Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 16 minutes


Mollie Hemingway Federalist Editor-in-Chief:  “And so I think a lot of people in Washington, if they were to be honest, would admit that the FBI and the Department of Justice have a very big problem. But, they also know that if they were to tackle that it would, admittedly, help Donald Trump. That’s one of his big cases, and they are not willing to do that. And so they are allowing the FBI and the Department of Justice to be weaponized and to be politicized rather than to tackle this huge problem.”

Brian C. Joondeph contributor to American Thinker: In less than a decade, we may be eating bugs instead of meat and wearing uniforms rather than fashion if the World Economic Forum has its way, which it may with another four years of Democrat rule. What happens when a central digital currency wipes away your assets or the ability to conduct commerce due to your “incorrect ideas or thoughts”? Nigel Farage claims this happened to him recently in the U.K. Canadian trucker protesters’ assets were frozen by the Canadian authorities. We are living in a totalitarian state, but most of us don’t yet realize or acknowledge this. When we do, it will be too late.

Julio Rosas contributor to TownHall.com: Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee (D-TX)  comes to George Soros’ defense after a Republican criticized the pro-criminal DAs he has supported: “A contributing American and jeopardize his life for always throwing his name out..Soros does not deserve that. He is an American and a patriot.”

Kiri Jorgenson is a book publisher and contributor to The Federalist: The entire children’s book publishing industry — from authors to publishers to librarians — believes it should have the power to control your kids’ minds.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Being a cis white male is the worst possible thing. A white cis female is the second worst possible thing. Cis is a sexual identity politics slur which means normal.


Revolver.news: Reporter Paul Sperry reveals devious new twist in the “classified docs” case against President Trump…

It’s widely recognized that our justice system and the DOJ have been compromised and weaponized by the left. […] Once again, we’re well aware that this is all about politics, but the recent revelations by investigative journalist Paul Sperry shed light on the truly sinister agenda behind the relentless efforts to undermine Trump and keep him imprisoned indefinitely. According to Paul’s findings, the DOJ prosecutor, who also happens to be a donor to the DNC, meticulously redacted any mention of President Trump’s cooperation with federal authorities during the investigation of classified documents. Here’s what Paul revealed in his series of tweets: . . .

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/07/reporter-paul-sperry-reveals-devious-new-twist-in-the-classified-docs-case-against-president-trump/

Schmidt & Haberman: Prosecutors ask witnesses whether Trump acknowledged he lost 2020 race

Federal prosecutors investigating former President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election have questioned multiple witnesses in recent weeks — including Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner — about whether Trump had privately acknowledged in the days after the 2020 election that he had lost, according to four people briefed on the matter. The line of questioning suggests prosecutors are trying to establish whether Trump was acting with corrupt intent as he sought to remain in power — essentially that his efforts were knowingly based on a lie — evidence that could substantially bolster any case they might decide to bring against him.

Read more: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.seattletimes.com%2Fnation-world%2Fnation-politics%2Fprosecutors-ask-witnesses-whether-trump-acknowledged-he-lost-2020-race%2F


Pope: Biden Admin Officials Circulated ‘Climate Emergency’ Outline, Emails Show

Because the EPA has not produced the attachments to the emails, the exact nature and details of the “‘climate emergency’ initiative” remain unclear. However, Biden reportedly considered declaring a national climate emergency in the summer of 2022, according to a Washington Post article published on July 18 of that year. Biden called climate change “an existential threat to our nation” and promised executive action in a speech delivered on July 20, 2022, but stopped short of declaring a national climate emergency and invoking emergency powers. […] “The point of declaring a climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act is to go around the Administrative Procedures Act and just impose rules, just to take what they want to do but have repeatedly been denied by the courts,” Chris Horner, counsel for Energy Policy Advisors, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Read more: https://dailycaller.com/2023/07/13/biden-epa-oar-officials-emails-climate-emergency-outline-foia/

DuHamel: Hottest Day Ever? Nope, Just Fake News

The mainstream media is hyping the story that hot global temperatures in June and July, 2023, are the “hottest in the past 125,000 years.” That is fake news. Who was around measuring temperatures 100,000 years ago? Let’s first look at the past 10,000 years of estimated temperature. The graphic below shows our current interglacial period, the Holocene. Physical evidence (from ice cores and rocks) show that the several previous warm periods were warmer than the current warm period. [NOTE: Is the recent onslaught of MSM “hottest ever” stories setting up the narrative needed for Biden to administratively impose  a Climate Emergency?]

Read more: https://arizonadailyindependent.com/2023/07/11/hottest-day-ever-nope-just-fake-news/

Stepman: 4 Takeaways From Climate Czar John Kerry’s House Hearing

Lawmakers grilled climate czar John Kerry on Capitol Hill Thursday, asking about his private jet usage and views on China. Kerry, the U.S. special presidential envoy for climate, defended the cost of President Joe Biden’s climate policies before the House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on oversight and accountability. The country’s first climate czar is set to travel to China on Sunday to engage in climate talks ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference that will take place later this year. At the hearing, Kerry said that he doesn’t understand why the “opportunity of the climate crisis isn’t being seized.” Kerry was pressed on the character of China’s regime, the effect of green policies on Americans, and his own personal role in increasing carbon emissions. Here are four key takeaways from the hearing: 1. Private Jet Use The testiest exchange at Thursday’s hearing was over Kerry’s private jet usage. Rep. Cory Mills, R-Fla., needled Kerry by saying . . . […] 2. Lack of Transparency Several congressmen demanded that Kerry be more transparent about his department’s staff and spending. Subcommittee Chairman Brian Mast, R-Fla., said that in the two years Kerry has held the climate czar role, which was not confirmed by the Senate, there’s been almost no oversight or accountability of his work. “Every time you travel to a climate summit or King Charles’ coronation, or the wedding of the crown prince of Jordan, you’re supposed to document the carbon emissions generated by your trip, your office has failed to do so,” Mast said.

Read more/Watch the 3 short hearing videos: https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/07/13/4-takeaways-from-climate-czar-john-kerrys-house-hearing/

Laila: John Kerry Throws a Tantrum After Lawmaker Asks Him to Identify His Senior Staffers (VIDEO)

Earlier this year John Kerry expressed that he was part of a “select group of human beings” who were called to save the planet. John Kerry is going to stop global warming. Just ask him. […] Rep. Brian Mast asked John Kerry to identify his senior staffers. Kerry refused to identify his senior staffers and threw a tantrum after Rep. Mast pressed him to be transparent.

Read more/Watch the 1:41 minute hearing exchange: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/john-kerry-throws-tantrum-after-lawmaker-asks-about/


Moran: Supreme Court Considering a Case That Might Upend Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions

Prosecutorial overreach is not uncommon in high-profile cases. The prosecutors pile on the charges to frighten defendants with the prospect of long prison terms so they plead out. The state also hopes to throw enough charges against the wall to see what sticks. But the danger of overreach is that a judge may want to smack a prosecutor down for bringing unnecessary charges. Such is the case in the January 6 prosecutions. One of the rioters, Edward Lang, is facing 11 charges and pleaded not guilty to all of them. But a district court judge threw out the charges relating to “obstruction of an official proceeding” concerning Lang and two others accused of violence at the Capitol. The law in question . . .

Read more: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2023/07/13/supreme-court-considering-a-case-that-might-upend-hundreds-of-january-6-prosecutions-n1710263


War Room: Xi’s Psychological Operation | Col. John Mills Breaks Down Xi’s Army Preparedness Speech

Watch the 3:38 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2yv0ze-xis-psychological-operation-col.-john-mills-breaks-down-xis-army-preparedne.html

Reuters & WFB Staff: Chinese Hackers Reportedly Had Access to Senior Biden Officials’ Emails

Chinese state-linked hackers since May have secretly accessed email accounts at around 25 organizations, including at least two U.S. government agencies, Microsoft and U.S. officials said on Wednesday. The United States detected a breach of federal government accounts “fairly rapidly” and managed to prevent further breaches, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said in an interview with ABC’s Good Morning America program. The U.S. State and Commerce Departments were among the affected agencies, and hackers gained access to the email accounts of Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo and State Department officials, the Washington Post reported, citing U.S. officials familiar with the matter. The hackers reportedly had access to the government emails for about a month before officials caught on to the breach.

Read more: https://freebeacon.com/latest-news/chinese-hackers-reportedly-had-access-to-senior-biden-officials-emails/


Betz: Biden authorizes military to use up to 3,000 reserve troops to augment US forces in Europe

Biden’s order authorizes the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Homeland Security to send active duty units and individual members who are assigned to a unit of the Selected Reserve or any member of the Individual Ready Reserve.  Units deployed are not to exceed more than 3,000 total members at one time, of whom not more than 450 may be members of the Individual Ready Reserve, the order said.

Read more: https://www.foxnews.com/world/biden-authorizes-military-use-3000-reserve-troops-augment-us-forces-europe

Fleetwood: Is America Losing The Battle For Naval Superiority To Red China?

It’s no secret Red China has spent the past several decades heavily investing in its armed forces. In a matter of decades, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has evolved into the largest military in the world, retrofitted with some of the latest and most advanced weapons systems. Such developments have prompted Beijing to take more aggressive actions throughout the Indo-Pacific region in recent years. Just last month, a U.S. destroyer was abruptly cut off by a People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) vessel during a transit through the Taiwan Strait. The incident occurred a few weeks after a Chinese fighter jet came within 400 feet of a U.S. reconnaissance aircraft while the latter was conducting a patrol of the South China Sea. […] While the U.S. currently maintains its status as global hegemon, its ongoing naval challenges give Red China an opportunity to accumulate more power throughout the Indo-Pacific. Persistent failure to maintain a sizeable fleet and meet recruiting targets is hampering the Navy’s ability to fulfill its operations, which are necessary for upholding U.S. national security and peace throughout the world.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/13/is-america-losing-the-battle-for-naval-superiority-to-red-china/

Greenfield: Affirmative Action Battle Moves on to the Military

The idea that racial discrimination should be illegal at colleges, but still legal at service branch academies like the Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy, is a loophole. Justice Sotomayor argued that the exception proves that “the Fourteenth Amendment does not categorically prohibit the use of race in college admissions.” And it’s hard to deny her reasoning. Either racially discriminating against students is legal or it’s illegal. National security can only go so far to justify an illegal practice especially when it’s a social element with an indirect effect. […] While the Biden administration has no interest in winning any wars, it wants to fight its culture wars using the military. Service branch academies have become battlegrounds on issues such as BLM and the LGBTQ movement. The Biden administration has also led a purge of alumni and conservatives from boards, including from the Air Force Academy and the Naval Academy. […] The Supreme Court needs to have the courage to do to systemic racism in the military what it did to systemic racism in civilian higher education. A nation, a society and a system cannot endure half-slave and half-free, half-racist and half-equal. It’s time to end military racism.

Read more: https://www.frontpagemag.com/affirmative-action-battle-moves-on-to-the-military/


Boehlke: 10 Abnormal Things Biden’s ‘Return To Normalcy’ Brought Americans

As they worked tirelessly to oust Donald Trump from the White House in 2020, a chorus of corporate media, Never Trumpers, establishment Democrats, and Joe Biden himself promised Americans a Biden presidency would usher in a “return to normalcy.” Two and a half years later, normalcy has yet to appear. Biden’s tenure has cemented a new “normal” of men pretending to be women, a march toward global conflict, and synthetic drugs in the White House. Decency and decorum? Not exactly. As the 2024 election season heats up, now is as good a time as ever to take stock of our cultural and political status quo and remind ourselves that the self-proclaimed unifier-in-chief and his administration’s lackeys have done everything in their power to upend our norms, not return to them. Here are 10 examples. 1. Obscene LGBT Activism In exchange for Trump’s mean tweets, Biden’s normal includes men showing off their prosthetic breasts on the White House lawn. As LGBT extremists enforced pride month on the rest of the country, the Biden family saw fit to host a pride party at the symbolic residence. Three of their guests proudly stripped off their tops to flaunt their mutilated “true” selves.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/13/10-abnormal-things-bidens-return-to-normalcy-brought-americans/

Zimmerman: Librarian-In-Chief Joe Biden Dreams Up Illegal Federal Library Code For Public Schools

It’s his latest in a string of moves meant to bully parents and other concerned citizens into silence when it comes to what kids learn in public schools and, in this case, when they should be exposed to sexually explicit material. But the notion that the federal government has any authority to veto a school district’s decision to protect students from pornographic content belongs in the library’s fantasy section. The Biden administration’s latest assault on parental rights began with an investigation of Forsyth County Public Schools (FCPS), outside of Atlanta, over the district’s review of school libraries to flag age-inappropriate sexual material for removal. The school district expressly and categorically limited the scope of this review to books containing “obviously sexually explicit or pornographic content.” No one who reads the relevant excerpts of these books can seriously dispute that their graphic descriptions of nudity, oral sex, sexual assault, and other sexual behavior meet the district’s reasonable standard of content that is inappropriate for school-age children. […] Biden’s scheme to impose a school library code on the nation suffers from at least one major flaw: He has no legal authority to pursue it. Federal civil rights law doesn’t forbid school districts from deciding not to offer graphic sexual content on their library shelves. In fact, as my organization pointed out in a recent letter to OCR, the law that established the department in 1979 specifically prohibits OCR from policing such decisions, denying the federal agency any authority “over the selection or content of library resources.”

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/07/14/librarian-in-chief-joe-biden-dreams-up-illegal-federal-library-code-for-public-schools/

(Cocaine cover-up?) Ballasy: Boebert says after Secret Service briefing drugs discovered three times at White House since 2022

Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert said after the Secret Service briefing Thursday on cocaine found July 2 at the White House that drugs have been found two other times since last year in the building. The Colorado lawmaker also confirmed that Secret Service officials said at the briefing the agency likely won’t find a suspect in connection to the cocaine discovery and that the probe will conclude Friday. “There’s a list of more than 500 individuals that they looked into their backgrounds for prior drug records or use, and nothing was determined from from their analysis,” she said. “And the Secret Service is very eager to close this within the next couple of days.”

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/congress/rep-mace-after-secret-service-briefing-cocaine-caper-will-be-concluded-without

(H/T DG) Mackinnon: Anti-child-trafficker whose story is told in ‘Sound of Freedom’ explains that the trans agenda and Biden administration’s border policies benefit pedophiles

According to Ballard, the so-called pedophile network doctrines — not strictly specific to the PNVD — are: “Separate children from parents because parents are a bad influence”; “The state knows best“; “Sexualize kids — let them see pornography“; “Take God out of education because that just gets in the way”.

“Children can consent to anything — at 12-years-old they should be able to vote, they should do anything.” “Now, what am I seeing here?” said Ballard. “My stomach is getting sick as I’m reading this. I read this every day. It’s the woke left agenda.” The child liberator clarified that he wasn’t alleging that trans activists and the PNVD or other such pedophiles were “colluding or talking,” but that “it doesn’t matter. It’s the same dark source. … Pedophiles are sitting back right now, going, ‘We’ve been pushing this agenda for decades and now we don’t have to push any more because the left are taking care of it for us in America.’ In America!” […]  The Daily Signal highlighted how, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, over 150,000 unaccompanied minors were encountered crossing the U.S.-Mexico border last fiscal year and over 91,000 have been intercepted crossing the border so far this fiscal year. “Thousands of them … are under 5 years old,” said Ballard. “Why is a 3-year-old showing up at the border? … Well, I can tell you why, because they show up with a name — the name of the sponsor that they’re given by the trafficker.”

Read more/Watch the 18:15 minute interview: https://www.theblaze.com/news/tim-ballard-explains-that-trans-agenda-is-straight-out-of-the-pedophile-playboo

Revolver.news: Alabama senators call Biden’s bluff and just defunded all Air Force spending…

In a move that’s not too surprising, the Biden administration is once again attempting to pressure red states and drain them of resources. This is nothing new; we’ve seen this regime use every unethical and unfair political tool in their arsenal to desperately maintain power. The silver lining is that this time, their strategy has backfired. The Biden administration thought that they had a sure-fire plan to squeeze red states financially by revoking a contract to build the Space Force HQ in Alabama. The decision was supposedly made because of  Alabama’s stringent abortion laws. But, in a briliant countermove, Alabama’s U.S. legislators, specifically Senator Tuberville from the Senate Armed Services Committee, and Mike Rogers, the head of the House Armed Services Committee, have cut all funding for the Air Force.

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/07/alabama-senators-call-bidens-bluff-and-just-defunded-all-air-force-spending/


To find how recipients would use the extra money they would have each month, in October, Intelligent.com surveyed 1,250 individuals who have applied or plan to apply for Biden’s student loan forgiveness program. Key findings:

  • 73% of applicants say they are likely to spend their extra money on non-essentials, including vacations, smartphone, drugs/alcohol
  • Men more likely than women to spend the money on non-essentials (84% vs 65%)
  • 2x as many Democrats than Republicans say it’s acceptable to spend the money on non-essentials
  • 77% of applicants say they could use money more wisely
  • 4 in 10 say student loans haven’t negatively affected their lives

Read more: https://www.intelligent.com/nearly-half-of-student-loan-forgiveness-recipients-will-use-relief-to-go-on-vacation/

Judicial Watch: Judicial Watch Sues DHS for Records on Grant from U.S. Biological Defense Program to EcoHealth Alliance

Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for records and communications between DHS component offices and the U.S. Biological Defense Program regarding a $2 million grant awarded by the DHS’s Ground Truth Network to EcoHealth Alliance (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:23-cv-01855)). EcoHealth Alliance is implicated in using tax dollars for “gain-of-function” coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute for Virology and elsewhere in China. […]  Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after DHS failed to respond to a February 17, 2023, FOIA request for: Records and communications of the National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC), Office of Health Affairs, DHS of the following current or former employees (1) Heather Poindexter, (2) LCDR Reajul Mojumder, (3) Teresa Quitugua, regarding: . . .

Read more: https://www.judicialwatch.org/ecohealth-alliance/


McCann: Pre-Emptive Presidential Pardons for Joe and Hunter Biden

As the revelations of potential bribery, bank fraud and tax evasion swirl around Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, both men, who are increasingly appearing together, seem extraordinary calm and unconcerned in public as Joe flashes his signature supercilious and mocking smirk whenever he is asked about the various investigation into his and his son’s activities over the past 12 years.  Thanks to pre-emptive presidential pardons, Joe knows that he, Hunter, and the family will never have to answer for any of their alleged egregious criminality. The Supreme Court has ruled that a president can issue a pardon before charges have been filed.  That pardon power: . . .

Read more at American Thinker.

Charlie Kirk Tweet: NEW: House Oversight member, Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene, has confirmed that the “unnamed” foreign national who allegedly bribed Joe and Hunter Biden with $10 million, was none other than Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky.  The now infamous FBI FD-1023 form provide by Wray had redacted Zlochevsky’s name but detailed a $10 million bribe to the Bidens with someone connected to Burisma.  Putting it all together…

Read more: https://twitter.com/charliekirk11/status/1679688653562597376


Hoffman: Seattle public schools offer free sex change services to students as young as 13 without telling parents

The largest public school district in Washington State is referring students in the district to free “gender-affirming care.” […]  According to documents obtained by Parents Defending Education (PDE), the health centers are operated by Country Doctor Community Health Centers (CDCHC) which offers “no cost comprehensive, trauma-informed, and gender-affirming care, conveniently at the school.”

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/seattle-public-schools-offer-free-sex-change-services-to-students-as-young-as-13-without-telling-parents


Revolver.news: DC US Attorney Matthew Graves’ latest “political play” costs 25-year-old Catholic man his life…

If you’re looking for a stark example of how politically weaponized our judicial system has become, thanks to the regime, look no further than what just unfolded in the D.C. Swamp. D.C. U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves is so preoccupied with prosecuting MAGA grandparents that he appears to be willfully ignoring real threats; allowing actual killers to walk free and murder innocent people. That’s precisely what just happened in the case of a 25-year-old Kentucky teacher who came to DC for a training program at a Catholic university. His life was brutally taken by the same violent man who DA Graves allowed to walk free. Jaime Maceo, a repeat offender, was just released by DA Graves after Graves dropped all charges related to him shooting at his neighbor. Fast forward a month, and that same savage beast murdered 25-year-old Maxwell Emerson as he casually strolled across the Catholic University campus.

Here’s what conservative pundit Greg Price said about this case in his tweet: . . .

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/07/dc-us-attorney-matthew-graves-latest-political-play-costs-25-year-old-catholic-man-his-life/


Revolver.news: The “Bonnie and Clyde” Antifa duo who tried to blow up cops have finally been named and pictured…

Back in April, Michael Knowles, a journalist from Daily Wire, attended a debate in Pittsburgh titled, “Should transgenderism be regulated by law?” Suddenly, the scene descended into chaos. Transvestite and Antifa extremists, attempting to suppress differing opinions, launched explosives. The situation quickly became very dangerous: police found themselves in the crosshairs of these violent jihadists. […] Well, it turns out two of the most sinister extremists were actually a married couple, who, according to the police, hurled explosives directly at them. Now, this couple, Bryan and Krystal DiPippa, might not look how you’d expect them to. They’re not obese, and they don’t have the stereotypical blue or green hair. However, despite their non-threatening appearance, they are allegedly anti-American communist jihadists who attempted to target police officers with explosives.

Read more: https://www.revolver.news/2023/07/the-bonnie-and-clyde-antifa-duo-who-tried-to-blow-up-cops-have-finally-been-named-and-pictured/


Israel: Who Are the Indigenous People?

The Land of Israel has changed hands many times over the centuries. But it has always been the homeland of one particular people. Noa Tishby, author of Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth, explains.

Watch the 5:44 minute presentation: https://www.prageru.com/video/israel-who-are-the-indigenous-people


Murray: Controversial Hit ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Crosses $50 Million At U.S. Box Office, Report Says

The Sound of Freedom had grossed about $53.4 million as of Wednesday, Deadline reported, taking second place in that day’s box office totals behind Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning — Part One’s $16 million opening day. After opening in theaters July 4, Sound of Freedom became an unexpected box office hit, more than tripling its $14.5 million budget so far. In its opening weekend, The Sound of Freedom placed third behind Insidious: The Red Door and Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. The film places among the top 25 biggest releases of 2023 at the domestic box office, ahead of star-studded movies like Jennifer Lawrence’s No Hard Feelings80 for Brady and Magic Mike’s Last Dance.

Read more at Forbes.

VDH: Ten Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died

The end of affirmative action was inevitable. The only surprise was that such intentions gone terribly wrong lasted so long. First, supporters of racial preferences always pushed back the goal posts for the program’s success. Was institutionalized reverse bias to last 20 years, 60 years, or ad infinitum? Parity became defined as an absolute equality of result. If “equity” was not obtained, then only institutionalized “racism” explained disparities. And only reverse racism was deemed the cure. Second, affirmative action was imposed on the back end in adult hiring and college admissions. However, to achieve parity, remediation early at the K-12 school level would have been the only solution. Yet such intervention was made impossible by teachers’ unions, the rise of identity politics and government entitlements. All were opposed to school choice, self-help programs, critiques of cultural impediments, or restrictions on those blanket entitlements, Third, . . .

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/07/12/ten-reasons-why-affirmative-action-died/

Boomerang: Democrats get fact-checked after claiming FBI whistleblowers received $250,000 to testify

While two of the whistleblowers, Garrett O’Boyle and Steve Friend, did get charitable checks to help support their families because their FBI paychecks had ended, there is no evidence in the public record that the checks came in exchange for testimony. In fact, the charities have said there is no connection between the financial aid and the testimonies. But the Democrat attacks took a more significant blow when lawyers for a third whistleblower, Marcus Allen, revealed he never accepted the money as alleged by a congresswoman. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) alleged during FBI Director Christopher Wray’s testimony before the House Judiciary Committee that FBI whistleblowers O’Boyle and Allen were given donations by fellow whistleblower Kyle Seraphin after testifying before congress.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/congress/hold-democrats-get-fact-checked-after-claiming-fbi-whistleblowers-were-paid

Douraghy: Tucker Carlson tells Russell Brand he was fired from Fox News right before revealing Jan 6 riot was ‘filled’ with feds

American journalist Tim Pool discussed the revelation on Friday’s episode of Timcast IRL, noting that Carlson conducted an interview with former US Capitol Police Steven Sund, who was fired by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just after the Capitol riots. […]  He then stated that when interviewing Sund, the former US Capitol police chief said “that crap was filled with federal agents.” “He would know of course, because he was in charge of security at the site,” Carlson observed.

Read more/Watch the 4:15 minute Tim Poole video: https://thepostmillennial.com/tucker-carlson-tells-russell-brand-the-crowd-outside-capitol-on-j6-was-filled-with-undercover-feds

Hubbard: Omar says there’s ‘no way in hell’ she will attend Israeli president’s congressional address

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Omar are the first Muslim women elected to Congress and they are both vocal critics of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East. They were scheduled to visit the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 2019, but the Israeli government under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blocked them from coming on the grounds that they have called to boycott Israel. One day after issuing the ban, Israel said Tlaib could visit her family in the West Bank on humanitarian grounds, but she said she still would not go.

Read more: https://justthenews.com/government/congress/omar-says-theres-no-way-hell-she-will-attend-israeli-presidents-congressional

LaBarbera: ‘Insulting’: Disney+ invents person’s homosexuality in famous true story

How far will Hollywood “progressives” go to advance their agenda of celebrating all things LGBT? Evidently, as far as taking a real historical figure and making him homosexual – with zero evidence – as a tool to inject “queer” history into the storyline.

Read more: https://www.wnd.com/2023/07/insulting-disney-invents-persons-homosexuality-famous-true-story/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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