Entries by Mike Gonzalez

Kamala Harris Remains True to Doctrine of Unequal Treatment [Where Are You Mark Kelly?]

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Editors’ Note: This article is a strong reminder that Republicans need to press their Democrat opponents on the issue of the fair and equal application of the laws of the land. As the Biden Administration constructs a racial spoils system, where is Mark Kelly? Does he support it or oppose it? While his silence is deafening, it […]

Soros-Backed Media Consortium Is Buying, to Censor, Conservative Radio Stations

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

Wait until Americans with origins in Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and other lands demolished by communism find out that their favorite conservative radio stations are being bought by a media consortium headed by a longtime henchman of the Marxist founder of Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza. And wait until Mexican Americans, with roots in this country going back […]

Cancel Culture Is Helping Marxists Achieve Their Revolution in the West Without the Bloodshed

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Cancel culture is sometimes mistaken as the central problem in the life of the West. This happens, I have noticed, more among our U.K. cousins than stateside. Cancel culture, however, is merely a tool, the enforcement mechanism with which the woke left retains the cultural territory it has conquered. The central problem facing citizens of […]

You’re Not Crazy. The New Left Really Is At War With Reality

Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutes

In debates about critical race theory and other manifestations of identity politics, Americans are being confronted with a particularly virulent form of Marxism, which some call cultural Marxism. Its adherents think they can create a new reality, because at bottom they do not believe in objective nature. Conservatives engaged in an important conversation over the […]

Zombie Marxism

Estimated Reading Time: 12 minutes

This December we celebrate the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the communist superpower Ronald Reagan rightly named the “Evil Empire.” Yet everywhere today, Marxism still stalks humanity. Indeed, today we can paraphrase Karl Marx and write that its specter haunts not just Europe, but the entire world. We must understand this as a global threat. […]

Is Your School Hiding Its Critical Race Theory Teaching? Here Are 5 Things to Ask About

Estimated Reading Time: 3 minutes

Is your school principal denying that her school makes use of critical race theory when you call to complain about it? If so, it’s likely that she’s either misinformed or just spreading disinformation. Here below is how to tell the difference. There is a need for a checklist because as more and more Americans reject […]