Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 25 minutes


Victor Davis Hanson contributor to American Greatness: Our elite work to ban plentiful natural gas, subsidize transgendered activism abroad, and lecture on sexual identities in the military. China’s elite builds dozens of coal and nuclear plants, and doubles the size of its navy, while preparing to absorb Taiwan. Americans are rejecting wokeism because they finally are realizing that if they do not, they will not have a civilization left.

Ryan King & Victor Nava reporters for the New York Post: Schiff has decried the censorship efforts as “false and defamatory” and accused Republicans of retaliating against him for holding Trump accountable. He also dubbed it a “badge of honor.” “You honor me with your enmity. You flatter me with this falsehood,” Schiff said on the floor Wednesday. “Today I wear this partisan vote as a badge of honor, knowing that I have lived my oath.”

Robert Arvay contributor to American Thinker: The final key of destruction is the perversion of the family, the corruption of manhood and of womanhood.  It is embodied in the movement that seeks to feminize men and to masculinize women.  Worst of all, it seeks to castrate our sons and to sterilize our daughters. Therein lies the death of wokeness, because we as parents will refuse to sacrifice our children to them.  They are the one investment for which we will never count the cost.

Jason D. Hill contributor to Frontpage Magazine: The LGB and the LGBTQ movements are in a competition to covet the souls of America’s children. They were never satisfied with Marital Equality or equality simpliciter in the first place. Their agenda was and remains a grab for and retention of power. The agenda is designed to lead to the sexual disqualification of heterosexuality as not just the human sexual norm—but to indict it as an inherently oppressive and agency-killing designation that had always been forced upon children: a branding insignia that condemned them to a lifetime of gender enslavement. The goals are to sexualize and to brand young children according to a new set of norms and mores which will lead them to revolt against their parents and their values—in fact, to all values as such. Nihilism is the pervasive principle here. Their agenda is to make the non-binary category not an option but, rather, a mandatory assignation for all children.

Bruce Thornton contributor to Frontpage Magazine: As a result of this public institutional gigantism, the interpretation, enforcement, and punishments for breaking these regulatory rules are left to the agencies themselves, whose procedures and powers are visible only to those who fall afoul of these regulations, and can afford lawyers. And all these functions are conducted by anonymous clerks who are not accountable to the voters, and vitiate the “checks and balances” of our government’s divided powers.

Editors of ThePricklyPear.org: The accounting mechanics are complicated. The bottom line, however, is the FED is pursuing a contradictory policy. If the FED has any function, it was supposed to back up the banking system in the event of a liquidity crisis and maintain a stable currency. Yet, banking failure has been quite prevalent in recent business cycles, including the present one. It also has created a regime of chronic currency inflation. Having failed in its primary role, it has ventured into attempting to “fine-tune” the economy with constant manipulative intervention. It is a dangerous development that an unelected board of experts has been given this power to make or break the economy. The risk of both political abuse and the risk of concentrated error is a hallmark of central planning.  Central planning is incompatible with a market system and a republican form of government where power is exercised, either by voluntary choice in the marketplace or by elected representatives of the people, not selected bureaucrats representing a banking cartel.

 Kenin M. Spivak contributor to The American Mind: With the provisos that every American is entitled to a presumption of innocence, and much of what is known of the Biden family crime organization is “alleged,” there is powerful evidence that President Joe Biden committed multiple felonies as a co-conspirator in an international fraud and racketeering scheme, regardless of whether he personally received bribes.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ): “The Biden Administration has created the largest humanitarian crisis in our nations’ history, inviting over 6 million illegal aliens into our country and counting,” Rep. Gosar told the Gateway Pundit. “These illegals aliens are being housed in apartments and long term hotels. They are literally kicking out U.S. citizens and making them homeless on the streets in order to accommodate illegals aliens. The taxpayers are paying to house, feed, educate and provide medical care while our own citizens beg in the streets and turn to drugs. All this is bad. Very bad. Now the the inspector general has uncovered massive corruption at DHS with the DHS awarding a sole source contract to a former Biden official who has zero experience housing people. I sent this letter to get answers, and I will seek accountability.“


Friday: Were They Spying on Trump All Along?

Psychological projection is the stock in trade of our American ruling class. You can see this in the way the D.C. Deep State always treated President Trump as a totally illegitimate bum; especially as regards their most precious possession, classified material. Recall the furor when Trump revealed some Israeli information to the Russian foreign minister, in a bid to get help from them in the Middle East. Such top-secret horse trading goes on all the time, yet since Trump is a bum, he cannot be allowed the traditional power with respect to classified documents that all Presidents have, as in Navy v. Egan.

Secrets are only for the bureaucrats to leak as they please with no consequences, like the Flynn/Kislyak phone call, or to simply ignore when it involves their friends, such as Hillary’s email scandal.[…]  Quite likely a Deep State somebody has had a plan to get Trump for quite a while, but looking at the Jack Smith “speaking indictment,” there may be even more. It’s conceivable somebody launched a post-Presidential spying operation on Trump, to go with the pre-Presidential Trump spying-Crossfire Hurricane. Consider the timeline: . . .

Read more at American Thinker.


Carlson: Episode 5: it’s safer to be the president son, then his opponent 

Watch the 12:49 minute monologue: https://rumble.com/v2veb54-tucker-ep.-5-its-safer-to-be-the-president-son-then-his-opponent.html


War Room: James O’Keefe EXPOSES BlackRock Employee, Revealing “Evil” Intentions Of Global Ruling Class

Watch the 6:32 minute O’Keefe  interview: https://rumble.com/v2vjbk4-james-okeefe-exposes-blackrock-employee-revealing-evil-intentions-of-global.html


(6/21/2023) “How Dare You!” – Five Years Ago Today, Climate Change Hoaxer Greta Thunberg Said the World Would End

Today marks the anniversary of a doomsday prediction made by then-15-year-old climate change hoaxer Greta Thunberg. On June 21, 2018, she made a bold claim on Twitter, stating that humanity had a narrow five-year window to stop the use of fossil fuels or face inevitable extinction. “A top climate scientist is warning that climate change will wipe out all of humanity unless we stop using fossil fuels over the next five years.”

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/how-dare-you-five-years-ago-today-climate/

Brown & Flesher: Biden administration moves to restore endangered species protections dropped by Trump

The Biden administration proposed bringing back rules to protect imperiled plants and animals on Wednesday as officials moved to reverse changes under former President Donald Trump that weakened the Endangered Species Act. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said it would reinstate a decades-old regulation that mandates blanket protections for species newly classified as threatened. The blanket protections regulation was dropped in 2019 as part of a suite of changes to the application of the species law that were encouraged by industry, even as extinctions accelerate globally due to habitat loss and other pressures.

Officials also would no longer consider economic impacts when deciding if animals and plants need protection. And the rules make it easier to designate areas as critical for a species’ survival, even if it is no longer found in those locations.

Read more: https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/biden-administration-moves-restore-endangered-species-protections-dropped-100271221


Thornton: The Tyranny of the Clerks

One form of despotism, however, they could not have anticipated is our modern tyranny of the clerks, the functionaries in hypertrophied government bureaucracies that degenerate into instruments of political factions to be used against rivals. For over a century the Constitution has been weakened and compromised by these unaccountable, mostly anonymous bureaucracies––as the excesses of federal agencies over the last seven years are now making obvious. […]  And one of the most dangerous and destructive is the lust for power that seldom is sated, and always craves more. That tragic realism, an inheritance from both our Judeo-Christian and Greco-Roman cultural traditions, was also shared by the Founders. As historian Walter A. McDougall writes, “[A]ll Federalists believed human nature was flawed . . . envisioned no utopias, put little trust in republican virtue, and believed the only government liable to endure was one taking mankind as it was and making allowance for passion and greed.” Hence the Constitution’s structure of divided, mutually checking balanced powers. […] . . . the creation of such agencies housed in big bureaucracies ignored the malign tendencies of those institutions. An obvious one is called “professional deformation”: the shift of a bureaucracy’s loyalties, duties, principles, and functions away from the Constitutional purposes it was created to fulfill, to the increasing advantages, enlargement, and scope of the agency and its powers. This tendency worsens with government bureaucracie, the lion’s share of whose members are not accountable to the market or the voters, which means they can fail with impunity.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/the-tyranny-of-the-clerks/

Solomon & Whedon: Top FBI official made ‘chilling’ threat to agents questioning Jan. 6 cases, whistleblower claims

top official with the FBI has filed a protected disclosure to the Office of the Inspector General alleging that FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate told the bureau’s internal critics of its Jan. 6-related cases to seek employment elsewhere and offered to personally address his subordinates’ agents concerns. […] “He had heard that some employees were contrasting the response to January 6th with the response to the post-George Floyd protests and riots in the summer of 2020,” the whistleblower alleges. “DD [Deputy Director] Abbate told the audience that anyone who questions the FBI’s response or his decisions regarding the response to January 6th did not belong in the FBI and should find a different job – or something to that effect.”

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/federal-agencies/top-fbi-official-made-direct-threat-agents-questioning-jan-6-cases


WSJ Editorial Board: ProPublica’s Fishing Expedition for Justice Alito

The attack on the Supreme Court Justice on ethics and recusal is an attempt at Court-thinning. The political assault on the Supreme Court continues, and the latest Justice in the grinder is Samuel Alito. ProPublica reports that the Justice went on a fishing trip to Alaska with a billionaire in 2008 and didn’t report it on his annual Court disclosure form. As usual, this is a non-scandal built on partisan spin intended to harm the Justice and the current Court majority.

Read more: https://archive.fo/r7Foq#selection-293.0-293.397



Find your state: https://cdn.ymaws.com/www.inbar.org/resource/resmgr/litigation/Oaths.pdf


The disbarment proceeding against John Eastman for his role in assisting President Trump in contesting the 2020 election results got under way today, with a trial before the California State Bar, with California Bar Court Judge Yvette Roland presiding. You can actually watch the trial, which is expected to take a week, live on Zoom. I watched the first five hours Tuesday, and while the proceedings seemed slow and were preoccupied at the opening with which witnesses would be allowed and which evidence would be admitted, things picked up speed in a hurry when Eastman took the stand after lunch. It was then that the Alice-in-Wonderland character of “sentence first, verdict after” became readily apparent. The behavior of the presiding judge, Yvette Roland, was startling. […]  Stay tuned. One of Eastman’s principal witnesses for his defense case is . . . John Yoo. I expect this may come up in a future podcast. My own thoughts from a while ago about the legal and constitutional aspects of the matter are found here. P.S. Eastman has a legal defense fund, and if you are so inclined you can contribute  here.

Read more: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/06/can-john-eastman-get-a-fair-trial.php

Friends of John Eastman: Dem Groups Are Trying to Eliminate “Election Lawyers” and Trump’s Attorney Needs Your Help to Stop Them

Now there are several new advocacy groups funded by millions in “dark money” dedicated to shutting down any lawyer involved in shedding light on election issues. Groups like the 65 Project and States United Democracy Center staffed by the usual crew of longtime Democrat party activists and RINO never-Trumpers are looking to bury concerned lawyers under a mountain of official complaints. Their stated tactics are disbarments, “making them toxic in their communities and in their own firms” and destroying their careers. It’s explicitly personal, right out of the Saul Alinsky playbook. If they can destroy anyone who officially investigates the integrity of our elections, they can keep using the same bag of tricks that worked for them in 2020 forever. The result is a massive chilling effect on the practice of election law and the loss of the profession entirely. Today there’s one man speaking out. John Eastman . . . […]  Now, the swamp creatures who inhabit the “advocacy groups” that haunt the beltway are destroying the ideal of representation and reasoned debate. They don’t need to argue in court, you see, they just need to make it impossible to be heard in court at all. They do this by going after not only the lawyers, but even the arguments themselves. That’s right, they want to make it impossible to make certain election related arguments in a court of law. […]  Here’s a statement from John Eastman after the first day of his Bar hearing in California on Tuesday: . . .

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/06/dem-nonprofits-seek-to-eliminate-all-election-lawyers-john-eastman-65-project-trump/

You can give to John Eastman’s official legal defense fund using GiveSendGo.

Andersson: The Lawlessness of Yale And Other Law Schools

Yale Law School professor Oona Hathaway wrote an especially revealing Guest Essay in the pages of the New York Times. By aiding the government’s exceptional indictment against a former U.S. president, she may have violated several laws; the American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct; and the American Association of Law School (AALS) Statement on “Law Professors in the Discharge of Ethical and Professional Responsibilities.” Hathaway’s essay demonstrates how extreme ideological fervor can make law professors “legally blind” to what the law actually says. However, Hathaway’s essay, which is but one of many such partisan essays by law professors, amounting to a form of public relations (e.g., this essay), should stop immediately. What the professors themselves don’t generally appreciate is that they undermine their credibility and that of their institutions, and they violate the core principle of the legal system: objectivity. The concepts of objectivity and neutrality are as basic to law as thermodynamics is to engineering. Choosing sides in the pages of major mass media discards that principle and turns a professor into a political mercenary.

Read more at American Thinker.

Breitbart News: Peter Schweizer: Feds ‘Ignored Clear Violations of Law’ in Hunter Biden Deal — ‘Further Evidence of Two Standards of Justice’

On the newest episode of The Drill Down, Government Accountability Institute sleuths Peter Schweizer and Eric Eggers compare the DOJ’s lenient treatment of Hunter Biden with the 37 charges against former President and 2024 GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and reach an inescapable conclusion: The ideal of equal justice has been dealt a devastating blow.

Read more/Watch the  the 31 minute interview: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/06/21/peter-schweizer-feds-ignored-clear-violations-of-law-from-hunter-biden/


Whedon: House of Representatives votes to censure Adam Schiff over Russia collusion hoax

The lower chamber rebuked the California lawmaker by a narrow 213-209 vote. Florida GOP Rep. Anna Paulina Luna had introduced the plan, citing Schiff’s vocal support of the now-thoroughly debunked Trump-Russia collusion hoax. “The House has resolved that the House of Representatives censures Adam Schiff, representative of the 30th congressional district of California, for misleading the American public and for conduct unbecoming of an elected member of the House of Representatives,” House Speaker Kevin McCarthy announced after the vote.Schiff will further be referred to the House Ethics Committee for investigation over his “falsehoods, misrepresentations and abuse of sensitive information,” he added.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/house-representatives-votes-censure-adam-schiff-over-russia-collusion-hoax

Rodgers: Here Are The Six Republicans Who Voted ‘Present’ For Adam Schiff’s Censure

Here are the six Republicans: Rep. David Joyce (R-OH) Rep. Michael Guest (R-MS) Rep. Andrew Garbarino (R-NY) Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL) Rep. Michelle Fischbach (R-MN)

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/06/21/six-republicans-voted-present-adam-schiff-censure/

C-SPAN: Justice Department special counsel John Durham testified on his investigation of “Crossfire Hurricane,” the code name for the FBI’s investigation of links between the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and Russian operatives.

Watch Rep. Massie (R-KY), Rep. Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Biggs (R-AZ) and Rep. Hageman (R-WY) in the last 20 minutes of the 6/21/2023 hearing.

Start the video at the 5:28:21 hour mark: https://www.c-span.org/video/?528789-1/john-durham-testifies-investigation-fbi&live&vod

Hagstrom: John Durham shuts down Adam Schiff in Trump-Russia hearing: ‘Not illegal’

Former Special Counsel John Durham shut down a line of questioning from Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., that sought to assert Donald Trump Jr. had committed a crime during a meeting in Trump Tower. The exchange came during Durham’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. Schiff referenced a Trump Tower meeting between Trump Jr. and Russian individuals prior to the 2016 election that the lawmaker claimed constituted a crime.

Read more/Watch the 2:22 minute exchange: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/john-durham-shuts-adam-schiff-trump-russia-hearing-not-illegal


Lee: Top Air Force leader raises alarm on slumping standards amid China, Russia threats: ‘Second best won’t cut it’

“Based on my travels and conversations with Airmen of all ranks I have noticed a common concern regarding standards,” Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass wrote in a memorandum to members Tuesday. “History shows that when standards erode, military capabilities and readiness decline.”

The letter comes as all branches of the military have faced questions over the seemingly “woke” turn the country’s armed forces have taken in recent years, with some critics arguing that prioritizing programs such as diversity, equity and inclusion over standards and training have left the country ill-equipped to win future conflicts. The concern over falling behind rivals was apparently shared by Bass, who warned a decline in standards would leave it more difficult to “keep pace with the rapid expansion of the Chinese military, Russian aggression, and other emerging global challenges.”

Read more/Watch the 5;43 minute video: https://www.foxnews.com/us/top-air-force-leader-raises-alarm-slumping-standards-amid-china-russia-threats-second-best-wont-cut-it

Fleetwood: House Committee Advances Amendment Restoring Meritocracy To Military Personnel Decisions

Republicans on the House Armed Services Committee added an amendment to a 2024 defense spending package on Wednesday that mandates the Pentagon use merit-based personnel systems. Introduced by Rep. Jim Banks, R-Ind., the amendment requires the Secretary of Defense to issue regulations no later than Sept. 30, 2024, that “any effort to recruit an individual to serve in a covered Armed Force may not take into account the race or gender of such individual.” The reform further specifies that the Defense Department must use a merit-based system to determine military promotions and assignments, which includes factors such as “qualifications, performance, integrity, fitness, training, and conduct.”

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/21/house-committee-advances-amendment-restoring-meritocracy-to-military-personnel-decisions/


Wintour: Nato allies back fast-track membership for Ukraine, says Cleverly

The UK foreign secretary, James Cleverly, has said all Nato allies are backing a plan to give Ukraine a fast track to Nato membership of the kind offered to Sweden and Finland earlier this year. Speaking on the margins of the two-day Ukraine Recovery conference in London, Cleverly said the UK was “very, very supportive” of Ukraine being able to join Nato without the usual need for it to meet the conditions set out in a Nato membership action plan (Map). […]  The issue of the terms on which Ukraine is offered Nato membership has been dividing allies before a Nato summit next month. There have been concerns in the US and Germany that early Nato membership for Ukraine might provoke Russia, and change the Nato structure.

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fworld%2F2023%2Fjun%2F21%2Fukraine-recovery-london-conference-volodymyr-zelenskiy-eu


Whitson: Time Is Running Out For Congress And States To Defuse Biden’s Election-Takeover Bomb

Through this executive order, the president is abusing the power of his office and using taxpayer-funded resources to transform federal government agencies into get-out-the-vote machines for the left. When it comes to elections, the U.S. Constitution is clear: Determining their time, place, and manner falls squarely upon the shoulders of the state legislatures with limited oversight from Congress. Nowhere is the president granted the power to regulate elections. Yet through Executive Order 14019, President Joe Biden has ordered federal agencies to engage in overtly political activities that will affect elections, while violating the Constitution and federal law in the process. The bad news is this executive order brings the threat of federal election interference to every state’s doorstep. And with the countdown to 2024 well underway, time is running out to stop Team Biden’s scheme. The good news is Congress and the states can stop the threat if they work together and work quickly.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/22/time-is-running-out-for-congress-and-states-to-defuse-bidens-election-takeover-bomb/

Dixon-Hamilton: Report: Biden Admin Threatens Social Security Employees — Use Preferred Pronouns or Face Investigations

President Joe Biden’s administration forced Social Security Administration (SSA) employees to complete a “mandatory” training that lectured employees on respecting their coworkers’ “sexual orientation,” and “gender identity,” The Sentinel reported. The LGBTQ+ training warned that using preferred pronouns is compulsory and threatened investigations for those deemed noncompliant, according to audio recordings obtained by the Sentinel. As the Sentinel reported: . . . […]  The Social Security Administration’s training is the latest instance of the Biden administration expanding regulatory power and boosting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policies.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/06/20/report-biden-admin-forced-social-security-employees-to-complete-mandatory-lgbtq-training/

Lonergan: The U.S. Transitions from Superpower to Migrant Colony

As even the most doctrinaire sanctuary mayors are now waving surrender flags, an alternative plan has become necessary. The solution? Third World-style shanty towns in places like rural Liberty County near Houston. Already home to more than 75,000 migrants, a community called “Colony Ridge” is undergoing a massive expansion with huge tracts of land being clear-cut to create more living space. Apparently it’s not considered ecosystem-killing deforestation if it’s done to deposit more illegal aliens into America. […] The once-triumphant victor of the Cold War and lone superpower is now busy managing its own self-created decline. On America’s current trajectory, our future is not well-kept suburban neighborhoods, but a nation of dilapidated Bidenville slums built to deal with our elites’ disastrous policy failures. The window to avoid this future is closing rapidly.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/06/21/the-u-s-transitions-from-superpower-to-migrant-colony/

Harsanyi: Noted Constitutional Scholar Joe Biden Explains The Second Amendment

The day his son Hunter avoided punishment for breaking a slew of firearm laws, Joe Biden gave another speech on gun control. Well, not exactly another one. The president delivered the same ludicrous speech he’s been giving for at least a decade. And it contained one of my favorite arguments:  And so, we have to change — there’s a lot of things we can change, because the American people by and large agree you don’t need a weapon of war. I’m a Second Amendment guy. I taught it for four years, six years in law school. And guess what? It doesn’t say that you can own any weapon you want. It says there are certain weapons that you just can’t own. Even during when it was passed, you couldn’t own a cannon. You can’t own a machine gun. (Laughter.) No, I’m serious. So what’s the deal with the idea that it’s an absolute — you know, I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is — you know, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots. Well, if want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16. You need something else than just an AR-15. Anyway. Virtually every word of this garbled nonsense is untrue.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/22/noted-constitutional-scholar-joe-biden-explains-the-second-amendment/

Housman: Biden Admin Misses Deadline To Declassify Critical COVID-19 Intel

After President Joe Biden signed the COVID Origins Act in March, the director of national intelligence had 90 days to declassify intelligence pertaining to the origins of COVID-19 and the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China. The administration did not release that intelligence, reportedly because they are working to smooth over fraught relations with Beijing. Republicans, including Indiana Sen. Mike Braun and Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, blasted the administration for not complying with the law the president signed. “We need to know the truth about how this pandemic started and China’s role in covering it up, and the White House must respect the text of the law passed unanimously in both chambers by the people’s representatives,” Braun told The Washington Times.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/06/21/biden-administration-covid-origins-china-wuhan-declassified-intelligence/

Cashill: Grab Your Wallets: The Reparations Game Is Rigged

Two weeks ago, I participated in a debate on reparations hosted by the American Public Square and later televised by KCPT, the PBS station in Kansas City.  If I didn’t know beforehand that the game was rigged, I did by the time the edited debate hit the airwaves.  Grab your wallets, folks.  The reparations crowd is coming for your money. […]  The reparations discussion was anything but congenial.  The organizers had a hard time finding a second person to take the “con” side.  The one fellow on the “pro” side could barely bring himself to look at me before we started.  The moderator, like the organizers, seemed nervous throughout.  The audience was about 20 percent black and generally hostile.  And all my jokes fell flat. […]  The black community had weathered the era of institutional white racism in relatively good shape, but they were not prepared for what was right around the corner: the era of institutional white guilt.  This, I argued, was a force more seductive and ultimately more destructive than the era that preceded it.

Read more at American Thinker.


Eden: New York State’s Directive to Schools: Lie to Parents

Parents who send their kids to New York public schools have lots to worry about. Is he really learning? Is she really safe? And: Is the school gender-transitioning my child behind my back? Earlier this week, the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) published a “legal update and best practice” document for how schools should serve “transgender and gender expansive” students. The key takeaway: if your child decides that he or she wants to socially transition to the opposite gender, it is now a “best practice” for the school to lie to you about it. “Only the student,” the NYSED declares, “knows whether it is safe to share their identity with a caregiver.” The baseline assumption, then, is that “unaffirming” parents are dangerous to their children. If Kevin wants to go by “Kimi” but doesn’t want his parents to know, the best practice, according to NYSED, is as follows: “The teachers call her Kimi and use she/her pronouns at school. When calling home for any reason, teachers use the name Kevin and he/him pronouns.”

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/article/new-york-states-directive-to-schools-lie-to-parents


Hill: Is the LGBT Community Advocating Psychological Pedophilia?

A video of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus titled “A Message from The Gay Community” offers a lucid and unmistakable insight into the growing radicality of the LGBTQ movement and the political and existential reach of its agenda. As you watch the video you will see that without any reasonable doubt the LGB movement—minus the conceptually inane full acronym of the full movement—has devolved into moral putrefaction and irredeemable degradation. Its crudely, openly stated goal is predatory capture of the children of the United States of America. Its method is psychological pedophilia. We may call it rule by a new form of bio-fascists whose goal is to re-engineer the bodies and minds of America’s children.   The all-male gay chorus can be heard stating the following lines: “We’ll convert your children. Yes we will,” “You won’t approve of where they go at night,” “We’re coming for them; we’re coming for your children,” “The gay agenda is coming here. It’s here.” And ominously: “Then we’ll turn to you.” […]  MAP – that is, pedophiles – it is claimed, are as deserving of the same moral respect as are gay persons. This is not just a trivialization of pedophilia. It is, as many believe, a stealth move to de-criminalize pedophilia. If children can know and affirm their own gender identities from as young as five or six years old, if they can make rational and autonomous decisions regarding their transition from one gender to the next and give consent to varying degrees of gender modification surgeries from as young as fifteen years old and, in general, are seen as sovereign agents over their own bodies to such a profound extent that their declarative non-binary status is encouraged to be treated as an unassailable truth—then the implicit logical conclusion of MAP would be that children can easily and readily give consent to sex with adults.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/is-the-lgbt-community-advocating-psychological-pedophilia/

Lifson: News the major media don’t want you to see: ‘A dead man in drag, drugs, dildos, and 4 kids’ discovered in housing project apartment

Apparently as a counterpart to the ongoing lavish media attention paid to “Pride Month,” a media black hole has opened up and swallowed a horrifying story of 4 children, ages 5 to 10, rescued from a transsexual sex party in a Boston housing project that turned deadly. Nary a word about it from monarchs of mainstream media, including the hometown Boston Globe. But the always lively Boston Herald either didn’t get the memo or didn’t care. Matthew Medsger and Joe Dwinell write: . . .[…]  David Strom sums it up at Hot Air: The picture is pretty clear: a pedophilic sex ring having a drug-fueled party and things go horribly wrong–as if everything in that sentence isn’t horribly wrong….(snip) Of course, what happened in that apartment in Boston wasn’t exactly Drag Queen Story Hour, but it wasn’t exactly as far away from it as the proponents of this sick practice would like you to think. We have already moved from men dressed up as female clowns fully clothed in libraries to men prancing around in skimpy lingerie twerking in front of children, and the entire Leftward side of the country is applauding.

Read more at American Thinker.  


Libs of Tik Tok: “Nobody celebrates abortions”

Watch the 45 second video: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1669105442193125379?cxt=HHwWhsC96c2j7akuAAAA

Hoft: Breaking: Actor Jim Caviezel Implicates US Agencies in Child Sex Trafficking and Worse (VIDEO)

Caviezel, who is most famous for his role of Jesus in The Passion of Christ, went on the War Room to promote his upcoming film “Sound of Freedom” by Angel Studios. The film is based on a true story that exposes the darkness of child trafficking. Caviezel worked with several former federal agents and 30 Navy SEALS while filming in Colombia. During the interview, Jim Caviezel implicated several US agencies in child sex trafficking and worse.

Read more/Watch the 16:39 minute interview: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/breaking-actor-jim-caviezel-implicates-us-agencies-child/

War Room: U.S. Is #1 World Consumer Of Child Trafficking While Mexico Is #1 Supplier | Eduardo Breaks Down How U.S.-Mexico Are Hurting Each Other

Watch the 11 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2vj86d-u.s.-is-1-world-consumer-of-child-trafficking-and-mexico-is-1-supplier.html

MacDonald: Former CNN Producer Sentenced to 19 Years In Prison For Molesting 9-Year-Old Girl

The former producer, John Griffin, 45, was fired from the network after he was arrested. In December, Griffin pleaded guilty to using interstate commerce to entice and coerce the girl to engage in sexual activity in exchange for the state dropping two charges of enticement of a minor. At the time of his arrest, the Justice Department issued a statement saying, “From April to July of 2020, Griffin utilized the messaging applications Kik and Google Hangouts to communicate with people purporting to be parents of minor daughters, conveying to them, among other ideas, that a ‘woman is a woman regardless of her age,’ and that women should be sexually subservient and inferior to men.”

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/former-cnn-producer-sentenced-19-years-prison-molesting/

Libs of Tik Tok: New episode of @cartoonnetwork ’s kid’s show “We Baby Bears” introduces non-binary characters who go by they/them pronouns. They’re after your kids.

Watch the 34 second clip: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1668666499974975488?cxt=HHwWgMDSuefVpaguAAAA 

Whedon: Federal judge strikes down Arkansas ban on transgender treatments for minors

After previously issuing a temporary injunction on the ban, U.S. District Judge Jay Moody upgraded the block to a permanent injunction in the Tuesday order, according to the Associated Press. Moody contended that the evidence had shown such treatments prove beneficial to their recipients and that the state’s ban had worked against their wellbeing, saying “[r]ather than protecting children or safeguarding medical ethics, the evidence showed that the prohibited medical care improves the mental health and well-being of patients and that, by prohibiting it, the state undermined the interests it claims to be advancing.”

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/federal-judge-strikes-down-arkansas-ban-transgender-treatments-minors

Libs of TikTok: Doctors approved her for testosterone after just 1 meeting because she told them she’s trans. She has since detransitioned. Powerful story.

Watch the 3 minute video: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1671123608603877379?cxt=HHwWhoDTqa2Eg7EuAAAA

Weaver: Gender Clinic Whistleblower Says Kids Got Hormones Days After Coming Out As ‘Nonbinary’

Jamie Reed, a former case manager at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital transgender clinic, says her ex-employer would have prescribed a child cross-sex hormones within days of that child coming out as nonbinary. Reed sent an affidavit to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey in February, alleging that children at the clinic were given invasive sex change treatments with little to no psychiatric evaluations. Bailey has since announced an investigation into the clinic, releasing language in April for an emergency rule that would limit sex changes for children in the state. […]  Reed has alleged that the Missouri gender clinic would prescribe cross-sex hormones and puberty blockers without making patients and parents aware of the harmful side effects of the drugs. She also claimed that the clinic worked to undermine parental rights and would invariably side with the parent who was in favor of a gender transition rather than the one who adopted a more cautious approach.

Read more/Watch the  7:26 minute interview: https://dailycaller.com/2023/06/20/jamie-reed-konstantin-kisin-transgender-clinic-puberty-blockers/


Libs of TikTok: Trans non-binary kid’s content creator and LGBTQ activist gives teachers a guide for bringing gender ideology into the classroom and dealing with “disgruntled parents”

Watch the 2:02 minute video: https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1670865258599030784?cxt=HHwWgICx5bPGjbAuAAAA

Duggan: Blue State School District Won’t Let Students Opt Out Of ‘Pride’ Lessons

The Olympia School District (OSD) in Washington state is refusing to let students opt out of LGBT Pride curriculum and activities, a school representative told the Jason Rantz Show on KTTH in a written statement. The district offers Pride-related lessons in schools as part of its “journey toward Gender-Inclusive Schools,” according to the OSD Pride Month Proclamation. An OSD spokesperson said the lessons are part of the educational standards and that there’s no opt-out process; student who skip the lessons will be marked for an unexcused absence, . . . […] Pride lessons include Pride-themed songs, books with transgender characters and gender-neutral pronouns, parents told KTTH. […]  OSD previously offered lessons on puberty blockers and preferred pronouns as part of curriculum created by Planned Parenthood, which included displays of pubic hair shaped to resemble animals.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/06/21/blue-state-school-district-wont-lstudents-opt-out-pride-lessons/

Drey: U.S. Reading And Math Scores For 13-Year-Olds Declined To Lowest Level In Decades: Report

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) officials reported the declining education levels occurred during the pandemic. However, the downward trajectory began at least a decade before government officials and school districts shuttered classroom doors and switched to online learning in response to COVID. […]  Carr said the center observed steep drops in achievement, troubling shifts in reading habits, and rising mental health challenges paired with “alarming” changes in school climate.

Read more: https://www.dailywire.com/news/u-s-reading-and-math-scores-for-13-year-olds-declined-to-lowest-level-in-decades-report


Miltimore: California Is Trying to Pass a Law That Would Stop Employees From Confronting Shoplifters. Here’s Why It Would Be a Disaster

There’s no single reason companies are abandoning California in droves. Aggressive lockdown policies likely didn’t help, and California’s tax and regulatory climate also played a role. And then there is the problem of crime, which Park Hotels discreetly sidestepped . […]  Earlier this month, the California Senate passed Bill 553 , legislation that would discourage retail store employees from confronting shoplifters. The legislation — passed weeks after a Home Depot security guard was shot and killed during a Pleasanton, California, robbery — is designed to protect employees, supporters say, by forbidding employers from instructing employees to confront shoplifters. […]  A law that would prohibit employers from telling their employees that customers are not allowed to take whatever they want without paying would clearly incentivize shoplifting. It would further promote the culture Fuller described, one in which it is viewed as “optional” to pay for things. This is the culture that is driving companies out of California. It’s not just crime or high taxes or pandemic mandates. It’s a culture that shows disdain for property rights, which are the wellspring of all human rights and a pillar of civilization.

Read more: https://fee.org/articles/california-is-trying-to-pass-a-law-that-would-stop-employees-from-confronting-shoplifters-heres-why-it-would-be-a-disaster/


VDH: America Wakes Up to Woke

Wokeness was envisioned as a new reboot of the coalition of the oppressed. Those purportedly victimized by traditional America would find “intersectional” solidarity in their victimhood owing to the supposed sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other alleged American sins, past and present.

The so-called white male heterosexual victimizing class was collectively to be held responsible for their sinful triad of white “rage,” “supremacy,” and “privilege.” Class considerations became passé. The Duchess of Sussex, and the billionaires Oprah Winfrey and LeBron James, shared grievances against all whites, whether they hailed from Martha’s Vineyard or impoverished East Palestine, Ohio. A bicoastal elite would draft the woke agenda and the oppressed would follow as ordered.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/06/21/america-wakes-up-to-woke/

NG: LGBTQ Mega-Producer Ryan Murphy Set to Leave Netflix for Disney

Ryan Murphy — the mega-TV producer whose resume includes numerous LGBTQ series including Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story and the transgender-themed Pose — is heading to the Walt Disney Co. after his five-year, $300 million contract with Netflix expires later this year, according to multiple reports. The move represents a seismic shift in the TV industry where Murphy is regarded as a highly sought-after talent even though his output at Netflix consisted mostly of little-watched prestige projects, appealing to an increasingly narrow viewership.

Read more: https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2023/06/21/lgbtq-mega-producer-ryan-murphy-set-to-leave-netflix-for-disney/

Mittlestadt: Georgia won’t update Dominion voting machines before 2024, despite cybersecurity expert warnings

A nearly 2-year-old report was finally made public last week and showed Dominion voting machines had significant vulnerabilities, which led the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to issue a public advisory last year based on the findings.

However, Georgia election officials say that the machines won’t be updated until after the 2024 elections because it’s such a massive undertaking.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/ga-delaying-dominion-voting-machine-update-until-after-2024-despite

 Melhado: State Sen. Angela Paxton will “carry out my duty” and attend her husband’s impeachment trial

After weeks of speculation, state Sen. Angela Paxton announced late Monday that she will attend the impeachment trial of her husband, suspended Attorney General Ken Paxton, the McKinney Republican said in a statement issued late Monday. “Each time I was elected, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of this great state, and Texas law compels each member of the Senate to attend when the Senate meets as a court of impeachment,” Angela Paxton’s announcement stated. “As a member of the Senate, I hold these obligations sacred and I will carry out my duties, not because it is easy, but because the Constitution demands it and because my constituents deserve it.”

Read more: https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/19/exas-angela-paxton-ken-paxton/

Ghlionn: Inked Nation

The Atlantic’s Isabel Fattal recently discussed America’s fascination with tattoos, referring to these body modifications as both “thrilling” and “reassuring.” What the author failed to mention is that tattoos are often a reflection of an individual’s damaged psyche. Getting a tattoo is not necessarily something to be celebrated. Instead it’s something to be examined, discussed—and, in many cases, lamented. A more tattooed America means a more troubled America. […]  In 2021, the global market for tattoos was worth $1.75 billion; by the end of the decade, it is anticipated to be worth more than double that amount at $3.55 billion. Of all the countries in the world, the United States is one of the more heavily tattooed.

Read more: https://americanmind.org/salvo/inked-nation/


Tawil: Palestinians: We Prefer Terrorism to Peace with Israel

  • The findings of the poll, which was conducted between June 7 and 11, show that the Biden Administration and all those who continue to talk about reviving the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians are living under an illusion. The results of the poll indicate that most Palestinians are more interested in killing Jews than making peace with them. The results, in addition, show that most Palestinians want as a successor to their current leader, PA President Mahmoud Abbas, who has ties to terror.
  • According to the poll, the largest percentage of Palestinians (24%) believe that the rise of extremist Islamist terror groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was “the most positive or the best thing that has happened to the Palestinian people since the Nakba.”
  • [A] majority of the Palestinians see terrorist groups and the murder of Jews — not the construction of schools and hospitals — as their proudest accomplishment over the past seven decades.

Read more: https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/19746/palestinians-terrorism-peace

Murphy: German Princess: “Climate Change Is a Huge Swindle”

Climate hysterics in Europe are collectively clutching their pearls over recent comments made by the Dowager Princess of Thurn and Taxis that German climate policies will soon make the country “worse than East Germany.” Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis made the comments on “Achtung, Reichelt!” a German YouTube channel. Speaking about a demonstration that occurred in Bavaria recently over a German government plan to replace oil and gas heaters with far less reliable but more “climate friendly” heat pumps over the next year, Princess Gloria took the Berlin government to task for their pro-climate but anti-citizen reforms.

Read more: https://thenewamerican.com/german-princess-climate-change-is-a-huge-swindle/

Williams: Sanity Across the Pond

Something extraordinary happened in Parliament last week: a debate took place about the terms “sex” and “gender” in the U.K.’s Equality Act. Members of Parliament discussed how to safeguard transgender-identifying people while also protecting women’s rights to single-sex spaces, sports, and health care. If occasionally heated and emotive, the discussion was also thoughtful and intelligent—two qualities absent from previous parliamentary debates on this issue. The debate resulted from two public petitions. According to U.K. law, British citizens can launch an official petition on the government’s website, with those gaining over 100,000 signatures considered for a parliamentary debate. Over the past few months, two competing petitions have circulated. The first called upon the government to update the Equality Act 2010 to clarify that the definition of “sex” in the law referred to biological sex, not “gender identity.” The second asked the government not to amend the definition of sex. […]  What’s turned the tide toward debate in the U.K. is, alas, no Damascene conversion but something more pragmatic. MPs seem to have realized that they will continue to be asked the question, “What is a woman?”—and that how they answer will determine their likely reelection. In the U.K., standing up for sex over gender is looking like a vote-winner.

Read more: https://www.city-journal.org/article/the-u-k-debates-transgenderism


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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