Daily News Roundup

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes


H.L. Mencken author: “The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”

J.B. Shurk contributor to American Thinker: If Western governments spoke of Chinese tyranny, then they would have to acknowledge its similarity to COVID tyranny.  If Western governments spoke of Chinese censorship, then they would have to acknowledge their own expansive campaigns to regulate freedom of thought.  If Western governments spoke of China’s persecution of religious minorities, then they would have to acknowledge their own anti-Jewish and anti-Christian woke orthodoxies.  If Western governments spoke of China’s coercive surveillance State, then they would have to acknowledge their own.  If Western governments spoke of heroic Chinese students who desperately sought individual liberty, then they would have to acknowledge that human freedom is worth any cost.

Daniel Greenfield contributor to Frontpage Magazine: Democrats have used the ‘Espionage Act’ to silence opponents for over 100 years.

Vice President Kamala Harris (D-CA) Tweeted: Weapons of war have no place on the streets of a civil society. Congress must pass an assault weapons ban. President Biden will sign it.

Kostas Moras, an attorney, responded to VP Harris’ Tweet: A civil society needs “weapons of war” because tyrants have historically made societies quite uncivil.


Will Scharf Twitter Thread: I am a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, worked on two Supreme Court confirmations, and clerked for two federal appellate judges. The indictment and case against President Trump is outrageous and shocking. But let’s get into the details.

Here are my 6 key points on the case: (1) Interplay between the Espionage Act and the Presidential Records Act A lot of my friends have spoken insightfully about the scope of the Presidential Records Act. I’d direct you to Mike Davis’s  (@mrddmia) commentary on the subject, and also Michael Bekesha of @JudicialWatch’s piece yesterday in the  @WSJ about the Clinton Sock Drawer Case. Basically, their argument distills down to the idea that the President’s authority to retain Personal Records, as well as his rights to access his Presidential Records, make it impossible to prosecute him under the Espionage Act section at issue here, § 793(e), because the government cannot prove “unauthorized possession,” as required under the statute. I want to make a different point relating to the intent elements in § 793(e) of the Espionage Act, the statute Trump is being charged under. Section 793(e) requires the government to prove that the Defendant KNEW he had National Defense Information (NDI) in his possession, and also that the Defendant KNEW that there was a government official entitled to receive the Information, and also that the Defendant then WILLFULLY failed to deliver it to that official. This is a very high set of mens rea bars to jump, in any circumstance. Proving a Defendant’s intent and knowledge can often be tough. But it’s even tougher here.{…]  (2) Classification and National Defense Information I want to reiterate this point because it’s really important: Just because something is classified—even Top Secret, SCI, NOFORN, FISA, pick your alphabet soup—does not mean that it is National Defense Information (NDI) within the meaning of the Espionage Act. NDI, for the purposes of an Espionage Act § 793(e) prosecution, is defined as one of a long list of items “relating to the national defense which information the possessor had reason to believe could be used to the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.” A lot of the documents listed in the indictment are older, or seemingly random. Would Trump in 2022 have had reason to know that a 2019 briefing document “related to various foreign countries, with handwritten annotation in black marker” could harm the US or help foreign countries? Tough to say, because . . .

Read more: https://twitter.com/willscharf/status/1669333165930868736

Turley: DOJ Went Overboard With Espionage Act Charges Against Trump

“May God have mercy on them, for they need expect none from an outraged people and an avenging government.” Those were the words from Attorney General Charles Gregory in November 1917, when Congress enacted the Espionage Act, the very act now being used to prosecute former president Donald Trump. Many of us in the free speech community have long denounced the Espionage Act, which was passed to crackdown on political dissidents, particularly those opposed to World War I. In a forthcoming book, I explore the checkered history of this Act where thousands were arrested for political speech. In an age of rage, the Espionage Act is the government’s favorite weapon to use against its critics. The Act often seems like the last refuge of the government when it lacks any other means to punish targeted persons. This includes the continued prosecution of Julian Assange for publishing classified information, an act that newspapers have regularly done throughout history to expose government lies and abuses. In a curious way, the charges against Trump are welcomed as another opportunity for the courts to look at this insidious law. That need existed long before the raid on Mar-a-Lago.

Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/doj-went-overboard-with-espionage-act-charges-against-trump?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email


(Fauci’s  CDC approved of the experiemnt) America’s Frontline Doctors: Gene Transfer Technology- You are the Experiment

Scientists have long known that the gene-transfer technologies used in both the Pfizer and J & J COVID-19 vaccines were associated with systemic inflammation and the potential for viral DNA to get inserted into the DNA of body cells as well as reproductive cells. Insertion of the viral DNA coding for the spike protein into reproductive cells, such as eggs and sperm, would then be transmitted to your offspring.  While we were repeatedly told that there was no chance these vaccines could alter our DNA, a study from the winter of 2022 showed that the Pfizer vaccine caused human liver cells to copy the vaccine mRNA into DNA and insert it into the person’s DNA. This was not a surprise. Molecular biologists knew that this was likely. Further, they knew that insertion of viral DNA into the DNA of a person’s immune cells would increase their risks for leukemia. However, most stayed silent as large segments of our population were injected with this experimental gene-transfer technology.[1] “In 1999 18-year-old Jesse Gelsinger died when an experimental gene treatment designed to treat his metabolic liver disease sent his immune system into overdrive. A few years later, in 2003, researchers reported that several people treated for immunodeficiency developed leukemias, an unfortunate result of the virus randomly inserting its cargo into cancer-promoting regions of the genome.”[2]‍ WAIT! WHAT??? Gene transfer technologies, such as those used with the COVID-19 vaccines are known to cause severe inflammatory responses and lead to cancer in some people?? YES. In fact, the Mayo Clinic lists the risks associated with gene therapy as follows:[3] . . . […]  IS THE WIDESPREAD USE OF GENE-THERAPY/TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY ETHICAL?

Read more: https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/about-us/issue-briefs/gene-transfer-technology-you-are-the-experiment


War Room: FBI Whistleblower Steve Friend Goes Into Detail About The J6 Pipe Bomb Case

Watch the 7L15 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2ugnra-fbi-whistleblower-steve-friend-goes-into-detail-about-the-j6-pipe-bomb-case.html

Kelly: J6 Pipe Bomber Story Goes Boom

The FBI conducted a halfhearted inquiry, at best. Now we know why. […[  The media immediately suggested the explosives had been planted by someone loyal to the president; the New York Times noted in its breaking report that the bombs were found “just a few blocks away from the U.S. Capitol, which Mr. Trump’s supporters stormed on Wednesday afternoon.” […]  But despite sophisticated surveillance tools including geofence warrants that were at D’Antuono’s disposal—methods the FBI continues to use to this day in its ongoing manhunt for January 6 protesters—the trail went cold. So, too, did the national news media’s interest in the story. The January 6 Select Committee completely ignored the pipe bomb threats, relegating the story to two mentions buried deep in the final report’s appendix. […]  And as if to ward off warranted skepticism about the idea that cell phone data tied to one of the animating moments of January 6 just happens not to exist, D’Antuono told the committee he did not “want any conspiracy theories” surrounding the conveniently missing records. But, of course, D’Antuono does not need to fuel any “conspiracy theories” about the pipe bomb incident. Beattie has raised numerous questions about the FBI’s handling of the investigation, such as apparently doctored video of the suspect’s movements. It’s also unclear, according to D’Antuono’s testimony, whether the FBI interviewed the woman who first found the device near the RNC. […]  Jordan is asking FBI Director Christopher Wray to explain why, 890 days after the FBI launched the investigation, his agency is still left empty-handed. The answer, at this point, seems obvious: They want it to be.

Read more: https://amgreatness.com/2023/06/15/j6-pipe-bomber-story-goes-boom/

Andrzejewski: Federal Agencies Admit To $3 Trillion In Improper Payments Since 2004

Our OpenTheBooks.com auditors quantified the improper and mistaken payments admitted to by the 17 largest federal agencies. It amounts to a staggering $2.9 trillion since 2004, when the totals are adjusted for inflation. Last year, in 2022, improper and mistaken federal payments totaled $247 billion. That’s about $20.5 billion per month, or more than $675 million every, single day. What exactly is an improper payment? Federal law defines the term as “payments made by the government to the wrong person, in the wrong amount, or for the wrong reason.”

In other words, a corner grocery store has better accounting controls than our $6.82 trillion U.S. federal government had in 2021.

Read more: https://openthebooks.substack.com/p/federal-agencies-admit-to-3-trillion

War Room: Jeff Clark On Dismantling The Rogue DOJ.

Jeff Clark is the Director of Litigation, Center for Renewing America.

Watch the 11:47 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2udxy2-jeff-clark-on-dismantling-the-rogue-doj..html


Unruh: Justice Thomas delivers tongue-lashing to Supreme colleagues over child welfare law

Justice Clarence Thomas on Thursday delivered a tongue-lashing to the majority of the Supreme Court, which, in a 7-2 decision, endorsed the Indian Child Welfare Act adopted by Congress some years ago. That law puts the federal government in the center of child welfare disputes when the children are members of Indian tribes, or even just eligible. Or have a family member who’s eligible. The majority circumvents the federalism components of the U.S. Constitution which gives states authority in such cases, he charged. At issue is the welfare of children who are unwanted by parents who may or may not be a tribal member. The law allows the tribes to dictate their lives, where they will live, and even their safety. Thomas charged that there should be “alarm bells” over a case in which the federal government is regulating “child-welfare proceedings in state courts,” as the federal government “lacks a general police power to regulate state family law.”

Read more: https://www.wnd.com/2023/06/justice-thomas-delivers-tongue-lashing-supreme-colleagues-child-welfare-law/


DeSantis War Room: Keep your hands off our kids.

Watch the 49 second ad: https://twitter.com/DeSantisWarRoom/status/1669419865600344079?cxt=HHwWnoC24bqh_KouAAAA


War Room: DC Draino Gives Update On Censuring Rep. Adam Schiff, Reveals Weak Republicans Blocking Fine.

Watch the 7:09 minute interview: https://rumble.com/v2udf1w-dc-draino-gives-update-on-censuring-rep.-adam-schiff-reveals-weak-republica.html


Hoft: Texas Reinstates Election Fraud as a Felony Crime with a Maximum 20-Year Prison Sentence

Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a significant bill on Tuesday that intensifies the state’s stance against election fraud.The new law, known as House Bill 1243, has reinstated election fraud as a serious criminal offense – a felony that carries a potential sentence of up to 20 years in prison. Governor Abbott has been clear about his support for the new law. He even took to Twitter to share the news, writing, “I signed a law that makes election fraud a felony in Texas. Voting illegally can lead to a 20-year sentence. Don’t mess with Texas elections.”

Read more: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/06/texas-reinstates-election-fraud-as-felony-crime-maximum/


Kruta: Space Force General Admits She’d Prioritize Gender Surgery Access Over Qualified Officers

“Transformational cultural change requires leadership from the top, and we do not have time to wait,” Burt began. “Since January of this year, more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been introduced at the state level. That number is rising and demonstrates a trend that could be dangerous for service members, their families, and the readiness of the force as a whole.” “When I look at potential candidates, say for Squadron command, I strive to match the right person to the right job,” she continued, adding, “I consider their job performance and relevant experience first. However, I also look at their personal circumstances, and their family is also an important factor. If a good match for a job does not feel safe being themselves and performing at their highest potential at a given location, or if their family could be denied critical health care due to the laws in that state, I am compelled to consider a different candidate, perhaps less qualified.” […]  In the U.S. Army’s “Soldier’s Creed,” one line reads, “I will always place the mission first.” Burt’s statement suggests that catering to the LGBTQ+ community comes first, and the “mission” is secondary.

Read more/Watch the 59 second video: https://www.dailywire.com/news/space-force-general-admits-shed-prioritize-gender-surgery-access-over-qualified-officers


Sundance: The Russians Poke Fun at Western Sanctions

Whatever else might be said about them, Russians have this weird little gremlin approach toward political humor that is actually quite funny.

Watch the 1:10 minute video: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2023/06/14/the-russians-poke-fun-at-western-sanctions/


Harsanyi: No, Democrats, These Are Not Your Kids

Here is an utterly un-American quote from President Joe Biden: These are our kids. These are our neighbors, not someone else’s kids; they’re all our kids. And our children are the kite strings that hold our national ambitions aloft. It matters a great deal how we treat everyone in this country. LGBTQI+ Americans, especially children: You are loved. You are heard. And this administration has your back. Now, perhaps the phrase “they’re all our kids” sounds like an innocuous platitude to some woke White House speechwriter, but to me it sounds like a totalitarian notion.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/15/no-democrats-these-are-not-your-kids/

(Update) War Room: Michael Yon Explains How Biden Is Bringing Violent ‘No Go Zones’ To America.

More on the massive Colonia outside of Houston, Texas. Colonia’s are cities for illegal aliens financed by cartels. Colonias, on a smaller scale, are in Arizona, Utah, New Mexico – across the country.

Watch the 8 minute video: https://rumble.com/v2ue1ei-michael-yon-explains-how-biden-is-bringing-violent-no-go-zones-to-america..html


6/15/2023 Episode #4 Wannabe Dictator

Watch the 13:03 minute video: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1669472439472988161


The Post Millennial Tweet: Democrat witness can’t name ONE study that shows how transgender procedures are beneficial for kids

Watch the 1:51 minute hearing exchange: https://twitter.com/TPostMillennial/status/1669076486760931328?cxt=HHwWgIC9hZeO4KkuAAAA

Duffy-Alfonso: Wisconsin Lawmakers Threaten ‘Power Of The Purse’ Against County Set To Become ‘Sanctuary’ For Trans Child Abuse 

ane County, Wisconsin’s second-most populous county that includes the capital city of Madison, is set to pass a resolution that will make the area a “sanctuary for trans and nonbinary individuals.” The Federalist spoke with a handful of Wisconsin state representatives who are threatening to use “the power of the purse” against the county if the resolution passes. The resolution says that if the state passes any legislation to protect children from chemically castrating wrong-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or mutilative surgeries, the Dane County sheriff is urged to make enforcement of such laws his “lowest priority.” According to the resolution, access to wrongly termed “gender-affirming” drugs and surgeries is a “fundamental right” for everyone, including children.

Read more: https://thefederalist.com/2023/06/15/wisconsin-lawmakers-threaten-power-of-the-purse-against-county-set-to-become-sanctuary-for-trans-child-abuse/


Hoffman: Seattle judge rules police must permit property damage, cannot enforce laws against graffiti, vandalism

On Tuesday, US District Court Judge Marcha Pechman issued an injunction that the City of Seattle cannot enforce its anti-graffiti ban in response to a lawsuit by Derek Tucson, Robin Snyder, Monsieree de Castro, and Erik Moya-Delgado who were arrested in 2021 for writing “BLM,” and anti-cop expletives such as “F*ck the police” in chalk and charcoal on concrete walls that had been erected to protect SPD’s East Precinct from vandalism and rioters. […]  On Wednesday in response to the ruling, SPD released a statement that read, “…until further order of the Court, SPD cannot take action on damage to property under this law. This is not a matter within SPD or City discretion; we are bound by the court order as it is written.”

Read more: https://thepostmillennial.com/seattle-judge-rules-police-must-permit-property-damage-cannot-enforce-laws-against-graffiti-vandalism?utm_campaign=64466


Rep. Brian Mask: Being bald or 5’8” doesn’t make someone a better diplomat. Neither does being white, or Asian, or Native American, or Black, or Latino. We don’t need the State Department to check boxes, we need it to further the foreign policy objectives of the United States.

Watch the 4:11 minute hearing testimony: https://twitter.com/RepBrianMast/status/1668652549363187712?cxt=HHwWgIC-peOpn6guAAAA


Birzer: A Radically Conservative Interpretation: Jon Lauck’s “The Good Country”

Jon Lauck has achieved something extraordinary with his latest book, A Good Country: A History of the American Midwest, 1800-1900. Indeed, as one presenter at the recent Midwest History Association meeting in Grand Rapids rightly noted, Lauck has become, for all intents and purposes, our new Frederick Jackson Turner. A Good Country radically reinterprets history in a most conservative fashion, forcing us to take his argument in all future arguments about the Midwest and about America’s nineteenth century. Not surprisingly—much like David McCulloch recently did—Lauck begins with the founding document that most shaped the creation of the Midwest, or what would have been known as the Old Northwest: the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. That organic document fundamentally proclaimed a loving longevity of English common law on the American frontier. […]  Three things must be noted about Lauck’s book. First, and most importantly, The Good Country, is relentlessly brilliant. The research, the writing style, and the rigorous establishment of arguments are all impeccable. Truly, this is a model for all historical scholarship. In the book, Lauck makes a call for “proportionality” and perspective, knocking to the ground such recent arguments promoting the denigration of America (such as the 1619 Project, though never named in Lauck’s book). Instead, Lauck seeks balance, analyzing the good and the bad of history. To be sure, Lauck celebrates the republic, but he never shies away from its faults, especially in its hypocritical and violent dealings with the American Indian.

Read more: https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2023/06/radically-conservative-interpretation-jon-lauck-good-country-bradley-birzer.html?mc_cid=a8cf659e8a


Parents Feared ‘We Were Failing’ Son. Now He’s a 14-Year-Old College Grad with a Job at SpaceX

When college graduates around the country march across the stage this month to receive their diplomas, their number will include Kairan Quazi, who is just 14 years old. He will collect an engineering degree from California’s Santa Clara University, as the youngest graduate in the school’s 172-year history, and then will start work at SpaceX, as a software engineer on the Starlink program. “My personal journey has really been about disrupting the status quo,” Kairan tells PEOPLE, adding that the past few years in college “have been the happiest three years of my life.”

Read more: https://people.com/14-year-old-kairan-quazi-graduates-college-gets-spacex-job-7514810

Pinedo: ‘Pride Mass’ takes place in Washington, D.C., despite calls for cardinal to intervene

A “Pride Mass” took place in Washington, D.C.’s Holy Trinity Catholic Church Wednesday night despite calls for Cardinal Wilton Gregory to cancel it. About 250 people attended the third annual Pride Mass, organized by Holy Trinity’s LGBTQIA+ Ministry at the Jesuit-run church, located in D.C.’s Georgetown neighborhood. […] During the Mass, prayers were offered in solidarity with LGBTQ+ individuals and the LGBTQ+ community. Some of those present held small “Progress Pride” flags that they had picked up from a table in the back of the church. Mass programs handed out by volunteers also bore the flag, which is a symbol of homosexual and transgender “pride” and acceptance.

Read more: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/254580/pride-mass-takes-place-in-washington-dc-despite-calls-for-cardinal-to-intervene

Potter: Penn State professor arrested for allegedly performing sex acts on his pet dog admits to investigators he does it to ‘blow off steam’

A renowned Penn State professor is facing disturbing allegations he performed sex acts on his dog after the displays were caught on a forest trail surveillance camera. Themis Matsoukas, 64, was allegedly caught on camera in the middle of the depraved act with his pet collie by the bathrooms at Rothrock State Forest, wearing a mask while half naked except for socks and shoes. [Note: After Dems are successful normalizing transgenderism and pedophilia will normalizing bestiality & ecosexuality follow?]

Read more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12196869/Penn-State-professor-arrested-allegedly-performing-sex-acts-pet-dog.html


NSFW: Woke French town paid naked people to make love to plants with…children around [VIDEO]

In Lyon, France the local council paid towards an event celebrating ‘ecosexuality’ where performers ‘make love’ to plants.[…]  Just when you thought the woke left couldn’t get any more bizarre, they double down.

Read more/Watch the video: https://therightscoop.com/nsfw-woke-french-town-paid-naked-people-to-make-love-to-plants-with-children-around-video/


The Prickly Pear’s TAKE ACTION focus this year is to help achieve a winning 2024 national and state November 5th election with the removal of the Biden/Obama leftist executive branch disaster, win one U.S. Senate seat, maintain and win strong majorities in all Arizona state offices on the ballot and to insure that unrestricted abortion is not constitutionally embedded in our laws and culture.

Please click the TAKE ACTION link to learn to do’s and don’ts for voting in 2024. Our state and national elections are at great risk from the very aggressive and radical leftist Democrat operatives with documented rigging, mail-in voter fraud and illegals voting across the country (yes, with illegals voting across the country) in the last several election cycles.

Read Part 1 and Part 2 of The Prickly Pear essays entitled How NOT to Vote in the November 5, 2024 Election in Arizona to be well informed of the above issues and to vote in a way to ensure the most likely chance your vote will be counted and counted as you intend.

Please click the following link to learn more.

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