory-threatens-to-destroy-freedom-by-occupying-private-life/


McGarry: Climate-Crazed Bureaucrats’ ‘Home Of The Future’ Is Secretly A Costly Fixer-Upper

Left-wing environmentalists want to micromanage your life, down to every detail of your home. […]  There is, however, another “Home of the Future” on the horizon. But this one comes equipped with costly, poorly functioning appliances due to regulations imposed from the bureaucratic fiat of Washington, D.C. Environmentally minded leftists are set on a national transition from gas to electrical power, with little regard for the costs foisted on consumers. Indeed, the Biden administration has issued myriad rules to this end, unilaterally effecting a “Great Green-Up” of the American home, appliance by appliance.

A brief tour of the “Home of the Future” — as envisioned by regulators — illuminates the dichotomy between market-driven innovation and the real consumer costs of green bureaucracy. Flipping the Switch  Upon arriving home via a federally prescribed and subsidized electric car, the homeowner of the future . . .

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/05/the-home-of-tomorrow-according-to-environmentalist-bureaucrats/


Cleveland: ‘Highly Credible’ Source Reveals Scandal Bigger Than Biden Bribery: FBI Election Interference

Yes, the CHS’s allegations offer more evidence of a Biden family pay-to-play scandal, and unraveling any criminal conduct by the Biden family remains important. But more significant to the future of our country is uncovering government actors responsible for violating the rule of law: America can survive select injustices, but it cannot withstand a corrupt bureaucracy that obstructs justice and interferes in elections.  Yet that is precisely what occurred, according to the whistleblower. He claimed that “in August 2020, FBI Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten opened an assessment which was used by a FBI Headquarters’ team to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation and caused investigative activity to cease.” The whistleblower further alleged that the FBI HQ team that handled the Auten assessment, after concluding the reporting was disinformation, placed the information in a restricted access sub-file that only the particular agents who uncovered the CHS’s information could access.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/05/highly-credible-source-reveals-scandal-bigger-than-biden-bribery-fbi-election-interference/ 

Lee Smith: How the US Ruling Class’ Plot Against Trump Woke A Sleeping American Giant

The release of the Durham report represents a sort of end to Russiagate. Researchers will continue to study the plot against Donald Trump and publish newly found details of it in the coming months and years, I’m sure. But we’ve known most of the important facts for some time now, thanks to Devin Nunes’ investigation. It was a little more than six years ago that as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee he convened a press conference to say he’d seen evidence of spying on Donald Trump’s presidential transition team. When he left the capitol building that day in March to tell the White House what he’d seen, the former congressman not only kicked off an investigation but also ignited a re-awakening, a kind of compulsory enlightenment that forced lots of Americans to open their eyes to see how bad it had become while we were sleeping. I was one of them. Sure, I’d heard Trump say that the ruling class was sticking it to middle-class Americans, but here was Devin Nunes with the evidence to prove it was true. The Durham report tells us little we didn’t already know — including the fact that if we want our country back, the federal bureaucracy isn’t going to hand it over, so we are going to have to do it ourselves. It’s because no one has been held accountable for Russiagate that I think it’s especially useful to understand how it was built and deployed. It’s the essential template for all the subsequent campaigns targeting Trump, his supporters, dissidents, and the character of our constitutional republic — from Charlottesville and the first impeachment to January 6 and the Mar-a-Lago raid. I hope that knowing details about how this first effort worked may help us prepare for the inevitable assaults coming down the road.

Read more: https://leesmith.locals.com/post/4073528/how-the-us-ruling-class-plot-against-trump-woke-a-sleeping-american-giant


The Columbia Bugel Tweet: This Crowd Rules Crowd Not Having It When Hannity Talks About The Need For Trump To “Tone It Down” President Trump: “If I wasn’t tough, I wouldn’t be here right now. I guarantee you that. If I didn’t fight back, I wouldn’t be here.”

Watch  the 2:13 minute Trump response: https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1664454858949160961?cxt=HHwWgsCzxYS4qpkuAAAA

Hubbard: Vivek Ramaswamy says he wouldn’t ban transgender military members 

When asked on ABC’s “This Week” whether he would reinstate former President Donald Trump’s ban on transgender military members, Ramaswamy said: “I would not reinstate a ban on transgender members. I would, however, be very clear that for kids, that’s where my policies are very focused. We should not be foisting this ideology onto children.” […]  It appears that Ramaswamy is the first 2024 GOP candidate to publicly support transgender military members.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/vivek-ramaswamy-says-he-wouldnt-ban-transgender-military-members

Saavedra: Ron DeSantis On The U.S. Border: Will Shut It Down, Build A Wall, End Mass Migration

DeSantis made the remarks during Sen. Joni Ernst’s (R-IA) annual “Roast and Ride” event, where candidates get a chance to meet with voters who are very politically engaged and who participate in the state’s GOP presidential caucus. All the major Republican presidential candidates attended the event except former President Donald Trump. While speaking with voters, DeSantis addressed a variety of key issues that are important to Republican voters, including border security, the U.S. military, and wokeness.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/ron-desantis-on-the-u-s-border-will-shut-it-down-build-a-wall-end-mass-migration

Sundance: Details Surface of How Ron DeSantis Is Using a Registered Foreign Agent to Assemble His Online Influence Campaign

In essence, a registered foreign agent is now working on the social media platform Twitter to construct disinformation on behalf of Ron DeSantis. Elon Musk is apparently a partner in the effort, as the details of the operation begin to surface. Their intelligence community method is to use operatives within Twitter “community notes” to control any negative opinion of DeSantis.  If anything is identified that undermines the DeSantis operation, Pushaw triggers a specific account “@NoteNeeded” which contains embed operatives who swarm to her commands and affix labels to Tweets designated as harmful to the interests of the DeSantis regime. The DeSantis election influence operation is similar to what the U.S. State Dept (Nuland) and USAID (S Power) do in foreign countries; only in this example, Ms. Pushaw is working to influence domestic U.S. politics through the social media platform Twitter.

Read more: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/06/05/details-surface-of-how-ron-desantis-is-using-a-registered-foreign-agent-to-assemble-his-online-influence-campaign/

Hutchison: ‘When You Ask Kamala And Biden’: Nikki Haley Smacks Down Jake Tapper Over Abortion Question During CNN Town Hall

“If a six-week ban theoretically came to your desk, would you sign it?  Tapper asked Haley. “I will answer that when you ask [Vice President] Kamala [Harris] and [President Joe] Biden if they would agree to 37 weeks, 38 weeks, 39 weeks, then I’ll answer your question,” Haley told Tapper, drawing applause from the audience. “No one asks them that. No one asks them how late they’re willing to go.”

Read more/Watch the 1:56 minute video: https://dailycaller.com/2023/06/04/when-you-ask-kamala-and-biden-nikki-haley-smacks-down-jake-tapper-over-abortion-question-during-cnn-town-hall/


Taft: The Tragedy of the McCarthy-Biden Debt-Limit Bill

Everyone, including those in Congress and the White House, knows what additional spending will mean in the near term. Inflation will rise and the Federal Reserve will have to raise interest rates significantly. People will spend less, tax revenue will drop and personal investment managed by the likes of Blackstone and Sequoia Capital will continue to feed the Chinese economy while U.S. small businesses will be denied access to capital. But there is something even worse: the impact this new bill will have on the dollar. Over the next two years, the debt will increase to $36 trillion or more, weakening the dollar on the world stage. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and their coalition of nations call the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are developing a gold-backed alternative to our weak fiat currency. Central banks are buying gold at record rates and the BRICS are far ahead in this race. (The BRICS are geographically dispersed, have over 40 percent of the global population, the vast majority of natural resources and minerals, and their intention is to replace the dollar as the world’s currency.) Their new currency will be backed by a precious metal while the dollar by the Fed’s reckless printing of money.

Read more at American Thinker.: https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/06/the_tragedy_of_the_mccarthybiden_debtlimit_bill.html

Center for Immigration Studies: An Overwhelmed Border Patrol Is Missing an Epidemic of Runners and ‘Got-aways’

Watch the 10:38 minute video report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLhn0P1mat8&t=5s


Walker said, “The US government is on a “burning platform” of unsustainable policies and practices with fiscal deficits, chronic healthcare underfunding, immigration and overseas military commitments threatening a crisis if action is not taken soon.” He believed we were resting on the laurels of being the sole superpower, as our empire built on debt was slowly and methodically crumbling. He cited three reasons for the fall of the Roman Republic that resonated in 2007 regarding the American Empire (formerly a republic): . . .[…]  It’s almost humorous Walker was issuing these dire warnings when the 2007 annual deficit was $160 billion. At our current rate of debt accumulation, it takes only one month to reach $160 billion. In 2020 and 2021 it only took 20 days to accumulate $160 billion. The national debt in 2007 was $9 trillion, up from $5.6 trillion in 2000. Today it stands at $31.8 trillion. Interest on the national debt will approach $900 billion this year, exceeding defense spending.

Read more: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2023/05/31/fall-of-american-empire-and-descent-into-a-new-dark-ages/

Carnahan: Biden appointee calls on UN to create reparations tribunal: ‘What justice looks like in the 21st century’

A Howard University law professor called on the United Nations to set up a reparations tribunal and explore options to offer some type of “justice” to Black Americans for slavery. Justin Hansford, a Biden administration appointee to the UN Permanent Forum on People of African Descent (PFPAD), made the comments at the PFPAD’s 2nd session last week. Hansford said Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech lays out the argument for reparations, but the speech has been “distorted, sanitized and drained of its true radical vision.”

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/media/biden-appointee-calls-un-create-reparations-tribunal-justice-looks-like-21st-century

VDH: The Strange Pandemic of ‘White’ Disparagement

One of the tenets of the early civil rights movement some 65 years ago was ending racial stereotyping. When Martin Luther King, Jr. called for emphasizing the “content of our character” over “the color of our skin,” the subtext was “stop judging people as a faceless collective on the basis of their superficial appearance and instead look to them as individuals with unique characters.” It is tragic that King’s plea for an integrated, assimilated society, in which race became incidental, not essential to our personas, has mostly been abandoned by the Left in favor of racial stereotyping, collective guilting, and scapegoating by race and gender. […]  Yet what does “white” really mean anymore? Is it an adjective or noun indicating color? Culture? Race? Ethnicity? Is white defined as three-quarters, one-half, or one-quarter paleness? Is it an overarching state of mind that encompasses both “Duck Dynasty” and “The West Wing”?

Certainly, in a multiracial, intermarried nation, with 50 million residents not even born in America, the term is a construct that can mean almost anything and thus nothing much at all.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/06/04/the-strange-pandemic-of-white-disparagement/


McFarland: Explicit Book in Lander High School Has Sparked Uproar — Here’s What’s In It   

A graphic book in the Lander Valley High School that teaches two genders is obsolete, and gives illustrated instructions on anal sex, and how to text nude photos, has sparked a school-board policy discussion slated for June 20. […]  It gives numerous instructions on sex and masturbation, with cartoon illustrations. Body positivity, respecting someone’s choice of pronouns and staying safe and legal while having sex or viewing pornography are a few other emphases.  The book also posits: That the anus is “a primo zone for touching and penetrating” because of its concentration of nerves.  That erotic relationship types include monogamous, polyamorous, open, casual, and companionate. That gender binary is “an obsolete viewpoint.”  That sexually-transmitted infections are “super common,” but the majority are treatable and “if caught early, no biggie.”  […] The book isn’t educational, it’s pornographic, said Taylor Jacobs, board member for Fremont County School District No. 1. Jacobs emphasized that her comments are her own and don’t represent the whole board.

Read more: https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/06/01/controversial-graphic-novel-lets-talk-about-it-remains-in-lander-valley-high-school-heres-whats-in-it/

The Epoch Times: If you loved What Is A Woman, #GenderTransformation is the next to watch.

The issue of transgenderism places a wedge between the child and their parents.

Watch the 1:01 minute ad: https://twitter.com/EpochTimes/status/1664676887740796929

Watch the first 10 minutes now: https://epochtim.es/gendertrans3


Kanekoa Releases The Konnech Files: FBI Shielded Two Firms Tied to Chinese Communist Regime That Holds US Voter Data in Mainland China

In October 2022, Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested in Michigan in connection with “theft of personal data.” The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the Michigan based company. During the PIT conference, Phillips and Engelbrecht alleged they were cooperating with the FBI in Michigan about data being sent overseas by this company.  The investigation quickly started to turn on them after the FBI started to distance itself from the investigation for some strange reason.

Journalist “incognito” Kanekoa covered this company and researched them better than anyone at the time. […]  Kanekoa has another explosive investigative piece on the Konnech company. The FBI shielded and protected Konnech from investigation despite its ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

This is a Twitter post with 32 tweets for subscribers. […]  Kanekoa confirms what has been previously reported. The FBI knew about Konnech and its ties to the Chinese Communist Party and its work with US elections. The DC FBI elites DROPPED the investigation into Konnech for some reason. This is just the latest example of the lawlessness of our top investigative agency. In this instance it appears they are working for the Chinese Communists and against the American people. What else are they hiding?

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/kanekoa-releases-konnech-files-fbi-shielded-two-firms/

Mittelstadt: Counties switching to hand counting ballots as election integrity advocate provides model

At the forefront of the transition is election integrity advocate Linda Rantz, who says her model, now being used in a Missouri county, is less expensive than critics continue to say it is. While the security of the country’s election system has always been a concern, the matter burst into the public eye in the 2020 presidential election, amid the concerns of then-President Trump and others about the reliability and transparency of voting machines. Early this year, the board of supervisors in California’s Shasta County, with over 110,000 registered voters, decided to move to hand-counting for all of its elections, after voting in January to terminate its contract with Dominion Voting Systems over concerns about its voting machines. […]  Rantz said Thursday about critics of hand-counting ballots: “The first irony is that they criticize the accuracy of it. Yet every state I’m aware of, when they use machines to tabulate results, they require hand-counting of some sort afterwards to prove the machines are accurate.” Rantz also said hand-counting saves time and money, gives same-day results, and is more transparent and has more security than using machines. She wrote a nearly 300-page manual titled “Missouri Elections: Return to Hand Counting,” explaining how to conduct elections by hand-counting ballots.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/counties-switching-hand-counting-ballots-election-integrity-advocate


Smith: Scientists claim they can harvest clean energy from the air. Is it the future of energy?

A new study is touting a scientific breakthrough that has the potential to revolutionize the global energy industry: harvesting clean energy out of thin air. Engineers who compiled the study say they’ve invented a device that could eventually be scaled to deliver electricity to the world in a way no one has thought possible. What is it? The engineers, from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, have developed what they described as a cloud-like “Air-gen” device that can generate power from air humidity. The study’s senior author, Yao Jun, compares the device to a cloud, which he describes as a “mass of water droplets,” each having an electric charge. […]  The preliminary findings on Air-gen published in the Advanced Materials journal also concluded the device’s nano-porous material has the capacity to be “deployed almost anywhere,” making it a possible, go-to green energy technology “for the future.”

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/energy/scientists-claim-they-can-harvest-abundant-clean-energy-air-it-future-energy

Fine: Caucasians quickly headed toward minority status, latest US birth report shows

The birth of white babies is on the decline in America, as Hispanic births are on the rise according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), proving that the nation’s demographics are, indeed, rapidly changing. Compared to 2021, white women had 55,000 fewer births last year, while Hispanic women welcomed 55,000 more babies into the world, indicating that whites will become a minority in the United States by sometime in the 2040s, the Daily Mail reports. The CDC’s provisional 2022 birth data shows that the COVID pandemic trend toward having fewer babies is continuing, with US births falling slightly from 3,664,292 in 2021 to 3,661,220 last year.

Read more: https://www.bizpacreview.com/2023/06/02/caucasians-quickly-headed-toward-minority-status-latest-us-birth-report-shows-1364543/

Hoft: San Francisco Homeowners Hit Hard as Residential Home Values Decline, Losing $260 Billion In Value

Zillow, a real-estate marketplace company, projected that the value of San Francisco’s housing stock was close to $2 trillion before the price drop. The significant decline in San Francisco’s housing prices is attributed to the city losing over 65,000 residents, which accounts for roughly 7.5% of its population. This population loss represents the largest among major cities in recent years. According to New York Post, more than 500,000 people have reportedly left California since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic 2020.

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/san-francisco-homeowners-hit-hard-residential-home-values/

Welch: New York Museum Says Its Plants are ‘All Queer’.

Alice Austen House, a designated LGBTQ+ museum based in Staten Island, New York City, is claiming all of the plants in the museum’s gardens are queer or transgender, as part of a new ‘Queer Ecologies Garden Project’ in time for Pride Month. The mushrooms in the garden “are super queer in so many ways,” says Ms. Munro, who is trying to make the museum’s gardens “a welcoming space for L.G.B.T.Q. New Yorkers.”

Read more: https://thenationalpulse.com/2023/06/04/new-york-museum-says-its-plants-are-all-queer/

Keane: Mystery private jet of migrants arrives in Sacramento, prompting investigation

Furious California officials warn they are weighing “potential criminal or civil action” after more than a dozen migrants were flown to Sacramento on a private jet and “dumped” outside Catholic Church offices. The sixteen Venezuelan and Columbian migrants told an aid group that they entered the US in Texas, were processed and given court dates in their asylum cases. The migrants were then approached outside an intake center by “individuals representing a private contractor” promising them help with jobs and traveling to their final destinations, aid workers said.

Read more: https://nypost.com/2023/06/04/mystery-private-jet-of-migrants-arrives-in-sacramento/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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