Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 20 minutes


Michael Henry contributor to Oxfordeagle.com: Lavrentiy Beria, the most ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror in Russia and Eastern Europe, bragged that he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent.  “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime” was Beria’s infamous boast. Beria targeted “the man” first, then proceeded to find or fabricate a crime.

Mark Tapson is the Journalism Fellow on Popular Culture at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the host of The Right Take podcast: Obama’s threat took two presidential terms to gather momentum; former President Trump temporarily stalled its course, but then Obama managed to get a shot at a third term in 2020 – vicariously through his former Vice President Joe Biden. Under the decrepit figurehead Biden, Obama and his muses Susan Rice and Valerie Jarrett could accelerate the fundamental change he promised. Indeed, it has been cascading to fruition so rapidly that one is reminded of a Hemingway character’s explanation about how he went bankrupt: “Gradually, then suddenly.”

Mark Levine attorney, author host of Life, Liberty & Levine on learning of Trump’s indictment: You want to talk about an insurrection? This is an insurrection!

Kurt Schlichter contributor to TownHall.com: Chairman Mao, the unspoken hero of our garbage ruling caste, understood that power flows from the barrel of a gun, and it’s not unreasonable to wonder whether the institutions in America that carry guns – law enforcement and the military – and who are supposed to protect us will turn those guns on us if commanded to by the ruling elite. Stop wondering.

Glenn Greenwald journalist and author Tweeted: James Comey all but admitted Hillary committed felonies by mishandling classified information: setting up a private server in her home. They didn’t prosecute her because – as Comey revealed – he hated Trump and was desperate to see him lose.

John Santucci ABC News reporter: An aide to former President Donald Trump, Walt Nauta, has been charged by the special counsel as part of their probe into Trump’s alleged taking of classified information, sources tell ABC News. Nauta, a former valet in the Trump White House who left his role to join the former president as a personal aide in early 2021, was indicted by the same grand jury in Florida that indicted Trump on Thursday, the sources say.

Ben Shapiro contributor to Jewish World Review: Pride Month is not a call for equality but a call for revolution. The Pride movement was always a call for a replacement of historic, tried and true cultural norms with new, untried and risky cultural norms.

Brodigan contributor to louderwithcrowder.com: Toronto Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass is still catching the vapors for “amplifying” what critics call an “anti-LGBTQ” post. His groveling apology not being enough, and so the Blue Jays as a corporation can complete the process of being bullied by activists, Bass will catch the ceremonial first pitch during the franchise’s weekend-long Pride celebration.

Tucker Carlson in a June 8th Twitter video: “ The people who run our country no longer see child molesters as the worst among us.”

Matt Margolis contributor to PJMedia:  According to GeekerMag, Microsoft has recently incorporated a Pride flag into the widget board of its latest operating system, Windows 11, as some sort of gesture of support for the movement. . . . Imagine having a pride flag placed on your device and being told to just “ignore” it if you don’t like it. These woke companies that claim to care about diversity and inclusion don’t seem to have any desire to make those who don’t approve of LGBTQ ideology feel respected and included.


Hazard: Trump indictment unsealed, 37 charges

An indictment charging former President Donald Trump with mishandling classified documents has been unsealed. The indictment shows that Trump is facing a total of 37 counts, 31 of which include willful retention of national defense information. You can read the document here:


Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/all-things-trump/documents-trump-indictment-unsealed

Bongino Report: BREAKING: Trump Fires Back After Indictment in Classified Docs Probe

Watch the 4:02 minute: https://rumble.com/v2t07y0-breaking-trump-fires-back-after-indictment-in-classified-docs-probe.html


NRO has posted the federal indictment of President Trump and his aide Walt Nauta here (via Ryan Mills and Caroline Downey’s report here. I thought I would postulate six theses on the indictment in lieu of legal analysis of the various counts and possible defenses. Mills and Downey summarize the charges: “According to the 49-page document, Trump is being charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information, and one count each of conspiracy to obstruct justice, withholding a document or record, corruptly concealing a document or record, concealing a document in a federal investigation, scheme to conceal, and making false statements and representations.” I have a preliminary set of six theses on the indictment.  […]

  • Krazy-Eyes Killa Jack Smith announced the unsealing of the charges against Trump. “We have one set of laws in this country, and they apply to everyone,” he said. “Applying those laws, collecting facts, that’s what determines the outcome of an investigation, nothing more, and nothing less.” You have got to be kidding me. We weren’t born yesterday.
  • The appointment of Jack Smith as Special Counsel all by itself demonstrates the…ah, the special treatment Trump has been accorded by the Biden administration and its friends in the Deep State. There is no warrant for a Special Counsel or applicable Department of Justice policy. Smith’s appointment is intended to create the illusion of independence for political purposes. Smith is nevertheless Biden’s subordinate, subject to Biden’s authority, just as Garland is. Hunter Biden — he is the guy who requires a Special Counsel under Department of Justice policy.

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/06/six-theses-on-the-trump-indictment.php


I concluded “Six theses on the Trump indictment” with this thought: “Smith’s indictment reflects both President Biden’s desire to run for reelection against Trump and the insuperable difficulties Trump’s candidacy poses for the Republican Party. When it comes to Trump’s accusation of ‘election-interference,’ Trump is right in more ways than one.” I want to expand on that proposition with six more.

  • If the Biden team didn’t want to run against President Trump, Trump would not have been indicted by the Biden Department of Justice.
  • Whoever does the calculating for Biden makes this calculation. They calculate that the indictment will have a predictable effect on Trump supporters and other Republicans participating in the primaries to come. Trump supporters and other Republican votes will rally to Trump against the continuing “special treatment” of Trump by a law enforcement authorities and their two-track system of justice.

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/06/six-theses-on-the-trump-indictment-part-2.php

Frontpage Editors: Victor Davis Hanson Video: Trump Indictment ‘Destroys All Credibility’ of the US

In this short video from Fox News Tonight, Hoover Institute senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson shares his thoughts on the historic federal indictment of former President Trump. VDH’s commentary, as always, is insightful and perceptive.

Watch the 6:29 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/victor-davis-hanson-video-trump-indictment-destroys-all-credibility-of-the-us/

Benny Johnson Tweet: Mark Levin’s SCORCHED EARTH Trump Indictment Rant Will Melt Your Phone

You want to talk about an insurrection? This is an insurrection!

Watch the 9:35 minute Levin video: https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1667151717811515393?cxt=HHwWgsCz7fDp9KIuAAAA

Glenn Greenwald Retweet: The Espionage Act of 1917—under which Donald Trump is currently being indicted—is a draconian law that has been cynically weaponized against whistleblowers and journalists for years, with cases skyrocketing under the Obama Administration.

From Woodrow Wilson to Julian Assange, it’s essential to understand how this law was transformed from a repressive wartime measure to the attack on freedom it is today.

Watch the 14:56 minute Greenwald report: https://twitter.com/SystemUpdate_/status/1667166125795299330?cxt=HHwWhMC-2cSw-6IuAAAA

Shurk: Who’s Destroying Civic Norms Again? Trump?

It’s hard to believe how many high-ranking government officials have been serving time behind bars these last couple decades.  Bill Clinton got caught selling military secrets and influence to communist China in return for campaign contributions.  Hillary Clinton got caught storing top-secret materials on an unsecured email server in a bathroom closet.  Lois Lerner got caught using the IRS as a weapon for targeting conservatives and influencing the 2012 election.  Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress for withholding subpoenaed documents concerning the Obama administration’s transnational gunrunning racket.  Barack Obama, Jim Comey, John Brennan, and James Clapper were all thrown in the clink for spying on a political opponent’s campaign and then covering up their illegal activities by framing the victim as a covert Russian agent. The saddest thing was watching Dementia Joe Biden stumble out of the White House in cuffs, as remaining federal agents finally arrested him for decades of corruption involving quid-pro-quo schemes that enriched his family by selling the powers of his various offices to the highest foreign bidders. Oh, right — none of that happened, because the Deep State and those in bed with the Deep State protect their own.  At this point, anybody not being attacked or politically persecuted should be presumed as secretly working for some shady enterprise hostile to the best interest of the United States. Yet somehow special counsel Jack Smith has the temerity to stand before the American people, announce the federal government’s continuing crusade to keep President Trump from office, and shamelessly declare, “We have one set of laws in this country.”  Right.  What he really means is, “The Deep State controls America, and if you mess with those gangsters, we’ll lock you up and throw away the key.”  Jack Smith — like Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, so many inspectors general who ignore crimes under their purview, and too many partisan political operatives posing as judges — is just another thug enforcer sent out to protect the ruling regime.  Well done, Jack!  Collect your thirty pieces of silver and career advancement as your reward!

Read more at American Thinker.

Fondacaro: Cuomo, Taibbi SLAM Trump Indictment: Reminiscent of the ‘Third World’

Chris Cuomo was on his eponymous NewsNation show with independent journalist Matt Taibbi, where both men cast doubt on the charges and had some pretty intense criticisms, including a comparison to a third-world country. Towards the end of the show, which was entirely dedicated to the Trump Indictment, Cuomo introduced his guest and had some critical words for investigators. He chided that he wasn’t sure if they were “intentionally or unintentionally helping” Trump “because every time there’s a swing, it seems to expose the fact they go after him with what seems to be at or below a level of anything that would be impressive to people reviewing the documents.” Taibbi agreed and reminded viewers that he was “not a fan” of Trump but he had a simple test that any charges directed at a person in Trump’s position needed to pass. Taibbi felt the charges against Trump failed:

Read more/Watch the 1:57 minute video: https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2023/06/08/cuomo-taibbi-slam-trump-indictment-reminiscent-third-world

Revolver.news: Top FBI official and J6 Fedsurrection hatchet man OBJECTS to Mar-a-Lago raid… raises 5 key objections in bombshell letter…

The regime is going to extraordinary lengths to take President Trump off of the political chessboard for 2024. In its latest desperate measure, Biden’s Department of Justice indicted President Trump on clearly trivial, politically contrived charges related to the former President’s handling of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. […]  News of this second unprecedented indictment generated a firestorm of criticism from fair minded Americans. A recent bombshell letter by congressman Jim Jordan reveals another unlikely critic of the Mar-a-Lago raid that led to the indictment — none other than former head of the FBI’s Washington Field Office (WFO) Steven D’Antuono. Yes, THAT Steven D’Antuono, the stooge who oversaw the Michigan Kidnapping federal entrapment operation and was then hand-picked to head the Washington Field Office in the months leading up to and after January 6th. Faithful Revolver Readers will recall that D’Antuono was the public face of the FBI’s sham investigation related to the January 6th pipe bombs. It certainly says something then that of all people, someone with such a cursed and disgraced resume such as D’Antuono would take the remarkable step of putting forth multiple objections to the FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago and do so for the public record. D’Antuono’s objections, as stated to the Judiciary Committee, were as follows: . . .

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/06/top-fbi-official-and-j6-fedsurrection-hatchet-man-objects-to-mar-a-lago-raid-raises-5-key-objections-in-bombshell-letter/


Wyoming Rep Hageman before House Rules Committee: Congress, and Congress alone, has the right to legislate

Watch Rep. Hageman’s 10:22 minute House Rules Committee statement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovx5Zaguseo


Hirsh: The Pentagon Is Freaking Out About a Potential War With China

(Because America might lose.) The war began in the early morning hours with a massive bombardment — China’s version of “shock and awe.” Chinese planes and rockets swiftly destroyed most of Taiwan’s navy and air force as the People’s Liberation army and navy mounted a massive amphibious assault across the 100-mile Taiwan Strait. Having taken seriously President Joe Biden’s pledge to defend the island, Beijing also struck pre-emptively at U.S. and allied air bases and ships in the Indo-Pacific. The U.S. managed to even the odds for a time by deploying more sophisticated submarines as well as B-21 and B-2 stealth bombers to get inside China’s air defense zones, but Washington ran out of key munitions in a matter of days and saw its network access severed. The United States and its main ally, Japan, lost thousands of servicemembers, dozens of ships, and hundreds of aircraft. Taiwan’s economy was devastated. And as a protracted siege ensued, the U.S. was much slower to rebuild, taking years to replace ships as it reckoned with how shriveled its industrial base had become compared to China’s. The Chinese “just ran rings around us,” said former Joint Chiefs Vice Chair Gen. John Hyten in one after-action report. “They knew exactly what we were going to do before we did it.”

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/06/09/america-weapons-china-00100373

Greenfield: Woke Military Now Recruiting Non-English Speaking Migrants

After transforming the military from a force defending the nation to a woke culture war operation, recruiting dropped through the floor. But, no worries, the Biden administration will fill out the ranks in the usual, “there’s always jobs at the Post Office” way by turning it into one giant useless welfare state. […]  Is it really a great idea to recruit people who need to be targeted in non-English languages? […]  “We have to take exceptional measures to be able to thoroughly vet and go through the security clearance investigation,” he said, adding that in many cases the immigrants are not immediately put in jobs that require top secret clearance.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/woke-military-now-recruiting-non-english-speaking-migrants/


Widakuswara: Russia Receiving Hundreds of Iranian Drones, Plans to Produce Them: White House

Moscow has not only received hundreds of Iranian drones but is working with Iran to produce them from inside Russia, according to the White House — a sign of the deepening military partnership between the two countries. “We have information that Russia is receiving materials from Iran needed to build a UAV manufacturing plant inside Russia,” said National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby in a statement sent to VOA Thursday. “This plant could be fully operational early next year.”

Read more: https://www.voanews.com/a/7130137.html


Schlichter: They Will Turn On You

Chairman Mao, the unspoken hero of our garbage ruling caste, understood that power flows from the barrel of a gun, and it’s not unreasonable to wonder whether the institutions in America that carry guns – law enforcement and the military – and who are supposed to protect us will turn those guns on us if commanded to by the ruling elite. Stop wondering. Their answer is that to a greater extent than those of us who grew up in America, when it was a free country before it became our present crypto-leftist tyranny, want to admit, they will. Right now, they are hiding news that undermines their rule. They are censoring opponents. They are locking up political dissidents. And eventually, when the current junta feels truly threatened by the emerging backlash from patriotic citizens, too many of these alleged protectors will kill for their masters – and I mean more than just the occasional and totally unpunished massacres of unapproved dissidents like at Waco and Ruby Ridge. Pretty harsh? It is harsh, but it’s not wrong. Explain why that is the red line they suddenly stop at when they have blasted through the red lines of lying, of censorship, and of framing the opposition using a two-tier justice system. “Yeah, those things are fine, but we won’t go all the way. Oh no, never.” Where’s the guardrail that is going to block the trend that is now sending SWAT teams out to bust people for praying at abortion clinics from accelerating into actually using those big, scary assault rifles?

Read more: https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2023/06/12/they-will-turn-on-you-n2624342

Glazov Gang: Obama: Groomed by KGB?

Hoe Obama transformed America. Not everything is what it seems. Jeff Nyquist an expert on geopolitics and communism is interviewd.

Watch the 7:19 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/dhfc_videos/obama-groomed-by-kgb/

Glazov Gang: Obama’s Russia Collusion

Jeff  Nyquist an expert on geopolitics and communism is interviewed.

Watch the 48:31 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/dhfc_videos/obamas-russia-collusion/

Flynn: Barack Obama’s True Legacy

Several weeks after the highly questionable 2020 presidential election appeared to put his vice president, Joe Biden, on the path to the White House, Barack Obama told late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert that he would like to have a third term by proxy: “I used to say if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in or front-man or front-woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff and I could sort of deliver the lines while someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I’d be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.” [1] Early on in Joe Biden’s calamitous presidency, it became clear that Biden was indeed someone’s proxy, and that someone was likely Barack Hussein Obama. Even if Barack Obama is not actually directing Biden’s actions from his basement, the Biden administration established itself immediately as the instrument for the resumption of the Obama agenda. What befell America during the Biden presidency was what Barack Obama envisioned for our nation and what he spent eight years setting into motion.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/barack-obamas-true-legacy-2/

Greenfield: One Nation, Two Sets of Laws

When Barack Obama announced that he was unilaterally legalizing millions of illegal aliens while further opening the border, he described it as using “discretion about whom to prosecute”. In the years since, pro-crime prosecutors have virtually dismantled the justice system in some jurisdictions by using their “discretion” not to prosecute thieves, drug dealers and violent criminals. Some prosecutors announced that they wouldn’t prosecute rioters and looters, others that they would stop prosecuting prostitution, public urination or thefts of under $1,000. In the decade since Obama announced his exercise in prosecutorial discretion, the country has been overrun with criminals and illegal aliens who benefited from that “discretion”. […]  Prosecutorial discretion is meant to allow prosecutors to bring their strongest cases. Instead, beginning with Obama, it has created a two-tier justice system in which some forms of crimes, despite their destructive impact on society, get a pass while others that have minimal impact, are overcharged for purely political reasons. Even offenses that are very similar are treated very differently based on the political identity of the prosecutor and of the defendant. And that has made for two sets of laws: written and unwritten laws.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/one-nation-two-sets-of-laws/

Daniels: Harris gets her cavalry: Top group plans to spend $10 million-plus to boost her

One of the nation’s most powerful political groups tasked with helping female candidates is readying a massive investment to improve Kamala Harris’ public standing. EMILY’s List, the political action committee whose aim is to elect female candidates supportive of abortion rights, says it will be spending “tens of millions of dollars” to defend and prop up the vice president during the 2024 election. Such an investment in support of a sitting vice president is politically unprecedented. And it reflects the lack of broader efforts that have been made to date to help bolster the vice president amid persistently low approval ratings.

Read more: https://www.politico.com/news/2023/06/11/kamala-harris-emilys-list-pac-00101400

Wile: Home foreclosures are rising nationwide, with Florida, California and Texas in the lead

As the cost of living in the U.S. continues to climb, foreclosures are also on the rise. May foreclosure-related filings, which include default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions, were up 7% from April and up 14% from a year ago, to 35,196 properties, according to the real estate data group ATTOM.

Lenders began the foreclosure process on 23,245 properties in May, up 4% from last month and up 5% from a year ago. States with the most foreclosure starts in May included Florida, where 2,901 foreclosures got underway, followed by California, with 2,451 foreclosures started, and Texas, where 2,286 properties fell into the foreclosure column. Illinois and New York foreclosure starts came in at 1,358 and 1,287, respectively.

Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/business/economy/home-foreclosures-rising-in-us-where-which-states-rcna88394


Tapson: Barack Obama’s True Legacy

On the cusp of the 2008 presidential election, then-candidate Barack Obama galvanized an ecstatic crowd at Missouri University by claiming that he and his supporters were “five days from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Not making America great again, but fundamentally transforming her. This unsettling vow, from the man who would later declare that American exceptionalism was no more valid than British or Greek exceptionalism, promised not restoration, but revolution. It made clear that his incoming administration intended to toss the greatest country in the world onto the trash heap of history to make way for a Progressive utopia centered on social justice and on the dismantling of American power. […]  Now, in his de facto third term, the shadowy radical continues to exert his subversive influence on the Constitution, the citizens, and the country he is committed to destroying. Barack Obama’s True Legacy could not be a timelier and more important read. As Spencer concludes, . . .

Read more: https://www.jihadwatch.org/2023/05/barack-obamas-true-legacy

Link to order the book: https://www.amazon.com/Obamas-True-Legacy…/dp/1645720616

Glazov: Jamie Glazov on Newsmax: Barack Obama’s True Legacy

Watch the 5:23 minute interview: https://www.frontpagemag.com/dhfc_videos/jamie-glazov-on-newsmax-barack-obamas-true-legacy/

Dennis Prager, Nationally Syndicated Radio Talk Show Host, Founder of Prager University, and a New York Times Bestselling Author of ten books: “I rejoiced at the election of the first black president, but by Obama’s second term, I announced that I regarded him as the most destructive president of the modern era. Reading this book provides the evidence for that assessment. For most Americans, Barack Obama’s True Legacy will be eye-opening and profoundly disturbing. This is a truly important book.”


Rodriguez: Witness with ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence on Biden Died Under ‘Mysterious Circumstances’

Rudy Giuliani, a former mayor of New York City and formerly a lawyer for the late President Donald Trump, asserted that he offered to provide a U.S. attorney with information about a whistleblower who had access to smoking gun evidence of a Biden international bribery scheme, but that he was ignored and that the woman later passed away inexplicably. […]  Giuliani said he gave the DOJ “one witness … who is a woman, who is the chief accountant at this crooked company, Burisma. She was the wife of the former owner, who died under suspicious circumstances. And she was willing to give up all of the offshore bank accounts, including the Bidens. And she’s supervised the transfer of a lot more cash to the Bidens and other crooked politicians for Burisma.” Giuliani informed Cosby that the deceased Burisma head accountant was willing to divulge details about the Ukrainian petrogas company’s offshore bank accounts.

Read more: https://republicbrief.com/witness-with-smoking-gun-evidence-on-biden-died-under-mysterious-circumstances/


Arnold: Biden Claims the LGBTQ Community Is the ‘Bravest, Inspiring’ People He Has Ever Known

On Saturday, Biden and First Lady Jill Biden kicked off June’s month-long Pride “celebration” on the White House lawn, decorated in a rainbow theme with the “Progress Pride flag” waving in the sky. The president used the opportunity to blast Republicans who aim to protect children and females from the radical Left’s progressive propaganda, calling for the need to push back against “dangerous ant-LGTBQ laws.” “When families across the country face excruciating decisions to relocate to a different state to protect their child from dangerous ant-LGTBQ laws, we have to act,” Biden said. “We need to push back against the hundreds of callous and cynical bills introduced in states targeting transgender children, terrifying families, and criminalizing doctors and nurses.”

Read more: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2023/06/11/biden-claims-the-lgbtq-community-is-the-bravest-inspiring-people-he-has-ever-known-n2624343

Shapiro: The Revolution at The Heart Of ‘Pride’

June 1 marked the advent of Pride Month — the most important sacrament of the American secular religious calendar. During Pride Month, public schools across the nation teach small children the joys of alternative sexual practices and orientations; corporations plaster their stores in rainbow accoutrements of all sorts; and the federal government of the United States proclaims its fidelity to the LGBTQ+*&^% ideology. The American public, for the most part, has historically taken Pride Month not for what it is but for what it sometimes purports to be: a call for tolerance of the marginalized. But that, of course, is not what Pride Month is or ever was. Pride Month is not a call for equality but a call for revolution. The Pride movement was always a call for a replacement of historic, tried and true cultural norms with new, untried and risky cultural norms.

Read more: https://jewishworldreview.com/0623/shapiro060823.php

Hagstrom: White House accused of US Flag Code violation over Pride Month display

President Joe Biden’s administration is receiving backlash online over its Pride Month display at the White House on Sunday as many Twitter users are saying it violates the U.S. Flag Code. Biden celebrated the LGBT community in a post Saturday, revealing a set of flags hanging from the White House that faced the South Lawn. The display includes a rainbow-colored Pride flag flanked by two American flags. […]  “To advance revolutionary transgender agenda targeting children, Biden violates basic tenet of US Flag Code and disrespects every American service member buried under its colors,” wrote Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.

Read more/See the photo: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/white-house-accused-us-flag-code-violation-pride-month-display


The Vigilant Fox Tweet: TUCKER CARLSON: Pedophilia Is Running Rampant in This Country, and No One In Power Is Doing Anything About It “A generation ago, talking to someone else’s children about sex was widely considered grounds for a thrashing. Touching them sexually was effectively a death penalty offense,” attested @TuckerCarlson But things have changed.

Watch the 4:18 minute Tucker video: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1666942224620216321?cxt=HHwWgoCz-eLHlaIuAAAA

(From October 2019) C-Span User Clip: Rep. Ann Wagner grills Zuckerberg on Facebook’s failure to stop child pornography

Start the video at the 1:54 minute mark: https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4825010/user-clip-rep-ann-wagner-grills-zuckerberg-facebooks-failure-stop-child-pornography

(February 2020) Courthouse News Service: Child-Safety Groups Horrified at Facebook’s Encryption Plan

More than 100 child protection organizations on Thursday urged Facebook to halt plans for strong encryption of all its platforms, saying that would allow predators to operate freely. The social network is working to extend end-to-end encryption across its messaging applications, including Facebook Messenger and Instagram. The groups said they were concerned that stronger encryption of online exchanges would facilitate sharing of child pornography. “We urge you to recognize and accept that an increased risk of child abuse being facilitated on or by Facebook is not a reasonable tradeoff to make,” the groups led by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children said in an open letter to Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. “Children should not be put in harm’s way either as a result of commercial decisions or design choices.”

Read more: https://www.courthousenews.com/child-safety-groups-horrified-at-facebooks-encryption-plan/

 Hutton: Instagram used to connect network of pedophiles to child pornography, report claims

Instagram is being used by a network of child pornography distributors to commission and sell child sexual abuse material openly, according to a report. The distributors use Instagram’s algorithms and hashtag system to promote content to users, the Stanford Internet Observatory said in a report Wednesday. The posts themselves would not present direct images of child pornography but “content menus,” which would offer links to websites that can be used to purchase the content, including Telegram groups and Discord servers. The distribution of child pornography violates most websites’ terms of service and federal law.

Read more: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/technology/instagram-child-pornography-network-promotion

Ingraham Angle: Child pornography is being distributed on Instagram: Charlie Hurt

Washington Times opinion editor Charlie Hurt discusses the report on how Instagram hasn’t taken down hashtags related to child sex abuse.

Watch the interview: https://www.foxnews.com/video/6328983674112

Revolver.news: WSJ uncovers “Pizzagate” pedophile network…

In a surprising and unexpected development, the Wall Street Journal has given credibility to “Pizzagate.” For those who may not be familiar with it, “Pizzagate” is a theory that claims elites use coded “pizza references” to openly discuss their hidden pedophile sex ring. According to this theory, terms like “pizza” and “cheese” are allegedly used as code words for illicit activities involving children. Like many theories that paint the left in a negative light, the Pizzagate theory was swiftly labeled a “right-wing conspiracy” and disregarded by the usual suspects, and anyone who dared to mention Pizzagate was quickly shot down and called a Q-kook. But now, thanks to this shocking article in the WSJ, everything could be turned upside down. Apparently, Instagram, owned by Meta, has become a sanctuary for a large network of pedophiles who use hashtags related to “cheese pizza,” among others, to communicate and pursue their sinister and depraved intentions against innocent children.

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/06/wsj-uncovers-pizzagate-pedophile-network/

DNA Film: Operation Toussaint: Operation Underground Railroad & the Fight to End Modern Day Slavery (Feature)

Tim Ballard left his post as a special agent for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to form Operation Underground Railroad and go undercover to rescue child sex trafficking victims that he couldn’t save when bound by government restrictions. Join Tim and his special forces team as they go undercover in Haiti to bring a ring of sex traffickers who bribed their way out of jail, to justice.

Watch the 1:21:53 hour video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q8dYM90PJA


ourrescue.org: We exist to rescue children from sex trafficking and sexual exploitation.  

O.U.R. ACTION PLAN Operation Underground Railroad is leading the fight against sex trafficking and sexual exploitation with four bold strategies.  LEADING THE FIGHT Tim Ballard spent more than a decade working as a Special Agent for the Department of Homeland Security, where he was assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force and deployed as an undercover operative for the U.S. Child Sex Tourism Jump Team. He has worked in that role and since in every type of case in the fight to dismantle child trafficking rings. He’s worked in the United States and in multiple foreign countries to infiltrate child trafficking organizations. He has successfully dismantled dozens of these organizations and rescued children from slavery and exploitation.

Link to O.U.R: https://ourrescue.org/


In the online world, there is capacity for a much broader reach than most in-person interactions, a power that can have both positive and negative consequences. There are risks every time someone opens a browser, starts a new chat, or downloads a new game. Online safety is about educating children and teens to help navigate those risks and know when to talk to someone they trust. Watch the three online training chapters.

Chapter 1: Did You Know? https://ourrescue.org/training/did-you-know#chapter1

Chapter 2: What is online grooming? https://ourrescue.org/training/did-you-know#chapter2

Chapter 3: Online grooming red flags: https://ourrescue.org/training/did-you-know#chapter3

Chapter 4: Signs of online abuse: https://ourrescue.org/training/did-you-know#chapter4

Chapter 5: How to identify a fake account: https://ourrescue.org/training/did-you-know#chapter5

Chapter 6: Online privacy + relationships: https://ourrescue.org/training/online-relationships#chapter6

Chapter 7: Popular apps + risks: https://ourrescue.org/training/online-relationships#chapter7

Chapter 8: Your digital footprint: https://ourrescue.org/training/online-relationships#chapter8

Chapter 9: Start talking: https://ourrescue.org/training/start-talking#chapter9

Stephen L. Miller Tweet: Gotta arrest them. Rules is rules.

Muslim community sending a message to the woke.

Watch the 38 second video: https://twitter.com/redsteeze/status/1667236395520512000?cxt=HHwWgMDS-eKqm6MuAAAA


Anderson: Churches Embrace Pride Month With Drag Queen Story Hour, Queer Proms And Gay Concerts

First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, Maryland, is hosting a drag queen story hour on June 11 with drag queen “Mama Bella” for children of all ages, according to the event page. Another webpage, which has since been taken down and archived, went into a further explanation of the purpose of the event and argued that it creates a space for children to “be themselves.”  […]  The church claimed that drag queen story hours are safe for children because the events were “created by a mother (who is a member of the LGBTQ+ community) for she and her child to enjoy, and experience together.” The church also said that the story hours show that “[o]ne could say that Jesus used tools employed by drag artists!” Trinity Church Wall Street in New York City is encouraging young people to attend its . . . All Saints Church in Pasadena, California, hosted a “Somewhere Over the Rainbow Queer Prom” on June 2 and a Drag Queen Bingo Hour on June 4 following a regular Sunday service, according to the church’s website. . . . Christ Church Cathedral invited Ohio LGBTQ . . .

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/06/11/churches-pride-month-drag-queen-story-hour-queer-proms-gay-concerts/


Gays Against Groomers Tweets: As our series continues, hear from our members LEAVE THE KIDS ALONE. #GaysAgainstGroomers

Watch the 45 second video:  https://twitter.com/againstgrmrs/status/1666457796043325448?cxt=HHwWkIC-5aiiuaAuAAAA

Watch the 51 second video: https://twitter.com/againstgrmrs/status/1664718862720327681

Watch the 44 second video: https://twitter.com/againstgrmrs/status/1665085353324171266

Watch the 47 second video:  https://twitter.com/againstgrmrs/status/1665816744601026561

Watch the 35 second video: https://twitter.com/againstgrmrs/status/1665422313905422341


I’m working on two longer pieces about the death of Ted Kaczynski—the “Unabomber”—at the age of 81, apparently by suicide. (Start the Jeffrey Epstein jokes if you like.) But there’s one detail included in the New York Times obituary that is worth a special pause:

At a super-maximum-security prison in Colorado, Mr. Kaczynski struck up friendships with inmates in neighboring cells: Ramzi Ahmed Yousef, who bombed the World Trade Center in 1993, and Timothy J. McVeigh, the Oklahoma City bomber. Mr. Kaczynski shared books and talked politics with them, and he got to know their birthdays, Yahoo News reported in 2016.

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/06/last-act-for-the-unabomber.php

Anderer: Psychedelic trendsetters? Use of hallucinogens has doubled among young adults since 2018

More and more Americans are trying to tap into a different frame of mind, according to researchers from the University of Michigan and Columbia University. Scientists report that the use of non-LSD hallucinogens in the United States nearly doubled between 2018 and 2021 among young adults under the age of 30. In 2018, the prevalence of young adults who used hallucinogens other than LSD over the prior year was 3.4 percent. By 2021, that figure jumped to 6.6 percent.

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fstudyfinds.org%2Fuse-of-hallucinogens-young-adults%2F

Spencer: The Jihadi Who Stole a School Bus and Wrote of Shedding Blood for Allah

Who saw this coming? Bader Alzahrani, a Saudi national who stole a New Jersey school bus and wrote about jihad and “blood, destruction, Allah,” has been found incompetent to stand trial. And that makes total sense, right? After all, it isn’t as if he were someone who was actually dangerous, such as a MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporter. So why should the poor dear be put through the trauma of an actual trial? Lehigh Valley Live reported Thursday that Alzahrani “is facing charges from incidents in January, including receipt of a stolen vehicle transportation of a stolen vehicle in federal court, and motor vehicle theft, burglary, theft of moveable property, criminal damage and criminal trespass in New Jersey court.” However, federal Judge Michael Hammer (wait, shouldn’t that be Judge Michael Gavel?) said, “based on a psychiatric report sealed by the court, Alzahrani has a mental disease or defect that makes him unable to understand the court proceedings and properly participate in his defense.” This is perfectly reasonable once one understands that Judge Mike Hammer is part of an establishment that does not acknowledge the existence of Islamic jihad.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-jihadi-who-stole-a-school-bus-and-wrote-of-shedding-blood-for-allah/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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